
The mmioDescend function descends into a chunk of a RIFF file that was opened by using themmioOpen function. It can also search for a given chunk.



MMRESULT mmioDescend(   HMMIO hmmio,   LPMMCKINFO lpck,   LPMMCKINFO lpckParent,   UINT wFlags ); 




File handle of an open RIFF file.



Pointer to a buffer that receives an MMCKINFO structure.



Pointer to an optional application-defined MMCKINFO structure identifying the parent of the chunk being searched for. If this parameter is not NULLmmioDescend assumes the MMCKINFOstructure it refers to was filled when mmioDescend was called to descend into the parent chunk, and mmioDescend searches for a chunk within the parent chunk. Set this parameter to NULL if no parent chunk is being specified.



Search flags. If no flags are specified, mmioDescend descends into the chunk beginning at the current file position. The following values are defined.


MMIO_FINDCHUNKSearches for a chunk with the specified chunk identifier.
MMIO_FINDLISTSearches for a chunk with the chunk identifier "LIST" and with the specified form type.
MMIO_FINDRIFFSearches for a chunk with the chunk identifier "RIFF" and with the specified form type.


Return value

Returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR if successful or an error otherwise. Possible error values include the following.

Return codeDescription

The end of the file (or the end of the parent chunk, if given) was reached before the desired chunk was found.




A "RIFF" chunk consists of a four-byte chunk identifier (type FOURCC), followed by a four-byte chunk size (type DWORD), followed by the data portion of the chunk, followed by a null pad byte if the size of the data portion is odd. If the chunk identifier is "RIFF" or "LIST", the first four bytes of the data portion of the chunk are a form type or list type (type FOURCC).


If you use mmioDescend to search for a chunk, make sure the file position is at the beginning of a chunk before calling the function. The search begins at the current file position and continues to the end of the file. If a parent chunk is specified, the file position should be somewhere within the parent chunk before calling mmioDescend. In this case, the search begins at the current file position and continues to the end of the parent chunk.


If mmioDescend is unsuccessful in searching for a chunk, the current file position is undefined. IfmmioDescend is successful, the current file position is changed. If the chunk is a "RIFF" or "LIST" chunk, the new file position will be just after the form type or list type (12 bytes from the beginning of the chunk). For other chunks, the new file position will be the start of the data portion of the chunk (8 bytes from the beginning of the chunk).



The mmioDescend function fills the MMCKINFO structure pointed to by the lpck parameter with the following information:

  • The ckid member is the chunk. If the MMIO_FINDCHUNK, MMIO_FINDRIFF, or MMIO_FINDLIST flag is specified for wFlags, the MMCKINFO structure is also used to pass parameters tommioDescend. In this case, the ckid member specifies the four-character code of the chunk identifier, form type, or list type to search for.
  • The cksize member is the size, in bytes, of the data portion of the chunk. The size includes the form type or list type (if any), but does not include the 8-byte chunk header or the pad byte at the end of the data (if any).
  • The fccType member is the form type if ckid is "RIFF", or the list type if ckid is "LIST". Otherwise, it is NULL.
  • The dwDataOffset member is the file offset of the beginning of the data portion of the chunk. If the chunk is a "RIFF" chunk or a "LIST" chunk, this member is the offset of the form type or list type.
  • The dwFlags member contains other information about the chunk. Currently, this information is not used and is set to zero.


Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server


Mmsystem.h (include Windows.h)







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Build date: 9/7/2011

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好的,这里提供一个纯文字版的音乐播放器的代码,使用了C++标准库和Windows API: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #include <MMSystem.h> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; // 播放状态枚举 enum PlayState { STOPPED, PAUSED, PLAYING }; // 播放信息结构体 struct PlayInfo { PlayState state; string file_name; HWAVEOUT h_wave_out; WAVEFORMATEX wave_format; char *data_buf; DWORD data_len; DWORD cur_pos; }; // 音频数据处理回调函数 void CALLBACK wave_out_callback(HWAVEOUT hwo, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwInstance, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2) { PlayInfo *play_info = (PlayInfo *)dwInstance; if (uMsg == WOM_DONE) { play_info->cur_pos = 0; play_info->state = STOPPED; waveOutReset(hwo); } } // 加载音频文件 bool load_wave_file(const string &file_name, PlayInfo &play_info) { // 打开音频文件 HMMIO h_mmio = mmioOpen(const_cast<char *>(file_name.c_str()), NULL, MMIO_ALLOCBUF | MMIO_READ); if (h_mmio == NULL) { cerr << "Error: Cannot open file " << file_name << endl; return false; } // 查找WAVE格式块 MMCKINFO mmck_info_parent; mmck_info_parent.fccType = mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E'); if (mmioDescend(h_mmio, &mmck_info_parent, NULL, MMIO_FINDRIFF) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { cerr << "Error: Cannot find WAVE chunk" << endl; mmioClose(h_mmio, 0); return false; } MMCKINFO mmck_info_child; mmck_info_child.ckid = mmioFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' '); if (mmioDescend(h_mmio, &mmck_info_child, &mmck_info_parent, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { cerr << "Error: Cannot find WAVE format chunk" << endl; mmioClose(h_mmio, 0); return false; } if (mmioRead(h_mmio, reinterpret_cast<HPSTR>(&play_info.wave_format), sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)) != sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)) { cerr << "Error: Cannot read WAVE format" << endl; mmioClose(h_mmio, 0); return false; } mmioAscend(h_mmio, &mmck_info_child, 0); // 查找数据块 mmck_info_child.ckid = mmioFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a'); if (mmioDescend(h_mmio, &mmck_info_child, &mmck_info_parent, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { cerr << "Error: Cannot find WAVE data chunk" << endl; mmioClose(h_mmio, 0); return false; } play_info.data_len = mmck_info_child.cksize; play_info.data_buf = new char[play_info.data_len]; if (mmioRead(h_mmio, play_info.data_buf, play_info.data_len) != static_cast<LONG>(play_info.data_len)) { cerr << "Error: Cannot read WAVE data" << endl; delete[] play_info.data_buf; mmioClose(h_mmio, 0); return false; } mmioClose(h_mmio, 0); return true; } // 播放音频 void play_wave(PlayInfo &play_info) { if (play_info.state == STOPPED) { // 打开音频输出设备 if (waveOutOpen(&play_info.h_wave_out, WAVE_MAPPER, &play_info.wave_format, (DWORD_PTR)wave_out_callback, (DWORD_PTR)&play_info, CALLBACK_FUNCTION) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { cerr << "Error: Cannot open wave output device" << endl; return; } // 向音频输出设备写入数据 WAVEHDR wave_hdr; ZeroMemory(&wave_hdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); wave_hdr.lpData = play_info.data_buf; wave_hdr.dwBufferLength = play_info.data_len; if (waveOutPrepareHeader(play_info.h_wave_out, &wave_hdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { cerr << "Error: Cannot prepare wave header" << endl; waveOutClose(play_info.h_wave_out); return; } if (waveOutWrite(play_info.h_wave_out, &wave_hdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { cerr << "Error: Cannot write wave data" << endl; waveOutUnprepareHeader(play_info.h_wave_out, &wave_hdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); waveOutClose(play_info.h_wave_out); return; } // 更新播放状态 play_info.cur_pos = 0; play_info.state = PLAYING; } else if (play_info.state == PAUSED) { // 继续播放 waveOutRestart(play_info.h_wave_out); play_info.state = PLAYING; } } // 暂停音频 void pause_wave(PlayInfo &play_info) { if (play_info.state == PLAYING) { waveOutPause(play_info.h_wave_out); play_info.state = PAUSED; } } // 停止音频 void stop_wave(PlayInfo &play_info) { if (play_info.state != STOPPED) { waveOutReset(play_info.h_wave_out); play_info.cur_pos = 0; play_info.state = STOPPED; } } // 调节音量 void set_volume(PlayInfo &play_info, int volume) { if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } else if (volume > 100) { volume = 100; } waveOutSetVolume(play_info.h_wave_out, static_cast<DWORD>((static_cast<UINT>(-1) * volume) / 100)); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { PlayInfo play_info; play_info.state = STOPPED; play_info.data_buf = NULL; play_info.data_len = 0; play_info.cur_pos = 0; while (true) { // 显示菜单 cout << "------------------" << endl; cout << "1. Load file" << endl; cout << "2. Play" << endl; cout << "3. Pause" << endl; cout << "4. Stop" << endl; cout << "5. Set volume" << endl; cout << "6. Exit" << endl; cout << "------------------" << endl; cout << "Current file: " << play_info.file_name << endl; cout << "Current position: " << play_info.cur_pos << " / " << play_info.data_len << endl; cout << "Current state: "; switch (play_info.state) { case STOPPED: cout << "STOPPED" << endl; break; case PAUSED: cout << "PAUSED" << endl; break; case PLAYING: cout << "PLAYING" << endl; break; } cout << "Current volume: " << (waveOutGetVolume(play_info.h_wave_out) * 100) / static_cast<UINT>(-1) << endl; cout << "Please enter your choice: "; // 处理用户输入 char choice = _getch(); cout << choice << endl; switch (choice) { case '1': { // 加载文件 string file_name; cout << "Please enter the file name: "; cin >> file_name; cout << endl; if (load_wave_file(file_name, play_info)) { play_info.file_name = file_name; play_info.cur_pos = 0; play_info.state = STOPPED; cout << "File loaded successfully" << endl; } break; } case '2': // 播放


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