
37 篇文章 0 订阅
[Sun Apr 09 15:03:25][146000][root@nshqae01adm01:~][0]# exachk

Searching for running databases . . . . .

.  .  .  .
List of running databases registered in OCR

1. cdb1
2. cdb2
3. All of above
4. None of above

Select databases from list for checking best practices. For multiple databases, select 3 for All or comma separated number like 1,2 etc [1-4][3]. 3

Reading storage servers password from wallet.
Node is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user

Node is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user

Node is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user

Node is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user

Node is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user

Node is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Reading Infiniband switches password from wallet.
.  .
Wallet does not have password for all switches

9 of the included audit checks require root privileged data collection on infiniband switch

1. Enter 1 if you will enter root password for each infiniband switch when prompted

2. Enter 2 to exit and to arrange for root access and run the exachk later.

3. Enter 3 to skip checking best practices on infiniband switch

Indicate your selection from one of the above options for infiniband switch[1-3][1]:-  1

Is root password same on all infiniband switch ?[y/n][y] y

Enter root password for infiniband switch :-
Verifying root password ...

Either Cluster Verification Utility pack (cvupack) does not exist at /opt/oracle.ahf/common/cvu or it is an old or invalid cvupack

Checking Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) version at CRS Home - /u01/app/gihome

Storing Infiniband switches password in wallet only for this run and will be removed

Starting to run exachk in background on nshqae01adm02 using socket
Starting to run exachk in background on nshqae01adm03 using socket
Starting to run exachk in background on nshqae01adm04 using socket

.  .  .  .  .  .  .
.  .

Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS on nshqae01adm01

.  .  . . . .  .  . . . .
.  .  . . . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
                                                 Oracle Stack Status
  Host Name       CRS Installed       ASM HOME  RDBMS Installed    CRS UP    ASM UP  RDBMS UP    DB Instance Name
nshqae01adm01              Yes          Yes          Yes          Yes      Yes      Yes          cdb21 cdb11

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .



*** Checking Best Practice Recommendations ( Pass / Warning / Fail ) ***

.  .
          Node name - nshqae01adm01
. . . . . .

 Collecting - ASM Disk Group for Infrastructure Software and Configuration
 Collecting - ASM Diskgroup Attributes
 Collecting - ASM High Redundancy Grid Disks
 Collecting - ASM diskgroup usable free space
 Collecting - ASM initialization parameters
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cdb1 database
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cdb2 database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cdb1 database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cdb2 database
 Collecting - CELL ID Info
 Collecting - CPU Information
 Collecting - Clusterware and RDBMS software version
 Collecting - Compute node PCI bus slot speed for infiniband HCAs
 Collecting - Kernel parameters
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphore sets on system
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores on system
 Collecting - OS Packages
 Collecting - Patches for Grid Infrastructure
 Collecting - Patches for RDBMS Home
 Collecting - RDBMS and GRID software owner UID across cluster
 Collecting - RDBMS patch inventory
 Collecting - number of semaphore operations per semop system call
 Collecting - CRS user limits configuration
 Collecting - CRS user time zone check
 Collecting - Check alerthistory for non-test open stateless alerts [Database Server]
 Collecting - Check alerthistory for stateful alerts not cleared [Database Server]
 Collecting - Clusterware patch inventory
 Collecting - Collect ksplice fixes [Database Server]
 Collecting - Database server system model number
 Collecting - Discover switch type(spine or leaf)
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue DB09
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX30
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX56
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX57
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX58
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX64
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX69
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX73
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX48
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX50
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX55
 Collecting - Exadata software version on database server
 Collecting - Exadata version on database server
 Collecting - HCA firmware version on database server
 Collecting - HCA transfer rate on database server
 Collecting - Infrastructure Software and Configuration for compute
 Collecting - MaxStartups setting in sshd_config
 Collecting - OFED Software version on database server
 Collecting - Obtain hardware information
 Collecting - Operating system and Kernel version on database server
 Collecting - Oracle monitoring agent and/or OS settings on ADR diagnostic directories
 Collecting - Raid controller bus link speed
 Collecting - Review Non-Exadata components in use on the InfiniBand fabric
 Collecting - System Event Log
 Collecting - Validate key sysctl.conf parameters on database servers
 Collecting - Verify Data Network is Separate from Management Network
 Collecting - Verify Database Server Disk Controller Configuration
 Collecting - Verify Database Server Physical Drive Configuration
 Collecting - Verify Database Server Virtual Drive Configuration
 Collecting - Verify Disk Cache Policy on database server
 Collecting - Verify Hardware and Firmware on Database and Storage Servers (CheckHWnFWProfile) [Database Server]
 Collecting - Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON
 Collecting - Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE
 Collecting - Verify IP routing configuration on database servers
 Collecting - Verify InfiniBand network parameters on Database Servers
 Collecting - Verify Master (Rack) Serial Number is Set [Database Server]
 Collecting - Verify Quorum disks configuration
 Collecting - Verify RAID Controller Battery Temperature [Database Server]
 Collecting - Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Database Server]
 Collecting - Verify TCP Selective Acknowledgement is enabled
 Collecting - Verify active kernel version matches expected version for installed Exadata Image
 Collecting - Verify available ksplice fixes are installed [Database Server]
 Collecting - Verify basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration
 Collecting - Verify database server InfiniBand network MTU size
 Collecting - Verify database server disk controllers use writeback cache
 Collecting - Verify database server file systems have Maximum mount count = -1
 Collecting - Verify imageinfo on database server
 Collecting - Verify imageinfo on database server to compare systemwide
 Collecting - Verify installed rpm(s) kernel type match the active kernel version
 Collecting - Verify key InfiniBand fabric error counters are not present
 Collecting - Verify no database server kernel out of memory errors
 Collecting - Verify proper ACFS drivers are installed for Spectre v2 mitigation
 Collecting - Verify service exachkcfg autostart status on database server
 Collecting - Verify sysctl.conf parameter vm.nr_hugepages value is same or less in initramfs [Database Server]
 Collecting - Verify the InfiniBand Fabric Topology (verify-topology)
 Collecting - Verify the Master Subnet Manager is running on an InfiniBand switch
 Collecting - Verify the Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration
 Collecting - Verify the Subnet Manager is properly disabled [Database Server]
 Collecting - Verify the currently active image status [Database Server]
 Collecting - Verify the ib_sdp module is not loaded into the kernel
 Collecting - Verify the storage servers in use configuration matches across the cluster
 Collecting - Verify the vm.min_free_kbytes configuration
 Collecting - collect time server data [Database Server]
 Collecting - list domU on dom0(OVM)
 Collecting - root time zone check
 Collecting - verify asr exadata configuration check via ASREXACHECK on database server
Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server  (
Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server  (
Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server  (
Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server  (
Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server  (
Starting to run root privileged commands in background on storage server  (

Starting to run root privileged commands in background on infiniband switch (nshqae01sw-ibb0)

Starting to run root privileged commands in background on infiniband switch (nshqae01sw-iba0)

Collections from storage server:
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX57
 Collecting - Cell ID for dom0 and Baremetal
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX14
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX16
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX64
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX28
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX69
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX77
 Collecting - Collect smart rebalance data [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX22
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX73
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX37
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX70
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX58
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX11
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX47
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX31
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX10
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX45
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX65
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue EX54
 Collecting - Exadata software version on storage server
 Collecting - Exadata software version on storage servers
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX48
 Collecting - Infrastructure Software and Configuration for storage
 Collecting - Exadata critical issue EX51
 Collecting - Exadata server system model number
 Collecting - Verify Disk Cache Policy on storage servers
 Collecting - RAID controller version on storage servers
 Collecting - Verify Exadata Smart Flash Cache is created
 Collecting - Verify Exadata Scrubbing is enabled
 Collecting - Verify Hardware and Firmware on Database and Storage Servers (CheckHWnFWProfile) [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_AUTO_POWER_ON on storage servers
 Collecting - Verify Storage Server Hidden Parameter Usage
 Collecting - Verify Master (Rack) Serial Number is Set [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify OSSCONF/cellinit.ora consistency across storage servers
 Collecting - Verify ILOM Power Up Configuration for HOST_LAST_POWER_STATE on storage servers
 Collecting - Verify Storage Server user CELLDIAG exists
 Collecting - Verify RAID Controller Battery Temperature [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify RAID disk controller CacheVault capacitor condition [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify RAID Controller Battery Condition [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify active system values match those defined in configuration file cell.conf  [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify available ksplice fixes are installed [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify data (non-system) disks on Exadata Storage Servers have no partitions
 Collecting - Verify imageinfo on storage server to compare systemwide
 Collecting - Verify service exachkcfg autostart status on storage server
 Collecting - Verify imageinfo on storage server
 Collecting - Verify that package exadata-sun-cellnode is installed
 Collecting - Verify release tracking bug on storage servers
 Collecting - collect time server data [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify the Subnet Manager is properly disabled [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Check alerthistory for stateful alerts not cleared [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify there are no files present that impact normal firmware update procedures [Storage Server]
 Collecting - collect storage server flashcachemode data
 Collecting - verify asr exadata configuration check via ASREXACHECK on storage servers
 Collecting - Check alerthistory for non-test open stateless alerts [Storage Server]
 Collecting - HCA firmware version on storage server
 Collecting - Exadata Celldisk predictive failures
 Collecting - OFED Software version on storage server
 Collecting - Exadata storage server root filesystem free space
 Collecting - Determine storage server type(All Flash/High Capacity)
 Collecting - Storage server flash cache mode
 Collecting - Verify Data Network is Separate from Management Network on storage server
 Collecting - Storage server make and model
 Collecting - Verify Datafiles are Placed on Diskgroups consisting of griddisks with correct attributes
 Collecting - Verify Exadata Smart Flash Cache is actually in use
 Collecting - Operating system and Kernel version on storage server
 Collecting - Verify ExaWatcher is executing [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify Exadata Smart Flash Cache status is normal
 Collecting - Verify Exadata Smart Flash Log is Created
 Collecting - Verify InfiniBand Cable Connection Quality on storage servers
 Collecting - Verify average ping times to DNS nameserver [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify griddisk ASM status
 Collecting - Verify storage server metric CD_IO_ST_RQ
 Collecting - Verify the percent of available celldisk space used by the griddisks
 Collecting - Verify the currently active image status [Storage Server]
 Collecting - Verify there are no griddisks configured on flash memory devices
 Collecting - mpt_cmd_retry_count from /etc/modprobe.conf on Storage Servers

Collections from Infiniband Switch:
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue IB5
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue IB6
 Collecting - Exadata Critical Issue IB8
 Collecting - Hostname in /etc/hosts
 Collecting - Infiniband Switch NTP configuration
 Collecting - Infiniband subnet manager status
 Collecting - Infiniband switch HCA status
 Collecting - Infiniband switch HOSTNAME configuration
 Collecting - Infiniband switch firmware version
 Collecting - Infiniband switch health
 Collecting - Infiniband switch localtime configuration
 Collecting - Infiniband switch module configuration
 Collecting - Infiniband switch subnet manager configuration
 Collecting - Infiniband switch type(Spine or leaf)
 Collecting - Infrastructure Software and Configuration for Infiniband switch
 Collecting - Switch Version Information
 Collecting - Verify average ping times to DNS nameserver [IB Switch]
 Collecting - Verify no IB switch ports disabled due to excessive symbol errors
 Collecting - Verify there are no unhealthy InfiniBand switch sensors
 Collecting - sm_priority configuration on Infiniband switch

Data collections completed. Checking best practices on nshqae01adm01.

 FAIL =>     Basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration should meet recommendations.
 FAIL =>     One or more storage servers have stateful alerts that have not been cleared.
 FAIL =>     DB_UNIQUE_NAME on primary has not been modified from the default, confirm that database name is unique across your Oracle enterprise for cdb1
 FAIL =>     DB_UNIQUE_NAME on primary has not been modified from the default, confirm that database name is unique across your Oracle enterprise for cdb2
 WARNING =>  Hidden ASM Initialization Parameter usage is not correct
 FAIL =>     Hidden database Initialization Parameter usage is not correct for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Hidden database Initialization Parameter usage is not correct for cdb2
 WARNING =>  ASM parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to the default value.
 FAIL =>     One or more database server has non-test stateless alerts with null "examinedby" fields
 INFO =>     Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices
 INFO =>     One or more non-default AWR baselines should be created for cdb1
 INFO =>     One or more non-default AWR baselines should be created for cdb2
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter SGA_TARGET is not set according to recommended value.
 FAIL =>     Storage Server user "CELLDIAG" should exist
 WARNING =>  One or more installed rpm(s) kernel type do not match the active kernel version
 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for cdb1
 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for cdb2
 FAIL =>     The Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration is not correct
 INFO =>     Please refer to data and guidance provided for database parameter processes for cdb1
 INFO =>     Please refer to data and guidance provided for database parameter processes for cdb2
 CRITICAL => Memlock settings do not meet the Oracle best practice recommendations for /u01/app/orabase/21c/dbhome1
 WARNING =>  All disk groups should have compatible.rdbms attribute set to recommended values
 WARNING =>  filesystemio_options is not set to recommended value on cdb11 instance
 WARNING =>  Key InfiniBand fabric error counters should not be present
 FAIL =>     One or more log archive destination and alternate log archive destination settings are not as recommended for cdb1
 FAIL =>     One or more log archive destination and alternate log archive destination settings are not as recommended for cdb2
 FAIL =>     One or more disk groups which contain critical files do not use high redundancy for cdb1
 FAIL =>     One or more disk groups which contain critical files do not use high redundancy for cdb2
 FAIL =>     Oracle Clusterware files are not placed appropriately
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on cdb11 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on cdb21 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on cdb11 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on cdb21 instance
 CRITICAL => Database parameter USE_LARGE_PAGES is not set to recommended value on cdb11 instance
 CRITICAL => Database parameter USE_LARGE_PAGES is not set to recommended value on cdb21 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for cdb2
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on primary is not set to the recommended value. for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on primary is not set to the recommended value. for cdb2
 CRITICAL => Smart flash log is not created on one or more storage server
 FAIL =>     Flashback on primary is not configured for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Flashback on primary is not configured for cdb2
 INFO =>     Operational Best Practices
 INFO =>     Database Consolidation Best Practices
 INFO =>     Computer failure prevention best practices
 INFO =>     Data corruption prevention best practices
 INFO =>     Logical corruption prevention best practices
 INFO =>     Database/Cluster/Site failure prevention best practices
 INFO =>     Client failover operational best practices
 WARNING =>  fast_start_mttr_target should be greater than or equal to 300 on cdb11 instance
 WARNING =>  fast_start_mttr_target should be greater than or equal to 300 on cdb21 instance
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter MEMORY_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter MEMORY_MAX_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 WARNING =>  Average ping times to DNS nameserver may be negatively impacting SSH operations on infiniband switch nshqae01sw-ibb0
 WARNING =>  Average ping times to DNS nameserver may be negatively impacting SSH operations on infiniband switch nshqae01sw-iba0
 FAIL =>     One or more griddisks examined were not configured as recommended
 FAIL =>     v$asm_disk os_mb and total_mb values are not the same for one or more disks
 WARNING =>  Database control files are not configured as recommended for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database control files are not configured as recommended for cdb2
 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for cdb1
 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for cdb2
 INFO =>     Database failure prevention best practices
 FAIL =>     Primary database is not protected with Data Guard (standby database) for real-time data protection and availability for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Primary database is not protected with Data Guard (standby database) for real-time data protection and availability for cdb2
 FAIL =>     ASM gridisk recovery content type attribute should be set to Oracle recommendation
 INFO =>     Storage failures prevention best practices
 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on database server does not meet certified platinum configuration
 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on storage server does not meet certified platinum configuration
 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for cdb2
 INFO =>     Software maintenance best practices
 WARNING =>  Some Auto Extensible datafiles are not expanding by at least one stripe width for cdb1
 WARNING =>  Some Auto Extensible datafiles are not expanding by at least one stripe width for cdb2
 INFO =>     CPU Capacity sizing data activity monitoring information
 INFO =>     Oracle recovery manager(rman) best practices
 WARNING =>  RMAN controlfile autobackup should be set to ON for cdb1
 WARNING =>  RMAN controlfile autobackup should be set to ON for cdb2
 INFO =>     Exadata Critical Issues (Doc ID 1270094.1):- DB1-DB4,DB6,DB9-DB50, EX1-EX65,EX67,EX69-EX78 and IB1-IB3,IB5-IB9
 CRITICAL => Storage Server Flash Memory is not configured as Exadata Smart Flash Cache
 INFO =>     Database feature usage statistics for cdb1
 INFO =>     Database feature usage statistics for cdb2
 WARNING =>  There exists one or more underscore parameters without a comment for cdb1
 WARNING =>  There exists one or more underscore parameters without a comment for cdb2

Copying results from nshqae01adm02 and generating report. This might take a while. Be patient.

          Node name - nshqae01adm02
. . . . . .

 Collecting - ASM Disk Group for Infrastructure Software and Configuration
 Collecting - ASM Diskgroup Attributes
 Collecting - ASM High Redundancy Grid Disks
 Collecting - ASM diskgroup usable free space
 Collecting - ASM initialization parameters
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cdb1 database
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cdb2 database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cdb1 database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cdb2 database
 Collecting - CELL ID Info
 Collecting - CPU Information
 Collecting - Clusterware and RDBMS software version
 Collecting - Compute node PCI bus slot speed for infiniband HCAs
 Collecting - Kernel parameters
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphore sets on system
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores on system
 Collecting - OS Packages
 Collecting - Patches for Grid Infrastructure
 Collecting - Patches for RDBMS Home
 Collecting - RDBMS and GRID software owner UID across cluster
 Collecting - RDBMS patch inventory
 Collecting - number of semaphore operations per semop system call

Data collections completed. Checking best practices on nshqae01adm02.

 FAIL =>     Basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration should meet recommendations.
 WARNING =>  Hidden ASM Initialization Parameter usage is not correct
 FAIL =>     Hidden database Initialization Parameter usage is not correct for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Hidden database Initialization Parameter usage is not correct for cdb2
 WARNING =>  ASM parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to the default value.
 FAIL =>     One or more database server has non-test stateless alerts with null "examinedby" fields
 INFO =>     Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter SGA_TARGET is not set according to recommended value.
 WARNING =>  One or more installed rpm(s) kernel type do not match the active kernel version
 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for cdb1
 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for cdb2
 FAIL =>     The Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration is not correct
 INFO =>     Please refer to data and guidance provided for database parameter processes for cdb1
 INFO =>     Please refer to data and guidance provided for database parameter processes for cdb2
 CRITICAL => Memlock settings do not meet the Oracle best practice recommendations for /u01/app/orabase/21c/dbhome1
 WARNING =>  filesystemio_options is not set to recommended value on cdb12 instance
 FAIL =>     Oracle Clusterware files are not placed appropriately
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on cdb12 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on cdb22 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on cdb12 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on cdb22 instance
 CRITICAL => Database parameter USE_LARGE_PAGES is not set to recommended value on cdb12 instance
 CRITICAL => Database parameter USE_LARGE_PAGES is not set to recommended value on cdb22 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for cdb2
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on primary is not set to the recommended value. for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on primary is not set to the recommended value. for cdb2
 WARNING =>  fast_start_mttr_target should be greater than or equal to 300 on cdb12 instance
 WARNING =>  fast_start_mttr_target should be greater than or equal to 300 on cdb22 instance
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter MEMORY_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter MEMORY_MAX_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for cdb1
 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for cdb2
 FAIL =>     ASM gridisk recovery content type attribute should be set to Oracle recommendation
 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on database server does not meet certified platinum configuration
 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for cdb2
 WARNING =>  Some Auto Extensible datafiles are not expanding by at least one stripe width for cdb1
 WARNING =>  Some Auto Extensible datafiles are not expanding by at least one stripe width for cdb2
 WARNING =>  There exists one or more underscore parameters without a comment for cdb1
 WARNING =>  There exists one or more underscore parameters without a comment for cdb2

Copying results from nshqae01adm03 and generating report. This might take a while. Be patient.

          Node name - nshqae01adm03
. . . . . .

 Collecting - ASM Disk Group for Infrastructure Software and Configuration
 Collecting - ASM Diskgroup Attributes
 Collecting - ASM High Redundancy Grid Disks
 Collecting - ASM diskgroup usable free space
 Collecting - ASM initialization parameters
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cdb1 database
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cdb2 database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cdb1 database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cdb2 database
 Collecting - CELL ID Info
 Collecting - CPU Information
 Collecting - Clusterware and RDBMS software version
 Collecting - Compute node PCI bus slot speed for infiniband HCAs
 Collecting - Kernel parameters
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphore sets on system
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores on system
 Collecting - OS Packages
 Collecting - Patches for Grid Infrastructure
 Collecting - Patches for RDBMS Home
 Collecting - RDBMS and GRID software owner UID across cluster
 Collecting - RDBMS patch inventory
 Collecting - number of semaphore operations per semop system call

Data collections completed. Checking best practices on nshqae01adm03.

 FAIL =>     Basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration should meet recommendations.
 WARNING =>  Hidden ASM Initialization Parameter usage is not correct
 FAIL =>     Hidden database Initialization Parameter usage is not correct for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Hidden database Initialization Parameter usage is not correct for cdb2
 WARNING =>  ASM parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to the default value.
 FAIL =>     One or more database server has non-test stateless alerts with null "examinedby" fields
 INFO =>     Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter SGA_TARGET is not set according to recommended value.
 WARNING =>  One or more installed rpm(s) kernel type do not match the active kernel version
 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for cdb1
 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for cdb2
 FAIL =>     The Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration is not correct
 INFO =>     Please refer to data and guidance provided for database parameter processes for cdb1
 INFO =>     Please refer to data and guidance provided for database parameter processes for cdb2
 CRITICAL => Memlock settings do not meet the Oracle best practice recommendations for /u01/app/orabase/21c/dbhome1
 WARNING =>  filesystemio_options is not set to recommended value on cdb13 instance
 FAIL =>     Oracle Clusterware files are not placed appropriately
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on cdb13 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on cdb23 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on cdb13 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on cdb23 instance
 CRITICAL => Database parameter USE_LARGE_PAGES is not set to recommended value on cdb13 instance
 CRITICAL => Database parameter USE_LARGE_PAGES is not set to recommended value on cdb23 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for cdb2
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on primary is not set to the recommended value. for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on primary is not set to the recommended value. for cdb2
 WARNING =>  fast_start_mttr_target should be greater than or equal to 300 on cdb13 instance
 WARNING =>  fast_start_mttr_target should be greater than or equal to 300 on cdb23 instance
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter MEMORY_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter MEMORY_MAX_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for cdb1
 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for cdb2
 FAIL =>     ASM gridisk recovery content type attribute should be set to Oracle recommendation
 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on database server does not meet certified platinum configuration
 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for cdb2
 WARNING =>  Some Auto Extensible datafiles are not expanding by at least one stripe width for cdb1
 WARNING =>  Some Auto Extensible datafiles are not expanding by at least one stripe width for cdb2
 WARNING =>  There exists one or more underscore parameters without a comment for cdb1
 WARNING =>  There exists one or more underscore parameters without a comment for cdb2

Copying results from nshqae01adm04 and generating report. This might take a while. Be patient.

          Node name - nshqae01adm04
. . . . . .

 Collecting - ASM Disk Group for Infrastructure Software and Configuration
 Collecting - ASM Diskgroup Attributes
 Collecting - ASM High Redundancy Grid Disks
 Collecting - ASM diskgroup usable free space
 Collecting - ASM initialization parameters
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cdb1 database
 Collecting - Database Parameters for cdb2 database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cdb1 database
 Collecting - Database Undocumented Parameters for cdb2 database
 Collecting - CELL ID Info
 Collecting - CPU Information
 Collecting - Clusterware and RDBMS software version
 Collecting - Compute node PCI bus slot speed for infiniband HCAs
 Collecting - Kernel parameters
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphore sets on system
 Collecting - Maximum number of semaphores on system
 Collecting - OS Packages
 Collecting - Patches for Grid Infrastructure
 Collecting - Patches for RDBMS Home
 Collecting - RDBMS and GRID software owner UID across cluster
 Collecting - RDBMS patch inventory
 Collecting - number of semaphore operations per semop system call

Data collections completed. Checking best practices on nshqae01adm04.

 FAIL =>     Basic Logical Volume(LVM) system devices configuration should meet recommendations.
 WARNING =>  Hidden ASM Initialization Parameter usage is not correct
 FAIL =>     Hidden database Initialization Parameter usage is not correct for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Hidden database Initialization Parameter usage is not correct for cdb2
 WARNING =>  ASM parameter ASM_POWER_LIMIT is not set to the default value.
 FAIL =>     One or more database server has non-test stateless alerts with null "examinedby" fields
 INFO =>     Oracle GoldenGate failure prevention best practices
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter SGA_TARGET is not set according to recommended value.
 WARNING =>  One or more installed rpm(s) kernel type do not match the active kernel version
 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for cdb1
 INFO =>     Database parameter AUDIT_TRAIL should be set to the recommended value for cdb2
 FAIL =>     The Name Service Cache Daemon (NSCD) configuration is not correct
 INFO =>     Please refer to data and guidance provided for database parameter processes for cdb1
 INFO =>     Please refer to data and guidance provided for database parameter processes for cdb2
 CRITICAL => Memlock settings do not meet the Oracle best practice recommendations for /u01/app/orabase/21c/dbhome1
 WARNING =>  filesystemio_options is not set to recommended value on cdb14 instance
 FAIL =>     Oracle Clusterware files are not placed appropriately
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on cdb14 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT is not set to recommended value on cdb24 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on cdb14 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX is not set to recommended value on cdb24 instance
 CRITICAL => Database parameter USE_LARGE_PAGES is not set to recommended value on cdb14 instance
 CRITICAL => Database parameter USE_LARGE_PAGES is not set to recommended value on cdb24 instance
 FAIL =>     Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database parameter Db_create_online_log_dest_n is not set to recommended value for cdb2
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on primary is not set to the recommended value. for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Database parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING on primary is not set to the recommended value. for cdb2
 WARNING =>  fast_start_mttr_target should be greater than or equal to 300 on cdb14 instance
 WARNING =>  fast_start_mttr_target should be greater than or equal to 300 on cdb24 instance
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter MEMORY_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 FAIL =>     ASM parameter MEMORY_MAX_TARGET should be set according to recommended value
 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for cdb1
 WARNING =>  Redo log files should be appropriately sized for cdb2
 FAIL =>     ASM gridisk recovery content type attribute should be set to Oracle recommendation
 FAIL =>     Exadata software version on database server does not meet certified platinum configuration
 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for cdb1
 FAIL =>     Oracle database does not meet certified platinum configuration for cdb2
 WARNING =>  Some Auto Extensible datafiles are not expanding by at least one stripe width for cdb1
 WARNING =>  Some Auto Extensible datafiles are not expanding by at least one stripe width for cdb2
 WARNING =>  There exists one or more underscore parameters without a comment for cdb1
 WARNING =>  There exists one or more underscore parameters without a comment for cdb2

                      CLUSTERWIDE CHECKS

 INFO =>     Information about CPU oversubscription is available.
 INFO =>     Information about the impact of CPU contention on database instance performance is available.

UPLOAD [if required] - /u01/log/main0331/oracle.ahf/data/nshqae01adm01/exachk/user_root/output/exachk_nshqae01adm01_cdb2_040923_150356_1822XC219H.zip

[Sun Apr 09 15:31:59][146000][root@nshqae01adm01:~][0]#






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