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转载 HighCharts详细介绍


2014-12-10 16:07:02 16533 1

原创 ASP.net 不能加载一个托管dll使用的非托管dll

问题:ASP.net工程使用一个托管的dll,这个托管的dll又使用一个非托管的dll。当工程使用托管dll的方法时,会使用非托管的dll的方法,会报错:Activation library component not found, function failed(90000001, 1)经过搜索,没有找到解决方法,只有几个类似的问题:1.将非托管的dll再生成一个封装

2014-12-08 15:48:26 1774

原创 Wix create fragment structure for source directory

General command to create fragment structure for source directory:  "heat.exe directory" dir "source directory" -cg ALLCOMP -dr INSTALLFOLDER -gg -g1 -sf -srd -var "var.SDir" -out "export direct

2014-10-21 16:27:58 1210

转载 WiX 3 tutorial

WiX 3 Tutorial: Understanding main WXS and WXI fileIn the previous post we’ve taken a look at the WiX solution/project structure and project properties. We’re still playing with our supe

2014-10-21 11:17:31 2768

转载 ASP.NET 缓存(Cache)


2014-08-16 18:27:44 763

转载 Deploying an ASP.NET Web Application

Download Starter ProjectThis series of tutorials shows you how to deploy (publish) an ASP.NET web application project that includes a SQL Server Compact database by using Visual Studio

2014-06-20 17:03:30 1051

原创 VisualStudioVersion, MSBuildExtensionsPath32

MSBuildExtensionsPath32The path of the MSBuild subfolder under the \Program Files or \Program Files (x86) folder. This path always points to the 32-bit \Program Files folder on a 32-bit machine and

2014-06-19 17:14:48 4058

转载 HTML Color Code

HTML Color CodeHTML color code has six hex values (e.g #AADDBB). Those six letters represent 2 for red, 2 for green and 2 for blue. And also, the value begin from 00 to ff (minimum to maximum).

2014-05-15 11:00:18 3410

原创 Responsive Web Design 自适应网页设计

1. 2. http://mattkersley.com/responsive/

2014-04-29 17:58:55 817

转载 Deploying Durandal SPA to Production

Link from: http://www.binoot.com/2013/04/18/deploying-durandal-spa-to-production/ I have been building a single page application (SPA) using Durandal JS. In this post, I want to talk about some

2013-11-23 22:24:49 1075

转载 Quick and Dirty Localization With JavaScript

Link from: http://experiments.wemakesites.net/quick-and-dirty-localization-with-javascript.htmlYou can read the original blogpost on this link, or you can download the example.DemoHalloG

2013-11-23 22:21:11 814

原创 ASP.net Session 使用

Session模型简介  Session是什么呢?简单来说就是服务器给客户端的一个编号。当一台WWW服务器运行时,可能有若干个用户浏览正在运正在这台服务器上的网站。当每个用户首次与这台WWW服务器建立连接时,他就与这个服务器建立了一个Session,同时服务器会自动为其分配一个SessionID,用以标识这个用户的唯一身份。这个SessionID是由WWW服务器随机产生的一个由24个字符组成的

2013-11-21 14:06:22 911

原创 WPF读写.exe.config 或 app.config文件

在WPF工程里面会有两个config,一个是.exe.config,另一个是app.config。如果需要用到config去保存设置,需要在app.config里面进行。可以在app.config做如下修改:                    读取的时候,使用如下方法:      string debug = System.Configu

2013-10-31 17:53:36 9068

转载 window.open 会被IE阻止的问题

在web编程过程中,经常会遇到一些页面需要弹出窗口,但是在服务器端用window.open弹出的窗口会被IE阻止掉,showModalDialog弹出的窗口有时并不能满足我们需要,我们需要弹出新的浏览器窗口。 为什么我们编写的弹出窗口会被IE阻止呢,原来IE会自动判断弹出窗口的状态,它会阻止自动弹出的窗口,而通过我们用鼠标点击弹出的窗口,它是不会阻止的。这里就有一个问题,有人说:我的程序是

2013-06-09 17:25:48 1113

原创 RGraph: Free HTML5 and JavaScript charts

After research js chart library, I determine to use RGraph:http://www.rgraph.net/ RGraph:是基于HTML5的canvas标签,采用Javascript画图的库。优点:由于是采用js在客户端浏览器上画图,所以它能快速显示页面和减轻服务器负载。缺点:浏览器必须支持HTML5,不能够保存图表。(I t

2013-03-27 15:22:50 4945

原创 JavaScrpit Chart

1. RGraphhttp://www.rgraph.net/ Note: It is free for non-commercial website. And it is cheap for commercial developer and have priority support. RGraph:是基于HTML5的canvas标签,采用Javascript画图的库。优点:

2013-03-25 14:17:14 860

转载 Good example to learn WPF style and template.

The power of Styles and Templates in WPF From: http://www.zagstudio.com/blog/470#.UFzPhY1lSaQ In WPF, there is a very clean separation between the behavior of a Control and the look of a Contr

2013-03-24 18:01:06 1198

原创 ASP.NET Single Page Application (SPA) and template libraries

1. ASP.NET Single Page Applicationhttp://www.asp.net/single-page-application 2. Single Page Application: KnockoutJS templatehttp://www.asp.net/single-page-application/overview/introduction/kno

2013-03-22 16:47:20 2758

原创 ASP.net MVC4 + HTML5 + JS 学习贴

1、MVC  The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Sitehttp://www.asp.net/mvc 2、跟我一起学习ASP.NET 4.5 MVC4.0http://www.cnblogs.com/xdotnet/archive/2012/03/05/aspnet_mvc40_preview.html 3、codeproject - ASP.N

2013-03-21 17:08:25 5776

转载 [WPF] How to bind to data when the DataContext is not inherited

The DataContext property in WPF is extremely handy, because it is automatically inherited by all children of the element where you assign it; therefore you don’t need to set it again on each element y

2013-01-15 14:10:58 1382

原创 MVVM: Good way to close dialog and set DialogResult

I was inspired by Thejuan's answer to write a simpler attached property. No styles, no triggers; instead, you can just do this: ... xmlns:xc="clr-namespace:ExCastle.Wpf" xc:DialogC

2012-12-21 16:48:22 2599

原创 WPF:MVVM中Treeview/DragDrop用法

1、WPF:使用MVVM模式操作TreeView 2、Simplifying the WPF TreeView by Using the ViewModel Pattern 3、翻译:使用ViewModel模式来简化WPF的TreeView 4、WPF Drag and Drop MVVM using Behavior

2012-12-01 10:55:06 4442

转载 使用MVVM设计模式构建WPF应用程序

下图是MVVM的架构图,供大家参考:   原文及文中演示程序的地址:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd419663.aspxCode download available from the MSDN Code Gallery  本文是翻译大牛Josh Smith的文章,WPF Apps With The M

2012-09-17 23:13:48 4110

转载 WPF Chart Control With Pan, Zoom and More

IntroductionThis article gives an overview of the code and algorithms I created while writing a chart control for .NET 3.0/WPF. My chart control is useful in that it includes Pan/Zoom, has a clipboa

2012-09-04 13:34:25 2401

转载 PDF转换成图片——11种方案

站在巨人的肩膀上会方便很多,这位朋友分享的很具体,我用其中几个做了测试,转载并加上一些评论。From:http://blog.csdn.net/shi0090/article/details/7262199 最近公司安排了个任务:要求交付一个DLL,实现【PDF转换成图片】,最好的效果是能够掌握所有源码,实在不行才交付第三方DLL。研究了6个工作日+1双休+每晚9点下班,逛遍了国内外各

2012-05-17 16:32:45 3472

转载 WPF技术相关书籍推荐与下载地址

(1)MSDN关于WPF其中内容,链接:Windows Presentation Foundation  不用说了,这个是我反复阅读的可以如实的告诉大家。这个内容我全看了,而且不止一遍,两遍,七八遍总是有的。因此,我会第一个品评MSDN;(2)Charles Petzold Applications = Code + Markup A Guide to the Microsoft Wi

2012-05-11 16:23:35 2713

转载 手机存储卡知识及真假辨别 提防山寨卡


2012-05-11 13:22:39 1928

转载 C#转换rtf到纯文本

How to: Convert RTF to Plain Text (C# Programming Guide)Rich Text Format (RTF) is a document format developed by Microsoft in the late 1980s to enable the exchange of documents across operating sy

2012-05-03 12:46:08 7441

转载 从ARM9到A15 手机处理器架构进化历程

手机中国 【原创】 作者:手机中国 徐磊 责任编辑:白沫飞 2012年04月13日 05:30 随着智能手机越来越普及,消费者在选购手机的时候也越来越理性化,除了关心价格和外观之外,手机的性能也成为了人们最关心的因素,大家都知道,处理器是影响手机性能的最关键的因素,像德州仪器、高通、英伟达以及三星等主流的处理器厂商,大家都已经耳熟能详。随着智能手机越来越普及,消费者在选购手机的

2012-04-14 23:17:02 3206

原创 WPF3D重要类之间的关系

1、WPF 3D重要类之间的关系   2、WPF 3D中几种不同光源   3、WPF的类图 类图转自:http://blogs.interknowlogy.com/downloads/johnbowen/Images/WPF_Poster.png

2012-04-11 10:56:37 1444

转载 C/C++的堆栈,内存分配

一、一个经过编译的C/C++的程序占用的内存分成以下几个部分:1、栈区(stack):由编译器自动分配和释放 ,存放函数的参数值、局部变量的值等,甚至函数的调用过程都是用栈来完成。其操作方式类似于数据结构中的栈。2、堆区(heap) :一般由程序员手动申请以及释放, 若程序员不释放,程序结束时可能由OS回收 。注意它与数据结构中的堆是两回事,分配方式类似于链表。3、全局

2012-03-27 14:25:50 1668

转载 LINQ学习之旅

LINQ学习之旅——再次拾起 LINQ学习之旅——准备(1) LINQ学习之旅——准备(2) LINQ学习之旅——准备(C#3.0新特性补充) LINQ学习之旅——第一站"LTO"基础  LINQ学习之旅——第一站"LTO"之延时标准查询操作符(上) LINQ学习之旅——第一站"LTO"之延时标准查询操作符(下) LINQ学习之旅——第一站"

2012-03-21 10:30:37 686

转载 WPF: Creation of Text Labels for 3D Scene

转载:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/WPF/WPF_Text3D.aspxDownload demo - 26.46 KBDownload source - 37.19 KBIntroduction Some time ago, I started working on my application that takes the advantages

2011-11-20 20:20:07 1208

转载 在WPF中创建可换肤的用户界面

在WPF中创建可换肤的用户界面.                                                                       周银辉 译原文参见: http://www.codeproject.com/WPF/Skinnin

2011-09-15 12:16:55 1144

原创 Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v2.0.50727' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additio

 最近在升级到VS2010后,程序出现了如下这条错误:Mixed mode assembly is built against version v2.0.50727 of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information. 经过网上查找

2011-06-08 10:40:00 4358

转载 WPF 3D model - Sphere, Cone, and Cylinder

Extending Visual3D - Sphere, Cone, and Cylinderhttp://blogs.msdn.com/b/danlehen/archive/2005/10/16/481597.aspx He put together a short sample which derives a Sphere, a Cone, and a Cylinder primi

2011-05-05 11:54:00 4674

原创 WPF线程处理模型

<br /> <br />http://blog.csdn.net/iwteih/archive/2009/10/09/4646620.aspx<br /> 

2011-03-09 13:27:00 651

转载 关于面向对象的原则 --- 如何向妻子解释OOD

前言<br />  此文译自CodeProject上<How I explained OOD to my wife>一文,该文章在Top Articles上排名第3,读了之后觉得非常好,就翻译出来,供不想读英文的同学参考学习。<br />  作者(Shubho)的妻子(Farhana)打算重新做一名软件工程师(她本来是,后来因为他们孩子出生放弃了),于是作者就试图根据自己在软件开发设计方面的经验帮助她学习面向对象设计(OOD)。<br />  自作者从事软件开发开始,作者常常注意到不管技术问题看起来多复杂,

2011-02-15 15:14:00 1030

原创 WPF中使用BitmapImage处理图片文件


2010-12-10 16:45:00 17723 1

原创 WPF中实现图片文件转换成Visual对象,Viewport3D对象转换成图片


2010-11-19 10:34:00 3348

WPF Localization Guidance

WPF Localization Guidance WPF程序实现本地化的方法介绍


WPF Help Project

实现WPF使用F1打开帮助文档功能。 类HelpProvider类似C#里面的,需要设置Helpname和Keyword。


WPF使用 F1 打开帮助文档源代码

实现了类似C# HelpProvider类的功能,用于WPF打开帮助文档。


Beginning Visual C# Express

Beginning Visual C# Express is presented using a combination of over 400 pages of course notes and actual Visual C# Express examples. Ten plain-English lessons explain the Visual C# Express toolbox, event methods, and many elements of the C# computer language. Examples are used to demonstrate every step in the application building process. The tutorial also includes several computer projects that illustrate practical applications of Visual C# Express, including loan calculators, graphics programs, portfolio managers, checkbook balancers, and even a simple video game.


Visual C# and Databases

Visual C# and Databases is a tutorial that provides a detailed introduction to using Visual C# for accessing and maintaining databases. Topics covered include: database structure, database design, Visual C# project building, ADO .NET data objects, data bound controls, proper interface design, structured query language (SQL), and database reports. Visual C# and Databases is presented using a combination of over 700 pages of course notes and actual Visual C# examples. No previous experience working with databases is presumed. It is assumed, however, that users of the course are familiar with the Visual C# environment and the steps involved in building a Visual C# application.


WPF Arrow Code




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