<!-- 通过查询条件查询营销活动审核列表-->
<select id="findByParamsCampaign" parameterType="HashMap" resultType="java.util.HashMap">
a.id as id,
a.code as code,
a.name as name,
a.classify as classify,
a.type as type,
a.shape as shape,
a.audit_status as auditStatus,
a.audit_remark as auditRemark,
a.time_end as timeEnd,
a.time_start as timeStart,
a.create_org as createOrg,
a.create_time as createTime,
a.create_user as createUser
crm_promotion a
delete_flag = 0
<!-- 活动名称 -->
<if test="name != null and name != ''">
and a.name like CONCAT( '%',#{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%' )
<!-- 活动编号 -->
<if test="code != null and code !=''">
and a.code like CONCAT( '%',#{code,jdbcType=VARCHAR},'%' )
<!-- 活动类型 -->
<if test="type != null and type != ''">
and a.type = #{type,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<!-- 参与方式 -->
<if test="shape != null and shape !=''">
and a.shape = #{shape,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<!-- 活动开始时间 -->
<if test="startTime != null and startTime != ''">
and a.time_start <![CDATA[>=]]> #{startTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}
<!-- 活动结束时间 -->
<if test="endTime != null and endTime != ''">
and a.time_end <![CDATA[<=]]> #{endTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}
<!-- 创建开始时间 -->
<if test="cStartTime != null and cStartTime != ''">
and a.create_time <![CDATA[>=]]> #{cStartTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}
<!-- 创建结束时间 -->
<if test="cEndTime != null and cEndTime != ''">
and a.create_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{cEndTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}
<!-- 创建人 -->
<if test="createUser != null and createUser !=''">
and a.create_user like CONCAT( '%',#{createUser,jdbcType=DECIMAL},'%' )
<if test="channelId != null and channelId != ''">
and exists (
select 1
from crm_promotion_channel b
b.promotion_id = a.id
<if test="channelId != null">
and b.channel_id = #{channelId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
test="realName != null and realName != '') or (mobile != null and mobile != '')">
(SELECT c.supplier_id from sup_supplier_contacts c
WHERE c.supplier_id = a.id
<if test="realName !=null and realName != ''">
and c.real_name like
<if test="mobile !=null and mobile != ''">
and c.mobile = #{mobile,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
order by a.create_time DESC
exists 方式查询 比 in 方式查询效率高,但in 可读性较好。建议尽可能使用exists方式,避免使用子查询,除非in 的参数为数值列表。