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转载 The Architecture of the Java Virtual Machine(2)

The Architecture of the Java Virtual MachineIn the Java virtual machine specification, the behavior of a virtual machine instance is described in terms of subsystems, memory areas, data types, and i

2017-02-15 14:09:38 425

转载 java编程思想4

2.7 我们的第一个 Java 程序最后,让我们正式编一个程序(注释⑤)。它能打印出与当前运行的系统有关的资料,并利用了来自Java 标准库的System 对象的多种方法。注意这里引入了一种额外的注释样式:“//”。它表示到本行结束前的所有内容都是注释:// Property.javaimport java.util.*;public class Property {p

2017-02-11 22:07:57 723

转载 Inside the java virtual machine

The previous four chapters of this book gave a broad overview of Java's architecture. They showed how the Java virtual machine fits into the overall architecture relative to other components such as

2017-02-11 21:06:28 571

转载 二叉树

搜索二叉树和双向链表 一.问题描述    输入一颗二叉搜索树,将该二叉搜索树转化为一个排序的双向链表。要求不能创建任何新的结点,只能调整树中结点指针的指向。    二叉树的结点结构如下:    [cpp] view plain copytemplateclass T>  struct TreeNode  {      Tr

2017-02-05 23:34:17 289

转载 通过 WebSphere MQ 遥测传输 (MQTT) 将 Android 手机引入物联网

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2017-02-03 19:56:20 1490

转载 Responding to Other's Writing

Hello, we're going to be thinking about responding to others' writing. Some writing is not meant to be read by others, and that's good. Sometimes we want to write just for ourselves. Sometimes w

2017-02-03 10:34:06 422

转载 I'm a writer

Hi. I'm so glad you're here. Welcome to our first class. Today is one of the most important days of our course because today is the day where we're going to start thinking about ourselves as wri

2017-02-03 10:06:35 569

转载 What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it?

What are Null Pointer Exceptions (java.lang.NullPointerException) and what causes them?What methods/tools can be used to determine the cause so that you stop the exception from causing the progr

2017-02-02 12:07:07 385

转载 Fork/Join框架介绍

Fork/Join框架介绍1. 什么是Fork/Join框架Fork/Join框架是Java7提供了的一个用于并行执行任务的框架, 是一个把大任务分割成若干个小任务,最终汇总每个小任务结果后得到大任务结果的框架。我们再通过Fork和Join这两个单词来理解下Fork/Join框架,Fork就是把一个大任务切分为若干子任务并行的执行,Join就是合并这些子

2017-01-25 20:59:51 202

转载 浅谈JAVA常用分布式实现方式及优缺点

1:EJB    优势:可扩展性好,安全性强,支持分布式事务处理。    劣势:不能跨语言;配置相对复杂,不同J2EE容器之间很难做无缝迁移。2:rmi    优势:面向对象的远程服务模型;基于TCP协议上的服务,执行速度快。    劣势:不能跨语言;每个远程对象都要绑定端口,不易维护;不支持分布式事务JTA,RMI框架对于安全性、事务、可扩展性的支持非常有限。3: W

2017-01-24 15:48:07 3282

转载 Think In Java 读后感

读了>第三版,基本掌握 Java的基础了,也就J2SE部分。这书不是按常规的顺序讲的,内容跳跃性强,但讲的很深入。J2EE:这个就是现在最流行,也很Java技术用的最多的地方,Java企业应用,要学好它,首先就要有Java的基础,这是最基本的,然后学习Servlet,jsp,JavaBean以及基本的MVC结构,当然还有其他辅助知识,比如js,html还有一个对数据

2017-01-24 15:08:52 6879

转载 浅析聚合操作

Oracle在2014年3月19日如期发布了Java 8。Java 8版本被认为是具有里程碑意义的一个版本,Oracle在该版本中添加了许多新特性,包括Lambda表达式、方法引用、加强了安全等等。在众多的新特性中,聚合操作(Aggregate Operations)是针对集合类的一个比较大的变化。通过聚合操作,开发者可以更容易地使用Lambda表达式,并且更方便地实现对集合的查找

2017-01-24 14:55:16 1094

转载 Java中类与类的关系

类与类之间存在以下关系:1、 泛化(Generalization)很简单,就是我们常说的继承。是说子类获得父类的功能的同时,还可以扩展自己的功能。如图:Java代码中表现为:extends 和 implements2、 依赖(Dependency)两个相对独立的咚咚(A和B),当A负责构造B时,A与B形成依赖关系,即A使用B。如图:Java代码中的表

2017-01-23 20:52:16 217

转载 怎样成为一个天才

怎样成为一个天才有人说我是天才。我一直“谦虚”得很, 从来不承认。可是纵观像 John Nash,Richard Feynman 这些公认的天才的各种特征和生活遭遇,我发现自己还真是一个天才。我知道这个事实已经很久了,这一方面让我开心,另一方面又让我痛苦。可是除非洗脑技术高度发展,一旦成为了天才,就很难再还原成普通人了。所以目前我只是做一天天才撞一天钟 :)那么天才到底是什么呢?我想这是很

2017-01-22 21:34:34 372 1

转载 人的价值


2017-01-22 21:22:28 365

转载 我为什么不再做PL人


2017-01-22 20:54:17 504

转载 Java 有值类型吗?

Java 有值类型吗?有人看了我之前的文章『Swift 语言的设计错误』,问我:“你说 Java 只有引用类型(reference type),但是根据 Java 的官方文档,Java 也有值类型(value type)和引用类型的区别的。比如 int,boolean 等原始类型就是值类型。” 现在我来解释一下这个问题。Java 有值类型,原始类型 int,boolean 等是

2017-01-22 20:40:30 216

转载 jvm 2

2.4 Reference Types and ValuesThere are three kinds ofreference types: class types, array types, and interface types. Their values are references to dynamically created class instances, arrays

2017-01-21 23:07:00 207

转载 JVM

线程隔离数据区程序计数器(Program Counter Register):一小块内存空间,单前线程所执行的字节码行号指示器。字节码解释器工作时,通过改变这个计数器的值来选取下一条需要执行的字节码指令,分支、循环、跳转、异常处理、线程恢复等基础功能都需要依赖这个计数器来完成。JVM虚拟机栈(Java Virtual Machine Stacks):Java方法执行内存模型

2017-01-21 22:10:50 274

转载 Java Virtual Machine 1

The Structure of the Java Virtual MachineTHISdocument specifies an abstract machine. It does not describe any particular implementation of the Java Virtual Machine.To implement the Java Virt

2017-01-21 16:40:10 464

转载 Java Static Import

Java Static Import   First lets understand what does “java import” does to your java program!Consider the java import statements:1) import package.ClassA;2) import package.*;Java sta

2017-01-21 15:24:10 209

转载 System.out.println()

System.out.println   This Java tutorial is to explain what System.out.println is and how it works. It is love at first type. How many times have we used System.out.println till now? It is on

2017-01-20 23:34:11 2230

转载 Java Classpath

Java Classpath   This Java tutorial is to help Java beginners add a Java class or jar files to the Java classpath. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException  is one of the frequently faced exceptions

2017-01-20 23:31:24 225

转载 Install Java in Linux(Ubuntu/Debian)

Install Java in Linux (Ubuntu / Debian)   This manual is to help install java (jdk) in Ubuntu / Debian Linux. Previously we discussed about how java’s installation has evolved over a perio

2017-01-20 23:30:45 379

转载 Java Static Variables

Java Static VariablesJava instance variables are given separate memory for storage. If there is a need for a variable to be common to all the objects of a single java class, then the static modifi

2017-01-20 23:25:41 290

转载 Access Modifiers In Java

Access Modifiers In Java   Access modifiers specifies who can access them. There are four access modifiers used in java. They are public, private, protected, no modifer (declaring withou

2017-01-20 23:18:20 383

转载 Ray Tracing

Ray TracingThis article is to introduce ray tracing for those who are not aware of it. Essentially help beginners, college grads by highlighting an area where they can put their efforts to create a

2016-12-20 23:44:00 302

转载 Spring @Order Annotation

Spring @Order Annotation@Order is used to define sort order for components annotated with this annotation. @Order annotation is available in Spring Framework since version 2.0. Till Spring 4 , i

2016-12-18 22:41:36 443

转载 How Java Garbage Collection Works

How Java Garbage Collection Works?This tutorial is to understand the basics of Java garbage collection and how it works. This is the second part in the garbage collection tutorial series. Hope y

2016-12-18 13:49:56 345

转载 Java Garbage Collection Monitoring and Analysis

Java Garbage Collection Monitoring and AnalysisIn this Java garbage collection tutorial series let us look about the tools available for garbage collection monitoring and analysis. Then use a tool

2016-12-18 13:43:25 293

转载 What is Servlet

What is ServletThe Servlet is a type of Java class used in Java web applications which enhances the capabilities of a server. These Java servlets runs on a web application server container. Thes

2016-12-18 00:57:47 319

转载 Servlet Jargons

Servlet JargonsBefore going through the complete Servlet tutorial, it is better to understand tech jargons related to Servlets.Following are some of the tech jargons related to Java Servlet tech

2016-12-18 00:52:10 240

转载 Servlet Getting Started

Servlet Getting StartedThis part of the servlet tutorial is to setup the development environment required to execute Servlets.Install and Setup JavaTo run the Java Servlets we need a Servlet c

2016-12-18 00:48:32 144

转载 Servlet Hello World

Servlet Hello WorldThis tutorial is the standard Hello World program using Java Servlet. Using an IDE is the best choice to do development. It will help to increase the productivity. If you ar

2016-12-18 00:39:34 211

转载 Servlet

Servlet Read Form DataThis Servlet tutorial is to take you to the next step in learning servlets. As stated earlier in start of the servlet tutorial series, servlets are primarily meant for web ap

2016-12-18 00:32:26 239 1

转载 Dynamic SQL

Dynamic SQLOne of the most powerful features of MyBatis has always been its Dynamic SQLcapabilities. If you have any experience with JDBC or any similar framework, you understand how painful

2016-12-17 21:19:19 264

转载 String

package java.lang;import java.io.ObjectStreamField;import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;import java.nio.charset.Charset;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import

2016-12-16 02:18:07 349

转载 ArrayList

package java.util;/** * Resizable-array implementation of the List interface.  Implements * all optional list operations, and permits all elements, including * null.  In addition to implem

2016-12-16 00:20:41 234

转载 List

package java.util;/** * An ordered collection (also known as a sequence).  The user of this * interface has precise control over where in the list each element is * inserted.  The user can

2016-12-16 00:13:50 406

转载 collection

package java.util;/** * The root interface in the collection hierarchy.  A collection * represents a group of objects, known as its elements.  Some * collections allow duplicate elements a

2016-12-15 15:10:48 394



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