


  • Inserting a value into a Heap




    • Problem description:


      • You are given a heap.

        For example:




      • You are also given a value x

        For example: x = 3



      • Problem:


        • Insert the value x into the heap (so that the resulting tree is also a heap !!!)




    • Here is a Heap containing the inserted value 3:


      Heap before inserting the value 3
      Heap after inserting the value 3

      $64,000 question:


      • How did you do it ???        


  • The insert algorithm for a Heap




    • The heap insertion algorithm in pseudo code:


          Insert a node containing the insertion value
             in the "fartest left location" of the lowest level
             of the Binary Tree
          Filter the inserted node up using this algorithm:
             while (  inserted node's value < value in its parent node )     
                swap the values of the respective node;



    • Example:


      • Insert the value 3 into the following heap:




      • Step 1: Insert a node containing the insertion value (= 3) in the "fartest left location" of the lowest level




      • Step 2: Filter the inserted node up the tree


        • Compare the values of the inserted node with its parent node in the tree:




        • 3 is smaller than its parent value (11)swap !!!


          Repeat !



        • Compare the values of the inserted node with its parent node in the tree:




        • 3 is smaller than its parent value (5)swap !!!


          Repeat !



        • Compare the values of the inserted node with its parent node in the tree:




        • The parent node has a smaller value, so 3 is in its correct place !!!

          We are done.

          The result is a good heap:






    • Heap insertion algorithm in Java:


         void put( double x )
            a[NNodes+1] = x;           // Insert x in the "fartest left location"    
                                       // This preserves the "complete bin tree" prop
            NNodes++;                  // We have 1 more node
            HeapFilterUp( NNodes );    // Filter the inserted node 
                                       // The FilterUp() method need to know
      				 // which node is the inserted node !!!
      				 // The parameter NNodes identifies the
      				 // inserted node a[NNodes]



    • The Filter Up algorithm in pseudo code:


         HeapFilterUp( k )    // Filter up the node a[k]
            while ( k has a parent node )
               parent = k/2;     // a[parent] is the parent node of a[k]
               if ( a[k] < a[parent] )
      	    swap a[k] <--> a[parent];
      	    k = parent;
      	    break;          // a[k] is in correct position, DONE !     



    • The Filter up algorithm (describe above) is coded as a method:


         /* ===================================================
            HeapFilterUp(k): Filters the node a[k] up the heap
            =================================================== */
         void HeapFilterUp( int k )
            int parent;                 // parent = parent node of k
            double help;		  // Used for swapping
            while ( parent > 0 )        // parent == 0 means no parent
               parent = k/2;            // Find parent node of k
               if ( a[k] < a[parent] )
                  /* =====================================
      	       Wrong order: swap a[k] and a[parent]
      	       ===================================== */
                  help = a[parent];
                  a[parent] = a[k];
                  a[k] = help;
      	    /* ------------------------------
      	       Continue one level in the tree
      	       ------------------------------ */
                  k = parent;
                  break;            // k is in correct position - DONE !     



    • Example Program: (Demo above code)                                                 


      How to run the program:


      • Right click on link and save in a scratch directory


      • To compile:   javac testProg.java
      • To run:          java testProg


  • Running time analysis of the heap insert algorithm




    • Before we can perform a running time analysis, we must first understand how the algorithm works exactly...



    • Summary of the heap insert algorithm:


      • The node is always inserted as the left most leaf node:




      • The the HeapFilterUp() algorithm will migrate the insert node up into the binary tree:







    • Fact:


      • The number of times that the inserted node will migrate up into the binary tree is:


            # migrations ≤ height of the binary tree               




      • The maximum number of this that node 3 can move up in this binary tree:


        is at most 3 times:





    • Therefore:


         Running time( insert(n) ) = Running time heap insert in heap with n node     
                                   = height of a heap of n nodes   


  • The height of a heap when it contains n nodes




    • Recall:


      • perfect binary tree of height h has:



      • Similarly, a perfect binary tree of height h−1 has:





    • Fact:


      • (A heap is a complete binary tree)

        The number of nodes n in a complete binary tree (i.e., a heap) of height h is between:


           2h − 1 < n ≤ 2h+1 − 1         




      • complete binary tree of height h:


        will have more nodes than a perfect binary tree of height h−1:


        and it will have at most as many nodes as a perfect binary tree of height h:





        Let:  n =  # nodes in heap of height h 
                2h - 1  <  n          ≤  2h+1 − 1       
         <===>  2h      <  n + 1      ≤   2h+1
         <===>  h       <  lg(n + 1)  ≤  h+1
         ===> height of heap ~= lg(n + 1)         


  • Running time of the heap insert algorithm


    • Summary:


      • Running time of insert into a heap of n nodes = height of the heap



      • height of the heap containing n nodes ~= lg(n + 1)



    • Conclusion:


      • Running time of insert into a heap of n nodes = O(lg(n))          




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