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原创 YSlow

analyze web site performance. plug-in of Firefox http://developer.yahoo.com/yslow/

2009-12-07 14:35:00 486

原创 Page Speed

http://code.google.com/speed/page-speed/ evaluate pages performance

2009-12-07 14:27:00 507

转载 Why some people succeed more than others

 http://www.management-issues.com/2009/11/4/opinion/why-some-people-succeed-more-than-others.asp When was the last time you wrote out a goals list? If you cantremember or if youve never writte

2009-11-24 16:28:00 910

原创 migrate automated deployment script

1. properties file in content-search2. archive folder in depot folder3. scripts4. install cygwin, add bin to path

2009-11-16 12:40:00 401

原创 check Cygwin kernal version

 Just like on any Unix system, "uname -srv" will return the kernel (in Cygwins case, cygwin1.dll) version. On Cygwin, you can also use"cygcheck -srv" to get detailed information about your s

2009-11-02 16:57:00 461

原创 md5 implementation in java

import java.security.MessageDigestimport org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex public static String computerMD5( path)     {        println path        def buffer = path.getBytes()       

2009-10-13 18:29:00 431

转载 django step by step


2009-09-27 16:44:00 446

原创 start django

python django-admin.py startproject myprojectpython c:/django/myproject/manage.py runserver

2009-09-27 16:42:00 467

转载 python+mod_python+django搭建详解

python+mod_python+django搭建详解_蓝邦商贸<!--function CheckLogin(){ var taget_obj = document.getElementById(_ajax_feedback); myajax = new DedeAjax(taget_obj,false,false,,,); myajax.SendG

2009-09-27 11:46:00 1931 1

转载 python 创始人访谈录1:关于 django 和 ruby 收藏

python 创始人访谈录1:关于 django 和 ruby 收藏 主持人: Chris DiBona (Google 开源网站负责人) and Leo Laporte (Twit 网站创始人)被采访人:Guido van Rossum (python 创始人)Leo : Python 缺少一些本地的 gui 库吧,只有 tk 什么的, 你觉得这是不是一个问题呢?Gu

2009-09-27 11:43:00 607

原创 linux 里修改文件名

mv 老文件名 新文件名

2009-09-17 16:45:00 852

原创 java 中执行command

def command = "expect ./tests/scripts/sync_logs.sh csdeploy /data/metrics/download.log ./"        println command        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)        helper

2009-08-11 15:08:00 863

原创 jsch example

import com.jcraft.jsch.Channelimport com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftpimport com.jcraft.jsch.JSchimport com.jcraft.jsch.Sessionimport com.jcraft.jsch.UserInfo  public void syncLogs(hostname, use

2009-08-11 14:19:00 1410

原创 Another example of Expect

#!/usr/bin/expect -f# Expect script to supply root/admin password for remote ssh server# and execute command.# This script needs three argument to(s) connect to remote server:

2009-08-07 14:00:00 553

转载 Expect

使用expect实现自动登录的脚本,网上有很多,可是都没有一个明白的说明,初学者一般都是照抄、收藏。可是为什么要这么写却不知其然。本文用一个最短的例子说明脚本的原理。脚本代码如下:###############################################!/usr/bin/expectset timeout 30spawn ssh

2009-08-07 13:54:00 2122

原创 http://webwait.com/


2009-07-17 17:17:00 689

转载 Wait For Ajax

http://davidvollbracht.com/2008/6/4/30-days-of-tech-day-3-waitforajax 30 Days of Tech: Day 3 - WaitForAjaxJune 3rd, 2008Here’sa quick one that came out of writing Selenium tests

2009-07-17 15:15:00 9750

原创 elastic ip in amazon ec2


2009-07-06 10:11:00 460

原创 amazon ec2

>ec2-run-instances ami-2dc02444 -k ec2-seek-share-shqa-seek-keypair  

2009-07-03 11:06:00 432

原创 compare JUnit and TestNG

http://www.mkyong.com/unittest/junit-4-vs-testng-comparison/  http://www.theserverside.com/tt/articles/content/TestFrameworkComparison/article.html  http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/

2009-06-22 14:59:00 513

原创 A tool to do automation testing


2009-06-10 15:10:00 425

原创 Linux 看IP

ifconfig -a

2009-06-10 15:10:00 371

转载 each() in Groovy

The each() method and collectionsThe each() method, which is a default method on every Groovy object, is a little bit magic. If you call each() on an integer, you get the integer back:aNu

2009-06-09 14:53:00 1065

原创 HTTP / 1.1 Definition


2009-06-09 10:45:00 337

原创 Jython

v/:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o/:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}w/:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} Normal 0 false f

2009-06-08 15:09:00 538

原创 Groovy 取整

println (1/2) as int

2009-06-08 15:08:00 6164

原创 Groovy Switch

switch (row.getRowNum()){                case 5:                    switch (cell.getCellNum()){                    case 1:                        weeklyxls.put("pastweek_total_unique_visitors"

2009-06-08 14:43:00 2274

原创 Java 中用POI lib读excel文件

import org.apache.poi.hpsf.*import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellimport org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextStringimport org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRowimport org.apache.po

2009-06-08 14:41:00 650

原创 JUnit with Ant


2009-06-08 13:23:00 386

原创 Python 读Excel


2009-06-08 11:01:00 348

原创 Install django

Install djangohttp://www.djangoproject.com/download/1.0.2/tarball/tar xzvfDjango-1.0.2-final.tar.gzcdDjango-1.0.2-finalpython setup.pyinstall

2009-06-06 13:50:00 498

原创 Python and Eclipse

Install Eclipse 3.4.2Install Python 2.5Pydev plug-in for python in eclipseWxpython, unicode version 0.6.0Psyco is a Python extension

2009-06-06 13:48:00 644

原创 Read and Write XLS in Java - JXLS

http://jxls.sourceforge.net/ Main Features:Using SQL queries directly in XLS templatesSimple property access notationFull expression language supportComplex object graph exportFlexible

2009-06-05 15:03:00 1339 1

转载 Using Scriptom to Automate Microsoft Excel In Groovy

http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GROOVY/Using+Scriptom+to+Automate+Microsoft+Excel Why Scriptom? There must be a dozen different libraries out there that support reading and writing Excel docu

2009-06-05 14:47:00 1030

原创 Linux 踢用户

使用w查看用户:jole     pts/1     Fri16    1.00s 12:38   0.00s wtom     pts/2     Fri16   24:01m  0.06s  0.04s -bash然后使用命令pkill -kill -t pts/1 踢用户jole

2009-06-05 14:19:00 597

原创 在Linux上安装二进制源码MySQL

下载源码包到/usr/local:$ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.35-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz/from/http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/db/mysql/ 在root用户下运行:$ cd /usr/local# tar -zxvf my

2009-06-05 14:05:00 563

原创 Linux 系统环境变量

1. 显示环境变量HOME$ echo $HOME2. 设置一个新的环境变量WELCOME$ export WELCOME="Hello!"3. 使用env命令显示所有的环境变量$ env4. 使用set命令显示所有本地定义的Shell变量$ set5. 使用unset命令来清除环境变量 $ unset $TEST #删除环境变量TEST

2009-06-05 13:59:00 512 1


用python语言读取excel的library,read excel, 。。。。。。。。。



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