
    记得之前在小米的时候,有个同学说PhoneWindowManager是窗口最乱的地方,好像很多杂活都是PhoneWindowManager去干,其实我不太认同这个说法。 仔细分析一下,PhoneWindowManager实现了WindowManagerPolicy, WindowManagerPolicy注释写的很清楚:

 * This interface supplies all UI-specific behavior of the window manager.  An
 * instance of it is created by the window manager when it starts up, and allows
 * customization of window layering, special window types, key dispatching, and
 * layout.

也就是PhoneWindowManager主要管理Android 手机的特定UI行为、包括定义窗口的分层、窗口的类型、input事件的调度和窗口的布局。按照这些职责来划分,其实PhoneWindowManager的结构就变得比较清晰。今天我们重点聊聊PhoneWindowManager对Android的窗口布局管理。

     要聊窗口必须了解显示设备。 这里要引入一个过扫描(OverScan)的概念:

过扫描是指电视屏幕上的裁剪图像。 以下是一些示例: 电视上的设置放大了电影内容,因此您看不到电影的最外边缘。 电视的塑料边框挡住了部分电视屏幕,因此您看不到内容的边缘。


    除了过扫描区域,为了和系统交互,Android系统还在屏幕上绘制装饰区,像我们常见的状态栏(statusbar) 和 导航栏navbar就是系统装饰区, 这些装饰区主要用于显示系统状态 和 系统交互。但是系统装饰区有可以根据应用的需求显示和隐藏。也可以根据应用的需求做透明处理,以获得沉浸式体验。应用还需要根据装饰区来移动内容绘制的区域,防止内容和装饰区重叠,造成阅读障碍。



  • 应用窗口(层级低)
  • 系统窗口(层加高)
  • 子窗口(层级取决于父窗口)



    static final Rect mTmpParentFrame = new Rect();
    static final Rect mTmpDisplayFrame = new Rect();
    static final Rect mTmpOverscanFrame = new Rect();
    static final Rect mTmpContentFrame = new Rect();
    static final Rect mTmpVisibleFrame = new Rect();
    static final Rect mTmpDecorFrame = new Rect();
    static final Rect mTmpStableFrame = new Rect();
    static final Rect mTmpOutsetFrame = new Rect();
  • df 屏幕区域
  • pf 父窗口区域(主要用于父窗口限制子窗口,对于非子窗口基本和df一致)
  • of 过扫描区域内,不包括过扫描区域,但是不能被可见的导航栏截断
  • cf 应用可以绘制主要内容的区域(一般不包括可见系统装饰区)
  • vf 可见区域,应用可以根据vf滚动视图以使焦点控件不被输入法遮挡(不被输入法遮挡的cf区域)
  • dcf 不包含不透明的状态栏的区域(主要用于防止装饰区和窗口过度绘制,裁剪surface)
  • sf 不会受到任何装饰区影响的区域(全屏状态忽略状态栏,但是不能忽略任务栏)
  • osf 是cf去除下巴的地方(比如很多手表有下巴,这部分区域无法显示,用osf表示此区域)

    这些区域有的是用于限制窗口大小的,比如pf和df,窗口必须绘制在屏幕和父容器内。有的是告诉应用系统装饰区、输入法位置的比如cf、vf、sf。有的是告诉应用过扫描区边界比如of, 还有告知应用下巴区域的osf。 最后dcf是用于裁剪surface和不透明系统装饰区重叠部分的,防止过度渲染。


 // The current size of the screen; really; extends into the overscan area of
    // the screen and doesn't account for any system elements like the status bar.
    int mOverscanScreenLeft, mOverscanScreenTop;
    int mOverscanScreenWidth, mOverscanScreenHeight;
    // The current visible size of the screen; really; (ir)regardless of whether the status
    // bar can be hidden but not extending into the overscan area.
    int mUnrestrictedScreenLeft, mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
    int mUnrestrictedScreenWidth, mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
    // Like mOverscanScreen*, but allowed to move into the overscan region where appropriate.
    int mRestrictedOverscanScreenLeft, mRestrictedOverscanScreenTop;
    int mRestrictedOverscanScreenWidth, mRestrictedOverscanScreenHeight;
    // The current size of the screen; these may be different than (0,0)-(dw,dh)
    // if the status bar can't be hidden; in that case it effectively carves out
    // that area of the display from all other windows.
    int mRestrictedScreenLeft, mRestrictedScreenTop;
    int mRestrictedScreenWidth, mRestrictedScreenHeight;
    // During layout, the current screen borders accounting for any currently
    // visible system UI elements.
    int mSystemLeft, mSystemTop, mSystemRight, mSystemBottom;
    // For applications requesting stable content insets, these are them.
    int mStableLeft, mStableTop, mStableRight, mStableBottom;
    // For applications requesting stable content insets but have also set the
    // fullscreen window flag, these are the stable dimensions without the status bar.
    int mStableFullscreenLeft, mStableFullscreenTop;
    int mStableFullscreenRight, mStableFullscreenBottom;
    // During layout, the current screen borders with all outer decoration
    // (status bar, input method dock) accounted for.
    int mCurLeft, mCurTop, mCurRight, mCurBottom;
    // During layout, the frame in which content should be displayed
    // to the user, accounting for all screen decoration except for any
    // space they deem as available for other content.  This is usually
    // the same as mCur*, but may be larger if the screen decor has supplied
    // content insets.
    int mContentLeft, mContentTop, mContentRight, mContentBottom;
    // During layout, the frame in which voice content should be displayed
    // to the user, accounting for all screen decoration except for any
    // space they deem as available for other content.
    int mVoiceContentLeft, mVoiceContentTop, mVoiceContentRight, mVoiceContentBottom;
    // During layout, the current screen borders along which input method
    // windows are placed.
    int mDockLeft, mDockTop, mDockRight, mDockBottom;
    // During layout, the layer at which the doc window is placed.
    int mDockLayer;



  • Stable区域不包含任何装饰区,即使装饰区不可见也按照导装饰区可见来设置Stable区域,它的作用是告知应用一个稳定区域,如果应用将内容绘制在此区域内(这完全取决于应用),在装饰区从不可见到可见的过程中,不会引起应用内容的跳动。

  • Dock区域描述的是输入法窗口能放置的区域,不包含可见导航栏, 标准就是无论如何不能覆盖可见装饰区,这很好理解,输入法不能覆盖到导航栏和状态栏

  • Content区域在没有输入法的情况是和Dock*区域一样的,也就是内容不能绘制在装饰区,在有输入法的情况下,应该是在dock区域内,但是不包含输入法content区域

  • Cur在没有输入法的情况是和Dock*区域一样的,在有输入法的情况下,不能包含输入法Visiable区域,这用于描述应用的Visiable 区域

  • System 是不被装饰区遮挡区域,用于计算dcf(不透明装饰区)

    这些是PhoneWindowManager的内部定义,外部如何告知系统对装饰区的要求呢,比如隐藏状态栏,显示状态栏? 最好的说明还是官方文档。 请仔细阅读google的官方文档启用全屏模式

    简单来说隐藏状态栏在Android 4.0 及更低版本中使用WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN 标志, 更高版本则使用View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN 标志。 (注意后者并不是Window的flag)。

    导航栏的隐藏到Android 4.0开始支持,使用View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION 标志。

另外还有几个和PhoneWindowManager 布局相关的属性:

// 表示应用窗口希望填满整个屏幕,应用自行根据cf、of、vf、sf来解决遮挡问题, 没有该标志表示窗口希望在装饰区内部

// 表示应用希望得到装饰区的内边距, 同FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN一起使用才有意义

// 希望窗口大小不受屏幕大小限制

// 希望应用使用过扫描区域,也就是不希望系统告知应用过扫描区范围

// 像隐藏状态栏一样计算该窗口布局(还有个隐含意思就是窗口希望填满整个屏幕)

// 表示内容区希望cf 和 sf一样,这样在状态栏和导航栏出现的时候内容不至于跳动

// 像隐藏导航栏和状态栏一样layout,主要影响cf(还有个隐含意思就是窗口希望填满整个屏幕)



  /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void beginLayoutLw(boolean isDefaultDisplay, int displayWidth, int displayHeight,
                              int displayRotation) {
        mDisplayRotation = displayRotation;
        final int overscanLeft, overscanTop, overscanRight, overscanBottom;
        if (isDefaultDisplay) {
            switch (displayRotation) {
                case Surface.ROTATION_90:
                    overscanLeft = mOverscanTop;
                    overscanTop = mOverscanRight;
                    overscanRight = mOverscanBottom;
                    overscanBottom = mOverscanLeft;
                case Surface.ROTATION_180:
                    overscanLeft = mOverscanRight;
                    overscanTop = mOverscanBottom;
                    overscanRight = mOverscanLeft;
                    overscanBottom = mOverscanTop;
                case Surface.ROTATION_270:
                    overscanLeft = mOverscanBottom;
                    overscanTop = mOverscanLeft;
                    overscanRight = mOverscanTop;
                    overscanBottom = mOverscanRight;
                    overscanLeft = mOverscanLeft;
                    overscanTop = mOverscanTop;
                    overscanRight = mOverscanRight;
                    overscanBottom = mOverscanBottom;
        } else {
            overscanLeft = 0;
            overscanTop = 0;
            overscanRight = 0;
            overscanBottom = 0;
        mOverscanScreenLeft = mRestrictedOverscanScreenLeft = 0;
        mOverscanScreenTop = mRestrictedOverscanScreenTop = 0;
        mOverscanScreenWidth = mRestrictedOverscanScreenWidth = displayWidth;
        mOverscanScreenHeight = mRestrictedOverscanScreenHeight = displayHeight;
        mSystemLeft = 0;
        mSystemTop = 0;
        mSystemRight = displayWidth;
        mSystemBottom = displayHeight;
        // UnrestrictedScreen区域不包含过扫描区
        mUnrestrictedScreenLeft = overscanLeft;  
        mUnrestrictedScreenTop = overscanTop;
        mUnrestrictedScreenWidth = displayWidth - overscanLeft - overscanRight;
        mUnrestrictedScreenHeight = displayHeight - overscanTop - overscanBottom;
        // RestrictedScreen区域默认和UnrestrictedScreen区域一样,因为现在还不知道装饰区占用空间
        mRestrictedScreenLeft = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;  
        mRestrictedScreenTop = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
        mRestrictedScreenWidth = mSystemGestures.screenWidth = mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
        mRestrictedScreenHeight = mSystemGestures.screenHeight = mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
        // Dock 、 Content 、Stable 、 StableFullscreen、 Cur 和 UnrestrictedScreen 一样,因为现在还不知道 装饰区占用空间
        mDockLeft = mContentLeft = mVoiceContentLeft = mStableLeft = mStableFullscreenLeft
                = mCurLeft = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
        mDockTop = mContentTop = mVoiceContentTop = mStableTop = mStableFullscreenTop
                = mCurTop = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
        mDockRight = mContentRight = mVoiceContentRight = mStableRight = mStableFullscreenRight
                = mCurRight = displayWidth - overscanRight;
        mDockBottom = mContentBottom = mVoiceContentBottom = mStableBottom = mStableFullscreenBottom
                = mCurBottom = displayHeight - overscanBottom;
        mDockLayer = 0x10000000;
        mStatusBarLayer = -1;

        // start with the current dock rect, which will be (0,0,displayWidth,displayHeight)
        final Rect pf = mTmpParentFrame;
        final Rect df = mTmpDisplayFrame;
        final Rect of = mTmpOverscanFrame;
        final Rect vf = mTmpVisibleFrame;
        final Rect dcf = mTmpDecorFrame;
        final Rect osf = mTmpOutsetFrame;
        // pf、df、vf 、of 当前就是UnrestrictedScreen区域,也就是不包含过扫描区
        pf.left = df.left = of.left = vf.left = mDockLeft;
        pf.top = df.top = of.top = vf.top = mDockTop;
        pf.right = df.right = of.right = vf.right = mDockRight;
        pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = vf.bottom = mDockBottom;
        dcf.setEmpty();  // Decor frame N/A for system bars.

        if (isDefaultDisplay) { 
             // 只有默认屏幕有装饰区,其他屏幕都使用Unrestricted区域作为限制
            // For purposes of putting out fake window up to steal focus, we will
            // drive nav being hidden only by whether it is requested.
            final int sysui = mLastSystemUiFlags; // 获取当前装饰区状态
            // 导航区可见
            boolean navVisible = (sysui & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION) == 0;
            // 导航区透明状态
            boolean navTranslucent = (sysui
                    & (View.NAVIGATION_BAR_TRANSLUCENT | View.SYSTEM_UI_TRANSPARENT)) != 0;
            // 沉浸模式
            boolean immersive = (sysui & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE) != 0;
            // 粘性沉浸模式
            boolean immersiveSticky = (sysui & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY) != 0;
            // 只有沉浸模式才允许隐藏导航栏
            boolean navAllowedHidden = immersive || immersiveSticky;
            // 沉浸状态相当于状态栏不存在
            navTranslucent &= !immersiveSticky;  // transient trumps translucent
            boolean isKeyguardShowing = isStatusBarKeyguard() && !mHideLockScreen;
            if (!isKeyguardShowing) {
                navTranslucent &= areTranslucentBarsAllowed();

            // When the navigation bar isn't visible, we put up a fake
            // input window to catch all touch events.  This way we can
            // detect when the user presses anywhere to bring back the nav
            // bar and ensure the application doesn't see the event.
            if (navVisible || navAllowedHidden) { 
                // mInputConsumer 用于状态栏隐藏的时候响应交互唤出状态栏的, 这两种情况有其他办法唤出
                if (mInputConsumer != null) {
                    mInputConsumer = null;
            } else if (mInputConsumer == null) {
                mInputConsumer = mWindowManagerFuncs.addInputConsumer(mHandler.getLooper(),

            // For purposes of positioning and showing the nav bar, if we have
            // decided that it can't be hidden (because of the screen aspect ratio),
            // then take that into account.
            navVisible |= !canHideNavigationBar();  // 不允许隐藏导航栏,必须为显示状态

            boolean updateSysUiVisibility = false;
            if (mNavigationBar != null) {
                //导航栏 是否为瞬态
                boolean transientNavBarShowing = mNavigationBarController.isTransientShowing();
                // Force the navigation bar to its appropriate place and
                // size.  We need to do this directly, instead of relying on
                // it to bubble up from the nav bar, because this needs to
                // change atomically with screen rotations.
                // 导航栏是否在屏幕底部(横屏的时候在右边)
                mNavigationBarOnBottom = (!mNavigationBarCanMove || displayWidth < displayHeight);
                if (mNavigationBarOnBottom) { // 在顶部的情况
                    // It's a system nav bar or a portrait screen; nav bar goes on bottom.
                    int top = displayHeight - overscanBottom
                            - mNavigationBarHeightForRotation[displayRotation];
                    // 设置在屏幕上的位置,也就是UnrestrictedScreen的底部
                    mTmpNavigationFrame.set(0, top, displayWidth, displayHeight - overscanBottom);
                    mStableBottom = mStableFullscreenBottom = mTmpNavigationFrame.top; // 不论是否可见,mStableBottom  和 mStableFullscreenBottom 都不包含导航区
                    if (transientNavBarShowing) { // 瞬态显示,设置显示状态,另外瞬态在布局中相当于导航栏不存在
                    } else if (navVisible) {// 正常显示
                        // 设置mDockBottom 为导航栏顶部,使Dock区域不遮挡导航栏
                        mDockBottom = mTmpNavigationFrame.top;
                        // RestrictedScreen 和RestrictedOverscanScreen 区域不包含导航栏
                        mRestrictedScreenHeight = mDockBottom - mRestrictedScreenTop;
                        mRestrictedOverscanScreenHeight = mDockBottom - mRestrictedOverscanScreenTop;
                    } else {
                        // 设置导航栏不可见
                        // We currently want to hide the navigation UI.
                    if (navVisible && !navTranslucent && !navAllowedHidden
                            && !mNavigationBar.isAnimatingLw()
                            && !mNavigationBarController.wasRecentlyTranslucent()) {
                        // If the opaque nav bar is currently requested to be visible,
                        // and not in the process of animating on or off, then
                        // we can tell the app that it is covered by it.
                        // 导航栏不透明显示,SystemBottom在导航栏之上,用于防止过度绘制裁剪到导航栏
                        mSystemBottom = mTmpNavigationFrame.top;
                } else { 
                    // 导航栏在右侧,基本逻辑和在底部一样
                    // Landscape screen; nav bar goes to the right.
                    int left = displayWidth - overscanRight
                            - mNavigationBarWidthForRotation[displayRotation];
                    mTmpNavigationFrame.set(left, 0, displayWidth - overscanRight, displayHeight);
                    mStableRight = mStableFullscreenRight = mTmpNavigationFrame.left;
                    if (transientNavBarShowing) {
                    } else if (navVisible) {
                        mDockRight = mTmpNavigationFrame.left;
                        mRestrictedScreenWidth = mDockRight - mRestrictedScreenLeft;
                        mRestrictedOverscanScreenWidth = mDockRight - mRestrictedOverscanScreenLeft;
                    } else {
                        // We currently want to hide the navigation UI.
                    if (navVisible && !navTranslucent && !navAllowedHidden
                            && !mNavigationBar.isAnimatingLw()
                            && !mNavigationBarController.wasRecentlyTranslucent()) {
                        // If the nav bar is currently requested to be visible,
                        // and not in the process of animating on or off, then
                        // we can tell the app that it is covered by it.
                        mSystemRight = mTmpNavigationFrame.left;
                // Make sure the content and current rectangles are updated to
                // account for the restrictions from the navigation bar.
                // 确保更新内容和当前矩形以考虑导航栏的限制。, 这里设置Content、VoiceContent 和Cur* 都和Dock一致,也就是不包含可见导航栏
                mContentTop = mVoiceContentTop = mCurTop = mDockTop;
                mContentBottom = mVoiceContentBottom = mCurBottom = mDockBottom;
                mContentLeft = mVoiceContentLeft = mCurLeft = mDockLeft;
                mContentRight = mVoiceContentRight = mCurRight = mDockRight;
                mStatusBarLayer = mNavigationBar.getSurfaceLayer();
                // And compute the final frame.
                mNavigationBar.computeFrameLw(mTmpNavigationFrame, mTmpNavigationFrame,
                        mTmpNavigationFrame, mTmpNavigationFrame, mTmpNavigationFrame, dcf,
                        mTmpNavigationFrame, mTmpNavigationFrame);
                if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.i(TAG, "mNavigationBar frame: " + mTmpNavigationFrame);
                if (mNavigationBarController.checkHiddenLw()) {
                    updateSysUiVisibility = true;
            if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.i(TAG, String.format("mDock rect: (%d,%d - %d,%d)",
                    mDockLeft, mDockTop, mDockRight, mDockBottom));
            // 前边处理了导航栏这里该处理状态栏了
            // decide where the status bar goes ahead of time
            if (mStatusBar != null) {
                // 这里重新初始化pf、of、df,将statusbar窗口约束在Unrestricted区域,vf则去除导航栏
                // apply any navigation bar insets
                pf.left = df.left = of.left = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                pf.top = df.top = of.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                pf.right = df.right = of.right = mUnrestrictedScreenWidth + mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenHeight
                        + mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                vf.left = mStableLeft;
                vf.top = mStableTop;
                vf.right = mStableRight;
                vf.bottom = mStableBottom;

                mStatusBarLayer = mStatusBar.getSurfaceLayer();

                // Let the status bar determine its size.
                mStatusBar.computeFrameLw(pf /* parentFrame */, df /* displayFrame */,
                        vf /* overlayFrame */, vf /* contentFrame */, vf /* visibleFrame */,
                        dcf /* decorFrame */, vf /* stableFrame */, vf /* outsetFrame */);

                // For layout, the status bar is always at the top with our fixed height.            
                // Stable 区域总是去除状态栏高度
                mStableTop = mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mStatusBarHeight;

                boolean statusBarTransient = (sysui & View.STATUS_BAR_TRANSIENT) != 0;
                boolean statusBarTranslucent = (sysui
                        & (View.STATUS_BAR_TRANSLUCENT | View.SYSTEM_UI_TRANSPARENT)) != 0;
                if (!isKeyguardShowing) {
                    statusBarTranslucent &= areTranslucentBarsAllowed();

                // If the status bar is hidden, we don't want to cause
                // windows behind it to scroll.
                // statusBar 可见,并且不是瞬态
                if (mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() && !statusBarTransient) { 
                    // Status bar may go away, so the screen area it occupies
                    // is available to apps but just covering them when the
                    // status bar is visible.
                    // 这种情况Dock、Content、VoiceContent总是不包含状态栏(很好理解,输入法和应用内容都应该避开状态栏绘制,瞬态相当于状态栏不存在)
                    mDockTop = mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mStatusBarHeight;
                    mContentTop = mVoiceContentTop = mCurTop = mDockTop;
                    mContentBottom = mVoiceContentBottom = mCurBottom = mDockBottom;
                    mContentLeft = mVoiceContentLeft = mCurLeft = mDockLeft;
                    mContentRight = mVoiceContentRight = mCurRight = mDockRight;

                    if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, "Status bar: " +
                            "dock=[%d,%d][%d,%d] content=[%d,%d][%d,%d] cur=[%d,%d][%d,%d]",
                            mDockLeft, mDockTop, mDockRight, mDockBottom,
                            mContentLeft, mContentTop, mContentRight, mContentBottom,
                            mCurLeft, mCurTop, mCurRight, mCurBottom));
                if (mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() && !mStatusBar.isAnimatingLw()
                        && !statusBarTransient && !statusBarTranslucent
                        && !mStatusBarController.wasRecentlyTranslucent()) {
                    // If the opaque status bar is currently requested to be visible,
                    // and not in the process of animating on or off, then
                    // we can tell the app that it is covered by it.
                    // 不透明状态栏设置mSystemTop 用于surface裁剪
                    mSystemTop = mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mStatusBarHeight;
                if (mStatusBarController.checkHiddenLw()) {
                    updateSysUiVisibility = true;
            if (updateSysUiVisibility) {

    beginLayoutLw 函数的逻辑很简单,在layout所有窗口的时候先确定装饰区,也就是StatusBar 和 NavBar的可见性。根据前面介绍的逻辑, 这和我前面画的三张图是一致的。

    beginLayoutLw 在一轮layout中执行一次, 执行完beginLayoutLw之后会对每个可见窗口执行layoutWindowLw 来为每一个窗口进行布局(确定大小、稳定区、可见区、内容区和位置),我们来看一下layoutWindowLw的代码

 /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void layoutWindowLw(WindowState win, WindowState attached) {
        // We've already done the navigation bar and status bar. If the status bar can receive
        // input, we need to layout it again to accomodate for the IME window.
        // statusBar 被展开的时候可以接收输入法,还需要重新layout。 其他情况StatusBar 和 NavBar已经layout过了,直接返回
        if ((win == mStatusBar && !canReceiveInput(win)) || win == mNavigationBar) {
        final WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs = win.getAttrs();
        final boolean isDefaultDisplay = win.isDefaultDisplay();
        final boolean needsToOffsetInputMethodTarget = isDefaultDisplay &&
                (win == mLastInputMethodTargetWindow && mLastInputMethodWindow != null);
        if (needsToOffsetInputMethodTarget) {
            if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.i(TAG, "Offset ime target window by the last ime window state");
            // 根据输入法窗口调整Current、Content(也就是排除掉输入法的内容区和可见区)

        final int fl = PolicyControl.getWindowFlags(win, attrs);
        final int sim = attrs.softInputMode;
        final int sysUiFl = PolicyControl.getSystemUiVisibility(win, null);

        final Rect pf = mTmpParentFrame;
        final Rect df = mTmpDisplayFrame;
        final Rect of = mTmpOverscanFrame;
        final Rect cf = mTmpContentFrame;
        final Rect vf = mTmpVisibleFrame;
        final Rect dcf = mTmpDecorFrame;
        final Rect sf = mTmpStableFrame;
        Rect osf = null;

        final boolean hasNavBar = (isDefaultDisplay && mHasNavigationBar
                && mNavigationBar != null && mNavigationBar.isVisibleLw());

        final int adjust = sim & SOFT_INPUT_MASK_ADJUST;

        if (isDefaultDisplay) {
            // 默认屏幕有装饰区,设置稳定区
            sf.set(mStableLeft, mStableTop, mStableRight, mStableBottom);
        } else {
            // 非默认屏幕没有装饰区,设置稳定区为全屏幕
            sf.set(mOverscanLeft, mOverscanTop, mOverscanRight, mOverscanBottom);

        if (!isDefaultDisplay) { 
            if (attached != null) {
                // 非默认窗口如果是子窗口则根据父窗口限制子窗口大小
                // If this window is attached to another, our display
                // frame is the same as the one we are attached to.
                setAttachedWindowFrames(win, fl, adjust, attached, true, pf, df, of, cf, vf);
            } else {
                // 非子窗口设置全屏
                // Give the window full screen.
                pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = mOverscanScreenLeft;
                pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mOverscanScreenTop;
                pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right
                        = mOverscanScreenLeft + mOverscanScreenWidth;
                pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom
                        = mOverscanScreenTop + mOverscanScreenHeight;
        } else if (attrs.type == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD) { 
            // 输入法窗口 窗口限制在dock区域(也就是不含很可见的装饰区)
            pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = vf.left = mDockLeft;
            pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = vf.top = mDockTop;
            pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right = vf.right = mDockRight;
            // IM dock windows layout below the nav bar...
            pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
            // ...with content insets above the nav bar
            // 输入法的内容区和可见区都在 stable区域,并且在屏幕下面
            cf.bottom = vf.bottom = mStableBottom;
            // IM dock windows always go to the bottom of the screen.
            attrs.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;
            mDockLayer = win.getSurfaceLayer();
        } else if (attrs.type == TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION) {
            // 语音交互窗口,窗口大小被限制不包含过扫描区
            pf.left = df.left = of.left = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
            pf.top = df.top = of.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
            pf.right = df.right = of.right = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft + mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
            pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
            // 内容区和可见区都在Stable*内
            cf.bottom = vf.bottom = mStableBottom;
            // Note: In Phone landscape mode, the button bar should also be excluded.
            cf.right = vf.right = mStableRight;
            cf.left = vf.left = mStableLeft;
            cf.top = vf.top = mStableTop;
        } else if (win == mStatusBar) {
            // statusBar窗口在Unrestricted内, 内容区和可见区上左右和Stable一样,底部涉及到导航栏,可见区域不覆盖导航栏,但是内容区可以覆盖导航栏? 这好像没什么道理
            pf.left = df.left = of.left = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
            pf.top = df.top = of.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
            pf.right = df.right = of.right = mUnrestrictedScreenWidth + mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
            pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenHeight + mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
            cf.left = vf.left = mStableLeft;
            cf.top = vf.top = mStableTop;
            cf.right = vf.right = mStableRight;
            vf.bottom = mStableBottom;
            cf.bottom = mContentBottom;
        } else {
            // 其他类型窗口
            // Default policy decor for the default display
            dcf.left = mSystemLeft;
            dcf.top = mSystemTop;
            dcf.right = mSystemRight;
            dcf.bottom = mSystemBottom;
            final boolean inheritTranslucentDecor = (attrs.privateFlags
                    & WindowManager.LayoutParams.PRIVATE_FLAG_INHERIT_TRANSLUCENT_DECOR) != 0;
            final boolean isAppWindow =
                    attrs.type >= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_APPLICATION_WINDOW &&
                    attrs.type <= WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_APPLICATION_WINDOW;
            final boolean topAtRest =
                    win == mTopFullscreenOpaqueWindowState && !win.isAnimatingLw();
            if (isAppWindow && !inheritTranslucentDecor && !topAtRest) { 
                // 非全屏AppWindow
                if ((sysUiFl & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN) == 0
                        && (fl & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN) == 0
                        && (fl & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS) == 0
                        && (fl & WindowManager.LayoutParams.
                                FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS) == 0) {
                    //不透明导可见状态栏, 并且也不绘制状态栏背景。 设置dcf不包含状态栏(用于防止过度绘制裁剪状态栏)
                    // Ensure policy decor includes status bar
                    dcf.top = mStableTop;
                if ((fl & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION) == 0
                        && (sysUiFl & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION) == 0
                        && (fl & WindowManager.LayoutParams.
                                FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS) == 0) {
                    // Ensure policy decor includes navigation bar
                    //不透明导可见导航栏, 并且也不绘制导航栏背景。 设置dcf不包含导航栏(用于防止过度绘制裁剪导航栏)
                    dcf.bottom = mStableBottom;
                    dcf.right = mStableRight;

                if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, "layoutWindowLw(" + attrs.getTitle()
                            + "): IN_SCREEN, INSET_DECOR");
                // FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN 表示应用窗口希望填满整个屏幕,所以后面会尽量把窗口的pf、df、of 都放置在整个屏幕上,也就是包含过扫描区
                // FLAG_LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR 表示应用希望将内容绘制在装饰区内(不要和装饰区重叠),所以cf、vf要避开装饰区
                // This is the case for a normal activity window: we want it
                // to cover all of the screen space, and it can take care of
                // moving its contents to account for screen decorations that
                // intrude into that space.
                if (attached != null) {
                    // If this window is attached to another, our display
                    // frame is the same as the one we are attached to.
                    // 子窗口,根据父窗口设置布局
                    setAttachedWindowFrames(win, fl, adjust, attached, true, pf, df, of, cf, vf);
                } else { // 非子窗口
                    if (attrs.type == TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL
                            || attrs.type == TYPE_STATUS_BAR_SUB_PANEL) {
                         // statusbar panel窗口,窗口不能遮盖导航栏,但是能覆盖状态栏,所以如果有导航栏则使用dock区域,没有导航栏则使用Unrestricted区域,装饰窗口是不会渲染到过扫描区的
                        // Status bar panels are the only windows who can go on top of
                        // the status bar.  They are protected by the STATUS_BAR_SERVICE
                        // permission, so they have the same privileges as the status
                        // bar itself.
                        // However, they should still dodge the navigation bar if it exists.

                        pf.left = df.left = of.left = hasNavBar
                                ? mDockLeft : mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                        pf.top = df.top = of.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                        pf.right = df.right = of.right = hasNavBar
                                ? mRestrictedScreenLeft+mRestrictedScreenWidth
                                : mUnrestrictedScreenLeft + mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
                        pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = hasNavBar
                                ? mRestrictedScreenTop+mRestrictedScreenHeight
                                : mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;

                        if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, String.format(
                                        "Laying out status bar window: (%d,%d - %d,%d)",
                                        pf.left, pf.top, pf.right, pf.bottom));
                    } else if ((fl & FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN) != 0
                            && attrs.type >= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_APPLICATION_WINDOW
                            && attrs.type <= WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW) { 
                        // Asking to layout into the overscan region, so give it that pure
                        // unrestricted area.
                        // FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN 标志表示应用自己要处理过扫描区,of就是用于告诉应用过扫描区的边界,这里设置了FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN,所以of设置为全屏大小,忽略过扫描区。 注意只有子窗口和应用窗口可以这样做,因为它们在装饰区下面或者被父窗口限制
                        pf.left = df.left = of.left = mOverscanScreenLeft;
                        pf.top = df.top = of.top = mOverscanScreenTop;
                        pf.right = df.right = of.right = mOverscanScreenLeft + mOverscanScreenWidth;
                        pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = mOverscanScreenTop
                                + mOverscanScreenHeight;
                    } else if (canHideNavigationBar()
                            && (sysUiFl & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION) != 0
                            && attrs.type >= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_APPLICATION_WINDOW
                            && attrs.type <= WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW) {
                        // Asking for layout as if the nav bar is hidden, lets the
                        // application extend into the unrestricted overscan screen area.  We
                        // only do this for application windows to ensure no window that
                        // can be above the nav bar can do this.
                        // 导航栏隐藏的情况窗口可以占用整个屏幕
                        pf.left = df.left = mOverscanScreenLeft;
                        pf.top = df.top = mOverscanScreenTop;
                        pf.right = df.right = mOverscanScreenLeft + mOverscanScreenWidth;
                        pf.bottom = df.bottom = mOverscanScreenTop + mOverscanScreenHeight;
                        // We need to tell the app about where the frame inside the overscan
                        // is, so it can inset its content by that amount -- it didn't ask
                        // to actually extend itself into the overscan region.
                        of.left = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                        of.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                        of.right = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft + mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
                        of.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
                    } else {
                        // 1 导航栏可见,不是statusbar,没设置FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN,那窗口应该不能包括导航区,所以pf、df 都被设置在RestrictedOverscan区域内, of还是准确描述过扫描区边界
                        pf.left = df.left = mRestrictedOverscanScreenLeft;
                        pf.top = df.top = mRestrictedOverscanScreenTop;
                        pf.right = df.right = mRestrictedOverscanScreenLeft
                                + mRestrictedOverscanScreenWidth;
                        pf.bottom = df.bottom = mRestrictedOverscanScreenTop
                                + mRestrictedOverscanScreenHeight;
                        // We need to tell the app about where the frame inside the overscan
                        // is, so it can inset its content by that amount -- it didn't ask
                        // to actually extend itself into the overscan region.
                        of.left = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                        of.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                        of.right = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft + mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
                        of.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;

                    // 上面设置完了pf、df、of对于窗口大小的限制,后面要设置cf、vf来告知应用装饰区的情况
                    if ((fl & FLAG_FULLSCREEN) == 0) { 
                        if (win.isVoiceInteraction()) {
                            // 状态栏可见的语音交互窗口(不显示输入法),设置内容区域为VoiceContent区域
                            cf.left = mVoiceContentLeft;
                            cf.top = mVoiceContentTop;
                            cf.right = mVoiceContentRight;
                            cf.bottom = mVoiceContentBottom;
                        } else { 
                            // 不隐藏状态栏
                            if (adjust != SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE) {
                                // 不需要根据输入法调整窗口,设置应用内容区为Docker区域,也就是不包含可见的状态栏和导航栏
                                cf.left = mDockLeft;
                                cf.top = mDockTop;
                                cf.right = mDockRight;
                                cf.bottom = mDockBottom;
                            } else {
                                // 需要根据输入法调整窗口大小Content区域已经是调整过得了,所以设置cf边界为Content区域
                                cf.left = mContentLeft;
                                cf.top = mContentTop;
                                cf.right = mContentRight;
                                cf.bottom = mContentBottom;
                    } else {
                        // Full screen windows are always given a layout that is as if the
                        // status bar and other transient decors are gone.  This is to avoid
                        // bad states when moving from a window that is not hding the
                        // status bar to one that is.
                        // 全屏窗口,cf都限制为Restricted区域,也就是不包含导航栏,但是包含状态栏
                        cf.left = mRestrictedScreenLeft;
                        cf.top = mRestrictedScreenTop;
                        cf.right = mRestrictedScreenLeft + mRestrictedScreenWidth;
                        cf.bottom = mRestrictedScreenTop + mRestrictedScreenHeight;
                    applyStableConstraints(sysUiFl, fl, cf); // 设置cf区域,后面分析,这个函数主要处理View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE标志,如果设置了View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE标志,cf应该使用stable区域,防止状态栏和导航来出来内容跳动
                    if (adjust != SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_NOTHING) {
                        // 需要根据输入法调整窗口(上移内容或者滚动内容,都需要知道可见区,尤其滚动内容), 所以cf设置为Cur区域,Cur区域是减去输入法可见区域的屏幕区域
                        vf.left = mCurLeft;
                        vf.top = mCurTop;
                        vf.right = mCurRight;
                        vf.bottom = mCurBottom;
                    } else {
                        // 不需要根据输入法调整窗口或者滚动窗口里的内容,设置vf和cf一致
            } else if ((fl & FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN) != 0 || (sysUiFl
                    & (View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN
                            | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION)) != 0) {
                if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, "layoutWindowLw(" + attrs.getTitle() +
                        "): IN_SCREEN");
                // A window that has requested to fill the entire screen just
                // gets everything, period.
                if (attrs.type == TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL
                        || attrs.type == TYPE_STATUS_BAR_SUB_PANEL
                        || attrs.type == TYPE_VOLUME_OVERLAY) {
                    // statusBar panel 窗口 和 音量调节窗口都不应该和导航栏重合,也不使用过扫描区,所以根据导航栏设置pf、df、of  的区域为Dock 或者 Unrestricted
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = hasNavBar
                            ? mDockLeft : mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right = hasNavBar
                                        ? mRestrictedScreenLeft+mRestrictedScreenWidth
                                        : mUnrestrictedScreenLeft + mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = hasNavBar
                                          ? mRestrictedScreenTop+mRestrictedScreenHeight
                                          : mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
                    if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, String.format(
                                    "Laying out IN_SCREEN status bar window: (%d,%d - %d,%d)",
                                    pf.left, pf.top, pf.right, pf.bottom));
                } else if (attrs.type == TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR
                        || attrs.type == TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR_PANEL) {
                    // 导航窗口或者导航panel, 可以包含导航区域,但是不适用过扫描区
                    // The navigation bar has Real Ultimate Power.
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft
                            + mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenTop
                            + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
                    if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, String.format(
                                    "Laying out navigation bar window: (%d,%d - %d,%d)",
                                    pf.left, pf.top, pf.right, pf.bottom));
                } else if ((attrs.type == TYPE_SECURE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY
                                || attrs.type == TYPE_BOOT_PROGRESS)
                        && ((fl & FLAG_FULLSCREEN) != 0)) {
                    // 隐藏状态栏安全窗口或者启动进度窗口, 可以使用整个屏幕
                    // Fullscreen secure system overlays get what they ask for.
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = mOverscanScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mOverscanScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right = mOverscanScreenLeft
                            + mOverscanScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mOverscanScreenTop
                            + mOverscanScreenHeight;
                } else if (attrs.type == TYPE_BOOT_PROGRESS) {
                    // 启动进度窗口默认使用整个屏幕
                    // Boot progress screen always covers entire display.
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = mOverscanScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mOverscanScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right = mOverscanScreenLeft
                            + mOverscanScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mOverscanScreenTop
                            + mOverscanScreenHeight;
                } else if (attrs.type == TYPE_WALLPAPER) {
                    // The wallpaper also has Real Ultimate Power, but we want to tell
                    // it about the overscan area.
                    // 壁纸窗口可以使用这个屏幕,但是还是通过cf和of告知过扫描区域范围
                    pf.left = df.left = mOverscanScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = mOverscanScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = mOverscanScreenLeft + mOverscanScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = mOverscanScreenTop + mOverscanScreenHeight;
                    of.left = cf.left = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                    of.top = cf.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                    of.right = cf.right = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft + mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
                    of.bottom = cf.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenTop + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
                } else if ((fl & FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN) != 0
                        && attrs.type >= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_APPLICATION_WINDOW
                        && attrs.type <= WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW) {
                    // Asking to layout into the overscan region, so give it that pure
                    // unrestricted area.
                    // 设置了FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN,应用窗口或者子窗口,由于其在装饰区下面,或者和父窗口属性一致,所以允许允许使用整个屏幕,包括cf(因为这里没有设置FLAG_LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR),所以cf可以包括过扫描区
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = mOverscanScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mOverscanScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right
                            = mOverscanScreenLeft + mOverscanScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom
                            = mOverscanScreenTop + mOverscanScreenHeight;
                } else if (canHideNavigationBar()
                        && (sysUiFl & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION) != 0
                        && (attrs.type == TYPE_STATUS_BAR
                            || attrs.type == TYPE_TOAST
                            || attrs.type == TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION_STARTING
                            || (attrs.type >= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_APPLICATION_WINDOW
                            && attrs.type <= WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW))) {
                    // Asking for layout as if the nav bar is hidden, lets the
                    // application extend into the unrestricted screen area.  We
                    // only do this for application windows (or toasts) to ensure no window that
                    // can be above the nav bar can do this.
                    // XXX This assumes that an app asking for this will also
                    // ask for layout in only content.  We can't currently figure out
                    // what the screen would be if only laying out to hide the nav bar.
                    // 这里没有设置FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_OVERSCAN标志,不允许窗口使用过扫描区
                    // 导航栏隐藏,应用窗口、状态栏,tost、语音交互这些系统窗口在屏幕下边,可以使pf、df、of、cf 延伸到UnrestrictedScreen区域。 也可以延伸到UnrestrictedScreen区域,并不会影响导航栏显示
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mUnrestrictedScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right = mUnrestrictedScreenLeft
                            + mUnrestrictedScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mUnrestrictedScreenTop
                            + mUnrestrictedScreenHeight;
                } else {
                    // 导航栏可见的情况,只能使用RestrictedScreen区域作为pf、df、of、cf
                    // 这里虽然没有FLAG_LAYOUT_INSET_DECOR表示,不会向应用报告状态装饰区所占的空间,所以cf、pf、df、of都不允许占用装饰区
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = mRestrictedScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mRestrictedScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right = mRestrictedScreenLeft
                            + mRestrictedScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mRestrictedScreenTop
                            + mRestrictedScreenHeight;

                applyStableConstraints(sysUiFl, fl, cf); // 设置cf区域,后面分析,这个函数主要处理View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE标志,如果设置了View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE标志,cf应该使用stable区域,防止状态栏和导航来出来内容跳动

                if (adjust != SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_NOTHING) {
                    vf.left = mCurLeft;
                    vf.top = mCurTop;
                    vf.right = mCurRight;
                    vf.bottom = mCurBottom;
                } else {
            } else if (attached != null) {
                if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, "layoutWindowLw(" + attrs.getTitle() +
                        "): attached to " + attached);
                // A child window should be placed inside of the same visible
                // frame that its parent had.
                // 子窗口根据父窗口layout
                setAttachedWindowFrames(win, fl, adjust, attached, false, pf, df, of, cf, vf);
            } else {
                // 应用不希望窗口占用整个屏幕,窗口大小不应该包含装饰区
                if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, "layoutWindowLw(" + attrs.getTitle() +
                        "): normal window");
                // Otherwise, a normal window must be placed inside the content
                // of all screen decorations.
                if (attrs.type == TYPE_STATUS_BAR_PANEL || attrs.type == TYPE_VOLUME_OVERLAY) {
                    // Status bar panels and the volume dialog are the only windows who can go on
                    // top of the status bar.  They are protected by the STATUS_BAR_SERVICE
                    // permission, so they have the same privileges as the status
                    // bar itself.
                    // 使用RestrictedScreen, 不占用装饰区
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = mRestrictedScreenLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mRestrictedScreenTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right = mRestrictedScreenLeft
                            + mRestrictedScreenWidth;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mRestrictedScreenTop
                            + mRestrictedScreenHeight;
                } else if (attrs.type == TYPE_TOAST || attrs.type == TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT) {
                    // TOAST 和 TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT 使用Stable。避开装饰区
                    // These dialogs are stable to interim decor changes.
                    pf.left = df.left = of.left = cf.left = mStableLeft;
                    pf.top = df.top = of.top = cf.top = mStableTop;
                    pf.right = df.right = of.right = cf.right = mStableRight;
                    pf.bottom = df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mStableBottom;
                } else {
                    // 窗口pf使用 Content区域,避开可见的装饰区
                    pf.left = mContentLeft;
                    pf.top = mContentTop;
                    pf.right = mContentRight;
                    pf.bottom = mContentBottom;
                    if (win.isVoiceInteraction()) {
                        df.left = of.left = cf.left = mVoiceContentLeft;
                        df.top = of.top = cf.top = mVoiceContentTop;
                        df.right = of.right = cf.right = mVoiceContentRight;
                        df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mVoiceContentBottom;
                    } else if (adjust != SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE) {
                        df.left = of.left = cf.left = mDockLeft;
                        df.top = of.top = cf.top = mDockTop;
                        df.right = of.right = cf.right = mDockRight;
                        df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mDockBottom;
                    } else {
                        df.left = of.left = cf.left = mContentLeft;
                        df.top = of.top = cf.top = mContentTop;
                        df.right = of.right = cf.right = mContentRight;
                        df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = mContentBottom;
                    if (adjust != SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_NOTHING) {
                        vf.left = mCurLeft;
                        vf.top = mCurTop;
                        vf.right = mCurRight;
                        vf.bottom = mCurBottom;
                    } else {

        // TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR is above the NavigationBar so it can't be allowed to extend over it.
        if ((fl & FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS) != 0 && attrs.type != TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR) {
            // FLAG_LAYOUT_NO_LIMITS 不限制窗口大小设置为10000
            df.left = df.top = -10000;
            df.right = df.bottom = 10000;
            if (attrs.type != TYPE_WALLPAPER) {
                of.left = of.top = cf.left = cf.top = vf.left = vf.top = -10000;
                of.right = of.bottom = cf.right = cf.bottom = vf.right = vf.bottom = 10000;

        // If the device has a chin (e.g. some watches), a dead area at the bottom of the screen we
        // need to provide information to the clients that want to pretend that you can draw there.
        // We only want to apply outsets to certain types of windows. For example, we never want to
        // apply the outsets to floating dialogs, because they wouldn't make sense there.
        final boolean useOutsets = shouldUseOutsets(attrs, fl);
        if (isDefaultDisplay && useOutsets) {// 计算outsets,也就是下巴区域
            osf = mTmpOutsetFrame;
            osf.set(cf.left, cf.top, cf.right, cf.bottom);
            int outset = ScreenShapeHelper.getWindowOutsetBottomPx(mContext.getResources());
            if (outset > 0) {
                int rotation = mDisplayRotation;
                if (rotation == Surface.ROTATION_0) {
                    osf.bottom += outset;
                } else if (rotation == Surface.ROTATION_90) {
                    osf.right += outset;
                } else if (rotation == Surface.ROTATION_180) {
                    osf.top -= outset;
                } else if (rotation == Surface.ROTATION_270) {
                    osf.left -= outset;
                if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, "applying bottom outset of " + outset
                        + " with rotation " + rotation + ", result: " + osf);

        if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, "Compute frame " + attrs.getTitle()
                + ": sim=#" + Integer.toHexString(sim)
                + " attach=" + attached + " type=" + attrs.type
                + String.format(" flags=0x%08x", fl)
                + " pf=" + pf.toShortString() + " df=" + df.toShortString()
                + " of=" + of.toShortString()
                + " cf=" + cf.toShortString() + " vf=" + vf.toShortString()
                + " dcf=" + dcf.toShortString()
                + " sf=" + sf.toShortString()
                + " osf=" + (osf == null ? "null" : osf.toShortString()));

        win.computeFrameLw(pf, df, of, cf, vf, dcf, sf, osf); // 计算出了pf、df、of、cf、vf、dcf、sf、osf, computeFrameLw函数计算窗口布局了
        // Dock windows carve out the bottom of the screen, so normal windows
        // can't appear underneath them.
        if (attrs.type == TYPE_INPUT_METHOD && win.isVisibleOrBehindKeyguardLw()
                && !win.getGivenInsetsPendingLw()) {// 根据输入法调整Content,Cur
            setLastInputMethodWindowLw(null, null);
        if (attrs.type == TYPE_VOICE_INTERACTION && win.isVisibleOrBehindKeyguardLw()
                && !win.getGivenInsetsPendingLw()) {
    private void applyStableConstraints(int sysui, int fl, Rect r) {
        if ((sysui & View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE) != 0) {
             // SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE 标志表示应用希望内容区是稳定的,如果设置了FLAG_FULLSCREEN表示要隐藏状态栏,使用StableFullscreen区域作为稳定的内容区域,否则使用Stable作为稳定的内容区域
            // If app is requesting a stable layout, don't let the
            // content insets go below the stable values.
            if ((fl & FLAG_FULLSCREEN) != 0) {
                if (r.left < mStableFullscreenLeft) r.left = mStableFullscreenLeft;
                if (r.top < mStableFullscreenTop) r.top = mStableFullscreenTop;
                if (r.right > mStableFullscreenRight) r.right = mStableFullscreenRight;
                if (r.bottom > mStableFullscreenBottom) r.bottom = mStableFullscreenBottom;
            } else {
                if (r.left < mStableLeft) r.left = mStableLeft;
                if (r.top < mStableTop) r.top = mStableTop;
                if (r.right > mStableRight) r.right = mStableRight;
                if (r.bottom > mStableBottom) r.bottom = mStableBottom;

    private void offsetInputMethodWindowLw(WindowState win) {
        // win是输入法窗口
        int top = Math.max(win.getDisplayFrameLw().top, win.getContentFrameLw().top);
        top += win.getGivenContentInsetsLw().top;
        if (mContentBottom > top) {// Content底部在输入法窗口上边
            mContentBottom = top;
        if (mVoiceContentBottom > top) {
            mVoiceContentBottom = top;
        top = win.getVisibleFrameLw().top;
        top += win.getGivenVisibleInsetsLw().top;
        if (mCurBottom > top) { // Cur 在输入法可见区上边
            mCurBottom = top;
        if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG, "Input method: mDockBottom="
                + mDockBottom + " mContentBottom="
                + mContentBottom + " mCurBottom=" + mCurBottom);

    void setAttachedWindowFrames(WindowState win, int fl, int adjust, WindowState attached,
            boolean insetDecors, Rect pf, Rect df, Rect of, Rect cf, Rect vf) {
        if (win.getSurfaceLayer() > mDockLayer && attached.getSurfaceLayer() < mDockLayer) {
            // Here's a special case: if this attached window is a panel that is
            // above the dock window, and the window it is attached to is below
            // the dock window, then the frames we computed for the window it is
            // attached to can not be used because the dock is effectively part
            // of the underlying window and the attached window is floating on top
            // of the whole thing.  So, we ignore the attached window and explicitly
            // compute the frames that would be appropriate without the dock.
            // 输入法在父窗口之上在子窗口之下, 子窗口不受输入法影响,使用Dock区域限制子窗口大小
            df.left = of.left = cf.left = vf.left = mDockLeft;
            df.top = of.top = cf.top = vf.top = mDockTop;
            df.right = of.right = cf.right = vf.right = mDockRight;
            df.bottom = of.bottom = cf.bottom = vf.bottom = mDockBottom;
        } else {
            // The effective display frame of the attached window depends on
            // whether it is taking care of insetting its content.  If not,
            // we need to use the parent's content frame so that the entire
            // window is positioned within that content.  Otherwise we can use
            // the overscan frame and let the attached window take care of
            // positioning its content appropriately.
            if (adjust != SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE) {
                // 子窗口不需要根据输入法调整大小, 根据标志FLAG_LAYOUT_ATTACHED_IN_DECOR限制子窗口内容区域是使用父窗口内容区域还是父窗口Overscan区域
                // Set the content frame of the attached window to the parent's decor frame
                // (same as content frame when IME isn't present) if specifically requested by
                // setting {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_LAYOUT_ATTACHED_IN_DECOR} flag.
                // Otherwise, use the overscan frame.
                cf.set((fl & FLAG_LAYOUT_ATTACHED_IN_DECOR) != 0
                        ? attached.getContentFrameLw() : attached.getOverscanFrameLw());
            } else {
                // If the window is resizing, then we want to base the content
                // frame on our attached content frame to resize...  however,
                // things can be tricky if the attached window is NOT in resize
                // mode, in which case its content frame will be larger.
                // Ungh.  So to deal with that, make sure the content frame
                // we end up using is not covering the IM dock.
                // 需要根据输入法调整子窗口大小,使用父窗口的Content 设置子窗口的cf
                if (attached.isVoiceInteraction()) {
                    if (cf.left < mVoiceContentLeft) cf.left = mVoiceContentLeft;
                    if (cf.top < mVoiceContentTop) cf.top = mVoiceContentTop;
                    if (cf.right > mVoiceContentRight) cf.right = mVoiceContentRight;
                    if (cf.bottom > mVoiceContentBottom) cf.bottom = mVoiceContentBottom;
                } else if (attached.getSurfaceLayer() < mDockLayer) {
                    // 子窗口在输入法下面。如果按照父窗口cf去设置,可能内容被输入法遮挡,所以这里再调整
                    if (cf.left < mContentLeft) cf.left = mContentLeft;
                    if (cf.top < mContentTop) cf.top = mContentTop;
                    if (cf.right > mContentRight) cf.right = mContentRight;
                    if (cf.bottom > mContentBottom) cf.bottom = mContentBottom;
            df.set(insetDecors ? attached.getDisplayFrameLw() : cf);
            of.set(insetDecors ? attached.getOverscanFrameLw() : cf);
        // The LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN flag is used to determine whether the attached
        // window should be positioned relative to its parent or the entire
        // screen.
        pf.set((fl & FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN) == 0
                ? attached.getFrameLw() : df);

       关于layoutWindowLw 的解析都写在了注释里面,这里就不详细说了。layoutWindowLw主要根据装饰区计算出pf(父窗口对大小的限制)、df(屏幕对大小的限制)、of(Overscan的边界)、cf(内容应该放置的区域)、vf(内容可见的区域)、dcf(不透明装饰区的边界)、sf(稳定区域)、osf(下巴区域)。


    public void computeFrameLw(Rect pf, Rect df, Rect of, Rect cf, Rect vf, Rect dcf, Rect sf,
            Rect osf) {
        mHaveFrame = true;

        final TaskStack stack = mAppToken != null ? getStack() : null;
        final boolean nonFullscreenStack = stack != null && !stack.isFullscreen();
        if (nonFullscreenStack) { 
            // 分屏窗口,必须被限制到栈的区域内
            final WindowState imeWin = mService.mInputMethodWindow;
            if (imeWin != null && imeWin.isVisibleNow() && mService.mInputMethodTarget == this
                    && mContainingFrame.bottom > cf.bottom) {
                // IME is up and obscuring this window. Adjust the window position so it is visible.
                mContainingFrame.top -= mContainingFrame.bottom - cf.bottom;
            // Make sure the containing frame is within the content frame so we don't layout
            // resized window under screen decorations.
            if (!mContainingFrame.intersect(cf)) {
        } else {
            // 非分屏窗口mContainingFrame为父窗口大小,mDisplayFrame为屏幕窗口

        final int pw = mContainingFrame.width();
        final int ph = mContainingFrame.height();

        //  如果设置了缩放,参考LayoutParam.with 和LayoutParam.height  
        // 缩放要设置宽高,如果没设置则按照MATCH_PARENT算
        // 如果设置了宽高要 * mEnforceSizeCompat 进行缩放, mEnforceSizeCompat为false表示不需要缩放, 直接使用LayoutParam 给定的宽高
        int w,h;
        if ((mAttrs.flags & WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SCALED) != 0) {
            if (mAttrs.width < 0) {
                w = pw;
            } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) {
                w = (int)(mAttrs.width * mGlobalScale + .5f);
            } else {
                w = mAttrs.width;
            if (mAttrs.height < 0) {
                h = ph;
            } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) {
                h = (int)(mAttrs.height * mGlobalScale + .5f);
            } else {
                h = mAttrs.height;
        } else {
            if (mAttrs.width == WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                w = pw;
            } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) {
                w = (int)(mRequestedWidth * mGlobalScale + .5f);
            } else {
                w = mRequestedWidth;
            if (mAttrs.height == WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                h = ph;
            } else if (mEnforceSizeCompat) {
                h = (int)(mRequestedHeight * mGlobalScale + .5f);
            } else {
                h = mRequestedHeight;
        // 更新mParentFrame
        if (!mParentFrame.equals(pf)) {
            //Slog.i(TAG, "Window " + this + " content frame from " + mParentFrame
            //        + " to " + pf);
            mContentChanged = true;
        // 更新 mLastRequested*
        if (mRequestedWidth != mLastRequestedWidth || mRequestedHeight != mLastRequestedHeight) {
            mLastRequestedWidth = mRequestedWidth;
            mLastRequestedHeight = mRequestedHeight;
            mContentChanged = true;

        final boolean hasOutsets = osf != null;
        if (hasOutsets) {

        final int fw = mFrame.width();
        final int fh = mFrame.height();
        // 计算xy顶点
        float x, y;
        if (mEnforceSizeCompat) {
            x = mAttrs.x * mGlobalScale;
            y = mAttrs.y * mGlobalScale;
        } else {
            x = mAttrs.x;
            y = mAttrs.y;

        if (nonFullscreenStack) {
            // Make sure window fits in containing frame since it is in a non-fullscreen stack as
            // required by {@link Gravity#apply} call.
            // required by {@link Gravity#apply} call.
            // 非全屏堆栈应该在pw 和 ph中
            w = Math.min(w, pw);
            h = Math.min(h, ph);
        // 根据父窗口和 gravity 计算窗口大小位置, mFrame为输出参数
        Gravity.apply(mAttrs.gravity, w, h, mContainingFrame,
                (int) (x + mAttrs.horizontalMargin * pw),
                (int) (y + mAttrs.verticalMargin * ph), mFrame);
        // 根据屏幕限制和 gravity 计算窗口大小位置, mFrame为输出参数, 完成这一步mFrame就是surface大小了
        // Now make sure the window fits in the overall display frame.
        Gravity.applyDisplay(mAttrs.gravity, mDisplayFrame, mFrame);

        // Calculate the outsets before the content frame gets shrinked to the window frame.
        if (hasOutsets) { // 设置要知应用的下巴范围
            mOutsets.set(Math.max(mContentFrame.left - mOutsetFrame.left, 0),
                    Math.max(mContentFrame.top - mOutsetFrame.top, 0),
                    Math.max(mOutsetFrame.right - mContentFrame.right, 0),
                    Math.max(mOutsetFrame.bottom - mContentFrame.bottom, 0));
        } else {
            mOutsets.set(0, 0, 0, 0);

        // Make sure the content and visible frames are inside of the
        // final window frame.
        // 设置内容区范围
        mContentFrame.set(Math.max(mContentFrame.left, mFrame.left),
                Math.max(mContentFrame.top, mFrame.top),
                Math.min(mContentFrame.right, mFrame.right),
                Math.min(mContentFrame.bottom, mFrame.bottom));
        // 设置可见区范围
        mVisibleFrame.set(Math.max(mVisibleFrame.left, mFrame.left),
                Math.max(mVisibleFrame.top, mFrame.top),
                Math.min(mVisibleFrame.right, mFrame.right),
                Math.min(mVisibleFrame.bottom, mFrame.bottom));
         // 设置stable区范围
        mStableFrame.set(Math.max(mStableFrame.left, mFrame.left),
                Math.max(mStableFrame.top, mFrame.top),
                Math.min(mStableFrame.right, mFrame.right),
                Math.min(mStableFrame.bottom, mFrame.bottom));
        // 设置告知应用的过扫描区到窗口的内边距
        mOverscanInsets.set(Math.max(mOverscanFrame.left - mFrame.left, 0),
                Math.max(mOverscanFrame.top - mFrame.top, 0),
                Math.max(mFrame.right - mOverscanFrame.right, 0),
                Math.max(mFrame.bottom - mOverscanFrame.bottom, 0));
         // 设置告知应用的内容区到窗口的内边距
        mContentInsets.set(mContentFrame.left - mFrame.left,
                mContentFrame.top - mFrame.top,
                mFrame.right - mContentFrame.right,
                mFrame.bottom - mContentFrame.bottom);
       // 设置告知应用的可见区到窗口的内边距
        mVisibleInsets.set(mVisibleFrame.left - mFrame.left,
                mVisibleFrame.top - mFrame.top,
                mFrame.right - mVisibleFrame.right,
                mFrame.bottom - mVisibleFrame.bottom);
        // 设置告知应用的稳定区到窗口的内边距
        mStableInsets.set(Math.max(mStableFrame.left - mFrame.left, 0),
                Math.max(mStableFrame.top - mFrame.top, 0),
                Math.max(mFrame.right - mStableFrame.right, 0),
                Math.max(mFrame.bottom - mStableFrame.bottom, 0));

        if (mEnforceSizeCompat) { // 兼容窗口情况
            // If there is a size compatibility scale being applied to the
            // window, we need to apply this to its insets so that they are
            // reported to the app in its coordinate space.

            // Also the scaled frame that we report to the app needs to be
            // adjusted to be in its coordinate space.
        // 更新壁纸偏移
        if (mIsWallpaper && (fw != mFrame.width() || fh != mFrame.height())) {
            final DisplayContent displayContent = getDisplayContent();
            if (displayContent != null) {
                final DisplayInfo displayInfo = displayContent.getDisplayInfo();
                        displayInfo.logicalWidth, displayInfo.logicalHeight, false);

        if (DEBUG_LAYOUT || WindowManagerService.localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG,
                "Resolving (mRequestedWidth="
                + mRequestedWidth + ", mRequestedheight="
                + mRequestedHeight + ") to" + " (pw=" + pw + ", ph=" + ph
                + "): frame=" + mFrame.toShortString()
                + " ci=" + mContentInsets.toShortString()
                + " vi=" + mVisibleInsets.toShortString()
                + " vi=" + mStableInsets.toShortString()
                + " of=" + mOutsets.toShortString());

到这里整个窗口的布局过程分析的也差不多了。 相关的执行逻辑我都写在注释里了, 欢迎交流。

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