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玉在山而草木润 渊生珠而崖不枯

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原创 一些linux小技巧

1、vi `!!`比如先用find找到某个jar包,然后运行 vi `!!`,就可以直接打开和编辑文件内容。十分方便。2、echo "1/2"  | bc -l直接算结果,带小数点。可以抽成一个function3、去空格alias svninfo='svn info'...4、alias cp='cp -i'alias mv='mv -i'alias rm='r

2012-12-07 01:51:28 438

转载 java网站开发常见故障汇总


2012-07-29 19:46:15 916

原创 折腾Cubieboard


2014-08-03 00:13:24 1764 1

原创 intellij idea 抽风现象

1、不能用ibus,现象同sublime 2 text。估计是接口的问题2、encoding不对settings里调整3、compiler level不对settings里调整4、文件缓存没有更新,总是使用之前编辑的文本内容编译重启,但基本无效invalidate caches..重启5、打开工程,scan file阶段崩溃,出core    5.1、cor

2013-10-05 19:46:11 1518 1

原创 [转】关于字符集的3篇文章

长这么大还不知道字符集编码是怎么会,今天找文章认真学习了一下。链接:1、The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)http://www.joelonsoftware.com

2013-09-19 17:08:23 645

转载 ubuntu tips

ssh keepAlive1\ # vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config2\ add ServerAliveInterval 10vi no swap file1\ # vi /etc/vim/vimrc2\ add set noswapfilesudo nohupsudo -u admin  nohup bash -c './productIn

2013-06-18 09:33:19 673

原创 又一个无辜的故障排查


2013-04-04 15:28:46 766

原创 格雷欣法则、囚徒困境及其他


2013-03-22 21:22:40 966

原创 应用不能正常退出原因排查

点真背,上班第一天就遇到个奇怪的问题。1、现象:应用执行完毕之后,不能正常退出。jstack发现多了下面这个非daemon线程。"pool-1-thread-1" prio=10 tid=0x00007f8131439800 nid=0x2922 waiting on condition [0x00007f804b6a5000] java.lang.Thread.St

2013-02-20 17:24:23 762

原创 无语


2013-01-29 21:23:07 334

原创 一个内存泄漏的故障排查

线上一个应用跑了1天,速度突然慢了。jstat -gcutil看了下,发现young,old都100%了。一直在fullGC。 jps -v发现堆内存开的4g。估计是内存不够,但是开发说,另一个类似的应用一直没有问题。于是jmap -histo。开发发现一个对象非常多,不正常。heap dump下来,导入mat。结果4g大小的dump文件导入不了。估计给mat的内存不够

2013-01-26 13:28:40 628

原创 maven2的一个性能bug

最近用maven2.2.1编译应用,发现竟然要5min。而类似代码规模的另一个应用,编译只要1min。查了一下,原因还是很狗血。[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] app-1[INFO] Total time: 5 minutes 48 s

2013-01-26 12:51:20 855

原创 恶补计算机网络

学校里面没有好好学,出来工作了,才发现基础理论最重要。最近在恶补计算机理论。被各种名词术语搞得头昏脑胀。学习资料是这些:TCP/IP Sockets in Java    Linux 多线程服务端编程    UNIX网络编程 卷1   TCP/IP详解 卷1      The Art of Computer Networking     netw

2013-01-01 21:08:03 575

原创 android学习记录

今天开始学android1、How to install ADB in Ubuntu Linux 12.04 & 11.10 LTS 32bit & 64http://forums.team-nocturnal.com/showthread.php/773-Video-How-to-install-ADB-in-Ubuntu-Linux-12-04-11-10-LTS-

2012-12-18 21:26:29 560 1

原创 看看机器学习视频

被hotspot的乱七八糟变来变去的参数搞晕以后,决定换个东西玩玩。然后发现coursera上的机器学习视频。看了几段还挺简单,于是录在itouch里时不时翻出来看。前天终于被我囫囵吞枣地吃完了。话说内容真的浅显易懂。现在regression、Neural Network、k means我也能通一二。美中不足的是,svm只略有提到,更深的bayes、em、决策树等等就没有了。估计现在的

2012-09-09 22:27:07 708 1

原创 Ubuntu12.04编译安装Octave

os:ubuntu 12.04 (64bit)cpu: INTEL 560Mstep 1\ hg clone http://www.octave.org/hg/octavehg -v pullproxychains   hg -v update    (因为googlecode被墙,需要用proxychains )step 2\sudo

2012-08-20 19:27:31 3212 2

Deep Learning with Python

Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples. You'll explore challenging concepts and practice with applications in computer vision, natural-language processing, and generative models. By the time you finish, you'll have the knowledge and hands-on skills to apply deep learning in your own projects.


Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide

Whether you need full-text search or real-time analytics of structured data—or both—the Elasticsearch distributed search engine is an ideal way to put your data to work. This practical guide not only shows you how to search, analyze, and explore data with Elasticsearch, but also helps you deal with the complexities of human language, geolocation, and relationships. If you’re a newcomer to both search and distributed systems, you’ll quickly learn how to integrate Elasticsearch into your application. More experienced users will pick up lots of advanced techniques. Throughout the book, you’ll follow a problem-based approach to learn why, when, and how to use Elasticsearch features. Understand how Elasticsearch interprets data in your documents Index and query your data to take advantage of search concepts such as relevance and word proximity Handle human language through the effective use of analyzers and queries Summarize and group data to show overall trends, with aggregations and analytics Use geo-points and geo-shapes—Elasticsearch’s approaches to geolocation Model your data to take advantage of Elasticsearch’s horizontal scalability Learn how to configure and monitor your cluster in production


Hadoop Application Architectures (MEAP v05)

Get expert guidance on architecting end-to-end data management solutions with Apache Hadoop. While many sources explain how to use various components in the Hadoop ecosystem, this practical book takes you through architectural considerations necessary to tie those components together into a complete tailored application, based on your particular use case. To reinforce those lessons, the book’s second section provides detailed examples of architectures used in some of the most commonly found Hadoop applications. Whether you’re designing a new Hadoop application, or planning to integrate Hadoop into your existing data infrastructure, Hadoop Application Architectures will skillfully guide you through the process. This book covers: Factors to consider when using Hadoop to store and model data Best practices for moving data in and out of the system Data processing frameworks, including MapReduce, Spark, and Hive Common Hadoop processing patterns, such as removing duplicate records and using windowing analytics Giraph, GraphX, and other tools for large graph processing on Hadoop Using workflow orchestration and scheduling tools such as Apache Oozie Near-real-time stream processing with Apache Storm, Apache Spark Streaming, and Apache Flume Architecture examples for clickstream analysis, fraud detection, and data warehousing


learning spark full version

learning spark, full version


Learning Spark

Data in all domains is getting bigger. How can you work with it efficiently? This book introduces Apache Spark, the open source cluster computing system that makes data analytics fast to write and fast to run. With Spark, you can tackle big datasets quickly through simple APIs in Python, Java, and Scala. Written by the developers of Spark, this book will have data scientists and engineers up and running in no time. You’ll learn how to express parallel jobs with just a few lines of code, and cover applications from simple batch jobs to stream processing and machine learning.






Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java™ Framework Architect You might think more than enough design books exist in the programming world already. In fact, there are so many that it makes sense to ask why you would read yet another. Is there really a need for yet another design book? In fact, there is a greater need than ever before, and Practical API Design: Confessions of a Java Framework Architect fills that need! * Teaches you how to write an API that will stand the test of Time * Written by the designer of the NetBeans API at Sun * Based on best practices, scalability, and API design patterns What you’ll learn * What an API is and what the theories are behind good API design * When and why to build an API * API design patterns applicable to all programming languages, especially modern, object–oriented languages * How to optimize and test APIs Who is this book for? This book is recommended to every API architect who prefers a bit more engineering design over a purely artistic one.



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