VOA 2011-2-10

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Egypt’s vice president says the government will not tolerate prolonged protests in Cairo, Korea military talks break down; I’m David Forest, reporting from Washington.

Fighting between Egyptian Security forces and protestors in the country’s southwest have killed at least one protestor and wounded several others. Several protestors in the new valley region suffered gunshot wounds; the violence occurred as thousands of protestors remained in Cairo’s Tahrir Square with new supporters joining the demonstrations to force the ouster of presidents Hosni Mubarak. Meanwhile, Egypt’s vice president is saying the government will not tolerate prolonged anti-government protests, as we here from Elizabeth Arrott.

“After mass of crowd turned out Tuesday, Egypt’s Vice President Omar Suleiman said again that President Hosni Mubarak is not going to step down, Suleiman warned the only alternative to the dialogue underway was some opposition groups is a military coup, that is the military aspect of current government which is imposed a 30 years of emergency law, along with alleged corruptions, stagnation and a host of other factors that galvanized the protestors. The United States has also weighed in, calling for the law’s immediate repeal”, Elizabeth Arrott, VOA News, Cairo.

And for more on the situation in Iraq, visit our website, voanews.com.

And Afghan rights group says the number of children killed in war-related incidents last year in Afghanistan dropped nearly 30%, but they say little is being done to ensure the child safety. In the news release, the Kabul-based Afghanistan rights monitor said 739 children were killed in 2009.

Pakistani officials say the county’s cabinet ministers have resigned, that clears the way for the formation of a new smaller cabinet for Pakistan.

Iran’s Chief Prosecutor has criticized the plan by the opposition leaders to hold a rally next week in support of uprisings in Arab nations, calling it a political move aimed at dividing Iranians, Iranian reformist leaders Mirror Hussein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi have asked the authorities for permission to hold the rally on Monday to show the solidarity with recent anti-government revolts in Egypt and Tunisia.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague have called on Israel to avoid what he called belligerent rhetoric, and made great effort to revive peace talks with Palestinians, Hague was speaking to British reporters on his way to Jordan where he arrives on Wednesday on the second stop of the three-day regional tour.

Former Liberian President Charles Taylor boycotted his war crime tribunal, you know for a second straight day, prompting the judges to adjourn case until Friday. Both Mr. Taylor and Attorney Courtenay Griffiths fail to appear before the special court for Sierra Leone today, Griffiths spoke to reporters.
“You know what it is about, they denied the final brief, and it’s about simply this, you arn’t running the court, Mr. Taylor, we are, and we are going to show you who is in charge by rejecting you final brief. So this is about ego, not justice”, Griffiths and his client boycotted much of the proceedings Tuesday after judges rejected the summary of the defense’s case, because it was filed 20 days late.

A South Sudan government minister has been shot to death, that coming 2 days after poll results confirmed the regional become the world’s newest country. A South Sudan Army spokesman says the minister for rural development and cooperation and his bodyguard were killed.

Preliminary talks between North and South Korea military have ended without agreement, Steve Herman reports.

“Colonels from North and South Korea military met for 2nd day in the truce village of Panmunjom. But Wednesday afternoon session lasted all of 20 minutes. A south Korea Defense Ministry official says the north Korea delegation worked out, the talks ended no agreement, on an agenda for a meeting of more senior officers, or even a date for another working level meeting. The military talks had offered hope that tensions could be eased on the peninsular, officials say the north delegation rebuffed the south attempt to focus discussion on two lethal incidents last year”, Steve Herman, VOA news, Seoul.

Italian prosecutor have requested the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi be put on a trial immediately for a allegedly paying a 17 year-old girl for sex and using his power to cover it up, the judge must now decide whether to accept the request which was filed today in Milan.

Briefly looking at markets on Wall Street, U.S. stock indexes are down, Asia-Pacific market closed mostly lower today.

From the VOA news center, I’m David Forest, more news on the Internet at voanews.com

军事政 变:military coup /kuː/
阿富汗人:Afghan ['æfgən]
阿富汗:Afghanistan [æf'gænistæn]
首席检察官:Chief Prosecutor
突尼斯:Tunisia [tjuː'niʃiə]
以色列:Israel ['izreiəl]
恢复和谈:revive /rɪ'vaɪv/ peace talks
巴勒斯坦:Palestine ['pælistain]
巴勒斯坦人:Palestinian [,pælis'tiniən]
约旦:Jordan ['dʒɔːdn]
国防部:Defense Ministry
汉城(韩国首都):Seoul [səul]
意大利总理:西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼Silvio Berlusconi
米兰(意大利北部城市):Milan [mi'læn]
prolonged /prə'lɔŋd/ adj持久的;长期的(只用于名词前)
alleged [ə'ledʒd] adj 声称的,被说成的,被断言的 | 可疑的;靠不住的
corruption /kə'rʌpʃn/ n 腐 败;贪 污;贿 赂;受 贿
weigh in 加入,参与
galvanize /'gælvənaɪz/ 使震惊;使振奋;激励;刺激~ sb (into sth/into doing sth)
repeal /rɪ'piːl/ v 废除,撤销,废止(法规)
reformist /rɪ'fɔːmɪst/ adj 主张改革的;改革派的;改良主义的
revolt /rɪ'vəʊlt/ n (尤指针对政府的)反抗,违抗;起义;叛乱
solidarity /,sɒlɪ'dærəti/ n 团结;齐心协力;同心同德;相互支持
belligerent /bə'lɪdʒərənt/ adj 好斗的;寻衅的;挑衅的| (国家的)参战的;交战的
rhetoric /'retərɪk/ n 华而不实的言语;花言巧语
tribunal /traɪ'bjuːnl/ n 特别法庭;裁判所
adjourn /ə'dʒɜːn/ v 休庭;延期;休会
proceedings [prə'siːdiŋz] n 诉讼 | (会议)议项;会议记录
preliminary /prɪ'lɪmɪnəri/ adj 预备性的;初步的;开始的
truce /truːs/ n停战协定;休战;停战期
peninsular /pə'nɪnsjələ(r)/ adj 半岛上的;与半岛有关的
lethal /'liːθl/ adj 致命的;可致死的| 危害极大的




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