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原创 Linux下update错误 E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room. 解决方法

<br />错误内容为:E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of APT::Cache-Limit. Current value: 25165824. (man 5 apt.conf)<br />在网络上找到的一些方法,要么不能用了,要么就换源。后来在国外一个网站找到了解决方法。该方法是在ubuntu下成功的。<br />终端下 输入命令  sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf<br

2010-09-13 22:19:00 434




Programming in Lua 2ed

About the Second Edition This book is an updated and expanded version of the first edition of Program- ming in Lua (also known as the PiL book). Although the book structure is virtu- ally the same, this new edition has substantial new material. Property of Ian Bloss <ianlinkcd@gmail.com> xvi Preface First, I have updated the whole book to Lua 5.1. Of particular relevance is the chapter about modules and packages, which was mostly rewritten. I also rewrote several examples to show how to benefit from the new features offered by Lua 5.1. Nevertheless, I clearly marked features absent from Lua 5.0, so you can use the book for that version too. Second, there are several new examples. These examples cover graph rep- resentation, tab expansion and compression, an implementation for tuples, and more. Third, there are two complete new chapters. One is about how to use multiple states and multiple threads from C; it includes a nice example of how to imple- ment a multi-process facility for Lua. The other is about memory management and how to interact with memory allocation and garbage collection. After the release of the first edition of Programming in Lua, several publish- ers contacted us showing interest in a second edition. In the end, however, we decided to self publish this second edition, as we did with the first one. Despite the limited marketing, this avenue brings several benefits: we have total con- trol over the book contents, we have freedom to choose when to release another edition, we can ensure that the book does not go out of print, and we keep the full rights to offer the book in other forms.


Programming Linux Games

Who This Book Is For This book is for anyone who wants to learn how to write games for Linux. I assume that you know the basics of working with Linux; if you know enough to start X, open a terminal, copy files around, and fire up a text editor, you’re good to go. I also assume that you have a reasonable grasp of the C programming language. Flip through the book and see if you can decipher the syntax of the examples. We’ll go through all of the necessary library calls, so don’t worry if you see a bunch of unfamiliar function names, but you should be able to understand the majority of the actual code. No prior experience with multimedia programming is assumed, so don’t worry if you’ve never had the perverse pleasure of hacking a graphics register or shoving a pixel into memory. All in good time! Although this isn’t a reference manual in the traditional sense, chapters 4, 5, 6, and 8 provide reference boxes for most of the API functions we cover. I hope that even experienced multimedia programmers can find something useful here. I will not discuss 3D programming in this book. There are already plenty of excellent books on OpenGL, and only a small bit of OpenGL programming is directly related to Linux. However, I will demonstrate how to use SDL as an effective replacement for the GLUT toolkit; see page 140.


(算法导论)Introduction to Algorithms 3rd

算法导论 第三版 不介绍了,大家明白。 …………………………………………………………


Beej’s Guide to Network Programming---Using Internet Sockets

Hey! Socket programming got you down? Is this stuff just a little too difficult to figure out from the man pages? You want to do cool Internet programming, but you don’t have time to wade through a gob of structs trying to figure out if you have to call bind() before you connect(), etc., etc. Well, guess what! I’ve already done this nasty business, and I’m dying to share the information with everyone! You’ve come to the right place. This document should give the average competent C programmer the edge s/he needs to get a grip on this networking noise.









这是MySQL参考手册的翻译版本,关于MySQL参考手册,请访问dev.mysql.com。 原始参考手册为英文版,与英文版参考手册相比,本翻译版可能不是最新的。



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