linux 下 bugfree安装

XAMPP Linux 1.7.2:
netstat -an|grep -w 80

安装XAMPP:   注意是安装到/opt,如何修改到其他的目录还没试过
[root@localhost ~]#tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.2.tar.gz -C /opt
opt/lampp/lampp start


Starting XAMPP 1.7.2...
LAMPP: Starting Apache...
LAMPP: Starting MySQL...
LAMPP started.
好了。Apache 和 MySQL 正在运行中

看到一些示例程序的 XAMPP 开始页面就表示XAMPP安装成功了。接下来我们要配置XAMPP的安全性。

[root@localhost ~]# /opt/lampp/lampp security

64位linux会提示“XAMPP is currently only availably as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit

compatibility library for your system.”
搜索“XAMPP is currently 32 bit only“引号里的那句话。用#号注释下面的判断环境的语句。
#case `uname -m` in
#    *_64)
#    if /opt/lampp/bin/php -v > /dev/null 2>&1
#    then
#        :
#    else
#        $de && echo "XAMPP gibt es zur Zeit nur als 32-Bit Applikation. Bitte verwende eine 32-Bit

Kompatibilitaetsbibliothek fuer Dein System."
#        $de || echo "XAMPP is currently only availably as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit

compatibility library for your system."
#        exit
#    fi
#    ;;

chown -R root.root /opt/lampp/var/mysql 

并设置 XAMPP 随系统自动启动
[root@localhost ~]# ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99lampp
[root@localhost ~]# ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S99lampp
[root@localhost ~]# ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S99lampp

或者直接修改/opt/rc.local文件,在exit 0之前加上下面一句话就可以了
/opt/lampp/lampp start

ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp K01lampp

[root@localhost ~]# wget -c
[root@localhost ~]#tar xvfz bugfree2.tar.gz -C /opt/lampp/htdocs/


[root@ua006 lampp]# vi ./htdocs/bugfree/Include/
 * @link
 * @package     BugFree

/* Report all errors except E_NOTICE. */
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

/* 1. Define surported language list and default language. Note: you can use only one charset Chinese

lanuage now. */
$_CFG['LangList']['EN_UTF-8']    = 'English UTF-8';
$_CFG['LangList']['ZH_CN_UTF-8'] = 'ZH_CN UTF-8';
$_CFG['DefaultLang']             = 'ZH_CN_UTF-8';

/* 2. Define admin user list. Like this: array('admin','yourloginname') */
$_CFG['AdminUser'] = array('admin');

/* Define report user list. Like this: array('admin', '');*/
$_CFG['MailReportUser'] = array('');

/* 3. Define the username and password of the BugFree database. */

$_CFG['DB']['User']        = 'root';          // 数据库登录用户名
$_CFG['DB']['Password']    = 'password';      // 数据库登录用户密码
$_CFG['DB']['Host']        = 'localhost';     // 数据库服务器地址
$_CFG['DB']['Database']    = 'bugfree';       // 指定BugFree数据库名称
$_CFG['DB']['TablePrefix'] = 'bf_';           // 数据库表前缀,默认为bf_。除非有冲突,不建议修改或为空
$_CFG['DBCharset']         = 'UTF8';          // 数据库编码设置,保留默认值




/* 8. Mail setting. */
$_CFG['Mail']['On']          = true;
$_CFG['Mail']['FromAddress'] = "";
$_CFG['Mail']['FromName']    = 'BugFree';
$_CFG['Mail']['ReportTo']    = array();  // Where bug statistics message sened t
o. If empty, to all users.
$_CFG['Mail']['SendMethod']  = 'SMTP';   // MAIL|SENDMAIL|SMTP|QMAIL

/* 9. SMTP param setting. */
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Host']     = '';       // The server to
connect. Default is localhost
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['SMTPAuth'] = true;    // Whether or not to use SMTP
authentication. Default is FALSE
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Username'] = 'etune_song';       // The username to
use for SMTP authentication.
$_CFG['Mail']['SendParam']['Password'] = 'xxx';       // The password to u
se for SMTP authentication.

[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree
[root@localhost bugfree]# chmod 777 Data/TplCompile/
[root@localhost bugfree]# chmod 777 BugFile/
[root@localhost bugfree]# chmod 777 Include/



Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in

/opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree/Include/Class/XmlParse.class.php on line 46

Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in

/opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree/Include/Class/XmlParse.class.php on line 47

Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in

/opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree/Include/Class/XmlParse.class.php on line 47

Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in

/opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree/Include/Class/XmlParse.class.php on line 48

Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in

/opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree/Include/Class/XmlParse.class.php on line 49

Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in

/opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree/Include/Class/XmlParse.class.php on line 51

Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in

/opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree/Include/Class/XmlParse.class.php on line 56

Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in

/opt/lampp/htdocs/bugfree/Include/Class/XmlParse.class.php on line 56


找到allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off一行,将Off修改为On





/opt/lampp/lampp backup **** 

命令后面跟着的是MySQL 的 root 用户的密码。命令执行后会看到下面的内容: 

Backing up databases... 

Backing up configuration, log and htdocs files... 

Calculating checksums... 

Building final backup file... 

Backup finished. 

Take care of /opt/lampp/backup/ 


恢复以前的备份,只需以 root 用户身份运行下面的命令: 

# sh /opt/lampp/backup/ **** 

命令后面跟着的是MySQL 的 root 用户的密码,这时用户将看到如下信息: 

Checking integrity of files... 

Restoring configuration, log and htdocs files... 

Checking versions... 

Installed: XAMPP 1.5.1 

Backup from: XAMPP 1.5.1 

Restoring MySQL databases... 

Restoring MySQL user databases... 

Backup complete. Have fun! 

You may need to restart XAMPP to complete the restore. 




比如ubuntu的命令就是:#sudo ufw disable


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Linux Hardware Compatibility Lists Debian GNU/Linux device driver check page - This database verifies the PCI devices at this time (X drivers, ISA, USB, IEEE1394 or any other devices are out of its focus). Paste your result of 'lspci -n' taken from GNU/Linux OS (such as Debian, Knoppix, RedHat, and so on) to the box, then push 'Check' button. openSUSE Hardware Compatibility List - The following pages are used by the openSUSE community to record the compatibility of various hardware and full systems with SUSE Linux. Please share your experience by adding your hardware, especially if you had some issue that you overcame. Mandriva Hardware Database - This hardware database allows you to check the compatibility of your hardware with the Mandriva Linux OS. The certified hardware has the highest level of compatibility. Red Hat Hardware Catalog - Database containing certified hardware for Red Hat products. UbuntuUsers Hardwaredatenbank - Auf dieser Seite soll eine Hardwaredatenbank fuer Ubuntu Linux entstehen. Sie koennen hier unter Ubuntu Linux verwendete (neuere) Hardware hinzufuegen, welche gut laeuft. HCL - This is the Linux Hardware Compatibility List from Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO - This document attempts to list most of the hardware known to be either supported or unsupported under Linux. Linux Hardware Components - The manufacturers and distributors listed on this site sell hardware and peripherals that are Linux-friendly. If you're looking for drivers or need to know if your hardware is supported, this is a good place to find out. Compatibility List - This is a user submitted compatibility database for hardware running under GNU/Linux. Phoronix Linux Compatible Hardware - is designed to be a community-driven indexing system for computer hardware under GNU/Linux. This system allows you to post GNU/Linux information on hardware as well as sharing your own personal experiences when it comes to GNU/Linux compatibility. You are also able to browse and search the database for other hardware as well. FSF Hardware Database - Free Software Foundation's listing of hardware that supports free software. - Die Linux Hardware Datenbank soll Usern einen Ueberblick verschaffen, welche Hardware von welcher Distribution unterstuezt wird. Sie ist so angelegt, dass sie problemlos fuer alle Distributionen genutzt und von Usern ergaenzt werden kann. Linux Support for HP PC's - This page provides an overview of Linux support for HP PC's and peripeherals. Don't base purchasing decisions on the information provided here. This site's main goal is to provide information for people already owning an HP PC. - (TU)X-beliebige Hardware. ist ein Online- Shop in Deutschland der Produkte mit LINUX- Eignung anbietet. Hier finden Sie u.a. auch Installationsanleitungen, Tipps & Tricks und Links zu Treibern. Unix printer compatiblity database listing - The printer database contains a wealth of information about specific printers, along with extensive driver information, basic specifications, and an associated set of configuration tools. You can just go straight to a particular printer, or you can list all printers from a given manufacturer. Looking for a printer to buy? Take a look at: "Suggested Printers for Free Software Users". Gutenprint Supported Printers - Gutenprint, formerly called Gimp-Print, offers high quality drivers for Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Sony, Olympus, and PCL printers for use with Ghostscript, CUPS, Foomatic, and the Gimp. TurboPrint Supported Printers - This is the list of TurboPrint Supported Printers. It includes almost every Canon, Epson & HP and many Brother printers. TurboPrint makes it possible to use the latest color printers with Linux. It is designed to produce maximum quality photo prints as well as high-speed text documents. Printer set-up and configuration is as simple as on Windows or MacOS. TurboPrint is a high-quality printer driver system for Linux built on existing standards (lpr or CUPS printer spooler, ghostscript interpreter for Postscript) thus achieving easy integration and maximum compatibility with existing applications. Von TurboPrint unterstuetzte Drucker - TurboPrint ermoeglicht den Einsatz moderner Farbdrucker unter Linux. Mit TurboPrint erzielen Sie sowohl die bestmoegliche Druckqualitaet bei fotorealistischen Ausdrucken, als auch eine schnelle Ausgabe von Text-Dokumenten. Drucker-Einrichtung und Konfiguration sind durch grafische Menues genauso einfach wie in MS Windows. TurboPrint unterstuetzt fast alle Canon, Epson & HP und viele Brother Drucker. ESP Print Pro Supported Printers - ESP Print Pro supports thousands of printers - search for yours. ESP Print Pro is a complete (commercial) UNIX cross- platform printing software package, containing thousands of high quality printer drivers for AIX, Digital UNIX, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux and Solaris (Intel and SPARC). A free 21-day demo license is available for first-time users. SANE: Supported Devices - shows if your scanner is supported and if yes, by which backend. If it's not supported, it may at least point to documentation or test programs. The search engine contains information from the latest stable SANE release, the development ("CVS") version of SANE and from external backends. The database is updated once per day. VueScan: Supported Scanners - is a continuously upgraded list of VueScan supported scanners. VueScan supports more than 500 different scanners, and these are organized by vendor name. VueScan is a scanning utility that works with most high- quality flatbed and film scanners to produce scans that have excellent color fidelity and color balance. A free trial version is available. Digital Camera Support for UNIX, Linux and BSD - trys to explain how to find out if your camera may work or not under a UNIX system. This site includes a table summarize for digital cameras, how they are supported under UNIX operating systems. Supported Cameras in gPhoto - On this page, you find a list of the supported camera models of the current release of gPhoto (=digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems. gPhoto2 is a free, redistributable, ready to use set of digital camera software applications for Unix-like systems). Support for additional cameras may be in the current libgphoto2 SVN trunk code. They will be added to the next release. If your camera is neither supported in the current release nor in current SVN trunk, it is possible that it is an old camera for which the original gPhoto driver has not been ported yet (mostly due to lack of demand) or it is a new camera for which there is no support at all. Working Webcams with PWC - This is a web-based collaboration area for the next generation Philips Web Camera Linux Kernel Module. On this page, you find a list of the supported Webcams. ALSA Soundcard Matrix - ALSA ("Advanced Linux Sound Architecture") supported audio- cards or chipsets. ALSA provides audio and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system. OSS Sound Card List - OSS supported audio- cards or chipsets. This list is not 100% complete. There are dozens of sound cards that are based on some standard sound chips (or motherboard chipset) made by vendors like Intel, VIA, Cirrus/Crystal, Analog Devices, Realtek, Yamaha, C'Media, Trident, Sigmatel and many others. Such cards may not be listed in the following list but they are still supported. Driver Status for XFree86 4.3.0 - provides information about the status of the driver and hardware support in XFree86 4.3.0 compared with that in XFree86 3.3.6. Xi Graphics Accelerated-X support - listed by Notebooks/ Laptops, Graphics Cards, Graphics Chips. Li


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