
Frank van Diggelen, Artech House, 2007. Assisted GPS(A-GPS) has been developed to improve the capabilities of GPS, allowing it to work better and faster in any location.Outlining the technical aspects of A-GPS, this unique book places emphasis on practical implementation. It reviews standard GPS design, helping you understand why GPS requires assistance and how A-GPS enables the computing of a position in the absence of precise time – a topic not covered in any other book. Moreover, you learn how to design and analyze a high sensitivity GPS receiver. This cutting-edge work discusses special forms of assistance data, industry standards for A-GPS, and government mandates. 400 pages, hardcover. (#2463) Price $92.00 Available April 2009

2.Applied Satellite Navigation Using GPS, Galileo and Augmentation Systems R. Prasad, M. Ruggieri, Artech House, 2005. This book
covers the basics of nav sat systems, highlighting required nav performance and equations. Galileo is described, including its services and security issues. Legal and market policies of GPS and Galileo are covered in the context of commercial, public utility and safety-of-life applications. Integration of nav with comm, especially wireless systems, is discussed as well as some of the open issues in these areas. 290 pages, hardcover. (#1156) Price $95.00

3.EGNOS- The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System- A cornerstone of Galileo European Space Agency, 2007. EGNOS is a first-generation augmentation system employing differential techniques, designed to improve the performance of GPS and later Galileo. It is planned to serve the needs of maritime, land transport, time and aeronautical applications in the European and neighboring regions. 564 pages, hardcover. (#2450) Price $67.00

4.Galileo – Europe’s Guiding Star. The European Global Navigation Satellite System, Faircount Ltd, 2007. A collection of articles describing the recent past and future of the Galileo system. 128 pages, softcover. (#2452) Price $20.00

5.Global Positioning System, Theory and Practice, 5th Edition, Hofmann-Wellenhof, et al., Springer-Verlag, 2001. Comprehensive treatment of GPS and its use for survey, precise measurements, navigation, attitude determination and more. Includes updates on the space segment, anti-spoofing, Keplerian orbits, processing techniques, relativistic effects, multipath, RINEX and new GPS applications. 382 pages, softcover. (#1177) Price $71.75

8.Aided Navigation: GPS with High Rate Sensors Jay A. Farrell, McGraw-Hill, 2008. Designed as a graduatelevel textbook. This book adds aided nav and a classroom text structure to his first book. It presents a systematic method for designing and analyzing aided nav systems, along with the theory to support the methodology. 530 pages, hardcover. (#2462) Price $115.00

9.GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo; More Hofmann-Wellenhof, Lichtenegger, Wasle, Springer/Wien New York, 2008. This book is the extension of "GPS Theory and Practice" and includes the Russian GLONASS, the European Galileo and additional systems. The book describes the reference systems for coordinates and time, satellite orbits, satellite signals, observables, math models for positioning, data processing and data transformation. 516 pages, softcover. (#2456) Price $79.95

10.Introduction to GPS - The Global Positioning System Ahmed El-Rabanny, Artech House, Inc., 2006. Great for introducing GPS to engineers without extensive math, helping them get to work quickly. Covers applications, signal structure, modernization, the integration of GPS with other systems, the main measurements being utilized in the field today, the errors and biases that affect GPS measurements, along with their mitigation. The 2nd edition is a thorough revision and a chapter on GPS satellite orbits has been added. Info on precise point positioning, GPS/Loran-C integration. 201 pages, hardcover. (#1221) Price $59.00

11.ICD-GPS-200C (GPS Interface Control Document), GPS Joint Program Office, prepared by ARINC Research, updated April 2000, reprinted by NavtechGPS June 2001. The basic system characteristics and technical specifications for GPS. A must if you need to know the specific technical design of the system, signals, their generation and other characteristics. 115 pages, softcover. (#1634) Price $25.00

13.The Measurement of Time: Time, Frequency and the Atomic Clock Claude Audoin & Bernard Guinot, Cambridge Univ. Press,
2001. A comprehensive introduction to the physics of time and time measurement. It discusses the stability & accuracy of atomic frequency standards, different types of oscillators and atomic clocks, and the uses and developments of these devices, including GPS. It is useful as an introduction to the time and frequency fields, and as a reference for scientists working in related areas such as geophysics, atomic physics, astronomy & telecommunications. 346 pages, softcover. (#1211) Price $52.00

15.Navigation: Principles of Positioning and Guidance Hofmann-Wellenhof, Legat, Wieser, Springer/Wien New York, 2003. This book was developed over the years as a University of Graz text and is meant to be an A to Z treatment of navigation. For overview, not in-depth coverage. Excellent classroom text. 369 pages, hardcover. (#1528) Price $79.95

16.Principles of GNSS, Inertial and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems Paul D. Groves, Artech House, Inc., 2008. Aimed at nav
professionals and usable as a college text. This book covers principles of nav along with a summary of not only GNSS systems but also Loran, WLAN, UWB, AHRS etc. 518 pages, hardcover. (#2459) Price $119.00

17.Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition E. Kaplan, C. Hegarty, Editors, Artech House, Inc., 2006. An engineer's guide to understanding and utilizing today's GPS technology, covering all aspects of the current system. Included are sections on fundamentals, receiver operation, effects of interference on signal tracking, GPS performance, differential GPS, integration with other sensors, GLONASS, and the INMARSAT overlay, as well as projections for future GPS markets and applications. The 2nd edition adds the integration of GPS with vehicles, cell phones, nav and comm receivers, as well as new classes of satellite broadcast signals, the emerging Galileo system and new marketplace info. There is also a section on learning to develop and evaluate new applications. Expanded from 554 to 680 pages, hardcover. (#1024) Price $129.00

18.Satellite orbits, O. Montenbruck & E. Gill, Springer Pub., 2000. This textbook guides the reader through the theory & practice of satellite orbit prediction and determination. It covers elaborate force models as well as precise methods of satellite tracking. The accompanying CD-ROM includes relevant data files for applications with all source codes written in C++. 369 pages, hardcover. (#1200) Price $82.00

19.Understanding GPS and GPS Receivers, The DVD K. D. McDonald, 3rd Edition, NavtechGPS, 2002. This video was professionally produced by NavtechGPS and has served to introduce hundreds of new GPS professionals to the field. About 40 minutes long, it touches on all aspects of GPS, using full color animated and static charts, mixed with film clips. The video may be shown repeatedly within your company, but may not be broadcast or copied. (#3901-2) Price $29.95 on VHS in NTSC format (N. America) (#3903-2) Price $49.95 on DVD

20.Applied Optimal Estimation Arthur Gelb, Editor, MIT Press, 1974. This classic and respected work places major emphasis on practical
applications, treating the subject more from an engineering than a mathematical point of view. Theoretical and mathematical concepts are developed sufficiently to make the book an excellent, self-contained reference. 374 pages, softcover. (#1925) Price $41.00

21.Beyond the Kalman Filter, Particle Filters for Tracking Applications Brank Ristic, Sanjeev Arulampalam, Neil Gordon, Artech House, 2004. For most tracking applications the Kalman filter is reliable and efficient, but it is limited to a relatively restricted class of linear Gaussian problems. To solve problems beyond this, particle filters are proving to be dependable methods of stochastic dynamic estimation. 302 pages, hardcover. (#1141) Price $121.00

22.Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition Paul Zarchan, Howard Musoff, AIAA, 2005. A practical guide
to building Kalman filters showing how filtering equations can be applied to real-life problems. Numerous examples are presented in detail showing the many ways in which Kalman filters can be designed. The book contains a CD-ROM of Kalman filtering software. 677 pages, hardcover. (#1145) Price $124.95

23.Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering, 3rd Edition R. G. Brown and P. Y. C. Hwang, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 1997. Excellent introductory text on Kalman filtering, with necessary background material given in the first three chapters. Many applied examples are given. Two full chapters are devoted to applications of Kalman filtering to GPS and integrated INS. CD with MATLAB® problem solutions is included. 479 pages, hardcover. (#1026) Price $142.75

24.Kalman Filtering Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition M. S. Grewal and A. P. Andrews, John Wiley & Sons, 2008. A thoroughly updated introduction to Kalman filtering with applications. Excellent treatment of practical considerations involved in implementing a Kalman filter, especially with respect to numerical stability problems. Includes diskette with FORTRAN Kalman filter and related programs. 576 pages, hardcover. (#1029) Price $91.95

25.Applied Inertial Navigation: Problems and Solutions O. Salychev, 2004. Many changes are happening in the inertial technology and INS/GPS integration techniques and this new book is dedicated to the new generation of inertial systems research and development. 306 pages, 93 figures. In English, hardcover. (#1139) Price $90.00

27.Avionics Navigation Systems, 2nd Edition Myron Kayton & Walter R. Fried, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. Presents a unified treatment of the principles and practices of modern navigation sensors and systems. This book was written for the navigation system engineer, whether user or designer. 773 pages, hardcover. (#1014) Price $175.00

28.Fundamentals of High Accuracy Inertial Navigation Averil B. Chatfield, AIAA, 1997. Focuses on the physical and mathematical principles forming the basis for inertial navigation. It differs from other books on the subject by treating aspects of the blend of inertial navigation technology and geodesy. Accuracy, criteria and evaluation are also discussed. 339 pages,
hardcover. (#2440) Price $124.95

30.Inertial Navigation Systems with Geodetic Applications Christopher Jekeli, Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 2001. Covers all
aspects of INS including sensor technology and the estimation of instrument errors and their integration with GPS for geodetic
applications with complete mathematical derivations. Both stabilized and strapdown mechanizations are treated in
detail. Derived algorithms to process sensor data and a comprehensive explanation of the error dynamics are provided.
352 pages, hardcover. (#1143) Price $178.00

31.Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration, 2nd Edition Mohinder S. Grewal, Lawrence R. Weill, Angus P. Andrews, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007. New Edition. An updated guide to GNSS and INS, and solutions to real world GPS/INS
problems with Kalman filtering. 525 pages, hardcover. (#1910- 2) Price $99.95

32.The Global Positioning System & Inertial Navigation Jay A. Farrell and Matthew Barth, McGraw-Hill, 1998. The
engineer's guide to both GPS and INS. The book provides a top-to-bottom look at GPS and INS including guidelines for
building integrated GPS/INS systems. 340 pages, hardcover. (#1137) Price $63.00

33.Integrity Prediction and Monitoring of Navigation Systems Pieter Bastiaan Ober, Integricom Publishers, 2003. The
assessment of the integrity of nav systems and their relation to the positioning requirements and the chosen position
estimation and failure detection algorithms are discussed. An important distinction is made between integrity prediction,
based on system models only, and integrity monitoring, which additionally uses measurement data in the integrity
assessment information that is traditionally not exploited to the fullest extent. 146 pages, softcover. (# 2432) Price $70.00

34.Integrated Aircraft Navigation James L. Farrell, Vigil, Inc., 1976, with a new preface added for today's perspective. A classic, comprehensive development of nav system integration principles and techniques. Includesadvanced INS analysis, estimation with discrete examples, nav modes and dynamics, nav measurements, nav and tracking operations, nav functions and data flow. A must for anyone wishing to realize optimal results from an integrated nav system. 351 pages, softcover. (#1275) Price $35.00

35.Integrated Navigation System Eurofix, Vision, Concept, Design, Implementation & Test Gerard Offermans & Arthur Helwig, Walter de Gruyter, Inc.,2003. Eurofix is an application of the concept of integrated navigation. Eurofix combines satellite based radionavigation systems such as GPS (or GNSS) and the terrestrial radionavigation system Loran-C (or the Russian equivalent Chayka). 299 pages, softcover. (#1142) Price $99.00

36.Strapdown Inertial Navigation Technology, 2nd Edition D.H. Titterton and J.L. Weston, AIAA, & IEE (UK), 2004. This book provides an intro useful to the suppliers of INS and to customers for these products, addressing concepts of strapdown systems with a number of simplified examples. It covers gyro-scopic and accelerometer technologies, MEMS, and the analysis, testing, calibration and compensation of inertial sensors as well as their initial alignment. 558 pages, hardcover. (#1147) $129.95

37.Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing D.G. Manolakis, V.K. Ingle, S.M. Kogon, Artech House, 2005. The authoritative volume offering a unified, comprehensive and practical treatment of spectral estimation, signal modeling, adaptive filtering, and array processing. With over 3,000 equations and 300 illustrations, you get balanced coverage of implementation issues, applications and theory, useful to professional engineers as well as students. 794 pages, hardcover. (#1628) Price $129.00

38.Stochastic Models, Estimation and Control Peter S. Maybeck, 1992 by Academic Press, republished 2001 by NavtechGPS. This set is still the definitive work on this topic. Thorough coverage of the fundamental concepts of stochastic processes, estimation and control, including practical experience and insights. Ideal class textbook. Spiral bound. Vol. I 423 pages Vol. II 289 pages Vol. II 291 pages (#1277) $60.00 (#1278) $50.00 (#1279) $50.00 The Set, Vol. I-II Solutions Manual, Vol. I (#1280) $140.00 384 pages (#1281) $40.00

39.Probability & Statistics, Athanasios Papoulis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1990. A textbook, this content requires no prior knowledge
of probability and is developed with a new look at conventional approaches. The book concentrates on basic topics and includes a simplified treatment of a number of advanced ideas. Avoiding extensive math, the author relies on application examples to clarify points. (#2431) Price $85.00

40.An Album of Map Projections USGS, Professional Paper #1453, 1989. This album is a first attempt to set forth in a comprehensive manner most of the useful and commonly known map projections. It uses consistent and concise non-mathematical descriptions accompanied by standardized visual portrayals. 249 pages, softcover. (#1600) Price $35.00

41.Digital Terrain Modeling: Acquisition, Manipulation and Applications N. El-Sheimy, C. Valeo, A. Habib, Artech House, 2005. This book fills a large gap on digital terrain models (DTMs). Includes the essential elements of DTMs and their applications in environmental modeling and mapping. Mathematically rigorous, highly advanced, complete and cohesive. 257 pages,hardcover. (#1478) Price $75.00

42.Geodesy, 3rd Edition Wolfgang Torge, Walter de-Gruyter, Inc., 2001. A complete revision reflects changes in geodesy in the last 20 years. The increased accuracy of geodetic products and their high data rates have significantly increased the contributions of geodesy
to geodynamics research, strengthening the role of geodesy in geoscience. Includes recent examples of instrument results and
an extensive reference list. 416 pages, softcover. (#1530) Price $49.95

43.Geographic Information Systems Demystified Stephen R. Galati, Artech House, Inc., 2006. This is a theorybased rather than hands-on approach, developed to give a sound understanding of GIS principles before going on to applications in the latter third of the book. Covers GIS, geodesy, earth models, coordinate systems, and then applications and environments. 270 pages, hardcover. (#1627) Price $89.00

44.Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards and Specifications Federal Geodetic Control Committee, NGS, August, 1989. This document is a guideline for the planning and execution of geodetic surveys using GPS relative positioning techniques. The standards are designed to meet classification requirements for a wide range of 3D relative positional accuracy requirements. 48 pages, softcover. (#2435) Price $9.95

45.Getting Started with GPS Surveying Simon McElroy, et al., published by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors, 1996. A thorough, but simple look at using GPS for land surveying, primarily presented through a mixture of easy-to-follow text and cartoon illustrations. 181pages, softcover. (#1476) Price $45.00

46.Getting Started with GPS Surveying Simon McElroy, et al., published by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors, 1996. A thorough, but simple look at using GPS for land surveying, primarily presented through a mixture of easy-to-follow text and cartoon illustrations. 181 pages, softcover. (#1476) Price $45.00

47.GPS Positioning Guide Geodetic Survey Division, EMR Canada, 1993. Provides the background and procedural information needed to effectively apply GPS technology. Guidelines include GPS fundamentals, basic positioning concepts, GPS positioning techniques and procedures for applying GPS. Glossary and references. 106 pages, softcover. (#1230) $28.80

48.GPS Satellite Surveying, 3rd Edition Alfred Leick, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004. Comprehensive coverage of theoretical aspects (including derivations) and practical background information. Includes network adjustments, adjustment computations, propagation, carrier phase techniques, ellipsoidal and conformal map models, datum transformation, etc. 560 pages, hardcover. (#1028) Price $102.95

49.Hydrography C.D. de Jong, G. Lachapelle, S. Skone, I.A. Elema, Delft University, 2002. This book is based on the graduate and
undergrad courses in hydrography offered at the Department of Geomatics Engineering of the University of Calgary and the Department of Mathematical Geodesy and Positioning of Delft University of Technology. The purpose of the book is to present an introduction to and a detailed overview of the broad field of hydrography. 353 pages, hardcover. (#1150) Price $46.50

50.Introduction to Geodesy, The History and Concepts of Modern Geodesy James R. Smith, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. A revised edition of the author's Basic Geodesy. This book avoids complex formulas and equations and provides a basic understanding of geodesy. Topics include: traditional survey  positioning techniques, geodetic systems, physical geodesy, the World Geodetic System, satellite geodesy, GPS, gravity measures, electromagnetic distance measurement, projections. 224 pages, softcover. (#1450) Price $80.00

51.Linear Algebra, Geodesy, and GPS Gilbert Strang and Kai Borre, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1997. This book provides a  comprehensive look at the mathematical algorithms for optimizing measurements for geodesy and global positioning. It contains three major sections: linear algebra, geodesy and GPS. MATLAB® examples are used to illustrate examples. 624 pages, hardcover.
(#2433) Price $80.00

52.North American Datum of 1983 Charles R. Schwarz, Ed., National Geodetic Survey, Dec. 1990 edition. A detailed description of the datum, including history, assessment, methodology, execution/results and implementation. 256 pages, softcover. (#1632) Price $35.00

53.Physical Geodesy Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof and Helmut Moritz, Springer Wien New York, 2005. A new book patterned after the 1967 original of the same title by Moritz and Heiskanen. This book adds GPS/GNSS measurement and technology to the classic
explanations of the earth's shape and its gravity field. Modern gravitational measurement and analysis techniques are
described. 403 pages, softcover. (#1480) Price $79.95

54.Satellite Geodesy, 2nd Edition Gunter Seeber, Walter de Gruyter, Inc., 2003. This book covers the field of satellite geodesy and is intended to serve as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a reference for professionals and scientists in the fields of engineering and geosciences. Useful and informative for those in geodesy, surveying engineering, geomatics, geography, navigation, geophysics, and oceanography. 358 pages, hardcover. (#1529) Price $83.00

55.The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model: Foundation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Earl F. Burkholder, CRC Press, 2008. The 3-D GSDM examines the long-used spatial data model for geodesy and addresses the new digital-based data collection, storage,
manipulation, adjustment and visualization procedures using modern 3-D techniques and tying together recent significant
advances in the surveying and GIS fields, including GNSS. 364 pages, hardcover. (#2461) Price $99.00

56.World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) - Its Definition and Relationships with Local Geodetic Systems, 3rd Edition
Defense Mapping Agency (DoD), Navtech, 1997. Updated report on WGS-84 and its relationship to previous datums. With
PC coordinate transformation software. 120 pages, softcover. (#1601) Price $36.00

57.New Potential of Low-Frequency Radionavigation in the 21st Century Wouter J. Pelgrum, 2007. GPS has enabled accurate, affordable, and almost ubiquitous positioning and timing. The ever-improving performance of GPS has long fueled the thought
that GPS - and GPS alone - was to be the designated future of radio positioning and timing. 295 pages, softcover. (#2455) Price $99.00 (Also downloadable online for free)

58.Spread Spectrum Systems for GNSS and Wireless Communications Jack K. Holmes, Artech House, 2007. A modern treatment of spread spectrum (SS) comms, including direct sequence and frequency hopping. The book helps you understand the performance of SS systems under the influence of jamming and with and without coding. You find details on the synchronization of SS systems, including initial acquisition and tracking. 855 pages, hardcover. (#2454) Price $149.00

59.Radio Engineering for Wireless Communication and Sensor Applications Antti Raisanen and Arto Lehto, Artech House, Inc., 2003.
Applications from wireless comm and nav to sensors and radar. This practical resource addresses the generation, control,
detection and utilization of radio waves as well as details of radio link, amplifier and antenna design, noise and modulation theory.
Also includes a useful review of biological effects and safety standards. 396 pages, hardcover. (#1220) Price $95.00

60.Wireless Positioining Technologies and Applications Alan Bensky, Artech House, 2008. This book is about wireless position estimation, using GPS to explain and demonstrate the application of fundamental distance measuring principles. It is aimed at working engineers wanting to expand their knowledge of wireless services. Basic engineering math is helpful. 305 pages, hardcover. (#2458) Price $99.00

61.Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers, A Software Approach, 2nd Edition James Boa-Yen Tsui, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005. A working resource for engineers; how to build and operate GPS receivers. This work provides a comprehensive reference on the operational principles guiding this technology. It has an emphasis on softwarebased signal processing with a cutting-edge approach expected to dominate future integration of GPS receivers into cellular phones. 352 pages, hardcover. (#1527) Price $104.50

62.ION STD 101: Recommended Test Procedures for GPS Receivers, Revision C Institute of Navigation, 1997. This test procedure document defines a group of performance tests applicable to a wide variety of GPS receivers.Recommendations have been developed from a consensus of experts within the Institute of Navigation, as well as contributors from outside. Usage of these test procedures is
voluntary. 32 pages, softcover. (#1207) Price $60.00

63.A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver: A Single- Frequency Approach Kai Borre, Dennis M. Akos, N. Bertelsen, P. Rinder, S. Jensen, Birkhauser Press, 2007. The text and DVD allow the reader to study and then create an SDR (software defined receiver). A powerful and practical book. 176 pages, softcover. (#1625) Price $79.95

64.GNSS Receivers for Weak Signals Nesreen I. Zieden, Artech House, Inc., 2006. This book focuses on the development of efficient GNSS receiver algorithms to work with weak signals under various dynamic conditions. The algorithms do not require any assisting information from outside sources like networks, so they can be implemented in standalone GNSS receivers. Addresses all the main receiver functions and 15 algorithms are explained for use in weak signal and high interference environments. 234 pages, hardcover.
(#1626) Price $95.00

65.Celestial Navigation ...when your GPS Fails Mark Breach, Trafford Publishing, 2004. A companion to your sextant and watch. This book can provide you with an alternative to GPS and LORAN. Includes tables for using sun, planet and moon observations to determine position. 142 pages, softcover. (#1013) Price $25.00

66.Fun With GPS Donald Cooke, ESRI Press, 2005. This book shows how to map track logs captured by consumer GPS units using free
software. 200+ color photos illustrate dozens of activities: mapping race cars, athletes, pets and wild animals. MS Windows and the Internet are required to take full advantage of the book. Great GIFT ITEM for KIDS and adults! Slanted towards Garmin receivers. 136 pages, softcover. (#1226) $19.95

67.GPS Instant Navigation, 2nd Edition Kevin Monahan and Don Douglass, Fine Edge Publishing, 2000. In this clear, well illustrated manual on GPS, mariners will find simple solutions to navigation challenges. It takes the novice from the basics of instant navigation to advanced techniques of error reduction, electronic charting, and nav software. Includes 150 detailed diagrams, which illustrate
many ways you can use GPS. 315 pages, softcover. (#2442) Price $19.95

68.GPS Made Easy, Using Global Positioning Systems in the Outdoors, 4th Edition, WAAS Revised Lawrence Letham, The Mountaineers, 2003. A very readable, "how to" guide to using GPS for outdoor leisure activities. Includes an introduction to GPS, expanded coverage of GPS hand-held receivers (how they work and typical features), UTM, lat/long, other grid systems,
and differential GPS. Uses outdoor activity examples to demonstrate the principles. 112 pages, softcover.
(#1224) $13.95

69.Hacking GPS Rick Broida and Dave Johnson, Technical Ed., McGraw Hill Osborne, 2004. Shows you how to modify, tweak and
hack your GPS to new levels. Crazy-cool mods include exploiting secret keycodes, revealing hidden features, building power cords and cables, and hacking the battery and antenna. The hacking techniques are sound and very interesting. 337 pages, softcover. (#1477) Price $24.00


70.GNSS Markets and Applications Len Jacobson, Artech House, Inc., 2007. Written for functional managers and staff who are concerned with entering or growing a GNSS business and who interact with the engineers who are developing GNSS products and
services. Technical aspects are treated in a general manner to give the reader enough information to work in marketing effectively. 216 pages, hardcover. (#2453) Price $79.00

71.Building and Programming a Synthetic Vision Information System (SVIS) James Pryor Hauser, Ph.D., AeroSpectra Inc 2005.
This book is intended for those who would build their own PC-based Electronic Flight Instrument System with 3D terrain rendering, dubbed by NASA as SVIS. It is also intended to educate those in the purchasing of a commercial SVIS system. 300 pages, soft cover. Includes CD. (#1352) Price $95.00

This is a practical guide to building Kalman filters that shows how the filtering equations can be applied to real-life problems. Numerous examples are presented in detail, showing the many ways in which Kalman filters can be designed. Computer code written in FORTRAN, MATLAB®, and True BASIC accompanies all of the examples so that the interested reader can verify concepts and explore issues beyond the scope of the text. In certain instances, the authors intentionally introduce mistakes to the initial filter designs to show the reader what happens when the filter is not working properly. The text carefully sets up a problem before the Kalman filter is actually formulated, to give the reader an intuitive feel for the problem being addressed. Because real problems are seldom presented as differential equations, and usually do not have unique solutions, the authors illustrate several different filtering approaches. Readers will gain experience in software and performance tradeoffs for determining the best filtering approach. The material that has been added to this edition is in response to questions and feedback from readers. The third edition has three new chapters on unusual topics related to Kalman filtering and other filtering techniques based on the method of least squares.Chapter 17 presents a type of filter known as the fixed or finite memory filter, which only remembers a finite number of measurements from the past. Chapter 18 shows how the chain rule from calculus can be used for filter initialization or to avoid filtering altogether. A realistic three-dimensional GPS example is used to illustrate the chain-rule method for filter initialization. Finally, Chapter 19 shows how a bank of linear sine-wave Kalman filters, each one tuned to a different sine-wave frequency, can be used to estimate the actual frequency of noisy sinusoidal measurements and obtain estimates of the states of the sine wave when the measurement noise is low.




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