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转载 Redhat下 Apache, php, mysql的默认安装路径

<br />apache:<br /> 如果采用RPM包安装,安装路径应在 /etc/httpd目录下<br /> apache配置文件:/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf<br /> Apache模块路径:/usr/sbin/apachectl<br /> web目录:/var/www/html<br /> 如果采用源代码安装,一般默认安装在/usr/local/apache2目录下<br /><br />php:<br /> 如果采用RPM包安装,安装路径应在 /etc/目

2011-05-12 17:09:00 1638

转载 PostgreSQL RPM 安装笔记

<br />测试环境:REHL 5.3<br /> PostgreSQL版本:8.4.2<br />1. 首先检查下是否已经有PostgreSQL安装程序(俺的机器有pg-libs 8.1,无视之)shell> rpm -qa | grep postgres<br />2. 下载最新的8.4.2RPM安装包,这个FTP速度挺快的。:)shell> wget http://ftp.easynet.be/postgresql/binary/v8.4.2/linux/rpms/redhat/rhel-5-x86

2011-05-11 16:40:00 3635

原创 JavaScript隐藏控件的方法

用JavaScript隐藏控件的方法有两种,分别是通过设置控件的style的“display”和“visibility”属性进行隐藏和显示。要用display隐藏,必须要display进行显示。style.visibility="visible" 或者style.display="block" 时控件可见,style.visibility="hidden" 或者style.display="none" 时控件不可见。下面为具体的示例:测试隐藏框体

2011-05-04 09:33:00 1165

android sdk 自带 实例(samples)

List of Sample Apps The list below provides a summary of the sample applications that are available with the Android SDK. Using the links on this page, you can view the source files of the sample applications in your browser. You can also download the source of these samples into your SDK, then modify and reuse it as you need. For more information, see Getting the Samples. API Demos A variety of small applications that demonstrate an extensive collection of framework topics. Backup and Restore A simple example that illustrates a few different ways for an application to implement support for the Android data backup and restore mechanism. Bluetooth Chat An application for two-way text messaging over Bluetooth. BusinessCard An application that demonstrates how to launch the built-in contact picker from within an activity. This sample also uses reflection to ensure that the correct version of the contacts API is used, depending on which API level the application is running under. Contact Manager An application that demonstrates how to query the system contacts provider using the ContactsContract API, as well as insert contacts into a specific account. Home A home screen replacement application. JetBoy A game that demonstrates the SONiVOX JET interactive music technology, with JetPlayer. Live Wallpaper An application that demonstrates how to create a live wallpaper and bundle it in an application that users can install on their devices. Lunar Lander A classic Lunar Lander game. Multiple Resolutions A sample application that shows how to use resource directory qualifiers to provide different resources for different screen configurations. Note Pad An application for saving notes. Similar (but not identical) to the Notepad tutorial. SampleSyncAdapter Demonstrates how an application can communicate with a cloud-based service and synchronize its data with data stored locally in a content provider. The sample uses two related parts of the Android framework — the account manager and the synchronization manager (through a sync adapter). Searchable Dictionary A sample application that demonstrates Android's search framework, including how to provide search suggestions for Quick Search Box. Snake An implementation of the classic game "Snake." Soft Keyboard An example of writing an input method for a software keyboard. Spinner A simple application that serves as an application-under-test for the SpinnerTest sample application. SpinnerTest An example test application that contains test cases run against the Spinner sample application. To learn more about the application and how to run it, please read the Activity Testing tutorial. TicTacToeLib An example of an Android library project that provides a game-play Activity to any dependent application project. For an example of how an application can use the code and resources in an Android library project, see the TicTacToeMain sample application. TicTacToeMain An example of an Android application that makes use of code and resources provided in an Android library project. Specifically, this application uses code and resources provided in the TicTacToeLib library project. Wiktionary An example of creating interactive widgets for display on the Android home screen. Wiktionary (Simplified) A simple Android home screen widgets example.






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