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关于Struts MVC的疑惑

关于struts 的 web MVC,一直有个疑惑,请大家帮我理解一下.在Struts中,"M" 应该指的什么? 在struts中,我一直理解为ActionServlet作为 "C",Action以及ActionForm 等作为"M",jsp作"V". 但看了spring的web mvc,引入了Front Controller,由DispatchSevlet作为一个分发器,...

2007-03-26 16:08:00 101

原创 使用cpan2rpm获得cpan上的rpm包

在cpan上查找到的perl module 一般都是tar.gz的src包但这样安装起来就存在麻烦,还要执行perl Makefile.pl之类的怎么样可以找到相应的rpm包呢cpan2rpm 解决了这个问题,它可以帮你获的你想要的rpm包(并不是全部)具体可以查看cpan的主页 http://perl.arix.com/cpan2rpm/This script generates an RPM

2005-05-26 21:19:00 1518

原创 关于linux下rcp的配置

项目中用到的,就简单记录一下吧关于rcp的配置       配置/etc/hosts文件添加ip      主机名称例如:# Do not remove the following line, or various programs# that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain

2005-04-22 16:16:00 4923

原创 55种网页常用小技巧(javascript) (转载)

 1. oncontextmenu="window.event.returnValue=false" 将彻底屏蔽鼠标右键no 可用于Table2. 取消选取、防止复制3. onpaste="return false" 不准粘贴4. oncopy="return false;" oncut="return false;" 防止复制5. IE地址栏前换成自己的图标6. 可以在收藏夹中显示出你的图

2005-04-15 14:20:00 3420

原创 MiddleGen的使用总结

一 环境配置     需要的包:jsdk,ant,hibernate,hibernate-extension,MiddleGen二 环境变量设置  一般步骤可参照网上  这里,我是这样使用的     拷贝%hibernate_Home%/lib*.jar到%MiddleGen%/lib   拷贝%hibernate_Home%/hibernate2.jar到%MiddleGen%/lib   拷贝

2005-04-09 19:36:00 2615

原创 通过硬盘镜像启动LINUX(WINXP)

通过硬盘镜像启动Linux(winxp)的试验1.试验目的       1.熟悉通过dd获得硬盘映像后,再部署出去后让linux的启动       2.熟悉ramdisk的原理及制作        3.解决节点上安装不同操作系统的问题2.试验环境     浪潮NF180服务器1台,配置如下:Linux操作系统为2.4.20-8smp,     浪潮NF260服务器1台,配置如下:Linux操作系统

2005-03-30 21:15:00 2017


PXE、NFS启动Linux的试验1.试验目的        熟悉Linux下通过PXE、NFS启动的原理2.试验环境     浪潮NF420服务器2台,配置如下:Linux操作系统为EL-3.0,2块网卡(只有1块有网线),内核版本号linux-2.4.21-15   使用的软件包:tftp-hpa-0.40.tar.gz(证明linux9自带的可以用),内核linux-2.4.28 3.试验原

2005-03-30 20:31:00 4021

原创 Learn Spring in spring(3)

三、spring中的hibernate开发Bromon原创 请尊重版权    spring中对hibernate的支持是非常强大的,从一个简单的例子就看得出来,从这个例子中我们还将对所谓的轻量级容器做一些讨论。    首先需要配置数据源,通常我们有两种方式获得Connection,一是自己编写代码获得连接,二是从JNDI环境中得到DataSource,然后产生一个Connection。无论怎样,既

2005-03-27 15:49:00 836

原创 Learn Spring in spring(2)

提交人: bromon 时间: 星期二, 2005/03/22 - 15:04二、spring管理对象的简单例子Bromon原创 请尊重版权  任何需要交给spring管理的对象,都必须在配置文件中注册,这个过程被称为wiring,下面做一个最简单的Hello world演示,我们将要注册的类如下:/** 创建日期 2005-3-22*/package org.bromon.spring.test

2005-03-27 14:19:00 921

原创 Learn Spring in spring(1)

提交人: bromon 时间: 星期二, 2005/03/22 - 09:42Learn Spring in springBromon原创 请尊重版权  当前的形势是,非常多的Java程序员言必称Spring,如此大面积的程序员集体叫”春”,体现了Spring框架的威力。春天正是叫春的好时候,你我一起来叫春吧。^_^  Spring的设计目的是简化J2EE开发,所以如果我们学习、使用它的时候还需要

2005-03-27 13:56:00 900

原创 eclipse的中文化


2005-03-27 13:44:00 1153

原创 使用MySQL中文问题


2005-03-01 21:14:00 1113 1

原创 appfuse的安装

按照doc中写的一步一步来的,还算顺利搜到了几个网站兔八哥的狗窝 http://rabbit8.blogchina.comAppfuse的论坛 https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ForumMessageList?forumID=566

2005-03-01 21:03:00 845

SYBASE 数据库ASE15.5管理指南

系统管理基础知识 第 1 章 系统管理概述 第 2 章 系统及可选数据库 第 3 章 系统管理入门 第 4 章 用于 Sybase Central 的 Adaptive Server 插件简介 ..............


Scrum in Action

Agile, as a software development process, is frequentlymisunderstood tomean no requirements, we’ll figure out the design as we go, and anything remotely resembling a planning meeting is simply out of the question. This book very effectively puts that misconception to rest. For those new to Agile and Scrum development practices, it’s frequently difficult to discern not only what you need to be doing but how to tell if you’re doing it correctly. Without spending real sprints with experienced practitioners, it’s dif- ficult to understand the impact of trade-offs that occur constantly during real- world project development. Are your sprints too long? Too short? Are you spending too much time doing retrospectives?Why exactly are you doing themto begin with? Andrew Pham’s and Phuong-Van Pham’s book not only helps explain why you should be doing a particular Agile or Scrum practice, but also provides hard-earned experience in helping you understand if you’re doing it properly. This book provides the desperately needed straw man for activities that are frequently new to everyone on the team. One of my favorite parts of the book is the time spent looking at Agile from the non-developer perspective.What does itmean to you, as an enterprise architect, if your organization has decided to start using Scrum for its development process? What if you’re the customer? What if you’re in charge of the effort and need to somehow meld the Agile process you want to support with financial and progress tracking information in your department? For as much as some development teams like to think terms like ROI and EVMare formanagement to deal with, this book helps tie a project together without losing what makes Agile so effective.


Professional BlazeDS Creating Rich Internet Applications with Flex and Java.pdf

Professional BlazeDS:Creating Rich Internet Applications with Flex and Java Published by Wiley Publishing,Inc. 10475 Cross point Boulevard Indianapolis,IN46256 www.wiley.com Copyright 2009 by Wiley Publishing,Inc.,Indianapolis,Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN:978-0-470-46489-2 Manufactured in the United States of America 10987654321


Pro ASP NET MVC Framework

Apress - Pro ASP NET MVC Framework Apr 2009


Apress - Pro ASP NET MVC Framework Apr 2009

Apress - Pro ASP NET MVC Framework Apr 2009






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