上节介绍完我们框架的3层, 下面来介绍其他部分:
1.log用的是log4j2,测试数据是以json的格式组织的,项目是以maven组织的,另外封装了很多的工具类: 连接redis取验证码,(对了, 我们做的是iOS和Android端, 还有windows端 UI, 还有API自动化测试, 我们甚至还研究了把mac端APP的UI自动化加入到我们的框架中, 关于mac端APP ui自动化, 这种小众需求, 后来理论上确实不支持, 可惜)
说到这里, 我觉得有必要把我们这个框架能干的事,隆重的介绍一下:😝
- Android端APP UI自动化
- iOS端APP UI自动化
- Window10端APP UI自动化
- Web UI自动化
- API 自动化
我这里所阐述的并不是说我们的框架可以写Android APP UI自动化, 然后也可以改写成iOS APP UI自动化. 而是我们的框架把上面这些东西都集成进去了, 可以同时写上面的这些东西, 当然这样确实有一个比较大的诟病, 就是integrate so many functions, it is confusion. And if we change a step, will impact more codes.
But , as our old leader, he said, our goal is becoming expert in APP UI automation, so the framework is friendly to us. certainly, the framework is an all-round and perfect. by the way, I want to introduce my a partner in the framework and current job: Lucas__liu
sorry, I suddenly want to practice my English. )
above link is Lucas blog, if our old leader has blog, I will also link him: @Harley, my English name is Ivan, 😁
so continue to introduce our package tools class: To connect MongoDB to reset testing env. ; deal all kinds files(json\File\properties\Image); common appium functions and so on.
运行某一条自动化测试用例, 这里有hook定义前置和后置做的事, 比如前置要启动appium server, knowledge: 这里我们可以take Command Line style to start appium server. the way is stabler. we also use DriverEventListener to get clearer log output when we run our script.
when we run all testcases, we run by cucumber-jvm, we can configure some tags cases to run,
the tag is a property of test case, is powerful. by tag, we can select cases that we want to run. and tag also is a index when we count in report.
Another property of test case is Transfer parameters:
we usually use above two kinds way, and the second way has some means: data to drive. I believe you can find many blogs about Transferring parameters in gerkin.
- our report is cucumber-reporting,
so beautiful, I believe when you first meet the report. of course, allure also is pretty.
the report apply some editable for our user, for example, add log for every cases.
so pretty.