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原创 我的暑假

<br /><br />     现在的我在create了一个数据库后等着漫长的创建数据字典过程,看着闪过字母的速度,估计我这老爷机要半个小时才能建完数据字典。。。。。。。。<br />      后天就要上学校去了,这个漫长悠闲自由的暑假算是有了一个句号了。也许这个暑假是我最后一个可以自由分配的暑假了,说实话每天看着书的确很开心啊。不过不可能总是这样的,我又不是什么学者。这个暑假我也算是时间分配的还可以了,至少不向上个暑假一样拿了好些书,最后结果是都不知道自己看了什么,汉~~~<br />      这个

2010-08-24 16:52:00 510

原创 Ubuntu雅黑字体安装

个人比较喜欢微软的雅黑字体,所以在但升级Ubuntu10.04后还要装雅黑字体。步骤很简单,只要三步!!1、下载雅黑字体,google搜msyh.ttf或雅黑字体就可以找到好些雅黑字体,下到本机就行了。2、复制雅黑字体到/usr/share/fonts/truetype/(可以随便文件名字)/msyh.ttf。如下命令:mkdir -R /usr/share/fonts/truetype/yaheicp /home/gq/msyh.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/yahei/

2010-08-22 16:36:00 1360 2

原创 手动创建数据库(简单版)10G

<br /> <br /> 尝试了DBCA的傻瓜式的创建数据库,想理解一下创建数据库时,DBCA干了什么呢??那就手工吧^_^<br />我这个过程比较简单,而且是非归档模式的!<br />1.首先设置相应的Oralce环境变量,我创建的数据库名字是test<br />export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/ora10g<br />export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db_1<br />export ORACLE_SID=

2010-08-15 11:32:00 650

原创 Win2003 IIS安装

 Win2003 IIS安装Created Thursday 12 August 2010今天没事干,想在windows 2003安装个IIS,本以为和XP一样。插入安装光盘后,在控制面板-->添加删除--> 添加删除组建,就可以找到IIS了,不过在2003里却没有找到。还以下的2003镜像不包含IIS呢,结果发现原来和XP的安装方法不同阿。。好的言归正传,具体安装和基本配置如下:一、安装IIS第一步:默认情况下IIS6是没有安装在Windows2003系统中的,所以我们需要手动安装这个

2010-08-13 22:14:00 1608

原创 oracle over rank dense_rank row_number 等分析函数总结

<br /><br />用各种搜索,总算把分析函数总结完了,嗨~累死了。<br />可以先看第二部分的实例,我相信有SQL基础的应该没问题。具体的知识点在看看第一、三部分<br /><br /><br />一、概念<br />Oracle从8.1.6开始提供分析函数,分析函数用于计算基于组的某种聚合值,它和聚合函数的不同之处是对于每个组返回多行,<br />而聚合函数对于每个组只返回一行。<br />常用的分析函数如下所列:<br />row_number() over(partition by ... o

2010-08-06 17:23:00 1471

转载 oracle 10g默认用户名、密码解锁

1.           安装时选择的自动安装,由于时间久远忘记用户名、密码了,导致现在试了几个默认的用户名密码後(表格中附带默认用户名及密码),都提示无效的用户名、密码,终于在试了下dbsnmp/dbsnmp,提示被锁;2.           在CMD中启动SQLPLUS;用sqlplus/as sysdba登录,提示连接到:Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production3.           执行ALTER

2010-08-05 11:05:00 2772

转载 Oracle数据库管理员工作内容

<br />ORACLE数据库管理员应按如下方式对ORACLE数据库系统做定期监控:<br />(1). 每天对ORACLE数据库的运行状态,日志文件,备份情况,数据<br />库的空间使用情况,系统资源的使用情况进行检查,发现并解决<br />问题。<br />(2). 每周对数据库对象的空间扩展情况,数据的增长情况进行监控,对数据库做健康检查,对数据库对象的状态做检查。<br />(3). 每月对表和索引等进行Analyze,检查表空间碎片,寻找数据库<br />性能调整的机会,进行数据库性能调整,提出

2010-08-05 10:49:00 2145

转载 网络爬虫(Spider)Java实现原理

<br /> “网络蜘蛛”或者说“网络爬虫”,是一种能访问网站并跟踪链接的程序,通过它,可快速地画出一个网站所包含的网页地图信息。本文主要讲述如何使用Java编程来构建一个“蜘蛛”,我们会先以一个可复用的蜘蛛类包装一个基本的“蜘蛛”,并在示例程序中演示如何创建一个特定的“蜘蛛”来扫描相关网站并找出死链接。<br />Java语言在此非常适合构建一个“蜘蛛”程序,其内建了对HTTP协议的支持,通过它可以传输大部分的网页信息;其还内建了一个HTML解析器,正是这两个原因使Java语言成为本文构建“蜘蛛”程序的首

2010-08-04 14:57:00 847

android sdk 自带 实例(samples)

List of Sample Apps The list below provides a summary of the sample applications that are available with the Android SDK. Using the links on this page, you can view the source files of the sample applications in your browser. You can also download the source of these samples into your SDK, then modify and reuse it as you need. For more information, see Getting the Samples. API Demos A variety of small applications that demonstrate an extensive collection of framework topics. Backup and Restore A simple example that illustrates a few different ways for an application to implement support for the Android data backup and restore mechanism. Bluetooth Chat An application for two-way text messaging over Bluetooth. BusinessCard An application that demonstrates how to launch the built-in contact picker from within an activity. This sample also uses reflection to ensure that the correct version of the contacts API is used, depending on which API level the application is running under. Contact Manager An application that demonstrates how to query the system contacts provider using the ContactsContract API, as well as insert contacts into a specific account. Home A home screen replacement application. JetBoy A game that demonstrates the SONiVOX JET interactive music technology, with JetPlayer. Live Wallpaper An application that demonstrates how to create a live wallpaper and bundle it in an application that users can install on their devices. Lunar Lander A classic Lunar Lander game. Multiple Resolutions A sample application that shows how to use resource directory qualifiers to provide different resources for different screen configurations. Note Pad An application for saving notes. Similar (but not identical) to the Notepad tutorial. SampleSyncAdapter Demonstrates how an application can communicate with a cloud-based service and synchronize its data with data stored locally in a content provider. The sample uses two related parts of the Android framework — the account manager and the synchronization manager (through a sync adapter). Searchable Dictionary A sample application that demonstrates Android's search framework, including how to provide search suggestions for Quick Search Box. Snake An implementation of the classic game "Snake." Soft Keyboard An example of writing an input method for a software keyboard. Spinner A simple application that serves as an application-under-test for the SpinnerTest sample application. SpinnerTest An example test application that contains test cases run against the Spinner sample application. To learn more about the application and how to run it, please read the Activity Testing tutorial. TicTacToeLib An example of an Android library project that provides a game-play Activity to any dependent application project. For an example of how an application can use the code and resources in an Android library project, see the TicTacToeMain sample application. TicTacToeMain An example of an Android application that makes use of code and resources provided in an Android library project. Specifically, this application uses code and resources provided in the TicTacToeLib library project. Wiktionary An example of creating interactive widgets for display on the Android home screen. Wiktionary (Simplified) A simple Android home screen widgets example.






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