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原创 Class Design Principles

OO Analysis and Design8. Class Design Principles Separation of Concerns Abstraction Accessors Law of Demeter Styles of Reuse Inheritance as Reuse Liskovs Principle of

2004-08-28 16:35:00 1695

原创 重构.NET(www.refactoring.net)建站构想

重构.NET(www.refactoring.net)--中国第一个以Refactoring为主题的网站。主题:关注重构(Refactoring)、关注驱动测试开发(TDD)、关注设计模式(Disigh Patterns)。目标:以重构为载体,通过推广重构的思想和技术,提供重构代码的交流平台,提高程序员的设计能力和写好代码的修养。推动把重构职业化的进程,进而培养中国第一批重构师。形式:

2004-08-25 11:34:00 2709 2

原创 NUnitForms

NUnitForms is an NUnit extension for unit and acceptance testing of Windows Forms applications. Now it is easy to write automated tests for your Windows Forms classeshttp://nunitforms.sourceforge.

2004-08-23 14:25:00 2025

原创 About log4net

About log4netIntroductionlog4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. log4net is a port of the excellent log4j framework to the .NET runtime.

2004-08-20 22:54:00 1415

原创 .NET Tools

NET Tools Here are listed some of the existing companion tools for .NET development.Although quite comprehensive, this list is not exhaustive. You can submit new tools or report a dead

2004-08-20 21:54:00 2146

原创 关于测试private methods

看看Java中是如何进行private methods的测试的 Testing Private Methods with JUnit and SuiteRunnerSo whether you are using JUnit or SuiteRunner, you have the same four basic approaches to testing private methods:

2004-08-19 11:19:00 1353

原创 TDD example

If you are looking for a good high level introduction to TDD in .NET then I recommend you walk through the example from Chapter 2 of Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET. In this example you wi

2004-08-19 11:04:00 1347

原创 unit testing private methods

unit testing private methods Projects that use nUnit extensively often debate whether or not to test private methods.  As one of our developers wrote, "In old C++ world we used to use friend key

2004-08-19 10:52:00 1971

原创 Testing ASP.NET Applications with NUnitASP and NUnit


2004-08-19 09:10:00 1335

原创 Test-Driven Development in .NET摘要

Test-Driven Development in .NEThttp://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/tdd_in_dotnet.asp摘要:Using Mock Objects - DotNetMockOne of the biggest challenges you will face when writing units tests is to mak

2004-08-18 10:32:00 1539

原创 测试驱动的网上资源[来自NUnit.org]

 Description Publication Test-Driven C# : Improve the Design and Flexibility of Your Project with Extreme Programming Techniques by Will Stott and James W. Newkirk  T

2004-08-17 22:36:00 1423

原创 《测试驱动开发》想到的

测试驱动开发的步骤个人理解:1、将需求写清楚。——明确目标很重要。2、列任务清单(To-do List)3、首先要做的,应该是最简单的。4、将需求个例化。5、将思考过程放到清单中。6、7……略个人感悟:小步快跑是尽可能的一次只解决一个问题。一次只解决一个问题的功力不在于解决问题的能力,而在于明确问题、分解问题、从问题列表中选择当前首要解决的问题的能力。一、明确问

2004-08-17 21:16:00 1237

原创 Introduction to NMock

Introduction to NMockby Hsue-Shen Tham MockingIn many cases when unit testing, developers will come across a piece of functionality that is hard to test given the dependencies on other classes o

2004-08-17 16:21:00 1663

原创 Using NMock and DynamicMocks in Test Driven Development

Using NMock and DynamicMocks in Test Driven DevelopmentI was pairing with someone last night trying to test the Command pattern which lead to a useful example of using NMock to create a dynamic Mock

2004-08-17 16:04:00 1431

原创 http://www.martinfowler.com/


2004-08-17 15:35:00 1318

原创 Refactoring C# Code Using Visual Studio 2005

Refactoring C# Code Using Visual Studio 2005Andrew W. TroelsenIntertech TrainingJuly 2004Applies to:   Microsoft Visual Studio 2005   Microsoft Visual C# 2.0Summary: This article examines

2004-08-17 11:36:00 1013

原创 Better, Faster, Lighter Programming in .NET

Better, Faster, Lighter Programming in .NETPosted By: Dion Almaer on July 21, 2004 @ 10:34 AMThere has been a large push to simplicity in the J2EE world. Justin Gehtland, coauthor of Better, Faste

2004-08-16 21:43:00 1048

原创 重构一个函数的心得

重构一个函数的心得重构不仅仅是一种思想,而且是一种技术。    这里所说的“技术”强调的是重构的可操作性很强。经过实践我发现不仅仅根据代码的理解可以进行重构,也可以根据一些代码的形式去重构它。这是我原先忽略的,原先我只是凭感觉,根据代码的功能去把函数划分成块,再重构。这样做有一定的局限性,如果拿到手的是一段不熟悉的代码,就不能这样做了。于是我重新看了看书,发现认真的理解书上的重构法则,一步步地

2004-08-12 15:28:00 1688

原创 Data Access Application Block V2 类库中文文档

Data Access Application Block V2 类库中文文档 数据访问应用程序块V2 (Data Access Application Block) 是一个 .NET 组件,它包含经过优化的数据访问代码,可以帮助用户调用存储过程以及向 SQL Server 数据库发出 SQL 文本命令。它返回 SqlDataReader、DataSet 和 XmlReader 对象。您可

2004-08-12 10:33:00 2038

翻译 翻译TIPatterns--目录(Contents)

http://blog.csdn.net/lxwde/archive/2004/08/04/60395.aspxtest http://www.theserverside.net/articles/showarticle.tss?id=10WaysTestableCodeIntroducing NHibernatehttp://www.theserverside.net/artic

2004-08-09 16:32:00 988

转载 为 ASP.NET Datagrid 创建自定义列

为 ASP.NET Datagrid 创建自定义列

2004-08-02 22:01:00 814

转载 微软的常用资源列表

web开发http://www.microsoft.com/china/msdn/Archives/catalog/web/MSDN 微软开发技巧系列网络讲座http://www.microsoft.com/china/msdn/events/webcasts/Webcast/webcasts.mspxMSDN 归档技术资源库http://www.microsoft.com/china/MSDN/

2004-08-02 21:31:00 864

原创 如何才能学好C#

1.微软支持  在你学习VS.NET的过程中,有疑问首先要向MicroSoft求助。如果你不懂得利用MicroSoft提供的庞大的学习资源,我要告诉你,你很不幸,你舍近求远了。  (1)首先,你要安装MSDN,他比所有VS.NET书籍详细。我为了装MSDN,可是牺牺了我的98和XP双启动,改成WindowsXP单系统。装了MSDN后,你要学习正则表达式,VS.NET 2003中点击“帮助”,再点

2004-08-02 21:24:00 904

原创 QuicklyBuildModel/User.cs[快速类建模型用户类代码]

using System; namespace objLogin.QuicklyBuildModel{  ///  /// 用户权限类型 未定 ///  enum UserRankCollection {rank1,rank2,rank3};  ///  /// User类 快速模型 并未实现 /// 封装对用户的所有操作 ///  public class User {   #region 属性

2004-06-29 00:51:00 1325 1

原创 QuicklyBuildModel/UserManage.aspx[快速类建模型后台用户管理页面代码]

using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebContr

2004-06-29 00:48:00 1061

原创 QuicklyBuildModel/SecurityPage.cs[快速类建模型浏览页基类代码]

sing System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebContro

2004-06-29 00:46:00 844

原创 QuicklyBuildModel/detail.aspx[快速类建模型浏览页代码 ]

using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebContr

2004-06-29 00:42:00 909

原创 用户管理系统快速建立对象关系模型说明

快速建立对象关系模型。将所有接口联系起来,对象内部却并不真正不实现。辅助设计之用。在Login/QuicklyBuildModel目录下 login.aspx是登录页面。detail.aspx是登录后用户进入的页面,此页面需要身份登录验证,若没有登录则返回登录页面。同时要根据不同权限的用户进行不同的页面功能设置。UserManage.aspx是用户管理页面,将实现对用户的删除、修改、权限设置等功能

2004-06-29 00:39:00 1308

原创 QuicklyBuildModel/Login.aspx.cs[快速类建模型登录页面代码]

  using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebCon

2004-06-29 00:37:00 1911 1

原创 用户管理系统面向对象的实现

用户管理系统面向对象的实现开发方案 用户管理系统面向对象的实现目的:为更好的学习和实践面向对象的编程思想,更好的与广大ASP.NET编程爱好者交流互相学习,我倡议开放源码共同开发实现一个可重用的用户管理系统。参与者:任何感兴趣的ASP.NET编程爱好者都可以参与,以VC#实现为主体(因为我使用C#,其他语言者也可参与,但形式另议。)参与方式:由我按照既定的开发步骤搭建框架,参与者在该框架下进

2004-06-29 00:30:00 2133



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