- //打开模式对话框
- function doSelectUser(txtId)
- {
- strFeatures="dialogWidth=500px;dialogHeight=360px;center=yes;
- middle=yes ;help=no;status=no;scroll=no";
- var url,strReturn;
- url="selUser.ASPx";
- strReturn=window.showModalDialog(url,'',strFeatures);
- }
- //返回模式对话框的值
- function okBTn_onclick()
- {
- var commstr='';
- window.returnValue=commstr;
- window.close()
- }
- 全屏幕打开 IE 窗口
- var winWidth=screen.availWidth ;
- var winHeight=screen.availHeight-20;
- window.open("main.aspx","surveyWindow","toolbar=no,width="+ winWidth +",height="+ winHeight +",top=0,left=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,center:yes,statusbars=yes");
- break
- //脚本中中使用XML
- function initialize() {
- var xmlDoc
- var xslDoc
- xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM')
- xmlDoc.async = false;
- xslDoc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM')
- xslDoc.async = false;
- xmlDoc.load("tree.xml")
- xslDoc.load("tree.xsl")
- folderTree.innerHtml = xmlDoc.documentElement.transformNode(xslDoc)
- }
- 一、验证类
- 1、数字验证内
- 1.1 整数
- 1.2 大于0的整数 (用于传来的ID的验证)
- 1.3 负整数的验证
- 1.4 整数不能大于iMax
- 1.5 整数不能小于iMin
- 2、时间类
- 2.1 短时间,形如 (13:04:06)
- 2.2 短日期,形如 (2003-12-05)
- 2.3 长时间,形如 (2003-12-05 13:04:06)
- 2.4 只有年和月。形如(2003-05,或者2003-5)
- 2.5 只有小时和分钟,形如(12:03)
- 3、表单类
- 3.1 所有的表单的值都不能为空
- 3.2 多行文本框的值不能为空。
- 3.3 多行文本框的值不能超过sMaxStrleng
- 3.4 多行文本框的值不能少于sMixStrleng
- 3.5 判断单选框是否选择。
- 3.6 判断复选框是否选择.
- 3.7 复选框的全选,多选,全不选,反选
- 3.8 文件上传过程中判断文件类型
- 4、字符类
- 4.1 判断字符全部由a-Z或者是A-Z的字字母组成
- 4.2 判断字符由字母和数字组成。
- 4.3 判断字符由字母和数字,下划线,点号组成.且开头的只能是下划线和字母
- 4.4 字符串替换函数.Replace();
- 5、浏览器类
- 5.1 判断浏览器的类型
- 5.2 判断ie的版本
- 5.3 判断客户端的分辨率
- 6、结合类
- 6.1 email的判断。
- 6.2 手机号码的验证
- 6.3 身份证的验证
- 二、功能类
- 1、时间与相关控件类
- 1.1 日历
- 1.2 时间控件
- 1.3 万年历
- 1.4 显示动态显示时钟效果(文本,如OA中时间)
- 1.5 显示动态显示时钟效果 (图像,像手表)
- 2、表单类
- 2.1 自动生成表单
- 2.2 动态添加,修改,删除下拉框中的元素
- 2.3 可以输入内容的下拉框
- 2.4 多行文本框中只能输入iMax文字。如果多输入了,自动减少到iMax个文字(多用于短信发送)
- 3、打印类
- 3.1 打印控件
- 4、事件类
- 4.1 屏蔽右键
- 4.2 屏蔽所有功能键
- 4.3 --> 和<-- F5 F11,F9,F1
- 4.4 屏蔽组合键ctrl+N
- 5、网页设计类
- 5.1 连续滚动的文字,图片(注意是连续的,两段文字和图片中没有空白出现)
- 5.2 html编辑控件类
- 5.3 颜色选取框控件
- 5.4 下拉菜单
- 5.5 两层或多层次的下拉菜单
- 5.6 仿IE菜单的按钮。(效果如rongshuxa.com的导航栏目)
- 5.7 状态栏,title栏的动态效果(例子很多,可以研究一下)
- 5.8 双击后,网页自动滚屏
- 6、树型结构。
- 6.1 asp+SQL版
- 6.2 asp+xml+sql版
- 6.3 Java+sql或者java+sql+xml
- 7、无边框效果的制作
- 8、连动下拉框技术
- 9、文本排序
- 10,画图类,含饼、柱、矢量贝滋曲线
- 11,操纵客户端注册表类
- 12,DIV层相关(拖拽、显示、隐藏、移动、增加)
- 13,TABLAE相关(客户端动态增加行列,模拟进度条,滚动列表等)
- 14,各种<object classid=>相关类,如播放器,flash与脚本互动等
- 16, 刷新/模拟无刷新 异步调用类(XMLHttp或iframe,frame)
- 一、验证类
- 1、数字验证内
- 1.1 整数
- /^(-/+)?/d+$/.test(str)
- 1.2 大于0的整数 (用于传来的ID的验证)
- /^/d+$/.test(str)
- 1.3 负整数的验证
- /^-/d+$/.test(str)
- 2、时间类
- 2.1 短时间,形如 (13:04:06)
- function isTime(str)
- {
- var a = str.match(/^(/d{1,2})(:)?(/d{1,2})/2(/d{1,2})$/);
- if (a == null) {alert('输入的参数不是时间格式'); return false;}
- if (a[1]>24 a[3]>60 a[4]>60)
- {
- alert("时间格式不对");
- return false
- }
- return true;
- }
- 2.2 短日期,形如 (2003-12-05)
- function strDateTime(str)
- {
- var r = str.match(/^(/d{1,4})(-//)(/d{1,2})/2(/d{1,2})$/);
- if(r==null)return false;
- var d= new Date(r[1], r[3]-1, r[4]);
- return (d.getFullYear()==r[1]&&(d.getMonth()+1)==r[3]&&d.getDate()==r[4]);
- }
- 2.3 长时间,形如 (2003-12-05 13:04:06)
- function strDateTime(str)
- {
- var reg = /^(/d{1,4})(-//)(/d{1,2})/2(/d{1,2}) (/d{1,2}):(/d{1,2}):(/d{1,2})$/;
- var r = str.match(reg);
- if(r==null)return false;
- var d= new Date(r[1], r[3]-1,r[4],r[5],r[6],r[7]);
- return (d.getFullYear()==r[1]&&(d.getMonth()+1)==r[3]&&d.getDate()==r[4]&&d.getHours()==r[5]&&d.getMinutes()==r[6]&&d.getSeconds()==r[7]);
- }
- 2.4 只有年和月。形如(2003-05,或者2003-5)
- 2.5 只有小时和分钟,形如(12:03)
- 3、表单类
- 3.1 所有的表单的值都不能为空
- <input οnblur="if(this.value.replace(/^/s+/s+$/g,'')=='')alert('不能为空!')">
- 3.2 多行文本框的值不能为空。
- 3.3 多行文本框的值不能超过sMaxStrleng
- 3.4 多行文本框的值不能少于sMixStrleng
- 3.5 判断单选框是否选择。
- 3.6 判断复选框是否选择.
- 3.7 复选框的全选,多选,全不选,反选
- 3.8 文件上传过程中判断文件类型
- 4、字符类
- 4.1 判断字符全部由a-Z或者是A-Z的字字母组成
- <input οnblur="if(/[^a-zA-Z]/g.test(this.value))alert('有错')">
- 4.2 判断字符由字母和数字组成。
- <input οnblur="if(/[^0-9a-zA-Z]/g.test(this.value))alert('有错')">
- 4.3 判断字符由字母和数字,下划线,点号组成.且开头的只能是下划线和字母
- /^([a-zA-z_]{1})([/w]*)$/g.test(str)
- 4.4 字符串替换函数.Replace();
- 5、浏览器类
- 5.1 判断浏览器的类型
- window.navigator.appName
- 5.2 判断ie的版本
- window.navigator.appVersion
- 5.3 判断客户端的分辨率
- window.screen.height; window.screen.width;
- 6、结合类
- 6.1 email的判断。
- function ismail(mail)
- {
- return(new RegEXP(/^/w+((-/w+)(/./w+))*/@[A-Za-z0-9]+((/.-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*/.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/).test(mail));
- }
- 6.2 手机号码的验证
- 6.3 身份证的验证
- function isIdCardNo(num)
- {
- if (isNaN(num)) {alert("输入的不是数字!"); return false;}
- var len = num.length, re;
- if (len == 15)
- re = new RegExp(/^(/d{6})()?(/d{2})(/d{2})(/d{2})(/d{3})$/);
- else if (len == 18)
- re = new RegExp(/^(/d{6})()?(/d{4})(/d{2})(/d{2})(/d{3})(/d)$/);
- else {alert("输入的数字位数不对!"); return false;}
- var a = num.match(re);
- if (a != null)
- {
- if (len==15)
- {
- var D = new Date("19"+a[3]+"/"+a[4]+"/"+a[5]);
- var B = D.getYear()==a[3]&&(D.getMonth()+1)==a[4]&&D.getDate()==a[5];
- }
- else
- {
- var D = new Date(a[3]+"/"+a[4]+"/"+a[5]);
- var B = D.getFullYear()==a[3]&&(D.getMonth()+1)==a[4]&&D.getDate()==a[5];
- }
- if (!B) {alert("输入的身份证号 "+ a[0] +" 里出生日期不对!"); return false;}
- }
- return true;
- }
- 画图:
- id=S
- style="LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 392px; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 240px"
- height=240
- width=392
- classid="clsid:369303C2-D7AC-11D0-89D5-00A0C90833E6">
- S.DrawingSurface.ArcDegrees(0,0,0,30,50,60);
- S.DrawingSurface.ArcRadians(30,0,0,30,50,60);
- S.DrawingSurface.Line(10,10,100,100);
- 写注册表:
- var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
- WshShell.RegWrite ("HKCU//Software//ACME//FortuneTeller//", 1, "REG_BINARY");
- WshShell.RegWrite ("HKCU//Software//ACME//FortuneTeller//MindReader", "Goocher!", "REG_SZ");
- var bKey = WshShell.RegRead ("HKCU//Software//ACME//FortuneTeller//");
- WScript.Echo (WshShell.RegRead ("HKCU//Software//ACME//FortuneTeller//MindReader"));
- WshShell.RegDelete ("HKCU//Software//ACME//FortuneTeller//MindReader");
- WshShell.RegDelete ("HKCU//Software//ACME//FortuneTeller//");
- WshShell.RegDelete ("HKCU//Software//ACME//");
- TABLAE相关(客户端动态增加行列)
- <HTML>
- function numberCells() {
- var count=0;
- for (i=0; i < document.all.mytable.rows.length; i++) {
- for (j=0; j < document.all.mytable.rows(i).cells.length; j++) {
- document.all.mytable.rows(i).cells(j).innerText = count;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- <BODY οnlοad="numberCells()">
- <TABLE id=mytable border=1>
- <TR><TH> </TH><TH> </TH><TH> </TH><TH> </TH></TR>
- <TR><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR>
- <TR><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR>
- </TABLE>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- 1.身份证严格验证:
- <script>
- var aCity={11:"北京",12:"天津",13:"河北",14:"山西",15:"内蒙古",21:"辽宁",22:"吉林",23:"黑龙江",31:"上海",32:"江苏",33:"浙江",34:"安徽",35:"福建",36:"江西",37:"山东",41:"河南",42:"湖北",43:"湖南",44:"广东",45:"广西",46:"海南",50:"重庆",51:"四川",52:"贵州",53:"云南",54:"西藏",61:"陕西",62:"甘肃",63:"青海",64:"宁夏",65:"新疆",71:"台湾",81:"香港",82:"澳门",91:"国外"}
- function cidInfo(sId){
- var iSum=0
- var info=""
- if(!/^/d{17}(/dx)$/i.test(sId))return false;
- sId=sId.replace(/x$/i,"a");
- if(aCity[parseInt(sId.substr(0,2))]==null)return "Error:非法地区";
- sBirthday=sId.substr(6,4)+"-"+Number(sId.substr(10,2))+"-"+Number(sId.substr(12,2));
- var d=new Date(sBirthday.replace(/-/g,"/"))
- if(sBirthday!=(d.getFullYear()+"-"+ (d.getMonth()+1) + "-" + d.getDate()))return "Error:非法生日";
- for(var i = 17;i>=0;i --) iSum += (Math.pow(2,i) % 11) * parseInt(sId.charAt(17 - i),11)
- if(iSum%11!=1)return "Error:非法证号";
- return aCity[parseInt(sId.substr(0,2))]+","+sBirthday+","+(sId.substr(16,1)%2?"男":"女")
- }
- document.write(cidInfo("380524198002300016"),"<br/>");
- document.write(cidInfo("340524198002300019"),"<br/>")
- document.write(cidInfo("340524197711111111"),"<br/>")
- document.write(cidInfo("34052419800101001x"),"<br/>");
- </script>
- 2.验证IP地址
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
- function isip(s){
- var check=function(v){try{return (v<=255 && v>=0)}catch(x){return false}};
- var re=s.split(".")
- return (re.length==4)?(check(re[0]) && check(re[1]) && check(re[2]) && check(re[3])):false
- }
- var s="";
- alert(isip(s))
- 3.加sp1后还能用的无边框窗口!!
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
- <IE:Download ID="include" STYLE="behavior:url(#default#download)" />
- <title>Chromeless Window</title>
- /*--- Special Thanks For andot ---*/
- /*
- This following code are designed and writen by Windy_sk <seasonx@163.net>
- You can use it freely, but u must held all the copyright items!
- */
- /*--- Thanks For andot Again ---*/
- var CW_width= 400;
- var CW_height= 300;
- var CW_top= 100;
- var CW_left= 100;
- var CW_url= "/";
- var New_CW= window.createPopup();
- var CW_Body= New_CW.document.body;
- var content= "";
- var Csstext= "margin:1px;color:black; border:2px outset;border-style:expression(οnmοuseοut=οnmοuseup=function(){this.style.borderStyle='outset'}, οnmοusedοwn=function(){if(event.button!=2)this.style.borderStyle='inset'});background-color:buttonface;width:16px;height:14px;font-size:12px;line-height:11px;cursor:Default;";
- //Build Window
- include.startDownload(CW_url, function(source){content=source});
- function insert_content(){
- var temp = "";
- CW_Body.style.overflow= "hidden";
- CW_Body.style.backgroundColor= "white";
- CW_Body.style.border= "solid black 1px";
- content = content.replace(/<a ([^>]*)>/g,"<a οnclick='parent.open(this.href);return false' $1>");
- temp += "<table width=100% height=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>";
- temp += "<tr style=';font-size:12px;background:#0099CC;height:20;cursor:default' οndblclick=/"Max.innerText=Max.innerText=='1'?'2':'1';parent.if_max=!parent.if_max;parent.show_CW();/" οnmοuseup='parent.drag_up(event)' οnmοusemοve='parent.drag_move(event)' οnmοusedοwn='parent.drag_down(event)' onselectstart='return false' οncοntextmenu='return false'>";
- temp += "<td style='color:#ffffff;padding-left:5px'>Chromeless Window For IE6 SP1</td>";
- temp += "<td style='color:#ffffff;padding-right:5px;' align=right>";
- temp += "<span id=Help οnclick=/"alert('Chromeless Window For IE6 SP1 - Ver 1.0//n//nCode By Windy_sk//n//nSpecial Thanks For andot')/" style=/""+CSStext+"font-family:System;padding-right:2px;/">?</span>";
- temp += "<span id=Min οnclick='parent.New_CW.hide();parent.blur()' style=/""+CSStext+"font-family:Webdings;/" title='Minimum'>0</span>";
- temp += "<span id=Max οnclick=/"this.innerText=this.innerText=='1'?'2':'1';parent.if_max=!parent.if_max;parent.show_CW();/" style=/""+CSStext+"font-family:Webdings;/" title='Maximum'>1</span>";
- temp += "<span id=Close οnclick='parent.opener=null;parent.close()' style=/""+CSStext+"font-family:System;padding-right:2px;/" title='Close'>x</span>";
- temp += "</td></tr><tr><td colspan=2>";
- temp += "<div id=include style='overflow:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto; HEIGHT: 100%; width:"+CW_width+"'>";
- temp += content;
- temp += "</div>";
- temp += "</td></tr></table>";
- CW_Body.innerHTML = temp;
- }
- setTimeout("insert_content()",1000);
- var if_max = true;
- function show_CW(){
- window.moveTo(10000, 10000);
- if(if_max){
- New_CW.show(CW_top, CW_left, CW_width, CW_height);
- if(typeof(New_CW.document.all.include)!="undefined"){
- New_CW.document.all.include.style.width = CW_width;
- New_CW.document.all.Max.innerText = "1";
- }
- }else{
- New_CW.show(0, 0, screen.width, screen.height);
- New_CW.document.all.include.style.width = screen.width;
- }
- }
- window.onfocus = show_CW;
- window.onresize = show_CW;
- // Move Window
- var drag_x,drag_y,draging=false
- function drag_move(e){
- if (draging){
- New_CW.show(e.screenX-drag_x, e.screenY-drag_y, CW_width, CW_height);
- return false;
- }
- }
- function drag_down(e){
- if(e.button==2)return;
- if(New_CW.document.body.offsetWidth==screen.width && New_CW.document.body.offsetHeight==screen.height)return;
- drag_x=e.clientX;
- drag_y=e.clientY;
- draging=true;
- e.srcElement.setCapture();
- }
- function drag_up(e){
- draging=false;
- e.srcElement.releaseCapture();
- if(New_CW.document.body.offsetWidth==screen.width && New_CW.document.body.offsetHeight==screen.height) return;
- CW_top = e.screenX-drag_x;
- CW_left = e.screenY-drag_y;
- }
- </HTML>
- 贴两个关于treeview的
- <script language="javascript">
- <!--
- //初始化选中节点
- function initchecknode()
- {
- var node=TreeView1.getTreeNode("1");
- node.setAttribute("Checked","true");
- setcheck(node,"true");
- FindCheckedFromNode(TreeView1);
- }
- //oncheck事件
- function tree_oncheck(tree)
- {
- var node=tree.getTreeNode(tree.clickedNodeIndex);
- var Pchecked=tree.getTreeNode(tree.clickedNodeIndex).getAttribute("checked");
- setcheck(node,Pchecked);
- document.all.checked.value="";
- document.all.unchecked.value="";
- FindCheckedFromNode(TreeView1);
- }
- //设置子节点选中
- function setcheck(node,Pc)
- {
- var i;
- var ChildNode=new Array();
- ChildNode=node.getChildren();
- if(parseInt(ChildNode.length)==0)
- return;
- else
- {
- for(i=0;i<ChildNode.length;i++)
- {
- var cNode;
- cNode=ChildNode[i];
- if(parseInt(cNode.getChildren().length)!=0)
- setcheck(cNode,Pc);
- cNode.setAttribute("Checked",Pc);
- }
- }
- }
- //获取所有节点状态
- function FindCheckedFromNode(node) {
- var i = 0;
- var nodes = new Array();
- nodes = node.getChildren();
- for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
- var cNode;
- cNode=nodes[i];
- if (cNode.getAttribute("Checked"))
- AddChecked(cNode);
- else
- AddUnChecked(cNode);
- if (parseInt(cNode.getChildren().length) != 0 ) {
- FindCheckedFromNode(cNode);
- }
- }
- }
- //添加选中节点
- function AddChecked(node) {
- document.all.checked.value += node.getAttribute("NodeData");
- document.all.checked.value += ',';
- }
- //添加未选中节点
- function AddUnChecked(node) {
- document.all.unchecked.value += node.getAttribute("NodeData");
- document.all.unchecked.value += ',';
- }
- //-->
- </script>
- treeview中如何在服务器端得到客户端设置后的节点选中状态
- <script language="C#" runat="server">
- private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
- {
- Response.Write(TreeView1.Nodes[0].Checked);
- }
- </script>
- <script language="javascript">
- function set_check()
- {
- var nodeindex = "0";
- var node=TreeView1.getTreeNode(nodeindex);
- node.setAttribute("Checked","True");
- TreeView1.queueEvent('oncheck', nodeindex);
- }
- </script>
- 三個實用的小技巧:關閉輸入法.禁止貼上.禁止複製
- 關閉輸入法
- 本文字框輸入法被關閉:
- 語法: style="ime-mode:disabled"
- 範例: <input type="text" name="textfield" style="ime-mode:disabled">
- 禁止貼上
- 本文字框禁止貼上文字:
- 語法:οnpaste="return false"
- 範例:<input type="text" name="textfield" οnpaste="return false">
- 禁止複製
- 本文字框禁止複製:
- 語法:οncοpy="return false;" oncut="return false;"
- 範例:<input name="textfield" type="text" value="不能複製裡面的字" οncοpy="return false;" oncut="return false;">
- //================================
- //Cookie操作
- //================================
- function getCookieVal (offset)
- {
- var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset);
- if (endstr == -1)
- endstr = document.cookie.length;
- return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));
- }
- function GetCookie (name)
- {
- var arg = name + "=";
- var alen = arg.length;
- var clen = document.cookie.length;
- var i = 0;
- while (i < clen)
- {
- var j = i + alen;
- if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg)
- return getCookieVal (j);
- i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;
- if (i == 0)
- break;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function deleteCookie(cname) {
- var expdate = new Date();
- expdate.setTime(expdate.getTime() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 369));
- // document.cookie =" ckValue="ok"; expires="+ expdate.toGMTString();
- setCookie(cname,"",expdate);
- }
- function setCookie (name, value, expires) {
- document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) +
- "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() ;
- }
- 一个可以在页面上随意画线、多边形、圆,填充等功能的js (part 1)
- var jg_ihtm, jg_ie, jg_fast, jg_dom, jg_moz,
- jg_n4 = (document.layers && typeof document.classes != "undefined");
- function chkDHTM(x, i)
- {
- x = document.body null;
- jg_ie = x && typeof x.insertAdjacentHTML != "undefined";
- jg_dom = (x && !jg_ie &&
- typeof x.appendChild != "undefined" &&
- typeof document.createRange != "undefined" &&
- typeof (i = document.createRange()).setStartBefore != "undefined" &&
- typeof i.createContextualFragment != "undefined");
- jg_ihtm = !jg_ie && !jg_dom && x && typeof x.innerHTML != "undefined";
- jg_fast = jg_ie && document.all && !window.opera;
- jg_moz = jg_dom && typeof x.style.MozOpacity != "undefined";
- }
- function pntDoc()
- {
- this.wnd.document.write(jg_fast? this.htmRpc() : this.htm);
- this.htm = '';
- }
- function pntCnvDom()
- {
- var x = document.createRange();
- x.setStartBefore(this.cnv);
- x = x.createContextualFragment(jg_fast? this.htmRpc() : this.htm);
- this.cnv.appendChild(x);
- this.htm = '';
- }
- function pntCnvIe()
- {
- this.cnv.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", jg_fast? this.htmRpc() : this.htm);
- this.htm = '';
- }
- function pntCnvIhtm()
- {
- this.cnv.innerHTML += this.htm;
- this.htm = '';
- }
- function pntCnv()
- {
- this.htm = '';
- }
- function mkDiv(x, y, w, h)
- {
- this.htm += '<div style="position:absolute;'+
- 'left:' + x + 'px;'+
- 'top:' + y + 'px;'+
- 'width:' + w + 'px;'+
- 'height:' + h + 'px;'+
- 'clip:rect(0,'+w+'px,'+h+'px,0);'+
- 'background-color:' + this.color +
- (!jg_moz? ';overflow:hidden' : '')+
- ';"><//div>';
- }
- function mkDivIe(x, y, w, h)
- {
- this.htm += '%%'+this.color+';'+x+';'+y+';'+w+';'+h+';';
- }
- function mkDivPrt(x, y, w, h)
- {
- this.htm += '<div style="position:absolute;'+
- 'border-left:' + w + 'px solid ' + this.color + ';'+
- 'left:' + x + 'px;'+
- 'top:' + y + 'px;'+
- 'width:0px;'+
- 'height:' + h + 'px;'+
- 'clip:rect(0,'+w+'px,'+h+'px,0);'+
- 'background-color:' + this.color +
- (!jg_moz? ';overflow:hidden' : '')+
- ';"><//div>';
- }
- function mkLyr(x, y, w, h)
- {
- this.htm += '<layer '+
- 'left="' + x + '" '+
- 'top="' + y + '" '+
- 'width="' + w + '" '+
- 'height="' + h + '" '+
- 'bgcolor="' + this.color + '"><//layer>/n';
- }
- var regex = /%%([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);([^;]+);/g;
- function htmRpc()
- {
- return this.htm.replace(
- regex,
- '<div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background-color:'+
- '$1;left:$2;top:$3;width:$4;height:$5"></div>/n');
- }
- function htmPrtRpc()
- {
- return this.htm.replace(
- regex,
- '<div style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;background-color:'+
- '$1;left:$2;top:$3;width:$4;height:$5;border-left:$4px solid $1"></div>/n');
- }
- function mkLin(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- {
- if (x1 > x2)
- {
- var _x2 = x2;
- var _y2 = y2;
- x2 = x1;
- y2 = y1;
- x1 = _x2;
- y1 = _y2;
- }
- var dx = x2-x1, dy = Math.abs(y2-y1),
- x = x1, y = y1,
- yIncr = (y1 > y2)? -1 : 1;
- if (dx >= dy)
- {
- var pr = dy<<1,
- pru = pr - (dx<<1),
- p = pr-dx,
- ox = x;
- while ((dx--) > 0)
- {
- ++x;
- if (p > 0)
- {
- this.mkDiv(ox, y, x-ox, 1);
- y += yIncr;
- p += pru;
- ox = x;
- }
- else p += pr;
- }
- this.mkDiv(ox, y, x2-ox+1, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- var pr = dx<<1,
- pru = pr - (dy<<1),
- p = pr-dy,
- oy = y;
- if (y2 <= y1)
- {
- while ((dy--) > 0)
- {
- if (p > 0)
- {
- this.mkDiv(x++, y, 1, oy-y+1);
- y += yIncr;
- p += pru;
- oy = y;
- }
- else
- {
- y += yIncr;
- p += pr;
- }
- }
- this.mkDiv(x2, y2, 1, oy-y2+1);
- }
- else
- {
- while ((dy--) > 0)
- {
- y += yIncr;
- if (p > 0)
- {
- this.mkDiv(x++, oy, 1, y-oy);
- p += pru;
- oy = y;
- }
- else p += pr;
- }
- this.mkDiv(x2, oy, 1, y2-oy+1);
- }
- }
- }
javascript 常用代码大全
最新推荐文章于 2012-03-11 10:48:01 发布