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翻译 面试-fork
介绍:Fork system call is used for creating a new process, which is called child process, which runs concurrently with the process that makes the fork() call (parent process). After a new child process is created, both processes will execute the next inst..
2022-01-17 14:16:12 161
原创 Ubuntu中Vim插件NERDTree的安装
1. 安装NERDTree1.1 切换到 .vim 目录下:cd ~/.vim1.2 从Gitlab下载最新的NERDTree版本git clone https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree1.3 把plugin/NERD_tree.vim 和 doc/NERD_tree.txt 分别复制到 ~/.vim/plugin和~/.vim/doc
2017-09-01 13:10:28 814
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