

iPhone软件的Native开发除了使用Apple推荐的Objective-C  Cocoa之外,也有其他的一些工具和SDK提供





我初步的学习了一下Objective-C,无论从语法上还是面向对象上,类似LISP脚本语言的狗屎,但是就是这样能够赚大钱是硬道理。一个参照C语言的而且完全不同于C的四不像,就算你学会了C也要踏实的重新介入学习。和计算机IPHONE交流还不算麻烦,要不也不会有很多IPHONE的APP STORE了。



Novell monotouch





MonoTouch免费版本只能在模拟器中开发调试和测试,在iPhone设备和app store上必须购买授权。http://monotouch.net/DownloadTrial

MonoTouch 5.0.2 Enterprise Priority    *

加入购物车$ 2,449.02
专业版:$391 .


 1. Make sure you have your Intel Mac running at least version 10.5.7

  2. Download and install the Mono framework: www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html.

  3. Download and install MonoTouch: http://monotouch.net/

  4. Download and install MonoDevelop: http://monodevelop.com/Download

  5. Download and install the iPhone SDK:www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/development_tools/iphonesdk.html.


MonoTouch 组件和类库

MonoTouch is made up of the following four components:

  • The  Monotouch.dll is a C# assembly that provides a binding API into the iPhone’s native APIs.
  • A command-line tool that compiles C# and Common Intermediate Language (CIL) code. This compiled code can then be run in the simulator or an actual iPhone.
  • An add-in to MonoDevelop that allows for iPhone development and for Interface Builder to create graphical applications.
  • A commercial license of the Mono runtime, which allows for the static linking of the Mono runtime with the code developed.


  • MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime: This namespace provides the interop/bridge between the .NET/C# world and the Objective-C world of the iPhone.
  • MonoTouch.Foundation: This namespace provides support for the data types necessary to communicate with the Objective-C world of the iPhone. Most types are directly mapped. For example, the NSObject Objective-C base class is mapped to the MonoTouch.Foundation .NSObject class in C#. Some classes are not directly mapped and are instead mapped to their native .NET types. For example, NSString maps to the basic string type and NSArray maps to a strongly typed array.
  • MonoTouch.UIKit: This namespace provides a direct mapping between the UI components within Cocoa Touch. The mapping is done by providing .NET classes for each UI component, and this is the namespace that developers will likely spend most of their time working with. For .NET developers, Cocoa Touch is an abstraction layer or API for building programs that run in the iPhone. Cocoa Touch is based on the Cocoa API used in building programs that run on the Mac OS X operating system. Cocoa Touch can be thought of as Cocoa tuned for the touch-based iPhone operating system.
  • OpenTK: This namespace is a modified version of the OpenTK API. OpenTK is an objectoriented binding for OpenGL, which stands for the Open Graphics Library. OpenGL is an API for using three-dimensional graphics. OpenTK is a library for performing OpenGL, OpenAL, and OpenCL. It is written in C# and runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The OpenTK implementation on the iPhone has been updated to use CoreGraphics and to only expose the functionality available on the iPhone.



iPhone下的.NET开发环境 MonoTouch 收藏该软件我的收藏夹/设置

Novell近日宣布推出MonoTouch 1.0,这是业界首个利用Microsoft .NET框架开发iPhone和iPod Touch应用的解决方案很遗憾,这不是开源,而且不免费, 其中包括C#和其它 .NET编程语言。迄今为止,开发人员主要是利用C和Objective-C来构建iPhone应用,令iPhone的开发处于大多数 .NET开发人员不能企及的境地。利用MonoTouch,世界范围内数百万 .NET开发人员都可参与其中,运用他们的创造力来构建广泛的iPhone应用。

iPhone和iPod Touch令人难以置信的流行为iPhone应用创造了一个巨大的市场。根据IDC无线移动副总裁Scott Ellison的说法,第一年摆在Apple Apps商店中的应用就超过了5万,下载次数超过10亿次,每天有超过140个新的应用推出。但开发人员先前都是在用更加复杂的C和Objective- C编程语言来设计iPhone应用。

由Novell赞助的开源倡议活动Mono Project所设计的MonoTouch通过允许开发人员利用为 .NET开发框架和编程语言如C#所编写的代码和库使iPhone开发得到简化

现在,单独的 .NET开发人员和独立软件厂商(ISV)可将产品售卖到一个庞大的新市场中,同时公司开发人员和IT机构可在一个新的移动计算环境中部署他们的应用。

“无论在消费市场还是在商用市场iPhone都得到了广泛采用。”IDC应用开发软件项目总监Al Hilwa说。“考虑到应用是iPhone获得成功的一个关键原因,MonoTouch 1.0可允许 .NET开发人员使用现有技巧来构建iPhone应用,它将会成为移动平台发展过程中一个令人激动的重要里程碑。”

iPhone开发人员项目执照禁止开发人员散发脚本引擎或即时动态编译(JIT)程序,而这是受管运行时(managed runtimes)如 .NET执行代码所需要的。由此,iPhone应用世界在之前对 .NET和Mono开发人员是关闭的。而现在开发人员则可使用MonoTouch,同时完全遵从这些执照条款,这是由于MonoTouch交付的只是本机 代码。

“由于技术平台多种多样,在没有Novell MonoTouch之前在多个平台之上开发我们获得好评的移动窗体解决方案是很费时的。”TrueContext移动解决方案开发人员Simon Guindon说。“有了MonoTouch,我们现在可以为未来优化开发,以更快的步伐丰富Pronto Forms产品门类。”

Novell MonoTouch是一个软件开发工具,由与Apple iPhone SDK集成的编译器、库和工具套件组成。其中包括Microsoft .NET基础类库,以及为利用iPhone原产API的受管库。其中还包括有一个交叉编译器,可用于将 .NET执行文件和库直接转变为本地应用供在Apple Apps商店分发,或供企业iPhone用户部署。另外,Xcode集成使得应用开发人员能够在该设备上或在Apple iPhone模拟器上进行测试,将应用交付到Apple Apps商店进行分发。

“绝大多数以Windows为中心的开发人员、ISV们和IT机构选择使用C#语言和 .NET进行开发。”Novell公司Mono计划创始人兼开发人员平台副总裁Miguel de Icaza说。“我们看到对基于 .NET的iPhone应用开发工具存在着巨大的需求。对此,我们开发了MonoTouch,为单独的开发人员和公司企业带来一个打破iPhone应用开 发障碍的解决方案。”

MonoTouch最新更新资讯,共1条  (投递新闻)
  • 授权协议: 商业软件
  • 开发语言: C#.NET
  • 操作系统: iPhone/iPad/iPod 
  • 收录时间: 2009年09月17日
排序: 收录时间  |  浏览数  
MonoTouch 的类似软件,共48
  编程语言过滤: Java C/C++ Objective-C PHP Perl Python Ruby C# .NET


经 Xamarin - 产品类型: 构件


Xamarin take over support of MonoTouch and Mono for Android
Xamarin obtained a perpetual license to all the intellectual property of Mono, MonoTouch, Mono for Android, Mono for Visual Studio and will continue updating and selling those products. Xamarin will be providing the support for all of the existing MonoTouch, Mono for Android and Mono for Visual Studio customers.

‏请注意: 除非另有说明,此为英语产品


Create C# and .NET applications for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad while taking advantage of iPhone APIs, and reusing existing .NET code, libraries, and skills. MonoTouch is a software development kit that contains a suite of compilers, libraries and tools for integrating with Apple's iPhone SDK. MonoTouch includes Microsoft .NET base class libraries along with managed libraries for taking advantage of native iPhone APIs. Also included is a cross-compiler that can be used for turning .NET executable files and libraries directly into native applications for distribution on the Apple Apps Store or for deployment to enterprise iPhone users. In addition, Xcode integration enables application developers to test on the device or in Apple's iPhone Simulator and ship applications to the Apple Apps Store for distribution.

$391 .02

‏我们的常规价格如下。 请登录后查看打折后的价格。

MonoTouch 5.0.2 Professional    *

加入购物车$ 391.021 Developer License (1 Named User License, does not allow enterprise deployments, includes 1 year product updates)   *
Mfr. 部件号: MT PRO
 下载 (72.9 MB)
加入购物车$ 244.021 Developer Upgrade (Subscription Renewal) (1 Named User License, does not allow enterprise deployments, includes 1 year product updates)   *
Mfr. 部件号: MT PRO UPG
验证下载 (72.9 MB)

MonoTouch 5.0.2 Enterprise    *

加入购物车$ 979.021 Developer Seat License (Corporate License, allows enterprise deployments, includes 1 year product updates)   *
Mfr. 部件号: MT ENT
 下载 (72.9 MB)
加入购物车$ 587.021 Developer Seat Upgrade (Subscription Renewal) (Corporate License, allows enterprise deployments, includes 1 year product updates)   *
Mfr. 部件号: MT ENT UPG
验证下载 (72.9 MB)

MonoTouch 5.0.2 Enterprise Priority    *

加入购物车$ 2,449.021 Developer Seat License with Priority Support (Corporate License, allows enterprise deployments, includes 1 year priority support and product updates)   *
Mfr. 部件号: MT PRI
 下载 (72.9 MB)
加入购物车$ 1,469.021 Developer Seat Upgrade with Priority Support (Subscription Renewal) (Corporate License, allows enterprise deployments, includes 1 year priority support and product updates)   *
Mfr. 部件号: MT PRI UPG
验证下载 (72.9 MB)

我们的价格包括ComponentSource的技术支持。对于大多数可下载的产品,还提供在线备份和免费升级为新版本,若新版本在购买后的30日内发布的话。  所有销售都是按照我们的标准条款 进行的,并且适用我们的退货政策. 请 联系我们 若您需要任何未在上面列出的License选择,包括批量License及以前的版本。 

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