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原创 [IP_Flow 19-11770] Clock interface ‘S00_AXI_CLK‘ has no FREQ_HZ param处理方法

该警告说明AXI接口中没有定义时钟的FREQ_HZ参数,通过分析IP核中的路径和文件发现,IP核的参数在component.xml文件中进行了定义。在该文件中搜索ASSOCIATED_BUSIF关键字找到定义时钟的参数之后增加FREQ_HZ参数即可。在利用VIVADO创建AXI4外设(Creating a New AXI4 Peripheral),在Ports and interface中产生了一个警告,虽然该警告不影响用户自定义AXI4外设的应用,但是看起来觉得有点缺憾。图4 修改后的时钟参数。

2024-09-02 17:33:29 285

原创 ubuntu下sublime txt 于VIVADO关联方法

step2:Tools->settings->Text Editor->Custom Editor中输入第一步查找得到的sublime安装路径即可。VIVADO和sublime的安装在此不再赘述,默认系统中已经安装好了上述两个软件。step1: 使用以下命令查看sublime安装路径;

2024-09-02 09:26:33 213

原创 OV5640 PCLK计算方法


2023-12-28 11:01:47 1444 4

原创 sublime 编辑器Verilog配置

1.下载安装完软件2.安装Package Control插件安装完成之后将插件解压之后放在C:\Users\wolf\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User目录下,然后view->syntax->user->verilog安装包的方法如下:Tools-> command palette 在命令窗口输入nstall package 然后回车,再在命令窗口输入需要安装包的名称,回车等待即可。推荐安装的包1、Veri.

2022-03-30 14:37:16 2193 1

原创 NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier安装detectorn2

detectorn2是目标检测很好用的框架,用起来非常方便,关于它详细的介绍可以参考其官网官网给出的安装是针对X86架构的系统,但是对于ARM架构的系统并未给出详细安装说明,手上正好有一台Jetson AGX Xavier,将该框架安装在上面。一、安装要求RequirementsPython >= 3.6 PyTorch 1.3 torchvisionthat matc...

2019-11-07 11:46:10 1439

转载 PyTorch结构介绍

PyTorch结构介绍对PyTorch架构的粗浅理解,不能保证完全正确,但是希望可以从更高层次上对PyTorch上有个整体把握。水平有限,如有错误,欢迎指错,谢谢!几个重要的类型和数值相关的 Tensor Variable Parameter buffer(这个其实不能叫做类型,其实他就是用来保存tensor的)Tensor:PyTorch中的计算基...

2019-06-27 14:47:59 1579

转载 简述 __init__、__new__、__call__ 方法

https://foofish.net/magic-method.html任何事物都有一个从创建,被使用,再到消亡的过程,在程序语言面向对象编程模型中,对象也有相似的命运:创建、初始化、使用、垃圾回收,不同的阶段由不同的方法(角色)负责执行。定义一个类时,大家用得最多的就是 __init__ 方法,而 __new__ 和 __call__ 使用得比较少,这篇文章试图帮助大家把这3个方法的正...

2019-06-27 14:47:01 119

转载 Python中的*使用

Python中的*使用在为函数传递参数和函数定义时使用参数的时候,时常会看到有和 *和**,下面分别讲解其作用。调用函数时使用*和 **假设有函数def test(a, b, c)test(*args):* 的作用其实就是把序列 args 中的每个元素,当作位置参数传进去。比如上面这个代码,如果 args 等于 (1,2,3) ,那么这个代码就等价于 test(1, 2, 3) 。...

2019-06-24 17:43:30 189

转载 记pytorch版faster rcnn配置运行中的一些坑

https://www.cnblogs.com/FZfangzheng/p/10852141.html记pytorch版faster rcnn配置运行中的一些坑记pytorch版faster rcnn配置运行中的一些坑 项目地址 https://github.com/jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch 一般安装配置参考README.md文件 配置详...

2019-06-12 09:31:09 1280

转载 class-aware and Class-agnostic

For a class-aware detector, if you feed it an image, it will return a set of bounding boxes, each box associated with the class of the object inside (i.e. dog, cat, car). It means that by the time the...

2019-05-30 16:41:36 172

转载 ubuntu tty 黑屏

ubuntu tty 黑屏现象Ctrl+Alt+F1~F6后,显示黑屏。Ctrl+Alt+F7可以正常返回图形模式。原因通常是由于启动时的分辨率与显卡不兼容导致。解决方法解决方法是设置Grub为true text-mode启动。1.打开终端Ctrl+Alt+T2.输入以下命令sudo sed -i -e 's/#GRUB_TERMINAL/GRUB_TERMIN...

2019-05-30 09:25:07 1802

转载 关于python中带下划线的变量和函数 的意义

https://www.cnblogs.com/wangshuyi/p/6096362.html关于python中带下划线的变量和函数 的意义总结:变量:1. 前带_的变量: 标明是一个私有变量, 只用于标明,外部类还是可以访问到这个变量2. 前带两个_ ,后带两个_ 的变量: 标明是内置变量,3. 大写加下划线的变量: 标明是不会发生改变的全局变量函数...

2019-05-27 09:57:52 433

转载 python中的easydict模块使用

from easydict import EasyDict as edicteasy = edict(d = {'foo':3, 'bar':{'x':1, 'y':2}}) # 将普通的字典传入到edict()print(easy['foo']) # 这是传统的方法print(easy.foo) # 这是我们使用easydict输出二者结果是一样的,但是可以更为方便的使用字典了pr...

2019-05-27 08:53:35 1224

转载 python中pkl用法


2019-05-27 08:50:38 3900

转载 How to restore Ubuntu 16.04 “Kernel panic – not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-blo

https://thomasmodeneis.wordpress.com/2017/05/12/how-to-restore-ubuntu-16-04-kernel-panic-not-syncing-vfs-unable-to-mount-root-fs-on-unknown-block00/How to restore Ubuntu 16.04 “Kernel panic – not sy...

2019-05-27 08:47:39 536

转载 Understanding FAT32 Filesystems

https://www.pjrc.com/tech/8051/ide/fat32.htmlUnderstanding FAT32 FilesystemsThis page is intended to help you understand how to access data on Microsoft FAT32 filesystems, commonly used on hard dr...

2019-05-26 16:18:12 506

转载 How to Capture and Display Camera Video with Python on Jetson TX2

https://jkjung-avt.github.io/tx2-camera-with-python/How to Capture and Display Camera Video with Python on Jetson TX2Oct 19, 2017Quick link:tegra-cam.pyIn this post I share how to use python ...

2019-05-20 22:20:54 469

转载 How to Capture Camera Video and Do Caffe Inferencing with Python on Jetson TX2

https://jkjung-avt.github.io/tx2-camera-caffe/How to Capture Camera Video and Do Caffe Inferencing with Python on Jetson TX2Oct 27, 2017Quick link:tegra-cam-caffe.py2018-06-14 update:I’ve ex...

2019-05-20 22:20:00 246

转载 linux中的分号&&和&,|和||说明与用法

来自:https://www.jb51.net/article/136261.htm在用linux命令时候,我们可以一行执行多条命令或者有条件的执行下一条命令,下面我们讲解一下linux命令分号&&和&,|和||的用法“;”分号用法方式:command1 ; command2用;号隔开每个命令, 每个命令按照从左到右的顺序,顺序执行, 彼此之间不关心是...

2019-05-14 17:36:05 679

转载 ubuntu 18.04 安装NVIDIA驱动 cuda/cudnn + tensorflow-gpu + pytorch

版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/sscc_learning/article/details/85334549 </div> <div id="content_views" class="markdown_views prism-atom...

2019-03-26 14:10:43 767 1

原创 hello

class A: def __init__(self): print("__init__ ") super(A, self).__init__() def __new__(cls): print("__new__ ") return super(A, cls).__new__(cls) def __cal...

2019-03-04 11:27:42 84

转载 简述 __init__、__new__、__call__ 方法


2019-03-04 11:09:46 313

转载 PyTorch1.0 教程、例子和书籍


2019-03-04 10:37:04 382

转载 Xilinx_ISE和ModelSim的联合使用方法 / 从Xilinx ISE 14.7启动ModelSim时遇到的问题

解决方法:前提是安装了 xilinx ise14.7 和modelsim se 10.1a1〉从Windows的Start Menu开始,Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7 —〉EDK —〉Tools —〉Compile Simulation Libraries按照提示编译好library,编译的library输出目录是: D:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE...

2019-03-04 10:34:02 4872

转载 推荐!国外程序员整理的机器学习资源大全

本列表选编了一些机器学习领域牛B的框架、库以及软件(按编程语言排序)。C++计算机视觉CCV —基于C语言/提供缓存/核心的机器视觉库,新颖的机器视觉库OpenCV—它提供C++, C, Python, Java 以及 MATLAB接口,并支持Windows, Linux, Android and Mac OS操作系统。通用机器学习

2015-08-07 22:46:07 560

转载 机器视觉开源代码集合

机器视觉开源代码集合申明:本文非笔者原创,原文转载自:http://www.yuanyong.org/blog/cv/cv-code一、特征提取Feature Extraction:SIFT [1] [Demo program][SIFT Library] [VLFeat] PCA-SIFT [2] [Project] Affine-SIFT [3] [Proje...

2015-08-07 22:30:38 381

转载 解决Xilinx Platform Studio无法打开

我安装好Xilinx ISE Design Suit 12.3后,ISE可以正常打开,但是Xilinx Platform Studio却无法打开,弹出的DOS窗口提示说——“Environment variable XILINX is not set – A compatible version of ISE tools must be installed and setup for EDK

2014-05-01 08:47:22 3291

Verilog 打造的SPI Master

采用三段式状态机实现了SPI Master,能够实现任意字节的数据传输,可以作为SPI FLASH 以及其它芯片SPI接口配置的底层驱动。



迄今为止最好的DDR3讲解文档,深入浅出,包含DDR的片内结构 DDR的读写流程 DDR的基础命令 DDR的读写时序与参数 等内容,是深入学习DDR的好文档


I2C IP核心,使用verilog描写

I2C IP核心,使用verilog描写,经过验证可以直接调用。





Beginning FPGA:Programming Metal:Your brain on hardware 2017






I2C slave ip核

I2C slave 的核,很经典,已经验证过,很好用。



镁光的SPI FLASH仿真模型,里面带有tb文件,脚本。可以直接仿真


The Design Warrior’s Guide to FPGAs

This is something of a curious, atypical book for the technical genre (and as the author, I should know). I say this because this tome is intended to be of interest to an unusually broad and diverse readership. The primary audience comprises fully fledged engineers who are currently designing with field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or who are planning to do so in the not-so-distant future. Thus, Section 2: Creating FPGABased Designs introduces a wide range of different design flows, tools, and concepts with lots of juicy technical details that only an engineer could love. By comparison, other areas of the book—such as Section 1: Fundamental Concepts—cover a variety of topics at a relatively low technical level. The reason for this dichotomy is that there is currently a tremendous amount of interest in FPGAs, especially from people who have never used or considered them before. The first FPGA devices were relatively limited in the number of equivalent logic gates they supported and the performance they offered, so any “serious” (large, complex, high-performance) designs were automatically implemented as application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) or application-specific standard parts (ASSPs). However, designing and building ASICs and ASSPs is an extremely time-consuming and expensive hobby, with the added disadvantage that the final design is “frozen in silicon” and cannot be easily modified without creating a new version of the device. By comparison, the cost of creating an FPGA design is much lower than that for an ASIC or ASSP. At the same time, implementing design changes is much easier in FPGAs and the time-to-market for such designs is much faster. Of particular interest is the fact that new FPGA architectures Preface


Beautiful Testing

How This Book Is Organized While waiting for chapters to trickle in, we were afraid we would end up with different versions of “this is how you test” or “keep the bar green.” Much to our relief, we ended up with a diverse mixture. Manifestos, detailed case studies, touching experience reports, and war stories from the trenches—Beautiful Testing has a bit of each. The chapters themselves almost seemed to organize themselves naturally into sections. Part I, Beautiful Testers Testing is an inherently human activity; someone needs to think of the test cases to be automated, and even those tests can’t think, feel, or get frustrated. Beautiful Testing therefore starts with the human aspects of testing, whether it is the testers themselves or the interactions of testers with the wider world. Chapter 1, Was It Good for You? Linda Wilkinson brings her unique perspective on the tester’s psyche. Chapter 2, Beautiful Testing Satisfies Stakeholders Rex Black has been satisfying stakeholders for 25 years. He explains how that is beautiful. Chapter 3, Building Open Source QA Communities Open source projects live and die by their supporting communities. Clint Talbert and Martin Schröder share their experiences building a beautiful community of testers.



Presenting the fundamental principles of cooperative communications and networking, this book treats the concepts of space, time, frequency diversity, and MIMO, with a holistic approach to principal topics where significant improvements can be obtained. Beginning with background and MIMO systems, Part I includes a review of basic principles of wireless communications, space–time diversity and coding, and broadband space–time–frequency diversity and coding. Part II then goes on to present topics on physical layer cooperative communications, such as relay channels and protocols, performance bounds, optimum power control, multi-node cooperation, distributed space–time and space–frequency coding, relay selection, differential cooperative transmission, and energy efficiency. Finally, Part III focuses on cooperative networking including cooperative and content–aware multiple access, distributed routing, source– channel coding, source–channel diversity, coverage expansion, broadband cooperative communications, and network lifetime maximization. With end-of-chapter review questions included, this text will appeal to graduate students of electrical engineering and is an ideal textbook for advanced courses on wireless communications. It will also be of great interest to practitioners in the wireless communications industry.


Cambridge.Multimedia Networking.From Theory to Practice

With the great advances in digital data compression (coding) technologies and the rapid growth in the use of IP-based Internet, along with the quick deployment of last-mile wireline and wireless broadband access, networked multimedia applications have created a tremendous impact on computing and network infrastructures. The four most critical and indispensable components involved in a multimedia networking system are: (1) data compression (source encoding) of multimedia data sources, e.g., speech, audio, image, and video; (2) quality of service (QoS) streaming architecture design issues for multimedia delivery over best-effort IP networks; (3) effective dissemination multimedia over heterogeneous IP wireless broadband networks, where the QoS is further degraded owing to the dynamic changes in end-to-end available bandwidth caused by wireless fading or shadowing and link adaptation; (4) effective digital rights management and adaptation schemes, which are needed to ensure proper intellectual property management and protection of networked multimedia content. This book has been written to provide an in-depth understanding of these four major considerations and their critical roles in multimedia networking. More specifically, it is the first book to provide a complete system design perspective based on existing international standards and state-of-the-art networking and infrastructure technologies, from theoretical analyses to practical design considerations. The book also provides readers with learning experiences in multimedia networking by offering many development-software samples for multimedia data capturing, compression, and streaming for PC devices, as well as GUI designs for multimedia applications. The coverage of the material in this book makes it appropriate as a textbook for a one-semester or two-quarter graduate course. Moreover, owing to its balance of theoretical knowledge building and practical design integration, it can serve also as a reference guide for researchers working in this subject or as a handbook for practising engineers.


Understanding the Linux

Linux is a relatively new operating system that has begun to enjoy a lot of attention from the business and academic worlds. As the operating system matures, its feature set, capabilities and performance grow but so does its size and complexity. The table in Figure 1.1 shows the size of the kernel source code and size in bytes





s3c2410 LINUX内核移植文档

该文档的目的是总结我们在工作中的一些经验,并把它们分享给喜欢ARM和Linux的朋友, 如有错误 之处,请大家多多指点. 同样, 我们也希望更多人能把自己的工作经验和体会加入该文档,让大家共同进步. 该文档是一份交流性文档, 只供个人学习与交流,不允许公司和企业用于商业行为.


Windows CE 编程(英文第二版)

I've been working with Windows CE for almost as long as it's been in existence. A Windows programmer for many years, I'm amazed by the number of different, typically quite small, systems to which I can apply my Windows programming experience. These Windows CE systems run the gamut from PC-like mini-laptops to embedded devices buried deep in some large piece of industrial equipment. The use of the Win32 API in Windows CE enables tens of thousands of Windows programmers to write applications for an entirely new class of systems. The subtle differences, however, make writing Windows CE code somewhat different from writing for the desktop versions of Windows. It's those differences that I'll address in this book


Pulse Width Modulation Generation Using the

This application note describes how to generate a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal, tunable in frequency and duty cycles, by using the AT91 Timer/Counter (TC).


Windows CE 嵌入式系统实例分析.pdf



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