Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right section to lodge the question but I cannot find the answer in other sites.
We are still maintaining our windows applications in VB6. Recently I'd upgraded from SourceSafe 6 to Visual SourceSafe 2005 client on my machine. I found that the SourceSafe menu item and the linking are missing in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 development environment after the SourceSafe2005 installation. Is there a way to 'link' the VB6 to VSS2005? If not, I have to uninstall the sourcesafe 2005 and go back to sourcesafe 6. Please advise.
Thanks in advance.
i know this is from 3 years ago.. but i had the same problem and could not find the "SSINT.EXE" file in my computer and in the source safe server.
1. Open VB 6.0 and check if the Source Code Control add-in is loaded through menu Add-Ins ->Add-In Manager.
If yes, we should be able to find the SourceSafe command under Tools menu.
If no, please edit the vbaddin.ini file by going to Start -> Run: vbaddin.ini and adding the line “vbscc=3” in the file.
i got this from: http://www.kevingao.net/sourcesafe/integrating-sourcesafe-vss-with-visual-basic-60.html