


;@echo off
;goto make

;  Tiny - Tiny编译器的汇编版本,只有17KB,比原来39.KB,少左好多,不过其实还可以精简,没扩充,而且减少好多
;   中间变量,全部放入寄存器中
;  作用:
;  Written by 问风 (wenfengmtd@163.com)
;  Debug is fun job's in OLLyDBG v1.09


.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

;                                  I N C L U D E   F I L E S                                       

include /masm32/include/windows.inc
include /masm32/include/kernel32.inc
include /masm32/include/user32.inc
include /masm32/include/MASM32.INC
include /masm32/include/shell32.inc
include /masm32/macros/mymacros.asm
include /masm32/include/comdlg32.inc

includelib /masm32/lib/kernel32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/user32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/MASM32.LIB
includelib /masm32/lib/shell32.lib
includelib /masm32/lib/comdlg32.lib
;                           U S E R   D E F I N E D   E Q U A T E S                                

;define the C Type

;define the buffer's store length of read from file and the ID maximus length
BUFLEN  equ 256
;define the tree's children node num

;define the condition's compiler flag
TraceScan equ FALSE
TraceAnalyze equ FALSE
TraceCode equ FALSE
TraceParse equ FALSE
;define the TokenType pre-T

;define the NodeKind
enum NKind, StmtK, ExpK, NNONE

;define the StmtKind
enum SKind, IfK, RepeatK, AssignK, ReadK, WriteK, SNONE

;define the ExpKind
enum EKind, OpK, ConstK, IdK, ENONE

;define the ExpType for type checking
enum EType, Void, Integer, Boolean, ETNONE

;                           U S E R   D E F I N E D   M A C R O S                                  
;the Macros to see the mymacros, here some come from the MASM 9.0 macro

;                                          D A T A                                               

;define the DFA table col
Classify char 256 dup(17) 
;use the hash funtion to find the token is ID or keyword, the hash funtion is s[1]+s[2]%19, TNONE mean is ID
; some message string
Accpect  char "Accpect!",0dh, 0ah, 0
Error  char "Error!",0dh, 0ah, 0
;the buffer to store the char from source file
lpbuffer byte BUFLEN dup(0), 0
;the source filename
filename char 20 dup(0)
filename1 char 20 dup(0)
testfile char "test", 0
TNY  char ".tny", 0
TM  char ".tm", 0
filenameMsg char "Could not file the file, use the defaule filenaem: test.tny, test.tm", 0
;to save the token sting
tokenString char MAXTOKENLEN dup (0), 0
;when could not open the source file ,show the message
ErrorMsg char  "Could not open the file", 0dh, 0ah, 0
;the CR LF char to convenience show string
CRLF  char 0dh, 0ah, 0
;to save 32bit b-num to ASCII string,but you will see is reversal,so here i open a var to change the sequence 
ASCVALUE1 char 20 dup(0), 0
ASCVALUE2 char 20 dup(0), 0
;Scoure File's handle
hScoureFile dword ?
hcodeFile dword   ?
lpNumber dword ?
;the var record the current line number
lineno  dword 1
;the var record the char number of buffer
bufferSize dword 0
;the keyword
reservedWord1 char 'while', 0
reservedWord2 char 'end',  0
reservedWord3 char 'repeat', 0
reservedWord4 char 'if',  0
reservedWord5 char 'read',  0
reservedWord6 char 'write', 0
reservedWord7 char 'else',  0
reservedWord8 char 'then',  0
reservedWord9 char 'do',  0
reservedWord0 char 'until', 0
;the keyword tab ,use in the hash find is ID or keyword. if compare equ, the token is keyword.
reservedWordTab dword offset reservedWord1,offset reservedWord2,0,0,offset reservedWord3,0,0,offset reservedWord4,/
   offset reservedWord5, 0, offset reservedWord6, 0,0,0,offset reservedWord7,offset reservedWord8,offset reservedWord9,/
   offset reservedWord0, 0

;define the treenode structure
treeNode struct
child  dword MAXCHILDREN dup(NULL)
sibling  dword NULL
lineno  dword ?
nodekind NKind ?
kind  byte ? ;StmtKind or Expkind
attr  dword ? ;include the TokenType, val, or name
exptype  EType ETNONE
treeNode ends
szBuffer byte 4096 dup (?)

allocMsg char 'Out of memory error at line', 0

ArgNum  equ 1
ItemBuffer dword 20 dup(0)
;                                          C O D E                                                 


;                                          P R O D U R E                                                

;                                       getNextChar    
;ecx to save the current next char pos(linepos) ,if ecx > bufferSize mean must read the next line
;esi save the lpbuffer current char point
;edi save the tokenString current char point
;and here 0 mean the EOF flag
getNextChar PROC uses ecx
  mov ecx, esi
  SBB ecx, offset lpbuffer
  cmp ecx, bufferSize
  jb @read  ;如果没有读到行结束,简单返回下一个字符
  ;inc lineno  ;否则读入新的一行
  mov bufferSize, fread(hScoureFile, addr lpbuffer, 256)
  cmp eax, 0
  je @EOF  ;如果不能再读入,说明到达了文件的结束,返回-1代表EOF
  mov esi, offset lpbuffer
  jmp @read
@EOF:  mov eax, 0
  inc edi
@read:  mov al, [esi]
  mov [edi], al
  cmp al, 0ah
  jne noEndLine
  inc lineno
noEndLine: inc esi
  inc edi
  and eax, 0FFh
getNextChar ENDP

;                                       ungetNextChar   
; because use assembly languang, ungectChar only doing is dec esi
ungetNextChar PROC
  dec esi
ungetNextChar ENDP

;                                       fillTab    
; fill the DFA tab's col ,may be you will ask how about DFA tab's row, you will see it define
; in DFA produre, here i use a assembly tip. The jump table.Jump table's always see in assembly
; code. This is hight language could not to give us!
FillTab proc uses ebx ecx
 lea ebx, Classify
 mov esi, 48
 assume ebx: ptr byte
digit_: mov [ebx+esi], 0
 inc esi
 cmp esi, 57
 jbe digit_
 mov esi, 65
 mov [esi+ebx], 1
 inc esi
 cmp esi, 90
 jbe ualpha_
 mov esi, 97
 mov [esi+ebx], 1
 inc esi
 cmp esi, 122
 jbe lalpha_
 mov esi, ':'
 mov [esi+ebx],2
 mov esi, ' '
 mov [esi+ebx],3
 mov esi, 09h
 mov [esi+ebx],3
 mov esi, 0dh
 mov [esi+ebx],3
 mov esi, 0ah
 mov [esi+ebx],3
 mov esi, '{'
 mov [esi+ebx],4
 mov esi, '='
 mov [esi+ebx],6
 mov esi, 0
 mov [esi+ebx],5
 mov esi, '<'
 mov [esi+ebx],7
 mov esi, '+'
 mov [esi+ebx],8
 mov esi, '-'
 mov [esi+ebx],9
 mov esi, '*'
 mov [esi+ebx],10
 mov esi, '/'
 mov [esi+ebx],11
 mov esi, '%'
 mov [esi+ebx],12
 mov esi, '('
 mov [esi+ebx],13
 mov esi, ')'
 mov [esi+ebx],14
 mov esi, ';'
 mov [esi+ebx],15
 mov esi, '}'
 mov [esi+ebx],16
 assume ebx: nothing
FillTab endp
;                                       hashLookup
; edx save the hash valus (s[1]+s[2])%19
; then we use the cmpsb to find the token is realy a token.Sure if the hash value is 0
; that mean it can't be the keyword, see the hashtab define
hashLookup proc uses eax edx edi esi
 xor eax, eax
 xor edx, edx
 mov ecx, edi
 mov edi, offset tokenString
 sub ecx, edi
 mov al, [edi+1]
 add al, [edi+2]
 mov ebx, 19
 div ebx
 mov esi, reservedWordTab[edx*4]
 cmp esi, 0
 je hid
 repe cmpsb
 jne hid
 mov cl, hashTab[edx]
hid: mov cl, TID
hashLookup endp

;     BTOACS 
; eax save the coming change value                                                         
BTOACS proc uses ecx esi edx edi
 mov ecx, 10
 CMP eax, ecx
 xor edx, edx
 div ecx
 or dl, 30h
 mov [esi], dl
 inc esi
 or al, 30h
 mov [edi], al
 inc edi
 mov ecx, esi
 sub ecx, offset ASCVALUE1
 cmp ecx, 0
 mov byte ptr [edi], ':'
 mov byte ptr [edi+1], ' '
 mov byte ptr [edi+2], 0
 invoke StdOut, addr ASCVALUE2
 dec esi
 mov al, [esi]
 mov [edi], al
 dec esi
 inc edi
 loop BTOACSL4
 mov byte ptr [edi], ':'
 mov byte ptr [edi+1], ' '
 mov byte ptr [edi+2], 0
 invoke StdOut, addr ASCVALUE2

;                                       printfToken  
; here same the C Tiny printfToken, but i use jump table instead of the  switch statement
printToken proc uses ebx ecx

  mov ebx, ecx
  jmp TokenCodeTab[ebx*4]
TokenCodeTab dword PENDFILECode,PErrorCode, PReservedWordCode, PReservedWordCode, PReservedWordCode, /
   PReservedWordCode, PReservedWordCode, PReservedWordCode, PReservedWordCode, /
   PReservedWordCode, PIDCode,  PNUMCode,  PASSIGNCode, PEQCode, PLTCode, PPLUSCode, PMINUSCode, /
   PReservedWordCode,  PReservedWordCode
PErrorCode : 
  invoke StdOut, chr$('ERROR: ')
  invoke StdOut, addr tokenString
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
PReservedWordCode :
  invoke StdOut, chr$('reserved word: ')
  invoke StdOut, addr tokenString
  invoke  StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$(':=')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('<')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('=')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$(40)
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$(41)
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$(';')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('+')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('-')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('*')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('/')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('%')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('EOF')
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('NUM, val=')
  invoke StdOut, addr tokenString
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$('ID, name=')
  invoke StdOut, addr tokenString
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
printToken endp

;                                      getToken 
; the getToken produre, in assembly language use the Tab instead of the many contion statement
; will more nature

getToken proc uses ebx eax
 xor eax, eax
 xor ecx, ecx
 mov edi, offset tokenString
 lea ebx, Classify
State0: invoke getNextChar
 xlat    Classify
 mov cl, TokenTab[eax]
 cmp al,3
 jb S0next
 cmp al,5
 ja S0next
 dec edi 
S0next: jmp State0Tab[eax*4]


State0Tab dword State3, State4, State2, State0, State1, State5, State5, State5,/
  State5, State5, State5, State5, State5, State5, State5, State5,/
  State5, State5

State1: invoke getNextChar
 dec edi
 cmp al, 16
 je State0
 jmp State1


State2: invoke getNextChar
 cmp al, 6
 jne S2_NEQ
 mov cl, TASSIGN
 jmp State5
S2_NEQ: invoke ungetNextChar
 dec edi
 mov cl, TERROR
 jmp State5

State3: invoke getNextChar
 cmp al, 0
 je State3
 invoke ungetNextChar
 dec edi
 mov cl, TNUM
 jmp State5

State4: invoke getNextChar
 cmp al, 1
 je State4
 invoke ungetNextChar
 dec edi
 mov cl, TID
 ;jmp State5 --这条指令可省

 assume  edi : ptr byte
 mov  [edi], 0
 .if cl == TID
  invoke hashLookup
 if TraceScan
  push ecx
  invoke StdOut, chr$(09h)
  mov eax, lineno
  invoke BTOACS
  pop ecx
  invoke printToken
 assume  edi : nothing
getToken endp

;                                      newStmtNode        
; function newStmtNode creates a new statement node for syntax tree construction
; kind mean the StmtKind, and the result-newStmtNode will return by the eax rv
newStmtNode proc uses ecx edx, kind
  mov eax, halloc(sizeof(treeNode))
  cmp eax, NULL
  jne @alloc
  invoke StdOut, addr allocMsg
  mov eax, lineno
  invoke BTOACS
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
@alloc:  assume  eax: ptr treeNode
  mov ecx, 0
  .while  ecx < 3
   mov [eax].child[ecx*4], NULL
   inc ecx
  mov [eax].sibling, NULL
  mov edx, lineno
  mov [eax].lineno, edx
  mov edx, kind
  mov [eax].kind, dl
  mov [eax].nodekind, StmtK
  assume  eax: nothing
newStmtNode endp

;                                      newExpNode        
; function newExpNode creates a new expression node for syntax tree construction
; kind mean the ExpKind, and the result-newStmtNode will return by the eax rv
newExpNode proc uses ecx edx, kind
  mov eax, halloc(sizeof(treeNode))
  cmp eax, NULL
  jne @alloc
  invoke StdOut, addr allocMsg
  mov eax, lineno
  invoke BTOACS
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
@alloc:  assume  eax: ptr treeNode
  mov ecx, 0
  .while  ecx < 3
   mov [eax].child[ecx*4], NULL
   inc ecx
  mov [eax].sibling, NULL
  mov edx, lineno
  mov [eax].lineno, edx
  mov edx, kind
  mov [eax].kind, dl
  mov [eax].nodekind, ExpK
  mov [eax].exptype, Void
  assume  eax: nothing
newExpNode endp

;                                      CopyString      
; function CopyString allocates amd makes a new copy of an existing string
; return from the eax rv
copyString proc uses ecx edi esi,s
  .if s == NULL
  mov eax, NULL
  mov eax, halloc(len(s))
  .if eax == NULL
   invoke StdOut, addr allocMsg
   mov eax, lineno
   invoke BTOACS
   invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
   push eax
   mov ecx, len(s) ; marcros will modify the eax
   pop eax
   mov esi, s
   mov edi, eax
   rep movsb
copyString endp

;                                     syntaxError     
syntaxError proc uses eax ecx, message
  invoke StdOut,  addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut,  chr$(">>> ")
  invoke StdOut,  chr$("Syntax error at line ")
  mov eax, lineno
  invoke BTOACS
  invoke StdOut,  chr$(": ")
  invoke StdOut, message
syntaxError endp

;                                     match 
; ecx is the token
match proc  expected
 .if ecx == expected
  invoke getToken
  invoke syntaxError, chr$("unexpected token -> ");
  invoke printToken
  push ecx
  invoke StdOut, chr$("        ");
  pop ecx
match endp

statement proto
stmt_sequence proto
if_stmt  proto
repeat_stmt proto
assign_stmt proto
read_stmt proto
write_stmt proto
exp  proto
simple_exp proto
term  proto
factor  proto
;                                    exp
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
exp proc uses ebx
 invoke simple_exp
 mov ebx, eax
 .if ecx == TLT || ecx ==TEQ
  invoke newExpNode, OpK
  assume eax: ptr treeNode
  .if eax != NULL
   mov [eax].child[0], ebx
   mov [eax].attr, ecx
   mov ebx, eax
  assume eax: nothing
  invoke match, ecx
  .if ebx != NULL
   invoke simple_exp
   assume ebx: ptr treeNode
   mov [ebx].child[4], eax
   assume ebx: nothing
 mov eax, ebx
exp endp
;                                    simple_exp
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
simple_exp proc uses ebx
 assume eax: ptr treeNode
 assume ebx: ptr treeNode
 invoke term
 mov ebx, eax
 .while ecx == TPLUS || ecx == TMINUS
  invoke newExpNode, OpK
  .if eax != NULL
   mov [eax].child[0], ebx
   mov [eax].attr, ecx
   mov ebx, eax
   invoke match, ecx
   invoke term
   mov [ebx].child[4], eax
 assume eax: nothing
 assume ebx: nothing
 mov eax, ebx
simple_exp endp
;                                    term
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
term proc uses ebx
 assume eax: ptr treeNode
 assume ebx: ptr treeNode
 invoke factor
 mov ebx, eax
 .while ecx == TTIMES || ecx == TOVER
  invoke newExpNode, OpK
  .if eax != NULL
   mov [eax].child[0], ebx
   mov [eax].attr, ecx
   mov ebx, eax
   invoke match, ecx
   invoke factor
   mov [ebx].child[4], eax
 assume eax: nothing
 assume ebx: nothing
 mov eax, ebx
term endp
;                                    factor
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
factor proc uses ebx
 assume eax: ptr treeNode
 mov eax, NULL
 .if ecx == TNUM
  invoke newExpNode, ConstK
  .if eax != NULL
   push eax
   push ecx
   invoke atol, addr tokenString
   mov ebx,eax
   pop ecx
   pop eax
   mov [eax].attr, ebx
  invoke match, TNUM
 .elseif ecx == TID
  invoke newExpNode, IdK
  .if eax != NULL
   push eax
   invoke copyString, addr tokenString
   mov ebx, eax
   pop  eax
   mov [eax].attr, ebx
  invoke match, TID
 .elseif ecx == TLPAREN
  invoke match, TLPAREN
  invoke exp
  invoke match, TRPAREN
  invoke syntaxError, chr$("unexpected token -> ");
  invoke printToken
  invoke getToken
 assume eax: nothing
factor endp
;                                     if_stmt
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
if_stmt proc uses ebx
 invoke newStmtNode, IfK
 mov ebx, eax
 invoke match, TIF
 assume ebx: ptr treeNode
 .if ebx != NULL
  invoke exp
  mov [ebx].child[0], eax
 invoke match, TTHEN
 .if ebx != NULL
  invoke stmt_sequence
  mov [ebx].child[4], eax
 .if ecx == TELSE
  invoke match , TELSE
  .if ebx != NULL
  invoke stmt_sequence
  mov [ebx].child[8], eax
 invoke match, TEND
 assume ebx: nothing
 mov eax, ebx
if_stmt endp

;                                     repeat_stmt
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
repeat_stmt proc uses ebx
 invoke newStmtNode, RepeatK
 mov ebx, eax
 invoke match, TREPEAT
 assume ebx: ptr treeNode
 .if ebx != NULL
  invoke stmt_sequence
  mov [ebx].child[0], eax
 invoke match, TUNTIL
 .if ebx != NULL
  invoke exp
  mov [ebx].child[4], eax
 assume ebx: nothing
 mov eax, ebx
repeat_stmt endp
;                                    assign_stmt
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
assign_stmt proc uses ebx
 invoke newStmtNode, AssignK
 mov ebx, eax
 assume ebx: ptr treeNode
 .if ebx != NULL && ecx == TID
  invoke copyString, addr tokenString
  mov [ebx].attr, eax
 invoke match, TID
 invoke match, TASSIGN
 .if ebx != NULL
  invoke exp
  mov [ebx].child[0], eax
 assume ebx: nothing
 mov eax, ebx
assign_stmt endp
;                                    read_stmt
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
read_stmt proc uses ebx
 invoke newStmtNode, ReadK
 mov ebx, eax
 invoke match, TREAD
 assume ebx: ptr treeNode
 .if ebx != NULL && ecx == TID
  invoke copyString, addr tokenString
  mov [ebx].attr, eax
 invoke match, TID
 assume ebx: nothing
 mov eax, ebx
read_stmt endp
;                                    write_stmt
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
write_stmt proc uses ebx
 invoke newStmtNode, WriteK
 mov ebx, eax
 invoke match, TWRITE
 assume ebx: ptr treeNode
 .if ebx != NULL
  invoke exp
  mov [ebx].child[0], eax
 assume ebx: nothing
 mov eax, ebx
write_stmt endp
;                                    statemen
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
statement proc uses ebx
 mov eax, NULL
 .if ecx == TIF
  invoke if_stmt
 .elseif ecx == TREPEAT
  invoke repeat_stmt
 .elseif ecx == TID
  invoke assign_stmt
 .elseif ecx == TREAD
  invoke read_stmt
 .elseif ecx == TWRITE
  invoke write_stmt
  invoke syntaxError, chr$("unexpected token -> ");
  invoke printToken
  invoke getToken
statement endp
;                                     stmt_sequence
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
stmt_sequence proc uses ebx edx
  local t: dword
  invoke statement
  mov t, eax
  mov ebx, eax
  .while  ecx !=TENDFILE && ecx !=TEND && ecx != TELSE && ecx!=TUNTIL
   invoke match, TSEMI
   invoke statement ;这里修改了ebx?
   mov edx, eax
   .if edx != NULL
    .if ebx == NULL ;表示第一条语句
     mov ebx, edx
     mov t,   edx
     assume ebx : ptr treeNode
     mov [ebx].sibling, edx
     assume ebx : nothing
     mov ebx, edx
  mov eax, t
stmt_sequence endp
;                                    parese
;    return the TreeNode* in the eax
parse proc
 invoke getToken
 invoke stmt_sequence
 .if ecx != TENDFILE
  invoke syntaxError, chr$("Code ends before file ");
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
parse endp

printSpace proc uses ecx edx eax
  mov ecx, 0
  .while ecx < edx
   push ecx
   push edx
   invoke StdOut, chr$(" ")
   pop edx
   pop  ecx
   inc ecx
printSpace endp

printTree proc uses ecx
  assume eax: ptr treeNode
  add edx, 2
  .while eax != NULL
   invoke printSpace
   .if [eax].nodekind == StmtK
    push eax
    push edx
    push ecx
    .if [eax].kind == IfK
     invoke StdOut, addr reservedWord4
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    .elseif [eax].kind == RepeatK
     invoke StdOut, addr reservedWord3
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    .elseif [eax].kind == AssignK
     push eax
     invoke StdOut, chr$("Assgin to: ")
     pop  eax
     invoke StdOut, [eax].attr
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    .elseif [eax].kind == ReadK
     push eax
     invoke StdOut, chr$("Read: ")
     pop  eax
     invoke StdOut, [eax].attr
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    .elseif [eax].kind == WriteK
     invoke StdOut, addr reservedWord6
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
     invoke StdOut, chr$("Unknow ExpNode")
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    pop ecx
    pop edx
    pop eax
   .elseif [eax].nodekind == ExpK
    push eax
    push edx
    push ecx
    .if [eax].kind == OpK
     push eax
     invoke StdOut, chr$("Op: ")
     pop  eax
     mov ecx, [eax].attr
     invoke printToken
    .elseif [eax].kind == ConstK
     push eax
     invoke StdOut, chr$("const: ")
     pop eax
     push eax
     mov  eax, [eax].attr
     invoke BTOACS
     pop eax
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    .elseif [eax].kind == IdK
     push eax
     invoke StdOut, chr$("Id: ")
     pop  eax
     invoke StdOut, [eax].attr
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
     invoke StdOut, chr$("Unknow ExpNode")
     invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    pop eax
    pop edx
    pop eax

    push eax
    push edx
    push ecx
    invoke StdOut, chr$("Unknow node kind")
    invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    pop eax
    pop edx
    pop eax
   mov ecx, 0
   .while ecx < MAXCHILDREN
    push eax
    mov eax, [eax].child[ecx*4]
    invoke printTree
    inc ecx
    pop eax
   mov eax, [eax].sibling
  sub edx, 2
  assume eax: nothing
printTree endp

;                                       symtab
; Symbol tab implementation for the TINY compiler (allows only one symbol table)
; Symbol table is implemented as a chained hash table
tabSize  equ 211
SHIFT  equ 4

LineListRec struct
 lineno  dword ?
 next  dword ? ;here next is the pointer of the LineListRec
LineListRec ends

BucketListRec struct
 varName dword ?
 lines  dword ? ;the head pointer of the LineListRec
 memloc  dword ?
 next  dword ? ;the pointer of the BucketListRec
BucketListRec ends

hashTable dword tabSize dup (NULL) ;211's pointer of BucketListRec

;     hash
;   the hash funtion, will modify the rv eax
hash proc uses ebx edx ecx,varName
 xor eax, eax
 xor ebx, ebx
 mov ecx, tabSize
 mov ebx, [varName+ebx]
 assume ebx : ptr byte
 .while [ebx] != 0
  shl eax, SHIFT
  add al, [ebx]
  xor edx, edx
  div ecx
  mov eax, edx
  inc ebx
hash endp

;                                      st_insert
; procedure st_insert inserts line numbers and memory locations into the symbol table
; loc = memory location is inserted only the first time, otherwise ignored
st_insert proc uses eax ebx ecx edx, varName, line_no, loc
 invoke hash, varName
 push eax ;push the hash value
 mov ebx, hashTable[eax*4] ;get the BucketList head
 assume  ebx: ptr BucketListRec
@begin: or ebx, ebx
 jz @end
 invoke szCmp, varName, [ebx].varName ;will modify edx
 or eax, eax
 jnz @end
 mov ebx, [ebx].next
 jmp @begin
@end: .if ebx == NULL  ;here much m2m instuction , so may be can do well use the rv pass parameter
  mov ebx, halloc(sizeof(BucketListRec))
  mov eax,  varName
  mov [ebx].varName, eax
  mov [ebx].lines, halloc(sizeof(LineListRec))
  mov eax,  loc
  mov [ebx].memloc, eax
  pop ecx  ;get the hash value
  mov eax,  hashTable[ecx*4]
  mov [ebx].next,  eax
  mov hashTable[ecx*4],   ebx
  mov ebx,  [ebx].lines
  assume  ebx: ptr LineListRec
  mov eax,  line_no
  mov [ebx].lineno, eax
  mov [ebx].next,  NULL
  assume  ebx: ptr BucketListRec
  mov ebx,  [ebx].lines
  .while [ebx].next != NULL
   assume  ebx: ptr LineListRec
   mov ebx, [ebx].next
  mov [ebx].next,  halloc(sizeof(LineListRec))
  mov ebx,  [ebx].next
  mov eax,  line_no
  mov [ebx].lineno, eax
  mov [ebx].next,  NULL
  pop ecx  ;to balance the stack
st_insert endp

;                                      st_lookup
; Function st_loopup returns the memory location of a variable or -1 if
; not found, return in the ebx
st_lookup proc uses eax edx, varName
 invoke hash, varName
 mov ebx,  hashTable[eax*4]
 assume  ebx: ptr BucketListRec
@begin: or ebx, ebx
 jz @end
 invoke szCmp, varName, [ebx].varName
 or eax, eax
 jnz @end
 mov ebx, [ebx].next
 jmp @begin
@end: .if ebx == NULL
  mov ebx, -1
  mov ebx, [ebx].memloc
st_lookup endp

;                                      printSymTab
; Procedure printSymTab prints a formatted listing of the symbol table
; contents to the listing file. eax store the tree pointer
printSymTab proc uses eax ecx edx
 invoke StdOut, chr$("Variable Name   Location   Line Numbers")
 invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
 invoke StdOut, chr$("-------------   --------   ------------")
 invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
 mov ecx,   0
 .while  ecx < tabSize
  .if hashTable[ecx*4] != NULL
   mov ebx, hashTable[ecx*4]
   assume  ebx: ptr BucketListRec
   assume  edx: ptr LineListRec
   .while ebx != NULL
    mov edx, [ebx].lines
    push edx
    push ecx
    invoke StdOut, [ebx].varName ;will modify eax, ecx ,edx
    invoke StdOut, chr$(" ")
    mov eax, [ebx].memloc
    invoke BTOACS
    pop ecx
    pop edx
    .while edx !=NULL
     mov eax, [edx].lineno
     invoke BTOACS
     mov edx, [edx].next
    push edx
    push ecx
    invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
    pop ecx
    pop edx
    mov ebx, [ebx].next
  inc ecx
printSymTab endp

;     traverse
; Procedure traverse is a generic recursive syntax tree treaversal routine:
; it applies preProc in preorder and postProc and postProc in postorder to tree pointed to by t
traverse proc uses ecx, preProc, postProc
  assume eax: ptr treeNode
  .if eax != NULL
   call preProc
   mov ecx, 0
   .while ecx < MAXCHILDREN
    push eax
    mov eax,  [eax].child[ecx*4]
    invoke traverse, preProc, postProc
    pop eax
    inc ecx
   call postProc
   push eax
   mov  eax, [eax].sibling
   invoke traverse, preProc, postProc
   pop  eax
traverse endp

;                                      nullProc
; nullProc is a do-nothing procedure to generate preorder-only or postorder-only
; traversals from traverse
nullProc proc
nullProc endp

;                                      insertNode
; Procedure inserNode inserts identifiers stored in t into the symbol table,
; edx is  the couter for variable memory locations
insertNode proc 
  assume eax: ptr treeNode
  .if [eax].nodekind == StmtK
   .if [eax].kind == AssignK || [eax].kind == ReadK
    invoke st_lookup, [eax].attr
    .if ebx == -1
     invoke st_insert, [eax].attr, [eax].lineno, edx
     inc edx
     invoke st_insert, [eax].attr, [eax].lineno, 0
  .elseif [eax].nodekind == ExpK
   .if [eax].kind == IdK
    invoke st_lookup, [eax].attr
    .if ebx == -1
     invoke st_insert, [eax].attr, [eax].lineno, edx
     inc edx
     invoke st_insert, [eax].attr, [eax].lineno, 0
insertNode endp

;                                       buildSymtab
; Function buildSymtab constructs the symbol table by preorder traversal of the syntax tree

buildSymtab proc uses eax
  xor edx, edx ;counter for variable memory locations
  invoke traverse, insertNode, nullProc
  if TraceAnalyze
   invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
   invoke StdOut, chr$("Symbol table: ")
   invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
   invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
   invoke printSymTab
buildSymtab endp

;                                       typeError                                              
typeError proc uses eax edx ecx ,message
  assume eax: ptr treeNode
  push eax
  invoke StdOut, chr$("Type error at line ")
  pop  eax
  mov  eax, [eax].lineno
  invoke BTOACS
  invoke StdOut, addr message
  mov  Error, TRUE
typeError endp

;                                      checkNode
; Procedure checkNode performs type checking at a single tree node
checkNode proc uses eax ebx ecx
  assume eax: ptr treeNode
  assume ebx: ptr treeNode
  assume ecx: ptr treeNode
  .if [eax].nodekind == ExpK
   .if [eax].kind == OpK
    mov  ecx, [eax].child
    mov  ebx, [eax].child[4]
    .if [ebx].exptype != Integer || [ecx].exptype != Integer
     invoke typeError, chr$("Op applied to non-integer")
    .if [eax].attr == TEQ || [eax].attr == TLT
     mov [eax].exptype, Boolean
     mov [eax].exptype, Integer
   .elseif [eax].kind == ConstK || [eax].kind == IdK
    mov [eax].exptype, Integer
  .elseif [eax].nodekind == StmtK
   push eax
   .if [eax].kind == IfK
    mov eax, [eax].child
    .if [eax].exptype == Integer
     invoke typeError, chr$("if test is not Boolean")
   .elseif [eax].kind == AssignK
    mov eax, [eax].child
    .if [eax].exptype != Integer
     invoke typeError, chr$("assignment of non-integer value")
   .elseif [eax].kind == WriteK
    mov eax, [eax].child
    .if [eax].exptype != Integer
     invoke typeError, chr$("write of non-integer value")
   .elseif [eax].kind == RepeatK
    mov eax, [eax].child[4]
    .if [eax].exptype == Integer
     invoke typeError, chr$("repeat test is not Boolean")
   pop eax
checkNode endp

;                                       typeCheck
; Procedure typeCheck performs type checking by a postorder syntax tree traversal
typeCheck proc
  invoke traverse, nullProc, checkNode
typeCheck endp

;       Code emitting utilities for the TINY compiler and interface to the TM machine                                            

; pc = program counter
pc  equ 7
; mp = "memory pointer" points to top of memory (for temp storage)
mp  equ 6
; gp = "global pointer" points to top of memory for (glocal) variable storage
gp  equ 5
; accumulator
ac0  equ 0
; 2nd accumulator
ac1  equ 1
; TM location number for current instruction emission -------esi
; Highest TM location emitted so far  For use in conjunction with
; emitSkip, emitBackup and emitRestore-----------------------edi

;                                       emitComment
; procedure emitComment prints a comment line with comment c in the code file
szFmtWord1 byte "* %s", 0dh, 0ah, 0

emitComment proc c0
 .if TraceCode
  invoke wsprintf, addr szBuffer, addr szFmtWord1, c0
  invoke lstrlen,  addr szBuffer
  mov     ecx, eax
  invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr szBuffer, ecx, addr lpNumber, NULL
emitComment endp
;                                       emitRO
; procedure emitRO emits a register-only TM instruction
; op = the opcode
; r  = target register
; s  = 1st source register
; t  = 2st source register
; c  = a comment to be printed if TranceCode is TRUE
szFmtWord2 byte "%3d: %5s %d, %d, %d ", 0
szFmtWord3 byte 09h, "%s", 0

emitRO proc uses eax ecx, op1, r1, s1, t1, c1
 invoke wsprintf, addr szBuffer, addr szFmtWord2, esi, op1, r1, s1, t1
 invoke lstrlen,  addr szBuffer
 mov     ecx, eax
 invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr szBuffer, ecx, addr lpNumber, NULL
 inc esi
 .if TraceCode
  invoke wsprintf, addr szBuffer, addr szFmtWord3, c1
  invoke lstrlen,  addr szBuffer
  mov     ecx, eax
  invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr szBuffer, ecx, addr lpNumber, NULL
 invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr CRLF, 2, addr lpNumber, NULL
 .if edi < esi
  mov edi, esi;
emitRO endp

;                                       emitRM
; procedure emitRM emits a register-to-memory TM instruction
; op = the opcode
; r  = target register
; d  = the offset
; s  = the base register
; c  = a comment to be printed if TranceCode is TRUE
szFmtWord4 byte "%3d: %5s %d, %d(%d) ", 0

emitRM proc uses eax ecx, op2, r2, d2, s2, c2
 invoke wsprintf, addr szBuffer, addr szFmtWord4, esi, op2, r2, d2, s2
 invoke lstrlen,  addr szBuffer
 mov     ecx, eax
 invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr szBuffer, ecx, addr lpNumber, NULL
 inc esi
 .if TraceCode
  invoke wsprintf, addr szBuffer, addr szFmtWord3, c2
  invoke lstrlen,  addr szBuffer
  mov     ecx, eax
  invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr szBuffer, ecx, addr lpNumber, NULL
 invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr CRLF, 2, addr lpNumber, NULL
 .if edi < esi
  mov edi, esi;
emitRM endp

;                                       emitSkip
; Function emitSkip skips "howmany" code locations for later backpatch.It also returns
; the current code position, return value put in the eax
emitSkip proc howmany
  mov eax, esi
  add esi, howmany
  .if edi < esi
   mov edi, esi;
emitSkip endp

szMsg1 byte "BUG in emitBackup", 0

;                                       emitBackup
; procedure emitBackup backs up to loc = a previously skipped location
emitBackup proc loc
  .if edi <= loc
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg1
  mov esi, loc
emitBackup endp

;                                       emitRestore
; procedure emitRestore restores the current code position to the hightest previously
; unemitted position
emitRestore proc
  mov esi, edi
emitRestore endp

;                                       emitRM_Abs
; procedure emitRM_Abs converts an absolute reference to a pc-relative reference when
; emitting a register-to-memory TM instruction
; op = the opcode
; r  = target register
; d  = the offset
; a  = the obsolute location in memory
; c  = a comment to be printed if TranceCode is TRUE
emitRM_Abs proc uses eax ecx,op3, r3, a3, c2
  mov eax, a3
  sub eax, esi
  dec eax
  invoke wsprintf, addr szBuffer, addr szFmtWord4, esi, op3, r3, eax, pc
  inc esi
  invoke lstrlen,  addr szBuffer
  mov     ecx, eax
  invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr szBuffer, ecx, addr lpNumber, NULL
  .if TraceCode
   invoke wsprintf, addr szBuffer, addr szFmtWord3, c2
   invoke lstrlen,  addr szBuffer
   mov     ecx, eax
   invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr szBuffer, ecx, addr lpNumber, NULL
  invoke WriteFile, hcodeFile, addr CRLF, 2, addr lpNumber, NULL
  .if edi < esi
   mov edi, esi;
emitRM_Abs endp

; tempOffset storge the memory offset for temps
; It is decremented each time a temp is
; stored, and incremented when loaded again
tempOffset dword 0
szMsg2 byte "-> if", 0
szMsg3 byte "if: jump to else belongs here", 0
JEQ byte "JEQ", 0
szMsg4 byte "if: jump to else ", 0
szMsg5 byte "<- if",0
szMsg6 byte "-> repeat", 0
szMsg7 byte "<- repeat", 0
LDA byte "LDA",0
szMsg8 byte "if: jump to end", 0
szMsg9 byte "repeat: jump after body comes back here", 0
szMsg10 byte "repeat: jump back to body", 0
szMsg11 byte "->assign", 0
szMsg12 byte "<-assign", 0
IST byte "ST", 0
szMsg13 byte "assign: store value", 0
IIN byte "IN", 0
szMsg14 byte "read: integer value", 0
szMsg15 byte "read: store value", 0
IOUT byte "OUT", 0
szMsg16 byte "write ac", 0

;                                       genStmt
; Procedure genStmt generates code at a statement node
genStmt proc uses eax ebx
 local savedLoc1
 local savedLoc2
 local currentLoc
 mov ebx, eax
 .if [ebx].kind == IfK
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg2
  mov  eax,  [ebx].child
  call cGen
  invoke emitSkip, 1
  mov savedLoc1, eax
  invoke emitComment, addr szMsg3
  mov eax, [ebx].child[4]
  call cGen
  invoke emitSkip, 1
  mov savedLoc2, eax
  invoke emitComment, addr szMsg3
  invoke emitSkip, 0
  mov currentLoc, eax
  invoke emitBackup, savedLoc1
  invoke emitRM_Abs, addr JEQ, ac0, currentLoc, addr szMsg4
  invoke emitRestore
  mov eax, [ebx].child[8]
  invoke emitSkip, 0
  mov currentLoc, eax
  invoke emitBackup, savedLoc2
  invoke emitRM_Abs, addr LDA, pc, currentLoc, addr szMsg8
  invoke emitRestore
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg5

 .elseif [ebx].kind == RepeatK
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg6
  invoke emitSkip, 0
  mov savedLoc1, eax
  invoke emitComment, addr szMsg9
  mov eax, [ebx].child
  call cGen
  mov eax, [ebx].child[4]
  call cGen
  invoke emitRM_Abs, addr JEQ, ac0, savedLoc1, addr szMsg10
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg7

 .elseif [ebx].kind == AssignK
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg11
  mov eax, [ebx].child
  call cGen
  invoke st_lookup, [ebx].attr
  invoke emitRM, addr IST, ac0, ebx, gp, addr szMsg13
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg12

 .elseif [ebx].kind == ReadK
  invoke emitRO, addr IIN, ac0, 0, 0, addr szMsg14
  invoke st_lookup, [ebx].attr
  invoke emitRM, addr IST, ac0, ebx, gp, addr szMsg15

 .elseif [ebx].kind == WriteK
  mov eax, [ebx].child
  call cGen
  invoke emitRO, addr IOUT, ac0, 0, 0, addr szMsg16
genStmt endp

;                                       genExp
; procedure genExp generates code at an expression node
szMsg17 byte "-> Const", 0
LDC byte "LDC", 0
szMsg18 byte "load const", 0
szMsg19 byte "<- Const", 0
LD byte "LD", 0
szMsg20 byte "-> Id", 0
szMsg21 byte "<- ID", 0
szMsg22 byte "load id value", 0
szMsg23 byte "-> Op", 0
szMsg24 byte "<- Op", 0
szMsg25 byte "op: push left", 0
szMsg26 byte "op: load left", 0
IADD byte "ADD", 0
ISUB byte "SUB", 0
IIMUL byte "MUL", 0
IIDIV byte "DIV", 0
szMsg27 byte "op +", 0
szMsg28 byte "op -", 0
szMsg29 byte "op *", 0
szMsg30 byte "op /", 0
szMsg31 byte "op <", 0
JLT byte "JLT", 0
szMsg32 byte "br if true", 0
szMsg33 byte "false case", 0
szMsg34 byte "unconditional jmp", 0
szMsg35 byte "true case", 0
szMsg36 byte "op ==", 0

genExp proc uses eax ebx
 mov ebx, eax
 .if [ebx].kind == ConstK
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg17
  invoke emitRM, addr LDC, ac0, [ebx].attr, 0, addr szMsg18
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg19

 .elseif [ebx].kind == IdK
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg20
  invoke st_lookup, [ebx].attr
  invoke emitRM, addr LD, ac0, ebx, gp, addr szMsg22
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg21

 .elseif [ebx].kind == OpK
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg23
  mov eax, [ebx].child
  call cGen
  invoke emitRM, addr IST, ac0, tempOffset, mp, addr szMsg25
  dec tempOffset
  mov eax, [ebx].child[4]
  call cGen
  inc tempOffset
  invoke emitRM, addr LD, ac1, tempOffset, mp, addr szMsg26
  .if [ebx].attr == TPLUS
   invoke emitRO, addr IADD, ac0, ac1, ac0, addr szMsg27
  .elseif [ebx].attr == TMINUS
   invoke emitRO, addr ISUB, ac0, ac1, ac0, addr szMsg28
  .elseif [ebx].attr == TTIMES
   invoke emitRO, addr IIMUL, ac0, ac1, ac0, addr szMsg29
  .elseif [ebx].attr == TOVER
   invoke emitRO, addr IIDIV, ac0, ac1, ac0, addr szMsg30
  .elseif [ebx].attr == TLT
   invoke emitRO, addr ISUB, ac0, ac1, ac0, addr szMsg31
   invoke emitRM, addr JLT, ac0, 2, pc, addr szMsg32
   invoke emitRM, addr LDC, ac0, 0, ac0, addr szMsg33
   invoke emitRM, addr LDA, pc, 1, pc, addr szMsg34
   invoke emitRM, addr LDC, ac0, 1, ac0, addr szMsg35
  .elseif [ebx].attr == TEQ
   invoke emitRO, addr ISUB, ac0, ac1, ac0, addr szMsg36
   invoke emitRM, addr JEQ, ac0, 2, pc, addr szMsg32
   invoke emitRM, addr LDC, ac0, 0, ac0, addr szMsg33
   invoke emitRM, addr LDA, pc, 1, pc, addr szMsg34
   invoke emitRM, addr LDC, ac0, 1, ac0, addr szMsg35
  .if TraceCode
   invoke emitComment, addr szMsg24
genExp endp

;                                       cGen
; procedure cGen recirsively generates code by tree traversal, the eax is the pointer of
; treeNode
cGen proc
 .if eax != NULL
  .if [eax].nodekind == StmtK
   invoke genStmt
  .elseif [eax].nodekind == ExpK
   invoke genExp
  mov eax, [eax].sibling
  call cGen
cGen endp

szFmtWord5 byte "File: %s",0
szMsg37  byte "TINY Compilation to TM code", 0
szMsg38  byte "Standard prelude", 0
szMsg39  byte "load maxaddress from location 0", 0
szMsg40  byte "clear location 0", 0
szMsg41  byte "End of standard prelude", 0
szMsg42  byte "End of execution", 0
HALT  byte "HALT", 0
non_char byte 0
;                         the primary function of the code generator--codeGen   
; procedure codeGen generates code to a code file by traversal of the syntax tree.
codeGen proc
 invoke emitComment, addr szMsg37
 push eax
 invoke wsprintf, addr ASCVALUE1, addr szFmtWord5, addr filename1
 pop eax
 invoke emitComment, addr ASCVALUE1
 invoke emitComment, addr szMsg38
 invoke emitRM, addr LD, mp, 0, ac0, addr szMsg39
 invoke emitRM, addr IST, ac0, 0, ac0, addr szMsg40
 invoke emitComment, addr szMsg41
 call cGen
 invoke emitComment, addr szMsg42
 invoke emitRO, addr HALT, 0, 0, 0, addr non_char
codeGen endp
;                                       start                                               

start proc
 local syntaxTree : ptr treeNode
 invoke ArgClC, ArgNum, addr ItemBuffer
 invoke GetCL,  ArgNum, addr filename
 .if eax == 1
   invoke InString,1,addr filename,chr$(".")
   .if eax == 0
   invoke lstrcpy, addr filename1, addr filename
   invoke lstrcat,  addr filename, addr TNY
   invoke lstrcat, addr filename1, addr TM
   mov ecx, eax
   mov esi, offset filename
   mov edi, offset filename1
   rep movsb
   invoke lstrcat, addr filename1, addr TM
  invoke StdOut, addr filenameMsg
  invoke lstrcpy, addr filename, addr testfile
  invoke lstrcpy, addr filename1, addr testfile
  invoke lstrcat, addr filename, addr TNY
  invoke lstrcat, addr filename1, addr TM
 invoke FillTab
 mov esi, offset lpbuffer
 mov hScoureFile, fopen_r(filename)
 push ecx
 invoke getToken
 cmp ecx, TENDFILE
 jne test_
 pop ecx
 invoke parse
 .if TraceParse
  xor edx, edx
  push eax
  invoke printTree ;will modify the eax value
  pop  eax
 .if Error != TRUE
  push eax
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$("Building Symbol Table..")
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  pop eax
  invoke buildSymtab
  push eax
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$("Checking Types...")
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  pop eax
  invoke typeCheck
  push eax
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
  invoke StdOut, chr$("Type Checking Finished")
  invoke StdOut, addr CRLF
 invoke CreateFile, addr filename1, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, /
  invoke MessageBox, NULL, addr ErrorMsg, NULL, MB_OK OR MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
  invoke ExitProcess, 0
 mov hcodeFile, eax
 pop eax
 xor esi, esi
 xor edi, edi
 invoke codeGen
 invoke CloseHandle, hScoureFile
 invoke CloseHandle, hcodeFile
 invoke ExitProcess,0
start endp


end start


set drv=Tiny

/masm32/bin/ml  /c /coff %drv%.bat
/masm32/bin/Link /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE %drv%.obj

del %drv%.obj




comment * -----------------------------------------------------------------
        Preprocessor code for high level language simulation in MASM32

                          Updated 22th 6 2006
         ---------------------------------------------------------------- *

 reparg MACRO arg
      LOCAL nustr
        quot SUBSTR <arg>,1,1
      IFIDN quot,<">            ;; if 1st char = "
          nustr db arg,0        ;; write arg to .DATA section
        EXITM <ADDR nustr>      ;; append name to ADDR operator
        EXITM <arg>             ;; else return arg

  ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; open an existing file with read / write access and return the file handle
  ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    fopen_r MACRO filename
    LOCAL ErrorMsg
 ErrorMsg db "Could not open the file", 0dh, 0ah, 0
      invoke CreateFile, addr filename, GENERIC_READ ,
      .if eax == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
  invoke MessageBox, NULL, addr ErrorMsg, NULL, MB_OK OR MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
  invoke ExitProcess, 0
      EXITM <eax>       ;; return file handle

  ; ------------------------------------------------
  ; read data from an open file into a memory buffer
  ; ------------------------------------------------
    fread MACRO hFile,buffer,bcnt
      LOCAL var
        var dd ?
      invoke ReadFile,hFile,buffer,bcnt,ADDR var,NULL
      mov eax, var
      EXITM <eax>       ;; return bytes read

 ; ------------------------------------------------
  ; define a enum type enumname a the type name
  ; ------------------------------------------------
    enum MACRO enumname,parmlist:VARARG
 LOCAL count
 count = 0
 enumname typedef byte
 FOR parm, <parmlist>
  parm = count
  count = count + 1

; ------------------------------------------------
  ; define C type
  ; ------------------------------------------------
    CTypeD MACRO
 integer typedef word
 unsigned typedef word
 ushort typedef word
 long typedef dword
 ulong typedef dword
 char typedef byte

    chr$ MACRO any_text:VARARG
        LOCAL txtname
          txtname db any_text,0
        EXITM <OFFSET txtname>

      len MACRO lpString
        invoke szLen,reparg(lpString)
 inc eax
        EXITM <eax>

      ustr$ MACRO DDvalue   ;; unsigned integer from string
        LOCAL rvstring
          rvstring db 20 dup (0)
        align 4
        ;; invoke dwtoa,DDvalue,ADDR rvstring
        invoke crt__ultoa,DDvalue,ADDR rvstring,10
        EXITM <OFFSET rvstring>

  ; ------------------------------------------------
  ; Function return value version of the above macro
  ; ------------------------------------------------
    rv MACRO FuncName:REQ,args:VARARG
      arg equ <invoke FuncName>         ;; construct invoke and function name
      FOR var,<args>                    ;; loop through all arguments
        arg CATSTR arg,<,reparg(var)>   ;; replace quotes and append arg
      arg                               ;; write the invoke macro
      EXITM <eax>                       ;; EAX as the return value

       halloc MACRO bytecount
        EXITM <rv(HeapAlloc,rv(GetProcessHeap),0,bytecount)>
    ; ******************************************************
    ; BASIC style conversions from string to 32 bit integer
    ; ******************************************************
      sval MACRO lpstring       ; string to signed 32 bit integer
        invoke atol, reparg(lpstring)
        EXITM <eax>
 strcmp MACRO str1, str2
 invoke szCmp, str1, str2
 EXITM <eax>




{ Sample program
  In Tiny language –
  Computes factorial
read x; {input an integer}
if 0 < x then {don't compute if x <= 0}
 fact := 1;
  fact := fact * x;
  x := x-1
 until x = 0;
 write fact { output factorial of x }



  0:    LD 6, 0(0)
  1:    ST 0, 0(0)
  2:    IN 0, 0, 0
  3:    ST 0, 0(5)
  4:   LDC 0, 0(0)
  5:    ST 0, 0(6)
  6:    LD 0, 0(5)
  7:    LD 1, 0(6)
  8:   SUB 0, 1, 0
  9:   JLT 0, 2(7)
 10:   LDC 0, 0(0)
 11:   LDA 7, 1(7)
 12:   LDC 0, 1(0)
 14:   LDC 0, 1(0)
 15:    ST 0, 1(5)
 16:    LD 0, 1(5)
 17:    ST 0, 0(6)
 18:    LD 0, 0(5)
 19:    LD 1, 0(6)
 20:   MUL 0, 1, 0
 21:    ST 0, 1(5)
 22:    LD 0, 0(5)
 23:    ST 0, 0(6)
 24:   LDC 0, 1(0)
 25:    LD 1, 0(6)
 26:   SUB 0, 1, 0
 27:    ST 0, 0(5)
 28:    LD 0, 0(5)
 29:    ST 0, 0(6)
 30:   LDC 0, 0(0)
 31:    LD 1, 0(6)
 32:   SUB 0, 1, 0
 33:   JEQ 0, 2(7)
 34:   LDC 0, 0(0)
 35:   LDA 7, 1(7)
 36:   LDC 0, 1(0)
 37:   JEQ 0, -22(7)
 38:    LD 0, 1(5)
 39:   OUT 0, 0, 0
 13:   JEQ 0, 27(7)
 40:   LDA 7, 0(7)
 41:  HALT 0, 0, 0




MASM v9.0
ollydb v1.09


评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


