
.type start,#function    //type指定start这个符号是函数类型
.rept 8
mov r0, r0    //空操作,重复八次

b 1f    //跳转
.word 0x016f2818 @ Magic numbers to help the loader
.word start @ absolute load/run zImage address
.word _edata @ zImage end address
1: mov r7, r1 @ save architecture ID   //bootloader 传递过来的r1 r2
mov r8, r2 @ save atags pointer
//r1和r2中分别存放着由bootloader传递过来的architecture ID和指向标记列表的指针

#ifndef __ARM_ARCH_2__
 * Booting from Angel - need to enter  SVC mode and disable
 * FIQs/IRQs (numeric definitions from angel arm.h source).
 * We only do this if we were in user mode on entry.
mrs r2, cpsr @ get current mode
tst r2, #3 @ not user?
bne not_angel
mov r0, #0x17 @ angel_SWIreason_EnterSVC
swi 0x123456 @ angel_SWI_ARM
mrs r2, cpsr @ turn off interrupts to
orr r2, r2, #0xc0 @ prevent angel from running
msr cpsr_c, r2        //关闭IRQ FIQ
teqp pc, #0x0c000003 @ turn off interrupts

adr r0,  LC0    //下面有解释
ldmia r0, {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, ip, sp}
subs r0, r0, r1 @ calculate the delta offset 获取偏移量

@ if delta is zero, we are
beq not_relocated @ running at the address we
@ were linked at.
 * We're running at a different address.  We need to fix
 * up various pointers:
 *   r5 - zImage base address
 *   r6 - GOT start
 *   ip - GOT end
add r5, r5, r0    //修改内核映像基地址
add r6, r6, r0    //修改got表的起始和结束地址
add ip, ip, r0
  . = 0;
  _text = .;

  .text : {
    _start = .;
    . = ALIGN(4);

  _etext = .;

  _got_start = .;
  .got : { *(.got) }
  _got_end = .;
  .got.plt : { *(.got.plt) }
  .data : { *(.data) }
  _edata = .;

  . = ALIGN(4);
  __bss_start = .;
  .bss : { *(.bss) }
  _end = .;

  .stack (NOLOAD) : { *(.stack) }

  .stab 0 : { *(.stab) }
  .stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) }
  .stab.excl 0 : { *(.stab.excl) }
  .stab.exclstr 0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) }
  .stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) }
  .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }
  .comment 0 : { *(.comment) }
依次是.text .got .data .bss .stack .stab,另外连接地址都是位置无关的,即都是以0地址为偏移的。

 * If we're running fully PIC === CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM = n,
 * we need to fix up pointers into the BSS region.
 *   r2 - BSS start    
 *   r3 - BSS end
 *   sp - stack pointer
add r2, r2, r0    //修改bss段和堆栈的地址
add r3, r3, r0
add sp, sp, r0

 * Relocate all entries in the GOT table.
1: ldr r1, [r6, #0] @ relocate entries in the GOT 重定位got表
add r1, r1, r0 @ table.  This fixes up the
str r1, [r6], #4 @ C references.
cmp r6, ip
blo 1b         //bhs 大于等于跳转,bls小于等于跳转,blo不相等跳转

 * Relocate entries in the GOT table.  We only relocate
 * the entries that are outside the (relocated) BSS region.
1: ldr r1, [r6, #0] @ relocate entries in the GOT
cmp r1, r2 @ entry < bss_start ||
cmphs r3, r1 @ _end < entry
addlo r1, r1, r0 @ table.  This fixes up the
str r1, [r6], #4 @ C references.
cmp r6, ip
blo 1b       

not_relocated: mov r0, #0
1: str r0, [r2], #4 clear bss 清bss段,所有arm程序都需要做这些
str r0, [r2], #4
str r0, [r2], #4
str r0, [r2], #4
cmp r2, r3
blo 1b

 * The C runtime environment should now be setup
 * sufficiently.  Turn the cache on, set up some
 * pointers, and start decompressing.
bl cache_on    //打开cache

mov r1, sp @ malloc space above stack
add r2, sp, #0x10000 64k max 解压函数需要的内存缓存
 * Check to see if we will overwrite ourselves.
 *    r4 = final kernel address
 *    r5 = start of this image
 *    r2 = end of malloc space (and therefore this image)
 * We basically want:
 *   r4 >= r2 -> OK
 *   r4 + image length <= r5 -> OK
cmp r4, r2    //r4现在在.text,而r2在.stack地址的后面,那个刚分配给解压函数的64K,显然r2>r4,所以不跳转。
bhs wont_overwrite    //branch if higher or same
sub r3, sp, r5 @ > compressed kernel size  得到映像大小
add r0, r4, r3, lsl #2 @ allow for 4x expansion 将这个大小乘以4
cmp r0, r5
bls wont_overwrite

mov r5, r2 @ decompress after malloc space
mov r0, r5    //r5为映像解压后的起始地址,紧接着r2
mov r3, r7    //r7中存放的是architecture ID
bl decompress_kernel

add r0, r0, #127 + 128 @ alignment + stack
bic r0, r0, #127 @ align the kernel length 清除127位,与上面的128字节对齐
其中 decompress_kernel解压函数在arch/arm/boot/compressed/misc.c中。
decompress_kernel(ulg output_start, ulg free_mem_ptr_p, ulg free_mem_ptr_end_p,
  int arch_id)
output_data = (uch *)output_start; /* Points to kernel start */解压后内核输出的起始地址
free_mem_ptr = free_mem_ptr_p;     解压函数缓存的起始地址
free_mem_ptr_end = free_mem_ptr_end_p;    解压函数缓存的结束地址
__machine_arch_type = arch_id;    体系结构ID


putstr("Uncompressing Linux...");
putstr(" done, booting the kernel.\n");       //这个打印信息是不是很熟悉啊
return output_ptr;

r0:解压后内核的长度,后存放映像解压后的起始地址    mov r0, r5,重新指定为解压后内核的长度
r3:原来存映像大小,后来存放体系结构ID     mov r3, r7
r5:映像解压后的起始地址    mov r5, r2

                add r1, r5, r0 @ end of decompressed kernel  r1:解压后内核代码的结束地址
adr r2, reloc_start        //设定重定义的开始地址和结束地址
ldr r3, LC1
add r3, r2, r3
1: ldmia r2!, {r9 - r14} @ copy relocation code 拷贝内核重定位的代码,不至于被覆盖
stmia r1!, {r9 - r14}
ldmia r2!, {r9 - r14}
stmia r1!, {r9 - r14}
cmp r2, r3
blo 1b
add sp, r1, #128 @ relocate the stack 改变堆栈指针

bl cache_clean_flush    刷新cache
add pc, r5, r0 @ call relocation code 唤醒内核重定义的代码

 * We're not in danger of overwriting ourselves.  Do this the simple way.
 * r4     = kernel execution address
 * r7     = architecture ID
wont_overwrite: mov r0, r4        //假如内核映像没有被bootloader移动过,就会跳到此处
mov r3, r7
bl decompress_kernel
b call_kernel

.align 5
reloc_start: add r9, r5, r0    //r0+r5 = 解压后内核代码的结束地址加上128字节栈空间
sub r9, r9, #128 @ do not copy the stack
mov r1, r4
.rept 4
ldmia r5!, {r0, r2, r3, r10 - r14} @ relocate kernel
stmia r1!, {r0, r2, r3, r10 - r14}

cmp r5, r9
blo 1b
add sp, r1, #128 @ relocate the stack

call_kernel: bl cache_clean_flush
bl cache_off        //关闭cache
mov r0, #0 @ must be zero    清零r0
mov r1, r7 @ restore architecture number
mov r2, r8 @ restore atags pointer
mov pc, r4 @ call  kernel

//PAGE_OFFSET = 0xc0000000; TEXT_OFFSET = 0x00008000;
//PHYS_OFFSET = 0xa0000000;
ENTRY(stext)                //这里对应head.S中的ENTRY(stext)
jiffies = jiffies_64;
 . = (0xc0000000) + 0x00008000;
 .text.head : {
  _stext = .;
  _sinittext = .;
 .init : { /* Init code and data */
   *(.init.text) *(.cpuinit.text) *(.meminit.text)
  _einittext = .;
  __proc_info_begin = .;
  __proc_info_end = .;
  __arch_info_begin = .;
  __arch_info_end = .;
  __tagtable_begin = .;
  __tagtable_end = .;
  . = ALIGN(16);
  __setup_start = .;
  __setup_end = .;
  __early_begin = .;
  __early_end = .;
  __initcall_start = .;
   .section是GNU ASM的语法。格式如下:
    .section name[,"flags"[,@type]]   其中,name是必须的,flags是可选。
    "ax"表示:a为section is allocatable,x为executable。
.section ".text.head", "ax"
.type stext, %function
ENTRY(stext)        //kernel的入口点函数
//MSR:是ARM汇编指令,用来将数据copy到status register寄存器中。cpsr_c表示要操作
msr cpsr_c, #PSR_F_BIT | PSR_I_BIT | SVC_MODE @ ensure svc mode  禁止FIQ、IRQ,设定SVC模式
@ and irqs disabled
mrc p15, 0, r9, c0, c0 @ get processor id    //可以去查看arm CPU ID各字段的涵义
bl __lookup_processor_type @ r5=procinfo r9=cpuid //检测cpu类型,如果支持,r5返回一个用来描述处理器结构体的地址,否则返回0.
movs r10, r5 @ invalid processor (r5=0)?
beq __error_p @ yes, error 'p'
bl __lookup_machine_type @ r5=machinfo  //检测开发板类型,即machine ID,如果支持,r5返回一个用来描述开发板结构体的地址,否则返回0.
movs r8, r5 @ invalid machine (r5=0)?
beq __error_a @ yes, error 'a'
bl __vet_atags    //检测bootloader传入的参数列表atags的合法性
bl __create_page_tables    //创建初始页表

 * The following calls CPU specific code in a position independent
 * manner.  See arch/arm/mm/proc-*.S for details.  r10 = base of
 * xxx_proc_info structure selected by __lookup_machine_type
 * above.  On return, the CPU will be ready for the MMU to be
 * turned on, and r0 will hold the CPU control register value.
ldr r13,  __switch_data @ address to jump to after    //将列表__switch_data存到r13中,在head-common.S中。
@ mmu has been enabled
adr lr,  __enable_mmu @ return (PIC) address    //使能mmu
//r10中存放的基地址是从__lookup_processor_type中得到的,如上面movs r10, r5


下面主要来说说 __lookup_processor_type__lookup_machine_type。它们都在/arch/arm/kernel/head-common.S实现。

__lookup_processor_type 检测CPU
struct proc_info_list {
unsigned int cpu_val;
unsigned int cpu_mask;
unsigned long __cpu_mm_mmu_flags; /* used by head.S */
unsigned long __cpu_io_mmu_flags; /* used by head.S */
unsigned long __cpu_flush; /* used by head.S */
const char *arch_name;
const char *elf_name;
unsigned int elf_hwcap;
const char *cpu_name;
struct processor *proc;
struct cpu_tlb_fns *tlb;
struct cpu_user_fns *user;
struct cpu_cache_fns *cache;
.section "", #alloc, #execinstr

.type __xsc3_proc_info,#object
.long 0x69056000
.long 0xffffe000
.long PMD_TYPE_SECT | \
.long PMD_TYPE_SECT | \
b __xsc3_setup
.long cpu_arch_name
.long cpu_elf_name
.long cpu_xsc3_name
.long xsc3_processor_functions
.long v4wbi_tlb_fns
.long xsc3_mc_user_fns
.long xsc3_cache_fns
.size __xsc3_proc_info, . - __xsc3_proc_info
__proc_info_begin = .;
  __proc_info_end = .;

 * Read processor ID register (CP#15, CR0), and look up in the linker-built
 * supported processor list.  Note that we can't use the absolute addresses
 * for the __proc_info lists since we aren't running with the MMU on
 * (and therefore, we are not in the correct address space).  We have to
 * calculate the offset.
 * r9 = cpuid
 * Returns:
 * r3, r4, r6 corrupted
 * r5 = proc_info pointer in physical address space
 * r9 = cpuid (preserved)
.type __lookup_processor_type, %function
adr r3, 3f        //r3:标记3处的物理地址  r7:标记3处的虚拟地址
ldmda r3, {r5 - r7}    //过后减少装载    ldm是load multiple register的意思,它的作用是将[r3]对应的内存内容存储到r5,r6,r7寄存器中,每传递一次,r3递减4个字节
sub r3, r3, r7 @ get offset between virt&phys    //得到虚拟地址和物理地址之间的offset
add r5, r5, r3 @ convert virt addresses to
add r6, r6, r3 @ physical address space    将r5和r6中保存的虚拟地址转变为物理地址
1: ldmia r5, {r3, r4} @ value, mask    //r3=cpu_val r4=cpu_mask
and r4, r4, r9 @ mask wanted bits
teq r3, r4
beq 2f    //如果匹配成功则返回
//PROC_INFO_SZ (proc_info_list结构的长度,在这等于48),跳到下一个proc_info_list处
add r5, r5, #PROC_INFO_SZ @ sizeof(proc_info_list)
cmp r5, r6    //判断是否已经到了结构体proc_info_list存放区域的末尾__proc_info_end
blo 1b
mov r5, #0 @ unknown processor
2: mov pc, lr        //子程序返回

 * This provides a C-API version of the above function.
stmfd sp!, {r4 - r7, r9, lr}
mov r9, r0
bl __lookup_processor_type
mov r0, r5
ldmfd sp!, {r4 - r7, r9, pc}

 * Look in include/asm-arm/procinfo.h and arch/arm/kernel/arch.[ch] for
 * more information about the __proc_info and __arch_info structures.
.long __proc_info_begin
.long __proc_info_end
3: .long .       //“.”表示当前这行代码编译链接后的虚拟地址
.long __arch_info_begin
.long __arch_info_end

__lookup_machine_type 检测开发板
struct machine_desc {
 * Note! The first four elements are used
 * by assembler code in head.S, head-common.S
unsigned int nr; /* architecture number */
unsigned int phys_io; /* start of physical io */
unsigned int io_pg_offst; /* byte offset for io 
 * page tabe entry */

const char *name; /* architecture name */
unsigned long boot_params; /* tagged list */

unsigned int video_start; /* start of video RAM */
unsigned int video_end; /* end of video RAM */

unsigned int reserve_lp0 :1; /* never has lp0 */
unsigned int reserve_lp1 :1; /* never has lp1 */
unsigned int reserve_lp2 :1; /* never has lp2 */
unsigned int soft_reboot :1; /* soft reboot */
void (*fixup)(struct machine_desc *,
 struct tag *, char **,
 struct meminfo *);
void (*map_io)(void);/* IO mapping function */
void (*init_irq)(void);
struct sys_timer *timer; /* system tick timer */
void (*init_machine)(void);
MACHINE_START(LITTLETON, "Marvell Form Factor Development Platform (aka Littleton)")
.phys_io = 0x40000000,
.boot_params = 0xa0000100,
.io_pg_offst = (io_p2v(0x40000000) >> 18) & 0xfffc,
.map_io = pxa_map_io,
.init_irq = pxa3xx_init_irq,
.timer = &pxa_timer,
.init_machine = littleton_init,
#define MACHINE_START(_type,_name) \
static const struct machine_desc __mach_desc_##_type \
 __used \
 __attribute__((__section__(""))) = { \
.nr = MACH_TYPE_##_type, \
.name = _name,

#define MACHINE_END \

 * Lookup machine architecture in the linker-build list of architectures.
 * Note that we can't use the absolute addresses for the __arch_info
 * lists since we aren't running with the MMU on (and therefore, we are
 * not in the correct address space).  We have to calculate the offset.
 *  r1 = machine architecture number
 * Returns:
 *  r3, r4, r6 corrupted
 *  r5 = mach_info pointer in physical address space
.type __lookup_machine_type, %function
adr r3, 3b
ldmia r3, {r4, r5, r6}
sub r3, r3, r4 @ get offset between virt&phys
add r5, r5, r3 @ convert virt addresses to
add r6, r6, r3 @ physical address space
1: ldr r3, [r5, #MACHINFO_TYPE] @ get machine type
teq r3, r1 @ matches loader number?
beq 2f @ found
add r5, r5, #SIZEOF_MACHINE_DESC @ next machine_desc
cmp r5, r6
blo 1b
mov r5, #0 @ unknown machine
2: mov pc, lr

 * This provides a C-API version of the above function.
stmfd sp!, {r4 - r6, lr}
mov r1, r0
bl __lookup_machine_type
mov r0, r5
ldmfd sp!, {r4 - r6, pc}

__vet_atags  检测参数列表
struct tag {
struct tag_header hdr;
union {
struct tag_core core;
struct tag_mem32 mem;
struct tag_videotext videotext;
struct tag_ramdisk ramdisk;
struct tag_initrd initrd;
struct tag_serialnr serialnr;
struct tag_revision revision;
struct tag_videolfb videolfb;
struct tag_cmdline cmdline;

 * Acorn specific
struct tag_acorn acorn;

 * DC21285 specific
struct tag_memclk memclk;
} u;
struct tag_header {
__u32 size;
__u32 tag;
//其中 size:表示整个 tag 结构体的大小(用字的个数来表示,而不是字节的个数),等于
tag_header的大小加上 u联合体的大小。
#define ATAG_CORE 0x54410001        atag开始
#define ATAG_NONE 0x00000000        atag结束
#define ATAG_CORE_SIZE ((2*4 + 3*4) >> 2)

/* Determine validity of the r2 atags pointer.  The heuristic requires
 * that the pointer be aligned, in the first 16k of physical RAM and
 * that the ATAG_CORE marker is first and present.  Future revisions
 * of this function may be more lenient with the physical address and
 * may also be able to move the ATAGS block if necessary.
 * r8  = machinfo
 * Returns:
 *  r2 either valid atags pointer, or zero
 *  r5, r6 corrupted

.type __vet_atags, %function
tst r2, #0x3 @ aligned?    //r2指向该参数链表的起始位置,此处判断它是否字对齐
bne 1f

ldr r5, [r2, #0] @ is first tag ATAG_CORE? 获取第一个tag结构的size
subs r5, r5, #ATAG_CORE_SIZE        //比较长度是否有效
bne 1f
ldr r5, [r2, #4]        //获取第一个tag结构体的标记
ldr r6, =ATAG_CORE
cmp r5, r6        //判断第一个tag标记是不是ATAG_CORE
bne 1f

mov pc, lr @ atag pointer is ok

1: mov r2, #0
mov pc, lr

__create_page_tables 建立页表
 * Setup the initial page tables.  We only setup the barest
 * amount which are required to get the kernel running, which
 * generally means mapping in the kernel code.
 * r8  = machinfo
 * r9  = cpuid
 * r10 = procinfo
 * Returns:
 *  r0, r3, r6, r7 corrupted
 *  r4 = physical page table address
.type __create_page_tables, %function
pgtbl r4 @ page table address 转换表的物理基地址

 * Clear the 16K level 1 swapper page table  //为内核代码存储区域创建页表,首先将内核起始地址-0x4000~内核起始地址之间的16K 存储器清0,将创建的页表存于此处。
mov r0, r4
mov r3, #0
add r6, r0, #0x4000
1: str r3, [r0], #4
str r3, [r0], #4
str r3, [r0], #4
str r3, [r0], #4
teq r0, r6
bne 1b

ldr r7, [r10, #PROCINFO_MM_MMUFLAGS] @ mm_mmuflags    //从proc_info_list结构中获取字段__cpu_mm_mmu_flags,该字段包含了存储空间访问权限等

 * Create identity mapping for first MB of kernel to
 * cater for the MMU enable.  This identity mapping
 * will be removed by paging_init().  We use our current program
 * counter to determine corresponding section base address.
mov r6, pc, lsr #20 @ start of kernel section
orr r3, r7, r6, lsl #20 @ flags + kernel base
str r3, [r4, r6, lsl #2] @ identity mapping

 * Now setup the pagetables for our kernel direct
 * mapped region.
add r0, r4,  #(KERNEL_START & 0xff000000) >> 18
str r3, [r0, #(KERNEL_START & 0x00f00000) >> 18]!    r0存放转换表的起始地址
ldr r6, =(KERNEL_END - 1)     //获取内核结束地址
add r0, r0, #4    //计算第一个地址条目存放的地址
add r6, r4, r6, lsr #18    //计算最好一个地址条目存放的位置
1: cmp r0, r6
add r3, r3, #1 << 20
strls r3, [r0], #4
bls 1b

#ifdef CONFIG_XIP_KERNEL    //如果是XIP就进行以下映射,这只是将内核代码存储的空间重新映射
 * Map some ram to cover our .data and .bss areas.
orr r3, r7, #(KERNEL_RAM_PADDR & 0xff000000)
.if (KERNEL_RAM_PADDR & 0x00f00000)
orr r3, r3, #(KERNEL_RAM_PADDR & 0x00f00000)
add r0, r4,  #(KERNEL_RAM_VADDR & 0xff000000) >> 18
str r3, [r0, #(KERNEL_RAM_VADDR & 0x00f00000) >> 18]!
ldr r6, =(_end - 1)
add r0, r0, #4
add r6, r4, r6, lsr #18
1: cmp r0, r6
add r3, r3, #1 << 20
strls r3, [r0], #4
bls 1b

 * Then map first 1MB of ram in case it contains our boot params.映射开始的1M空间
add r0, r4, #PAGE_OFFSET >> 18
orr r6, r7, #(PHYS_OFFSET & 0xff000000)
.if (PHYS_OFFSET & 0x00f00000)
orr r6, r6, #(PHYS_OFFSET & 0x00f00000)
str r6, [r0]

#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_LL            //下面是为了调试而做的相关映射,可以跳过
ldr r7, [r10, #PROCINFO_IO_MMUFLAGS] @ io_mmuflags
 * Map in IO space for serial debugging.
 * This allows debug messages to be output
 * via a serial console before paging_init.
ldr r3, [r8, #MACHINFO_PGOFFIO]
add r0, r4, r3
rsb r3, r3, #0x4000 @ PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(long)
cmp r3, #0x0800 @ limit to 512MB
movhi r3, #0x0800
add r6, r0, r3
ldr r3, [r8, #MACHINFO_PHYSIO]
orr r3, r3, r7
1: str r3, [r0], #4
add r3, r3, #1 << 20
teq r0, r6
bne 1b
 * If we're using the NetWinder or CATS, we also need to map
 * in the 16550-type serial port for the debug messages
add r0, r4, #0xff000000 >> 18
orr r3, r7, #0x7c000000
str r3, [r0]
 * Map in screen at 0x02000000 & SCREEN2_BASE
 * Similar reasons here - for debug.  This is
 * only for Acorn RiscPC architectures.
add r0, r4, #0x02000000 >> 18
orr r3, r7, #0x02000000
str r3, [r0]
add r0, r4, #0xd8000000 >> 18
str r3, [r0]
mov pc, lr

setup 禁止cache
add pc, r10, #PROCINFO_INITFUNC  就是调用__xsc3_setup。
.type __xsc3_setup, #function
msr cpsr_c, r0
mcr p15, 0, ip, c7, c7, 0 @ invalidate L1 caches and BTB
mcr p15, 0, ip, c7, c10, 4 @ data write barrier
mcr p15, 0, ip, c7, c5, 4 @ prefetch flush
mcr p15, 0, ip, c8, c7, 0 @ invalidate I and D TLBs
orr r4, r4, #0x18 @ cache the page table in L2
mcr p15, 0, r4, c2, c0, 0 @ load page table pointer

mov r0, #0 @ don't allow CP access
mcr p15, 0, r0, c15, c1, 0 @ write CP access register

mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1 @ get auxiliary control reg
and r0, r0, #2 @ preserve bit P bit setting
orr r0, r0, #(1 << 10) @ enable L2 for LLR cache
mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1 @ set auxiliary control reg

adr r5, xsc3_crval
ldmia r5, {r5, r6}
mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 @ get control register
bic r0, r0, r5 @ ..V. ..R. .... ..A.
orr r0, r0, r6 @ ..VI Z..S .... .C.M (mmu)
@ ...I Z..S .... .... (uc)
orr  r0, r0, #0x04000000 @ L2 enable
mov pc, lr     //跳到adr lr, __enable_mmu 

.size __xsc3_setup, . - __xsc3_setup

.type xsc3_crval, #object
crval clear=0x04002202, mmuset=0x00003905, ucset=0x00001900


__enable_mmu  使能mmu
 * Setup common bits before finally enabling the MMU.  Essentially
 * this is just loading the page table pointer and domain access
 * registers.
.type __enable_mmu, %function
orr r0, r0, #CR_A
bic r0, r0, #CR_A
bic r0, r0, #CR_C        //禁止数据cache
bic r0, r0, #CR_Z
bic r0, r0, #CR_I        //禁止指令cache
mov r5, #(domain_val(DOMAIN_USER, DOMAIN_MANAGER) | \
      domain_val(DOMAIN_KERNEL, DOMAIN_MANAGER) | \
      domain_val(DOMAIN_TABLE, DOMAIN_MANAGER) | \
      domain_val(DOMAIN_IO, DOMAIN_CLIENT))
mcr p15, 0, r5, c3, c0, 0 @ load domain access register    //将访问权限写入协处理器
mcr p15, 0, r4, c2, c0, 0 @ load page table pointer        //将页表基地址写入基址寄存器C2
b __turn_mmu_on

 * Enable the MMU.  This completely changes the structure of the visible
 * memory space.  You will not be able to trace execution through this.
 * If you have an enquiry about this, *please* check the linux-arm-kernel
 * mailing list archives BEFORE sending another post to the list.
 *  r0  = cp#15 control register
 *  r13 = *virtual* address to jump to upon completion
 * other registers depend on the function called upon completion
.align 5
.type __turn_mmu_on, %function
mov r0, r0
mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 @ write control reg    写入懂控制寄存器,打开mmu,打开cache
mrc p15, 0, r3, c0, c0, 0 @ read id reg        读取ID寄存器
mov r3, r3
mov r3, r3            //空操作,等待前面所取得的指令得以执行
mov pc, r13        //程序跳转 ldr r13, __switch_data

__switch_data  数据转换
.type __switch_data, %object        //定义一个对象
.long __mmap_switched        //跳转到__mmap_switched
.long __data_loc @ r4    数据存放地址
.long __data_start @ r5    数据开始地址
.long __bss_start @ r6    bss开始地址
.long _end @ r7    bss结束地址,也是内核结束地址
.long processor_id @ r4
.long __machine_arch_type @ r5
.long __atags_pointer @ r6
.long cr_alignment @ r7
.long init_thread_union + THREAD_START_SP @ sp

 * The following fragment of code is executed with the MMU on in MMU mode,
 * and uses absolute addresses; this is not position independent.
 *  r0  = cp#15 control register
 *  r1  = machine ID
 *  r2  = atags pointer
 *  r9  = processor ID
.type __mmap_switched, %function
adr r3, __switch_data + 4

ldmia r3!, {r4, r5, r6, r7}
cmp r4, r5 @ Copy data segment if needed
1: cmpne r5, r6
ldrne fp, [r4], #4
strne fp, [r5], #4
bne 1b

mov fp, #0 @ Clear BSS (and zero fp)
1: cmp r6, r7
strcc fp, [r6],#4
bcc 1b

ldmia r3, {r4, r5, r6, r7, sp}
str r9, [r4] @ Save processor ID
str r1, [r5] @ Save machine type
str r2, [r6] @ Save atags pointer
bic r4, r0, #CR_A @ Clear 'A' bit
stmia r7, {r0, r4} @ Save control register values
b start_kernel

2.调用C函数start_kernel的准备工作:复制数据段,清除bss段,设置栈指针,保存processor ID,保存machine type,调用start_kernel。

评论 1




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