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BEA dev2dev WebLogic管理精华

BEA dev2dev WebLogic管理精华


hibernate 中文参考文档

hibernate 中文参考手册;


Oracle performance planning

This book describes ways to improve Oracle performance by starting with good<br>application design and using statistics to monitor application performance. It<br>explains the Oracle Performance Improvement Method, as welll as emergency<br>performance techniques for dealing with performance problems.


oracle9 performance tuning

Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference is an aid for people<br>responsible for the operation, maintenance, and performance of Oracle. This book<br>describes detailed ways to enhance Oracle performance by writing and tuning SQL<br>properly, using performance tools, and optimizing instance performance. It also<br>explains how to create an initial database for good performance and includes<br>performance-related reference information.<br>This book could be useful for database administrators, application designers, and<br>programmers. Readers should be familiar with Oracle9i, Oracle9i Database<br>Performance Planning, the operating system, and application design before reading<br>this manual.


Refactoring-Improving the Design of Existing Code.pdf

"Refactoring" was conceived in Smalltalk circles, but it wasn't long before it found its way intoother programming language camps. Because refactoring is integral to framework development,the term comes up quickly when "frameworkers" talk about their craft. It comes up when theyrefine their class hierarchies and when they rave about how many lines of code they were able todelete. Frameworkers know that a framework won't be right the first time around—it must evolveas they gain experience. They also know that the code will be read and modified more frequentlythan it will be written. The key to keeping code readable and modifiable is refactoring—forframeworks, in particular, but also for software in general.



The book you have in your hands is the first volume of the eighth edition of Core Java?.<br>With the publishing of each edition, the book followed the release of the Java Development<br>Kit as quickly as possible, and each time, we rewrote the book to take advantage of the<br>newest Java features. This edition has been updated to reflect the features of Java Standard<br>Edition (SE) 6.



本书是专为任何对于下一代企业解决方案有兴趣的读者所设计的。如果你想了解XML(可扩展<br>标记语言,Extensible Markup Language),学习使用XML 来设计企业对企业(B2B)的沟通<br>管道,了解Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)与BizTalk 的相关技术,并且想要学习如<br>何使用Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 与XML,那么本书将会提供你所有必备的相关信息。这里<br>我们假设你对于Microsoft Visual Basic 与Visual Basic 的整合开发环境(Integrated<br>Development Environment,IDE)已经具有基本的认识。应用程序的开发人员将会从本书中找<br>到丰富的程序范例,有关Internet Explorer 5 文件对象模型的介绍,以及其它许多主题。网



bitmap 索引是分段存储的,也就是说很多条记录可能是分做了N段来存储,也就是有N个begin/end ,基本来说应该按照 extent 来分,若一个extent 很大是否会分,没测试 <br>当新的记录 insert 而使用以前未曾使用过的物理地址的时候,会产生一个bitmap 段来存储,就算只有一条记录...<br>






Wicket 是什么?简单点说,它就是一个基于Java 的Web 开发框架,与Struts,<br>WebWork,Tapestry相类似。其特点在于对Html 和代码进行了有效的分离(有利于程序员<br>和美工的合作),基于规则的配置(减少了XML 等配置文件的使用),学习曲线较低(开<br>发方式与C/S 相似),更加易于调试(错误类型比较少容易,而且容易定位)。如果你不<br>对微软并不反感,可以把它看作Java 平台上的ASP.NET。


Java 极限编程

Java 极限编程,e文版,可疑参考的看看;















J2EE中文教材,看起来有点像The Java Tutorial;






本书的目的是帮助Web 应用开发者能够最好的使用Struts<br>web 应用框架。



Flex中文帮助No4章.pdf,本节将向你展示如何使用Adobe Flex Builder 编译和运行一个简单的Flex 应用程序。其 中涉及的重点内容包括Flex Builder 项目的概念。



Flex中文帮助No3章.pdf,Flex 是基于组件来进行开发的,为了更有效率地设计和开发应用程序,你应该熟悉这些 开发模式以及操作步骤。



Flex中文帮助No1-2章,该部分文档的内容是为用户提供关于Adobe®Flex 工作机制的一个快速综述。通过本章 节的学习,你可以创建你的第一个Flex 应用程序,并将它与你以前所熟悉的Web 开发技术 进行比较,以领会Flex 的内涵和精髓。


如何从 Java 存储过程将 JDBC ResultSet 作为 Ref Cursor 返回.doc

本文档演示如何从 Java 存储过程将 JDBC ResultSet 作为 REF CURSOR 返回。JDBC ResultSet 是一个表示数据库的数据表,通常通过执行查询数据库的语句产生该表。REF CURSOR 是 PL/SQL 中相应的类型。Java 存储过程的调用规范将 ResultSet 映射到 REF CURSOR。在 Oracle9i 之前,不可能从 Java 存储过程直接返回一个 ResultSet,因为没有定义表单 ResultSet->REF CURSOR 的映射。Oracle9i 增加了此映射,允许从函数返回 ResultSet 或将其作为 OUT 参数传到某个过程。但它仍不支持逆向映射 (REF CURSOR->ResultSet),因此当前版本的数据库仍然不支持 IN 和 IN OUT 参数。 在本方法指南中,我们拥有两个 Java 存储过程。Java 存储过程 getEmployees() 将 SCOTT 模式中 EMP 表的所有列装入 ResultSet 中并将其返回。Java 存储过程 getDepartments(ResultSet[] rout) 将 ResultSet 对象作为 OUT 参数并将 DEPT 表的所有列装入此 ResultSet 对象中。


9i下创建standby database 步骤.doc

1.主从两机的操作系统和相同pack 2.在主从库上建立数据库,选择只安装Software 3.在主库上,通过dbca建立数据库,除了字符集选择 zhs16gbk外,全部使用缺省方式 4.在从库上,手工创建和主库相同目录


Java Power Tools.rar

《Java超级工具》囊括了30个开源工具,专门用于提高任何规模的团队或者组织中Java开发人员的实践水平。 每一章都包含针对一个特定工具的一系列短小精悍的小节——无论这个工具用于构建系统、 版本控制或者开发流程中的其他方面——这样你就相当于在一个包装里得到了30本简短的书籍。



1.监控事例的等待: select event,sum(decode(wait_time,0,0,1)) prev, sum(decode(wait_time,0,1,0)) curr,count(*) from v$session_wait group by event order by 4; 2.回滚段的争用情况:






The Oracle database engine has become a huge piece of software. This not only means that a single human can no longer be proficient in using all the features provided in recent versions, but it also means that some of them will rarely be used. Actually, in most situations, it is enough to know and take advantage of a limited number of core features in order to use the Oracle database engine efficiently and successfully. This is precisely why in this book I will cover only the features that, based on my experience, are necessary to troubleshoot most of the databaserelated performance problems you will encounter.



Jsunit 就是 Junit 的javascript 版本,下载并解压Jsunit zip,大部分的核心文件都在 jsunit/app 目录下, 两个最基本的文件: . jsUnitCore.js -- 每个测试文件都要引用它 . testRunner.html -- 用来运行具体的jsunit 测试


Java™ Swing, 2nd Edition

What This Book Covers<br>This book gives a complete introduction to the entire Swing component set. Of course, it shows you how to use all of the components: how to display them on the screen, register for events, and get information from them. You'd expect that in any Swing book. This book goes much further. It goes into detail about the model-delegate architecture behind the components and discusses all of the data models. Understanding the models is essential when you're working on an application that requires something significantly different from the components' default behavior. For example, if you need a component that displays a different data type or one that structures data in some nonstandard way, you'll need to work with the data models. This book also discusses how to write "accessible" user interfaces and how to create your own look-and-feel. <br> <br>


Oracle9i Database Administrators Guide

The Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide contains<br>information that describes the features and functionality of the<br>Oracle9i [Standard Edition], Oracle9i Enterprise Edition, and<br>Oracle9i Personal Edition products. These products have the same<br>basic features. However, several advanced features are available<br>only with the Oracle9i Enterprise Edition or Oracle9i Personal<br>Edition, and some of these are optional. For example, to create<br>partitioned tables and indexes, you must have the Oracle9i<br>Enterprise Edition or Oracle9i Personal Edition.<br>For information about the differences between the various editions<br>of Oracle9i and the features and options that are available to you,<br>please refer to Oracle9i Database New Features.


Oracle9i Application Developers Guide

The Oracle9i Application Developer’s Guide - Fundamentals is intended for<br>programmers developing new applications or converting existing applications to<br>run in the Oracle environment. This book will also be valuable to systems analysts,<br>project managers, and others interested in the development of database<br>applications.<br>This guide assumes that you have a working knowledge of application<br>programming, and that you are familiar with the use of Structured Query Language<br>(SQL) to access information in relational database systems.<br>Certain sections of this guide also assume a knowledge of the basic concepts of<br>object-oriented programming.


Java™ Open Source Programming

In today’s IT environment, Java is a leading technology in the world of enterprise<br>development. As management demands more from technology, complexity<br>in infrastructure seems to grow exponentially, leaving many unable to<br>keep up with the demands of such a fast-paced world. These complexities<br>can be seen in the over-evolving Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) specifications.<br>This unnecessary complexity drove us to discover ways of simplifying<br>development.<br>Now, don’t get us wrong; we love J2EE! But why does it take so long to get<br>stuff done? We (the authors of this book) were all early adopters of J2EE, grappling<br>with concepts and complexities as they evolved. It was painful, but over<br>time, we started making use of reusable Open Source tools that dramatically<br>reduced the time taken to develop these applications. We also started questioning<br>which technologies were actually helping us and which had become a<br>hindrance.<br>This book is about using development techniques and Open Source tools to<br>lower the cost of building enterprise applications. We aim to show you how to<br>bring these together to build a real-world application while avoiding complexity<br>and embracing simplicity. We will help you extend your knowledge of<br>Java and the J2EE framework so that you can begin using the millions of dollars<br>of free research and development just waiting to be utilized.<br>Not only will this book teach you how to utilize Open Source technology<br>that you can put to work for you immediately; it will also strengthen and<br>broaden your development philosophies in such a manner that, like us, you<br>will soon find yourself scratching your head in wonder and asking “Why<br>didn’t I do this a long time ago?”


WebWork In Action.

Building a framework is difficult. On the one hand, the framework needs to be<br>flexible enough to cater to a wide variety of needs; on the other hand, it needs to<br>be solid enough that it doesn’t fall prey to the beast of complexity—the urge to<br>make it the solution to conquer all other solutions. In today’s development environment,<br>a multitude of frameworks is available to help you deal with various<br>aspects of creating complex and useful enterprise software. Each framework provides<br>something unique that makes it cover its particular field of application in a<br>(more or less) human-friendly manner; in addition, each framework must work<br>within its boundaries, relating to other frameworks in a software ecology that is<br>constantly changing as needs and requirements change.<br>In order to accomplish this seemingly impossible task, it is necessary to acknowledge<br>and study past efforts that a framework is supposed to replace and/or extend.<br>In the case of WebWork, there were, and still are, a number of different approaches<br>and frameworks that I looked at before I set to work. The idea was to create a new<br>framework that allowed developers to get their job done with as little work as possible<br>and perform each task efficiently without needing an unnecessarily complex<br>framework to work against. Simple things should be simple to do while allowing<br>complex things to be possible.<br>Another important aspect of WebWork is that it should allow developers as<br>much freedom as possible to use other technologies—for example, to render output.<br>A number of rendering alternatives are available, and it’s impossible—and



It was December 7, 2005. I was standing at the side of a large hotel meeting room<br>in Miami Beach, Florida. The room was filled with developers from all over the<br>world who had descended upon the beautiful sandy beaches of southern Florida<br>for a single purpose: to talk about Spring.<br>What can I say? It was a room full of nerds. Rather than soak in the sun and<br>surf, we all gathered inside to bask in the warm glow of our laptop screens to learn<br>more about our beloved framework from those who know it best.<br>On that particular night, we were hanging on the words of Spring’s creator,<br>Rod Johnson, as he presented the opening keynote for the conference. He spoke<br>of Spring’s origins and the successes it had enjoyed. Then he invited a few members<br>of the Spring team to the podium to introduce new features that were to be<br>in the next version.<br>He wasn’t far into his presentation when Rod made an announcement that<br>caught everyone’s attention. We were all expecting these great new features to be<br>available in Spring 1.3, the supposed next version of Spring. Much to our surprise,<br>Rod informed us that there would be no Spring 1.3; the next version would be<br>Spring 2.0.<br>The decision to bump up the major version number of the next release isn’t<br>made lightly. Such an action connotes a significant advance in Spring. If the next<br>version of Spring would be 2.0, then we could expect major enhancements.<br>Indeed, ten months later, Spring 2.0 would be released with an abundance of new<br>capabilities, including:





iBATIS in Action.pdf

In my career as a software developer, I have worked in many diverse<br>environments. Within a single company, software will often be developed in many<br>different ways. When you consider the various challenges, people, and tools that<br>make up a developer’s day-to-day world, you quickly realize just how diverse that<br>world is. I never know what surprising challenges the next consulting project will<br>bring, so I always keep a variety of tools in my toolbox. For a few years, iBATIS was<br>just a little chunk of code that saved me some time when I would normally be<br>handcoding JDBC.<br>So how did iBATIS go from being a tool in my toolbox to an Apache project<br>used by thousands? I had never intended to make iBATIS a full-blown open source<br>project. The source was out there, but I hadn’t marketed it or actively shared it<br>with anyone. Enter JPetStore.<br>On July 1, 2002, I posted my response to the Pet Store story that was traveling the<br>Internet. A large software company in Redmond was claiming that the C# language<br>and the .NET platform were vastly more productive than Java, by several orders of<br>magnitude. I’m a technology agnostic, and even though C# and .NET are pretty<br>decent, I just couldn’t accept a claim like that. So I spent my evenings for a couple<br>of weeks writing JPetStore in the shadow of the “monstrosities” that had been fashioned<br>by the enterprise software vendors. JPetStore created much discussion in the<br>Java community. The hottest issue was its lack of an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) persistence<br>layer—replaced instead by a tiny little framework called iBATIS.



使用SQL Map,能够大大减少访问关系数据库的代码。SQL Map使用简单的XML配置文件将Java Bean映射成SQL语句,对比其他的数据库持续层和ORM框架(如JDO的实现,Hibernate等),SQL Map最大的优点在于它简单易学。要使用SQL Map,只要熟悉Java Bean,XML和SQL,就能使您充分发挥SQL语句的能力。



oracle参考手册,Oracle9i SQL Reference<br>Release 2 (9.2)<br> <br>



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