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原创 bash two tips:tab completion igore-case and auto-correct mistyped dir name

in .bashrc #tab auto-completion ignore -casebind 'set completion-ignore-case on'#automatically correct mistyped directory names on cdshopt -s cdspell

2014-10-08 14:42:30 160

原创 Anatomy of a Subtle JSON Vulnerability


2014-06-30 17:21:43 112

原创 Indeterminate Checkboxes


2014-06-23 13:56:39 158

原创 css中clearfix的作用

一直不太明白bootstrap中.clearfix的作用,在这里发现了答案,http://css-tricks.com/all-about-floats/ .clearfix:before,.clearfix:after {  display: table;  content: " ";}.clearfix:after {  clear: both;}...

2014-03-07 17:05:02 1154

原创 Centering: Negative Margin

http://www.bluerobot.com/web/css/center2.htmlCentering: Negative MarginThis box is horizontally centered using a technique proposed to me by Simon Coggins. First, the box's left edge is position...

2014-03-06 16:53:03 199

原创 How to be a Programmer: A Short,Comprehensive,and Personal Summary

well written.http://samizdat.mines.edu/howto/HowToBeAProgrammer.html?x

2013-10-28 10:38:12 152

原创 js module pattern


2013-10-12 16:21:22 172

原创 GZip compressing HTML, JavaScript, CSS etc. makes the data sent to the browser s

this is fun.http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-servlets/gzip-servlet-filter.html GZip HTTP HeadersThe browser includes the Accept-Encoding HTTP header in requests sent to an HTTP server (e.g. a...

2013-07-31 15:48:13 124

原创 IE9 hide <tr> issue

It is incredibly weird. when trying to hide a &lt;tr&gt;, its children checkbox and label are not completed hidden.(in this case, checkbox is hidden,but its bounded label is not).Though I don't unders...

2013-04-25 17:42:46 119

原创 ECMA Script 5 browser compatiblity


2013-02-05 10:21:44 100

原创 eclipse plugin update extremely slow

eclipse.ini   +-Declipse.p2.mirrors=false

2012-11-16 15:38:17 115

原创 INSERT INTO SELECT(bulk insert)

http://www.sqlteam.com/article/using-select-to-insert-records INSERT INTO SELECT INSERT INTO Store_Information (store_name, Sales, Date)SELECT store_name, Sales, DateFROM Sales_Information...

2012-10-15 14:44:54 307

原创 java collection matrix


2012-08-07 11:24:02 95

IE cannot add a hidden input to an iframe. FF can.

var hidden = $('&lt;input type="hidden" name="test" value="test"/&gt;');$('#iframe').html(hidden); 

2012-07-16 17:42:26 80

原创 Use CSS to center content

http://www.elated.com/articles/css-center-content/ CSS centering: The basic techniqueThe trick to centering an element with CSS is to give the element a left and right margin value of auto:...

2012-06-12 17:33:44 107

原创 float within a float

http://www.cssnewbie.com/css-float-property/&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt;&lt;html xmlns="http://ww...

2012-05-22 23:15:32 123

原创 Liquid three column layout - all steps combined

http://css.maxdesign.com.au/floatutorial/tutorial0916.htm #container{width: 90%;margin: 10px auto;background-color: #fff;color: #333;border: 1px solid gray;line-height: 130%;}#...

2012-05-19 23:38:59 137

原创 rollover list

http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical08.htmComments: Rollovers can be achieved by converting the a elements within the list to blocks using display: block; and swapping background colo...

2012-05-19 17:59:37 148

原创 Convert size in bytes to human readable format

http://codeaid.net/javascript/convert-size-in-bytes-to-human-readable-format-(javascript)  function bytesToSize (bytes) { var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', ...

2012-05-10 21:38:25 156

原创 A Shell Script to do shell scripting faster

http://unix-school.blogspot.in/2011/08/shell-script-to-do-shell-scripting.html  $ cat workon#!/usr/bin/bashif [ ! -f $1 ]; then echo "#!/usr/bin/bash" &gt; $1fiwhile [ 1 ];do ...

2012-05-08 23:44:51 122

原创 $('option').hide() does not work in IE and chrome, FF works.

here's is a workaround in IE and chrome.The idea is to wrap the option with a &lt;span&gt; and hide that &lt;span&gt;. function optWrapper(opt){ var optSpan = undefined; if ($(opt).par...

2012-04-24 16:27:32 86

原创 textarea does not support 'autocomplete'

seems only &lt;input type="xxx"&gt; can support autocomplete.

2012-04-11 14:30:11 159

原创 ghost text (aka in-field text)


2012-04-01 11:18:02 124

ftp put

#!/bin/kshif [ $# -lt 3 ]then   echo Usage: $0 hostname directory filename    echo Note: make sure the machine,login,password has been existed in ${HOME}/.netrc. For example:   echo   ec...

2012-02-28 22:02:52 124

ftp get

#!/bin/kshif [ $# -lt 3 ]then    echo Usage: $0 hostname directory filename    echo Note: make sure the machine,login,password has  existed in ${HOME}/.netrc. For example:    echo    ech...

2012-02-28 22:01:45 97

find class in which jar

#!/bin/ksh#this script is used to find class in which jar fileif [ "$#" -le "1" ]; then   echo "Usage: $0 class_name jar_path_1 [jar_path2]...[jar_pathn]"    exit 1fi#class to be foundCL...

2012-02-28 21:57:14 156

原创 use oncontextmenu to disable right click

&lt;a href='#' oncontextmenu='return false;' onclick='blabla;'&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

2012-01-11 14:10:48 94

原创 html listbox only posts selected items

Lessons learned:html listbox only posts selected items solution$(function () {        $("form").submit(function (e) {            $("#yourListBox...

2011-12-20 17:22:31 79

原创 jquery compatibility issue for attr()

As of jQuery 1.6, the .attr() method returns undefined for attributes that have not been set. Example: I want to select/unselect all item checkboxes by check/uncheck a single "selectAll" che...

2011-12-01 16:14:00 104

原创 tomorrow/yesterday缩写


2011-11-21 10:55:12 9625

原创 early adopter

early adopter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_adopter an early adopter or lighthouse customer is an early customer of a given company, product, or technology.  Typically this wi...

2011-11-17 14:53:25 298

原创 linux command: dash as a operand

for exampe: mv -- -a.txt The -- delimit the option list. Later arguments, if any, are treated a operands even if they begin with - or --. This applies to all commands such as rm, cp, mv, ls, ln a...

2011-11-09 13:54:23 76

原创 <xsd:any> cannot be used in <xsd:all>

1. &lt;xsd:any&gt; cannot be used in &lt;xsd:all&gt;2. problems when &lt;xsd:all&gt; is used in &lt;xsd:extension&gt;

2011-09-21 14:04:46 124

原创 What is Optimistic Locking vs. Pessimistic Locking

What is Optimistic Locking vs. Pessimistic Lockingfrom http://www.dbasupport.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-7282.html These are methodologies used to handle multi-user issues. How does one h...

2011-09-09 16:50:25 227

原创 Eclipse conditional debug java

我承认我好傻,工作了那么多年竟然不知道eclipse有conditional debug这个功能。Eclipse-&gt;Help-&gt;Tips and Tracks

2011-08-26 16:51:50 119

原创 diff between padding and margin


2011-05-18 18:00:16 97

原创 what is DAO


2011-04-15 13:42:18 125

原创 @SmallTest @MediumTest and @LargeTest

@SmallTest  @MediumTest and @LargeTest FeatureSmallMediumLargeNetwork accessNolocalhost onlyYesDatabaseNoYesYesFile system acce...

2011-04-14 13:58:37 358

原创 android junit does not support junit4 code style

only junit 3 is supported. Damn

2011-03-30 10:37:29 74

原创 centos php libraries repo


2011-03-15 15:49:03 75



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