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CMG'08 Award Winning Papers: 提升java APP性能的10大方法

这10条里面最重要的一条:Test, Test, Test!!!!!!!!!!!原因很简单: 你都不知道哪里慢怎么提升性能?原文请从此处下: http://www.cmg.org/conference/cmg2008/awards/...

2009-07-07 15:47:20 514

原创 Lessons from the test lab: investigating a pleasan

This post describes our recent investigation into an interesting performance problem: benchmarks that we were surprised to find running significantly faster than we expected on new hardware. Along the...

2009-04-16 10:34:28 197

原创 Actual Performance, Perceived Performance

Actual Performance, Perceived PerformanceIf you've used Windows Vista, you've probably noticed that Vista's file copy performance is noticeably worse than Windows XP. I know it's one of the first ...

2009-02-05 11:34:56 222

原创 Mathematics for TopCoders

Mathematics for TopCodersBy dimkadimonTopCoder MemberIntroductionI have seen a number of competitors complain that they are unfairly disadvantaged because many TopCoder problems are too ...

2009-01-21 15:25:05 160

字符编码笔记:ASCII,Unicode和UTF-8 (引用)

字符编码笔记:ASCII,Unicode和UTF-8阮一峰 发表于 2007年10月28日 | 分类:首页 -> 档案 -> IT技术 今天中午,我突然想搞清楚Unicode和UTF-8之间的关系,于是就开始在网上查资料。结果,这个问题比我想象的复杂,从午饭后一直看到晚上9点,才算初步搞清楚。下面就是我的笔记,主要用来整理自己的思路。但是,我尽量试图写得...

2009-01-07 10:39:20 109

原创 Performance tuning tips - 43 (have fun)


2008-11-28 14:59:21 105

原创 Performance engineer MUST (4)

必看的一本书Computer Systems: A Programmer's PerspectiveGoogle 一下吧, 这个是"必须的".

2008-11-14 14:41:30 108

原创 Performance engineer MUST (3)

TLBTranslation lookaside bufferhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Translation_lookaside_buffer

2008-11-14 14:38:50 95

原创 Performance engineer MUST (2)

Spinlock以下来自WikipediaSpinlockFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchIn software engineering, a spinlock is a lock where the thread simply waits in a loop ("spins...

2008-11-14 11:50:07 99

Performance engineer MUST (1)

As a performance engineer, you must know "Context Switch"If you don't know, I give three suggestions:1> look up it in ur course books2> back to school3> Internet: http://en.wikipedia.org/w...

2008-11-07 15:10:03 123

原创 How to set up a simple LRU cache using LinkedHash

How to set up a simple LRU cache using LinkedHashMapCachesCaches are a simple way to improve the performance of an application that reads data from a "slow" source such as files on disk or ro...

2008-11-03 18:05:37 140


很多developer会忽视,甚至是无视profile的重要性。总是想当然的做些性能优化。经常有developer跑过来说:hey, 给我测测性能,我做了些优化。应该会有提升的。ok, 没问题。我很愿意为你效劳。 但是经常碰到的结果是: 没有或只有很小的提升。你告诉他,他还会认为你什么都不知道,你的测试结果不能说明问题。我想也许是因为developer都认为自己知道的最多,...

2008-10-27 13:49:55 185

原创 关于amazon的存储架构

非常有阅读价值的一篇论文!Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store[url]http://www.allthingsdistributed.com/2007/10/amazons_dynamo.html[/url]

2008-10-22 17:20:21 241

原创 ReentrantLock and Synchronized (from peter)

[code="java"]import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; public class HighContentionSimulator implements Runnable { enum Mode implements Runnab...

2008-10-22 17:05:04 109

木吉他演奏, Eric Clapton 是你的好老师

Clapton不插电(unplugged)里面的歌曲.[img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:iufT0mNXPeAGgM:http://www.guitarnoise.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/eric-clapton-unplugged.jpg[/img]推荐里面的三首歌:1> Sign...

2008-10-21 18:07:46 233


JVM 级别的锁机制的优化主要针对这两种情况:1> 大多数情况不会存在竞争的锁.2> 被频繁竞争的锁.以下采用事例的方式加以说明. 前三种方法是针对情况1>, 最后一种是针对情况2>.1. lock elision [code="java"] public String getStoogeNames() { Vector v = new Vecto...

2008-10-21 17:14:52 127


你说这一帮哲学家聚到一起吃饭,还一人只有一根筷子,还要吃口饭,放下筷子思考一下。当他们都拿起一根筷子时,发现还少根筷子,谁也不肯放下手中的筷子。结果是都只能饿死了。哎。。。这样不行啊。BTW, 这样吃饭好像很不卫生吧....

2008-10-21 13:45:56 111

ReentrantLock VS Synchronized

Here is a simple benchmark case for testing the performance between ReentrantLock and Synchronized.Machine: 2 phycial processors with hyperthreading enabled (4 logical processors)OS: windows...

2008-10-20 17:57:06 145

Performance test, more than test 性能测试, 不只是测试 (1)

Everytime, when people mention about performance test, some guys would stand out and say: aha, performance test, using loadrunner, collecting performance data, that's it. So, there are many docs talki...

2008-10-16 15:25:29 164

关于性能测试中一些计算方法(throughput, active user...)

我们知道最简单的情况下有如下公式: Throughput = 1 / responseTime       (1) 现实情况是用户在提交一个请求后并不会立即发第二个请求,比如用户打开一个页面后,他可能会花些时间来浏览它,我们把这个时间叫思考时间:ThinkTime, 那么公式(1)则进化为: Throughput = 1 / (thinkTime + responseTime)    ...

2008-10-08 14:33:54 710

原创 Scalability?

严格上讲,scalability还没有正式定义, 甚至有人觉得这样的词完全是带有商业味的。但我觉得以下的解释很直观:(from Steve Haines)  performance measures thespeed with which a single request can be executed, while scalabilitymeasures the ability o...

2008-10-07 14:07:51 431

Something to say (for viewer)

All performance articles are only based on my experience. The purpose that I put them here is trying to collect and shape my thoughts.   You may find something lose or wrong. Please leave me some no...

2008-07-01 11:32:47 92

Cray Reminiscences

Kirk Pepperdine's attendence of AMD's performance talk at JavaOne produced a cascade of fascinating memories about Cray optimizations. Here, Kirk relates some of the most interesting optimizations tha...

2007-08-29 15:54:44 126


1. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp11234/--------------------------------------- 2.wait free synchronization

2007-06-18 22:06:44 155

解决java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space(转帖)

解决方案就是:在启动服务器时加上指定PermGen区域的内存大小的配置.-XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m 比如:nohup /usr/java/jdk1.5.0_08/bin/java -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -j...

2007-06-05 18:07:48 88


« I used to work for... | Main | Usability for Programmers » Google TechTalk: Open Source Performance TestingGoranka Bjedov - Using Open Source Tools for Performance Testing, Google TechTalk, ...

2007-06-05 15:11:17 94

a nice way to see google video


2007-06-05 15:10:34 78


数据仓库,英文名称为Data Warehouse,可简写为DW。 数据仓库之父Bill Inmon在1991年出版的“Building the Data Warehouse”一书中所提出的定义被广泛接受——数据仓库(Data Warehouse)是一个面向主题的(Su...

2007-04-18 10:38:51 281



2007-04-16 17:43:20 202

Expressions Transform

Expressions, Conversion and Evaluation with C(All you need to know about Expressions)In this tutorial, I will be writing in detail about an important programming concept i.e. Algebraic Expressions,...

2007-04-13 11:13:26 280

Java cleanup code

Java shutdown hook guarantee that clean-up code is always run, regardless of how the user terminates the application.Here is an example from Hadoop:java 代码 /**    * A class to track the ...

2007-04-03 12:20:26 343

Java performance tunning

http://www.javaperformancetuning.com/A quite useful website which contains everything on java performance tunning.

2007-04-03 11:37:16 85

Running IE from command line

Here's a simple way you can run Internet Explorer from the command line:Create a new text file that contains the following line:@start "" /b "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %*R...

2007-04-03 10:58:15 80

Unicode and UTF8

What is Unicode?Unicode provides a unique number for every character,no matter what the platform,no matter what the program,no matter what the language.Fundamentally, computers just deal with num...

2007-04-03 10:27:04 72

Daemon Thread Notes

1. 只要程式中的non-Daemon thread都結束了.. 就算有Daemon Thread仍在執行中... 程式一樣會被強制結束... 最簡單的例子就是garbage collector thread.. 2. 如果某個 Thread 是 daemon thread,則它所產生的所有 threads 天生就 具有 daemon 的特性 3. A daemon thread...

2007-04-03 09:16:22 94

How to know the main class of a jar file?

Easy. Here is an implementation from Hadoop.java 代码 /**    * A micro-application that prints the main class name out of a jar file.    * @author Owen O'Malley    */   public cl...

2007-04-02 15:18:39 84

The best chinese BAT tutorial(from www.boofee.net/bigfee/)

 如何创建批处理文件?    不要听了批处理文件就感到很神气,其实这东西很简单的.你用过记事本没有?用过? 好的.将记事本打开,什么都不用写,然后选择文件,保存.保存类型选择所有文件,文件名则命名为 *.bat 这个*代表是文件名,你可以随便的起.保存好之后,看看你保存的地方,会出现一个白色窗口里有个黄色齿轮的图标.这东西就是你创建的批处理文件,双击他就可以运行,但他现在由于里面没有输入任何命令...

2007-03-27 11:58:41 222

Basics - Binary search

java 代码 public class BinarySearch {                public static int search(int element, int[] sortedArray) {            int length = sortedArray.length;            int left = 0...

2007-03-26 15:53:52 79


 MergeSort is a sample solution from the idea Dive - and - Conquer.I show my code below: java 代码    public class MergeSort {                public static void sort(int[] arra...

2007-03-23 17:26:16 80

Graph data structure

1. adjacent matrixgood for border scan, bad for space O(n*n), spare matrix mostlyjava 代码    public class GraphMatrix {        private int[][] nodeMatrix;        private int mat...

2007-03-23 12:04:05 117



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