Vertical Grid垂直网格


Vertical Grid

With the release of the XtraVerticalGrid Suite, Developer Express introduces an entirely new way to develop elegant and highly functional user interfaces for your Windows Forms applications. Fully optimized for the utmost flexibility, theXtraVerticalGrid Suite will help you build stunning data entry forms with complete control over the information displayed on-screen.

随着XtraVerticalGrid Suite发布,DevExpress将提供一种全新的方式来研发Windows 窗体应用程序优雅和高度功能化的用户接口。充分优化的最大灵活性,XtraVerticalGrid Suite将帮助你构建非常棒的数据实体窗体,并且提供对在屏幕进行显示信息的完全控制。


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VGridControlThe vertical grid control. 竖直网格控件
PropertyGridControlThe control that allows you to display and edit properties of any object or set of objects.


PropertyDescriptionControlThe control that displays descriptions for properties being browsed in a PropertyGridControl.


Main Features




The feature list below offers you a glimpse into the XtraVerticalGrid Suite. The vertical grid controls included in the Suite have many features in common. Any features that are specific to a control are listed in the separate subsections below.

VerticalGridControl Features


  • Full ADO+ Support - The VerticalGridControl takes full advantage of all the capabilities built into ADO.NET. With this data access architecture and the separation of internal data modules from data presentation, the control does not use any extra buffers in any of its data loading modes. Details
  • Support for Data Lists - The VerticalGridControl can work with any source which supports the IList, ITypedList or IBindingList interface plus all the inherited interfaces.
  • Multiple Layout Styles - These allow you to specify how bound data is represented within the control. You can choose between displaying a single record at a time, multiple records at a time, or a single record using multi-column format.Details

PropertyGridControl Features

  • Binding to Any Object - After the object has been bound, the PropertyGridControl automatically retrieves its public properties and creates rows for all of them. You can then remove particular rows to hide specific fields.
  • Support for Categories - Bound object properties can be grouped into categories. Nested categories are also supported.
  • Specifying Default Editors to Edit Fields of Particular Types - The control enables you to specify in-place editors to represent and edit values of particular types. For instance, you can specify that the Boolean values will be represented using theCheckEdit control, instead of the standard ComboBox control with the traditional True and False items.
  • Assigning Editors to Individual Rows - For any row you can override the default editor by assigning a specific in-place editor from the XtraEditors library.

Common Layout and Customization Features

  • Runtime Layout Customization - End-users can customize the vertical grids at runtime in any way they want. They can hide/restore rows and create new data categories using the Customization Form, rearrange rows using drag-and-drop and resize rows
  • 运行模式布局定制化-终端用户可以在运行模式时以任意方式定制数值表格控件。使用定制窗体可以隐藏或还原(重建)行并新建数据分类,重使用拖放操作和重置窗口大小来重新排列行记录。
  • Save And Load Layouts - This feature allows you to save the control's current layout between application runs, hence save the changes in the layout made by end-users.
  • 保存和加载布局。
  • MultipleEditor Rows - A row of this type permits you to display multiple editors in a line.Details
  • 多编辑器行-此种类型的行可以在一行中显示多个编辑器。
  • Nested Rows - The vertical grids support nested rows. Each row can have child rows, which can also have children, etc.Details
  • 网状记录-竖直网格控件支持网状记录。每一记录有多个子记录,子记录仍可以有自己的子记录,等等。
  • Full Drag and Drop Support - The vertical grids support automatic internal drag-and-drop of rows and let you control drag-and-drop via events. You can also implement OLE drag-and-drop to send data from a grid to other controls and vice versa.Details
  • Localization of Interface Elements - Like other Developer Express Windows Forms, the vertical grids use the Localization mechanism which allows you to localize interface elements into your language.Details

Common In-place Editing Features

  • Over 20 Data Editors, which can be used standalone or in-place within the vertical grids.Details
  • Editor Repository - You can setup a single in-place editor, for instance a pick image edit as an editor for a payment type field, and use it for as many vertical grids as you wish. When you use the repository and want to add a different type of credit card payment, you only need to change one in-place editor. See the EditorContainer.ExternalRepository property.

Common Appearance Features

  • Various Paint Styles (Office2003, Flat, WindowsXP, Style3D, etc).
  • Appearances - A powerful mechanism to control the entire look and feel of the Developer Express Windows Forms controls. You can specify the appearance of almost any visual element and even apply it conditionally via an event.Details
  • Skins Support - Skins will bring a striking look and feel to your applications, far beyond the normal painting standards.Details
  • Extended Gradient and AlphaBlending Support - You can apply gradient and alpha blending to any grid element at design time or runtime. The XtraVerticalGridBlending component help you customize alpha channels for various visual elements of the controls.Details
  • Full Custom Draw Support - allows you to manually paint almost any element of the vertical grids.Details

Common Design-Time Features

  • Advanced Design-Time Support - The XtraVerticalGrid Suite ships with an easy-to-use design time editor that allows you to control virtually every aspect of a vertical grid without having to write a single line of code. Instead of writing code to manage the appearance, you can concentrate on writing code to handle the really "interesting" tasks.

Introducing the VerticalGridControl




The VerticalGridControl (VGridControl) is a data aware control that allows you to display and edit data from different data sources. You can connect it to a database, or a list that implements the IList or IBindingList interface. Moreover, the control can be used in unbound mode, in which the grid is manually populated with data.

VerticalGridControl (VGridControl)是一个数据感知控件,允许你显示和编辑来自不同数据源的数据。可以讲控件连接到数据库或实现了IList或IBindingList接口的列表。更重要的是,可以使用非绑定模式,这时网格手动填充数据。


The control's main feature is its data representation model. The VerticalGridControl doesn't present data in the traditional way you're used to seeing it. The control can be thought of as an inverted grid, since the data source fields are represented as row headers, while the data source records are represented as columns.

竖直网格控件主要的特色是它的数据显示方式,它并不使用你熟悉的传统的显示数据的方式。这个控件可以看做一个倒置(反向)的网格,因为数据域作为行头表示,而数据记录作为列表示。(译者注:Grid中数据域是column headers,然后每一个域占一列。)


GridControl vs VerticalGridControl

The following image shows how sample data is displayed using a traditional grid control (GridControl):

And this is how the same data is represented using a VerticalGridControl:

You can see that unlike the GridControl, records in the VerticalGridControl are represented as columns, not as rows. This data organization model narrows the issues that the VerticalGridControl is designed to solve. Generally the VerticalGridControl is appropriate for editing records if data cells must be displayed one under another.

Layout Styles


Data in the VerticalGridControl can be represented using one of three layout styles. A layout style determines the number of records visible on screen within the control at one time, and the way fields and field values are arranged.



To select a layout style, use the VGridControl.LayoutStyle property. It allows you to choose between the Single Record View Layout, Multiple Records View Layout and Bands View Layout.


The following images demonstrate the differences between the layout styles:

  • Single Record View Layout

ImageMain Features

- A single record is displayed at one time;


- Row headers along with record values occupy the entire grid;

- If there are too many fields displayed to fit into the control vertically, the vertical scrollbar will be displayed;

- The horizontal scrollbar acts as a record navigator.


  • Multiple Records View Layout

ImageMain Features

- Multiple records can be visible on screen at one time;

- If there are too many fields displayed to fit into the control vertically, the vertical scrollbar will be displayed;

- End-users can resize columns by dragging the right border of the leftmost visible value column (theVGridOptionsBehavior.ResizeRowValues property must be set to true);

- The horizontal scrollbar acts as a record navigator.

  • Bands View Layout

ImageMain Features

- A single record is displayed at one time;

- Vertical scrolling is not supported. Rows that do not fit into the control vertically wrap, and start a new band to the right of the current band;

- The horizontal scrollbar acts as a record navigator.

For more information on layout styles, please refer to the Layouts topic.

Category Rows 类别行·

The VerticalGridControl supports category rows used to group regular rows into categories. Separating rows into categories improves the control's usability, as an end-user can now quickly find the required row. A category row displays a descriptive caption and expand button which allows the end-user to collapse, and then restore the group.


The following images demonstrate two styles for painting expand buttons: ExplorerBar and TreeView. The controls in the images are painted using the Asphalt World skin:

如下演示了两种绘制展开按钮的样式:浏览条和树视图。使用了Asphait World皮肤。

To select an expand button's paint style, use the VGridControlBase.TreeButtonStyle property.

要选择展开按钮的绘制风格,使用VGridControlBase.TreeButtonStyle 属性。

Data Editing

The VerticalGridControl not only displays data, but also provides the editing capabilities. Multiple editors (TextEdit, ComboBoxEdit, PictureEdit, SpinEdit, DateEdit, etc) that are included in the XtraEditors library can be used for in-place editing within cells. By default, the control uses specific editors to edit data of specific types. For instance, if a cell stores Boolean data, aCheckEdit control is used for in-place editing. If the default editors don't meet your requirements, you can easily assign a specific editor to a row, and it will be used to edit all cells within this row. An editor can be assigned to a row using theXtraVerticalGrid Designer, or in code via the row's RowProperties.RowEdit property.

竖直网格控件不仅提供数据显示,还提供了编辑能力。多种编辑器(文本编辑器、组合框编辑器、图片编辑器、渐变编辑框、数据编辑器等等),只要在XtraEditors库中的编辑器,都可以内嵌为网格单元的编辑中。。。。使用XtraVerticalGrid Designer可以将编辑器关联到行记录,或者在代码中修改行记录的RowProperties.RowEdit属性。

The following image demonstrates a sample VerticalGridControl with different editors assigned to its cells (ComboBoxEdit, PictureEdit, SpinEdit, etc).

The VerticalGridControl provides the VGridControlBase.ValidatingEditor and VGridControlBase.ValidateRecord events which support the validation mechanism. This allows you to check the data being entered by an end-user within a specific cell or record, indicate errors, if any, and prevent invalid data from being saved back to a data source.

垂直网格控件提供VGridControlBase.ValidatingEditor andVGridControlBase.ValidateRecord事件支持验证机制。允许你检查终端用户输入到指定网格单元或记录中的数据,如果有的话,防止无效数据保存到数据源。

See the Inplace Editors document, for more information.

Layout Customization

The VerticalGridControl natively supports runtime layout customization. End-users are able to resize columns, resize and rearrange rows, temporarily hide rows to thecustomization form and then restore them. By default, the VerticalGridControl only permits row and column sizing, and prohibits other customization.

The following table shows which settings control various runtime customization operations. So, you can switch the corresponding option on to allow the required operation:
OperationControl's setting
Resizing columns

VGridOptionsBehavior.ResizeHeaderPanel enables the header column horizontal sizing;

VGridOptionsBehavior.ResizeRowValues enables the value column horizontal sizing.

Resizing rowsThe control's VGridOptionsBehavior.ResizeRowHeaders property and the VGridOptionsRow.AllowSize options of rows.
Drag-and-drop of rows

The control's VGridOptionsBehavior.DragRowHeaders property and the VGridOptionsRow.AllowMove options of rows.

Hiding/restoring rowsThe VerticalGridControl allows you to hide specific rows by setting their BaseRow.Visible properties to false. Hidden rows can be accessed by end-users at runtime via thecustomization form. The end-user can drag a hidden row from the customization form to the grid, or hide currently visible rows by dragging them to the customization form.

Drag-and-drop to/from the customization form is only available if the form is visible. To display the form call theVGridControlBase.RowsCustomization method. To hide the form, call the VGridControlBase.DestroyCustomization method.

Expanding category rows

VGridOptionsView.ShowButtons displays/hides category expand buttons.

VGridOptionsRow.DblClickExpanding options of rows - allows the rows to collapse/expand on a double-click event.

Note that changes made in the layout by end-users at runtime are not automatically saved between application runs. You need to use one of theSaveLayoutTo... methods provided by the VerticalGridControl to save the current layout to a data store (a stream, XML file or the system registry), and use one of theRestoreLayoutFrom... methods to restore the saved layout. See theSaving and Restoring Layout Basics topic, for more information.

In addition to the built-in layout customization support, you can provide end-users with OLE drag-and-drop to and from the VerticalGridControl. See theOLE Drag and Drop Overview topic, for more information.

Other Features

There are many other features supported by the VerticalGridControl that you may find useful:

  • Multiple Editor Rows - can display multiple editors within a single row. Details.
  • Nested Rows, which allow you to organize data into tree-like structures. Details.
  • look and feel and Skinning Technology - manages the look and feel of the control.Details.
  • Appearance Mechanism and Style Schemes - allows you to specify appearance settings (background and foreground colors, font settings, etc).Details.

Introducing the PropertyGridControl



The PropertyGridControl, which is encapsulated by the PropertyGridControl class, is designed to display and edit settings of any object. Generally, the control's functionality is similar to the functionality provided by the standardSystem.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid control. However, it features some advanced capabilities for controlling appearance and behavior settings. These are described in this document.


Row Customization 行定制

After a PropertyGridControl has been bound to an object(s), it automatically retrieves information on the available public fields from the object and createseditor rows to represent the fields. The following image shows a sample PropertyGridControl, painted using Caramel skin, listing the settings of aSimpleButton.

在属性网格控件被绑定到一个对象(或多个对象)后,会自动从相关对象的可用公共域中检索信息并创建编辑器行来表示这些域。如下图片显示了一个PropertyGridControl控件的示例,使用Caramel(n.焦糖;(含焦糖味的)太妃糖;焦糖色) Skin皮肤,列出了SimpleButton对象的设置。

Each row in the PropertyGridControl is a component. So, its settings can be accessed and customized either at design time (via the control's Designer) or at runtime. The following image illustrates theRows Page of the control's Designer, showing the tree-like structure of rows that reflect the properties of the bound SimpleButton.

PropertyGridControl的每一行都是一个组件。所以。它的设置既可以在设计模式(通过控件设计器)也可以在运行模式时访问和定制。如下展示了控件设计器的Rows Page行页,展示了树形结构的行,这些行反映了绑定的SimpleButton对象的属性。


One of the main advantages of the PropertyGridControl is the row customization feature. It allows you to change row captions, appearance settings, disable or hide rows, assign specific editors to cells, etc., by customizing row properties. Moreover, the control's Designer enables you to easily rearrange rows as you wish, using drag and drop. For instance, you can reorder rows, move a row so it is displayed as a child of another row or move it under another category row.

To hide a row you can set its BaseRow.Visible property to false. Hidden rows are not permanently removed from the grid. They can still be accessed at runtime by end-users via theCustomization Form. See the Layout Customization section below for more information on runtime customization.

隐藏一行可以设置它的BaseRow.Visible属性为false.隐藏的属性并没有从网格中永久删除。它们仍可以在运行模式下由终端用户通过Customization Form.访问。

Categories 分类

In .NET an object's properties can be related to specific categories by using theSystem.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute attribute. When an object is bound to a PropertyGridControl, additionalcategory rows are created to represent categories, and all object properties are displayed under respective category rows (if a property is not related to a category it will be represented by a row under theMisc category row). The standard System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid control also supports categories in Categorized mode. However, it doesn't allow you to access and customize category rows.

在 .NET中一个对象的属性通过使用System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute属性可以与特定类别相关。当一个对象绑定到属性网格控件时,额外的分类行就会被创建来反映类别,并且所有的对象属性显示在各自类别的行下面(如果一个属性与任何类别都不相关,将会被分配到Misc类别下)。标准的System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid控件同样支持类别模式下的分类。然而不允许访问和定制分类行。

A category row in a PropertyGridControl displays a name and an expand button, which can be painted using one of the two following styles: ExplorerBar and TreeView. TheVGridControlBase.TreeButtonStyle property is used to specify an expand button style.

Available expand button styles are demonstrated in the following image, which displays two PropertyGridControls listing the settings of a sample bound object.

If you need to disable Categorized mode, and therefore list an object's settings in alphabetical order, set the PropertyGridControl'sVGridOptionsView.ShowRootCategories property to false. The image below demonstrates what a PropertyGridControl looks like without the properties grouped by categories.


The PropertyGridControl provides more control over displaying categories.

  • Category row customization

    Like regular rows, category rows are components, and their settings can be accessed both at design time and runtime. You can change row captions, reorder, hide, remove, collapse rows, etc.

  • Custom categories

    In specific instances, you may want to add custom categories to the PropertyGridControl. For example, you can do this if an object is implemented so its settings are not related to any categories using theSystem.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute attribute. You can do this at design time or runtime by creating category rows and moving regular rows under the created category rows.

  • Collapsing and expanding

    Category rows can be collapsed or expanded via the BaseRow.Expanded property. If you collapse a specific category row at design time, it will remain collapsed when the application starts.

  • Appearance customization

    Appearance settings of category rows can be changed via the VGridAppearanceCollection.Category property of the VGridControlBase.Appearance object. This allows you to specify the foreground and background colors, font settings, gradient mode, etc.

Data Editing

Both the VGridControl and PropertyGridControl support the in-place editing feature, which allows an end-user to edit cells using various editors. By default, the in-place editor used to edit a specific cell is determined by the type of cell data. A property of any enumeration type is edited using a ComboBoxEdit control. A property of the Boolean type is also edited using a ComboBoxEdit control with the True and False options. However, if default editors don't meet your requirements, you can assign different editors to cells (you can use any editors derived from the BaseEdit class). There are two ways to assign editors.

  • Assigning different default editors

    As mentioned above, Boolean values are edited by default using a ComboBoxEdit control that has two options: True and False. The PropertyGridControl permits you to assign different default editors to specific data types. For instance, if you want to edit Boolean values using a CheckEdit control, you need to associate the Boolean data type with a CheckEdit control. To associate editors with data types at design time, use theDefault Editors Page page of the control's Designer. To do it at runtime, use thePropertyGridControl.DefaultEditors collection. The following image shows a PropertyGridControl that uses a CheckEdit control to edit Boolean values (the control is painted using the Asphalt World skin).

  • Assigning editors directly to rows 关联编辑器到多个行·

    You can directly assign editors to rows via a row's RowProperties.RowEdit property. The assigned editor will override the default editor.

    The control's Designer provides a handy way to assign editors to rows. See theAssigning Editors to Editor Rows topic that illustrates this task.

Please refer to the Inplace Editors topic for more information on in-place editing in vertical grid controls.

Layout Customization

Like the VerticalGridControl, the PropertyGridControl supports runtime layout customization. By default, an end-user can resize rows, collapse/expand category rows, or resize columns. Other customization operations are disabled and can be optionally enabled. The following table lists all the layout customization operations that are available in the PropertyGridControl, along with options that control these operations.

OperationControl's setting
Resizing columns

VGridOptionsBehavior.ResizeHeaderPanel enables the column horizontal sizing.

Resizing rowsThe control's VGridOptionsBehavior.ResizeRowHeaders property and the VGridOptionsRow.AllowSize options of rows.
Drag-and-drop of rows

The control's VGridOptionsBehavior.DragRowHeaders property and the VGridOptionsRow.AllowMove options of rows.

Hiding/restoring rowsThe PropertyGridControl allows you to hide specific rows by setting their BaseRow.Visible properties to false. Hidden rows can be accessed by end-users at runtime via thecustomization form. The end-user can drag a hidden row from the customization form to the grid or hide currently visible rows by dragging them to the customization form.

Drag-and-drop to/from the customization form is only available if the form is visible. To display the form call theVGridControlBase.RowsCustomization method. To hide the form, call the VGridControlBase.DestroyCustomization method.

Expanding category rows

VGridOptionsView.ShowButtons displays/hides category expand buttons;

VGridOptionsRow.DblClickExpanding options of rows - allow the rows to collapse/expand on a double-click event.

Note that changes made in the layout by end-users at runtime are not automatically saved between application runs. You need to use one of theSaveLayoutTo... methods provided by the PropertyGridControl to save the current layout to a data store (a stream, XML file or the system registry) and use one of theRestoreLayoutFrom... methods to restore the saved layout. See theSaving and Restoring Layout Basics topic, for more information.

In addition to the built-in layout customization support you can provide end-users with OLE drag-and-drop to and from the PropertyGridControl. See theOLE Drag and Drop Overview topic for more information.

Multi-Editor Rows

With the PropertyGridControl it is possible to display multiple values within a single row. By default, when an object is bound to a control, rows are created to represent the object's public fields, and each row contains a single value.

If you want to display multiple values that represent different fields within a row, you need to create amulti-editor row (a MultiEditorRow class object). After a multi-editor row is created, add cells that will be displayed within the row. To do this, add items to theMultiEditorRow.PropertiesCollection property. The following image illustrates a multi-editor row that displays values of the AllowDrop and AllowFocus fields.

如果想显示多个值来表示一行中的多个不同域,需要创建multi-editor row(一个多编辑器行类别的对象)

At design time you can create a multi-editor row and add items to it using the Rows page of the control's Designer.

For more information, see the Multi Editor Rows document.

Appearance and Look And Feel

Like other Developer Express .NET controls, the PropertyGridControl supports the Appearance and Look And Feel mechanisms.


The Look And Feel mechanism specifies the current paint scheme that determines the default color scheme and the way in which various visual elements (buttons, borders, scroll bars, etc.) are painted. There are multiple paint schemes supported by the PropertyGridControl (Flat, UltraFlat, Style3D, Office2003 and WindowsXP), plus multiple skinning themes. Some of them are demonstrated below.

界面外观机制指定了当前的绘制模式,决定了默认的颜色模式和此模式下不同的视觉元素(按钮,边框,滚动条等等)绘制的方式。属性网格控件支持多种绘制模式(FLAT、UltraFlat、Style3D、Office2003和Windows Xp)和多种皮肤主题。一些主题掩饰如下。

Money Twins金钱双胞胎


To specify the control's look and feel settings, use the VGridControlBase.LookAndFeel property. For more information on the Look And Feel mechanism, please refer to theLook and Feel topic.



While the Look And Feel mechanism maintains the overall look and feel of the control, the Appearance technology allows you to customize appearance settings of the control: background and foreground colors, font settings, gradient mode, etc. Appearance settings of the PropertyGridControl are grouped within the VGridControlBase.Appearance object. This provides access to multiple properties that control the appearance of the focused cell, values, category rows, lines etc.

Although you can customize appearance settings directly by changing the corresponding properties, you can also apply one of the style schemes provided by the control. Open theStyle Schemes Page in the control's Designer to see a list of available style schemes. Select the required scheme and click the Apply button. The control's appearance settings will be immediately changed to match the selected scheme. The following images illustrate some of the available style schemes.



Adding Customization Buttons Mimicking the Standard PropertyGrid Control添加定制化按钮模仿标准的属性控件

The standard PropertyGrid control displays a bar with customization buttons. You can add this toolbar abovePropertyGridControl manually. For instance, you can use bar objects from the Ribbon, Menu, Docking library. If you need to display bars at any position within your form/user control, place the bar within theStandaloneBarDockControl container. See How to Create a toolbar for a PropertyGridControl that allows properties to be sorted alphabetically to learn how to create a sample bar.

标准属性网格控件显示定制按钮的工具栏。你可以手动添加工具栏到PropertyGridControl属性网格控件的上方。比如,你可以使用工具条对象(从Ribbon,Menu,Docking库)。如果你想在窗体或用户控件的任意位置显示工具条,把它放置在StandaloneBarDockControl容器里。See How to Create a toolbar for a PropertyGridControl that allows properties to be sorted alphabetically to learn how to create a sample bar.

To display descriptions for properties being browsed in PropertyGridControl, use PropertyDescriptionControl. See this link to learn more.






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