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一、软件的具体操作 1.建一个文件夹,里面必须有四个文件(Dblank;deap;deap.000;123.dta)前三个文件在一般下载的DEAP Version 2.1中都有,直接复制过来就可以,第四个文件是一个数据文件,一般先在excel中先输入,再复制到一个记事本下就可以,注意在记事本下的数据只有数据,不包括决策单元的名称和投入、产出的名称,并且一定要先放产出,后是投入。例子具体见123电子表格和123记事本。 2.对命令Dblank文件进行修改,修改后保存为123.ins文件 3.打开deap软件,运行123.ins 4,回车后自动会有123.out 注意事项:(1) 123.dta;Dblank;123.ins都用记事本打开; (2)数据文件名和命令文件名一定要一样,如例子中都用123 (3)文件夹中一定要包括deap.000文件,如果没有这个文件,打开deap软件,就会出现一闪就没有了的情况。 二,结果的分析 在文件夹中打开123.out,看如下: 1) firm crste vrste scale 1 0.687 1.000 0.687 drs 2 0.814 1.000 0.814 drs 3 0.319 0.709 0.450 drs 4 1.000 1.000 1.000 - 5 1.000 1.000 1.000 - 6 0.336 0.425 0.791 drs 7 0.642 0.648 0.991 irs 8 0.379 0.381 0.994 irs 9 0.702 0.750 0.936 irs 10 1.000 1.000 1.000 - 11 0.304 0.461 0.659 irs 12 0.352 1.000 0.352 irs 13 1.000 1.000 1.000 - 14 0.594 0.929 0.639 irs 15 0.402 1.000 0.402 irs mean 0.635 0.820 0.781 firm:代表例子中的15的样本 crste:技术效率,也叫综合效率 vrste:纯技术效率 scale:规模效率(drs:规模报酬递减;-:规模报酬不变;irs:规模报酬递增) crste=vrste×scale 2) Results for firm: 3 Technical efficiency = 0.709 Scale efficiency = 0.450 (drs) PROJECTION SUMMARY: variable original radial slack projected value movement movement value output 1 7326.380 0.000 0.000 7326.380 output 2 119.910 0.000 0.000 119.910 input 1 15427.000 -4496.010 0.000 10930.990 input 2 5257.970 -1532.371 -1643.828 2081.771 第三个样本的具体分析如下: 纯技术效率=0.709 规模效率=0.450 (drs):规模报酬应该递减 第三个样本的投入产出情况分析: 第一、二产出均没有冗余情况(因为其 radial movement 和 slack movement 均为零) 第一个投入要素有投入冗余4496.010;第二投入要素有投入冗余3176.199=1532.371+1643.828 这个意思是说按第三个样本现在的产出冗余第一个投入要素可以减少4496.010,第二个投入要素可以减少3176.199 Results for firm: 8 Technical efficiency = 0.381 Scale efficiency = 0.994 (irs) PROJECTION SUMMARY: variable original radial slack projected value movement movement value output 1 235.860 0.000 0.000 235.860 output 2 3.760 0.000 6.995 10.755 input 1 777.000 -480.651 0.000 296.349 input 2 132.550 -81.995 0.000 50.555 第八个样本则出现了产出不足的情况,即第二个产出应该比现在增加 6.995 如果投入因素是决策单元可的决定的,而产出因素是不能决定的时,我们分析就可以考虑投入是否能减少,不管产出是否能增加(因为产出是决策单元不可控的因素) 如果产出因素是决策单元可的决定的,而投入因素是不能决定的时,我们分析就可以考虑产出是否能增加,不管投入是否能减少(因为投入是决策单元不可控的因素) 如果样本单元的纯技术效率为1,而规模效率小于1时,这说明样本单元本身的技术效率而言没有投入需要减少、没有产出需要增加;样本单元的综合效率没有达到有效(即1),是因为其规模和投入、产出不相匹配,需要增加规模或减少规模。如例子中的第二个样本单元,其规模应该缩小。
DEAP Version 2.1 **************** A DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS PROGRAM by Tim Coelli Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis School of Economics University of Queensland Brisbane, QLD 4072 Australia. email: Web: GETTING STARTED: 1. Open the WINDOWS EXPLORER program on your PC. 2. Create a new folder on your hard drive, for example called DEAP, by using the File/New/Folder option. 3. Copy ALL the files associated with DEAP into this folder, using the File/Copy option or by "drag-and-drop". 4. If the files are stored in a DEAP.ZIP file, you will then need to unzip (extract) the files by double-clicking on the zip file and extracting the contents of the zip file into the DEAP folder. FILES USED BY DEAP DEAP uses three text files when it conducts an analysis. These are: - a data file (eg. named eg1-dta.txt) - an instruction file (eg. named eg1-ins.txt) - an output file (eg. named eg1-out.txt) All of these files are text files. They can be edited using many programs. For example, NOTEPAD, WORDPAD, WORD, WORD PERFECT, etc. We suggest you use WORDPAD to view and edit these files. HOW TO RUN THE PROGRAM To practice running DEAP double-click on the DEAP.EXE file name. The program will then ask for an instruction file name. Type in eg1-ins.txt (and hit the RETURN key). DEAP will only take a few seconds to complete this small example. To look at the output file (eg1-out.txt) you then simply double-click on the eg1-out.txt file name. FILE NAMES IN DOS DEAP is a DOS computer program. In DOS all file names must satisfy certain restrictions: - no more than 12 characters - no more than 3 characters after the period (".") - no more than 8 characters before the period That is, the largest possible file name has the form: XXXXXXXX.XXX Since we use text files, the file name will always have "txt" after the period. That is: XXXXXXXX.txt DATA FILE STRUCTURE All data, instruction and output files are text files. In the data file the output columns are listed first followed by the input columns (left to right across the file). If you are doing a cost eff DEA the input price columns are listed to the right of these. If you are doing Malmquist DEA all observations for year 1 are listed first, then those for year 2, and so on down the file. Note that there should be no column names in the data file, only numbers. For further details see the manual. CREATING A NEW INSTRUCTION/COMMAND FILE The easiest way to create a new instruction file is to open an existing instruction file (eg. eg1-ins.txt) using WORDPAD and then save it under a new name (eg. abc2-ins.txt). This is done by using the File/SaveAs option in WORDPAD. Then you can edit the contents of this new file to suit your new analysis. CREATING DATA FILES USING EXCEL Many people store their data in Excel files. To construct a text file from an Excel file, open the file in Excel and then use the File/SaveAs option in Excel and save it as a text file. However, be sure to remove any column names first - the data file should only contain numbers. MANUAL Coelli, T. (1996) 'A Guide to DEAP Version 2.1: A Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer) Program', CEPA Working Paper 96/08, Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, University of New England. A COPY OF THIS GUIDE IS PROVIDED IN THE FILE: DEAP.PDF. For more on these DEA methods see Chapters 6, 7 and 10 in Coelli, Rao and Battese (1998), An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. LIABILITY Every effort has been made to ensure that this software is free of errors. However, the software is supplied without any warranty as to the performance or fitness of the program for any particular purpose. All risk relating to the results and performance of this program is assumed by the user. CEPA shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this product.
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