开发中,你可能会碰到 类似的问题,clean 还是没办法清除掉,办法如下:
The .xcodeproj file is actually a directory, like an application bundle, If you right click it in finder, you can select show package contents, and then you will see several files inside (or in terminal just cd into it). The actual project file is the one in there with a .pbxproj extension. Once you open it with a text editor the lines you are looking for should start with 'PROVISIONING_PROFILE = or' '"PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" ='. Delete all of those and then you should be good
简单来说,就是你复制引号里的那个 profile ,然后 在你的Finder里面显示你的xcodeproj ,显示包内容,然后,用稳办打开 .pbxproj的文件,找到 与xxx相同的行,删掉,ok,保存,再回到你的项目里,重新运行,success!