
Security Assessment Baby Doge - ETH Nov 12th, 2021 Table of Contents Summary Overview Project Summary Audit Summary Vulnerability Summary Audit Scope Findings CKP-01 : Centralization Risk in `addLiquidity()` Function CKP-02 : Centralization Risk in Contract `CoinToken` CKP-03 : Contract Gains Non-withdrawable BNB via the `swapandliquify` Function CKP-04 : Regaining Ownership After Renouncing the Contract Ownership CKP-05 : Initial Token Distribution CKP-06 : Lack of Return Value Handling CKP-07 : Potential Sandwich Attacks CKP-08 : Lack of Error Message CKP-09 : Redundant Code CKP-10 : Typos In The Contract CKP-11 : Function and Variable Naming Doesn’t Match the Operating Environment CKP-12 : Potential Resource Exhaustion CKP-13 : Inconsistency Between Comment and Code Appendix Disclaimer About Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment Summary This report has been prepared for Baby Doge to discover issues and vulnerabilities in the source code of the Baby Doge - ETH project as well as any contract dependencies that were not part of an officially recognized library. A comprehensive examination has been performed, utilizing Static Analysis and Manual Review techniques. The auditing process pays special attention to the following considerations: Testing the smart contracts against both common and uncommon attack vectors. Assessing the codebase to ensure compliance with current best practices and industry standards. Ensuring contract logic meets the specifications and intentions of the client. Cross referencing contract structure and implementation against similar smart contracts produced by industry leaders. Thorough line-by-line manual review of the entire codebase by industry experts. The security assessment resulted in findings that ranged from critical to informational. We recommend addressing these findings to ensure a high level of security standards and industry practices. We suggest recommendations that could better serve the project from the security perspective: Enhance general coding practices for better structures of source codes; Add enough unit tests to cover the possible use cases; Provide more comments per each function for readability, especially contracts that are verified in public; Provide more transparency on privileged activities once the protocol is live. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment Overview Project Summary Project Name Baby Doge - ETH Platform Ethereum Language Solidity Codebase Commit 39cc30648503da6092aea5a048ae025e8e07e781 Audit Summary Delivery Date Nov 12, 2021 Audit Methodology Static Analysis, Manual Review Key Components CoinToken Vulnerability Summary Vulnerability Level Total Pending Declined Acknowledged Partially Resolved Resolved Critical 0 0 0 0 0 0 Major 2 0 0 2 0 0 Medium 2 0 0 2 0 0 Minor 3 0 0 3 0 0 Informational 6 0 0 6 0 0 Discussion 0 0 0 0 0 0 Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment Audit Scope ID File SHA256 Checksum CKP contract.sol f79198f1e334d2889b0de0d9507c2bf3e16e6299f37d30102d9496b69c383809 Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment Overview External Dependencies The contract serves as the underlying entity to interact with third-party Uniswap protocols (tokenswapping). The scope of the audit treats third-party entities as black boxes and assumes their functional correctness. However, in the real world, third parties can be compromised and this may lead to lost or stolen assets. Privileged Functions The contract CoinToken contains the following privileged functions that are restricted by _owner role with the onlyOwner modifier. They are used to modify the contract configurations and address attributes. We grouped these functions below. excludeFromReward() / includeInReward() excludeFromFee() / includeInFee() setTaxFeePercent() setDevFeePercent() setLiquidityFeePercent() setMaxTxPercent() setDevWalletAddress() setSwapAndLiquifyEnabled() setRouterAddress() setNumTokensSellToAddToLiquidity() To improve the trustworthiness of the project, dynamic runtime updates in the project should be notified to the community. Any plan to invoke the aforementioned functions should be also considered to move to the execution queue of the Timelock contract. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment Findings ID Title Category Severity Status CKP-01 Centralization Risk in addLiquidity() Function Centralization / Privilege Major Acknowledged CKP-02 Centralization Risk in Contract CoinToken Centralization / Privilege Major Acknowledged CKP-03 Contract Gains Non-withdrawable BNB via the swapandliquify Function Logical Issue Medium Acknowledged CKP-04 Regaining Ownership After Renouncing the Contract Ownership Logical Issue Medium Acknowledged CKP-05 Initial Token Distribution Logical Issue Minor Acknowledged CKP-06 Lack of Return Value Handling Volatile Code Minor Acknowledged CKP-07 Potential Sandwich Attacks Logical Issue Minor Acknowledged CKP-08 Lack of Error Message Coding Style Informational Acknowledged CKP-09 Redundant Code Logical Issue Informational Acknowledged CKP-10 Typos In The Contract Coding Style Informational Acknowledged CKP-11 Function and Variable Naming Doesn’t Match the Operating Environment Coding Style Informational Acknowledged CKP-12 Potential Resource Exhaustion Logical Issue Informational Acknowledged CKP-13 Inconsistency Between Comment and Code Inconsistency Informational Acknowledged Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment 13 Total Issues Critical 0 (0.00%) Major 2 (15.38%) Medium 2 (15.38%) Minor 3 (23.08%) Informational 6 (46.15%) Discussion 0 (0.00%) CKP-01 | Centralization Risk in addLiquidity() Function Category Severity Location Status Centralization / Privilege Major projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 848 Acknowledged Description The addLiquidity() function calls the uniswapV2Router.addLiquidityETH function with the to address specified as owner() for acquiring the generated LP tokens from the corresponding pool. As a result, over time the _owner address will accumulate a significant portion of LP tokens. If the _owner is an EOA (Externally Owned Account), mishandling of its private key can have devastating consequences to the project as a whole. 843 uniswapV2Router.addLiquidityETH{value: ethAmount}( 844 address(this), 845 tokenAmount, 846 0, // slippage is unavoidable 847 0, // slippage is unavoidable 848 owner(), 849 block.timestamp 850 ); Recommendation We advise the to address of the uniswapV2Router.addLiquidityETH function call to be replaced by the contract itself, i.e. address(this) , and to restrict the management of the LP tokens within the scope of the contract’s business logic. This will also protect the LP tokens from being stolen if the _owner account is compromised. In general, we strongly recommend centralized privileges or roles in the protocol to be improved via a decentralized mechanism or via smart-contract based accounts with enhanced security practices, f.e. Multisignature wallets. Indicatively, here are some feasible solutions that would also mitigate the potential risk: Time-lock with reasonable latency, i.e. 48 hours, for awareness on privileged operations; Assignment of privileged roles to multi-signature wallets to prevent single point of failure due to the private key; Introduction of a DAO / governance / voting module to increase transparency and user involvement. Alleviation Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment [BabyDoge Team]: The contract has been deployed at the address 0xAC57De9C1A09FeC648E93EB98875B212DB0d46. The contract's owner has been transfered to a GnosisSafe Proxy deployed at the address 0x4A2F7fbCcABd457deD050Fe6512Fe0Eb8A1aFE31 which requires 2 out of 5 signers to sign. The signers addresses are: 0x227982fAc9e83EE495394eA22aE89019f26a49Cf 0x67c2Ec1178725BCD749C2cfa162D6e015696BcE1 0x6d067E65Bc303d14d028425FB7cF0e0f79BA21a1 0x814E8543AdA1bD157299cDF460C67F7D319f4832 0xbDf48684035A65d05615522C71a10b1e10cADd54 All Signers are all trezor wallets password protected and all the wallets require the private key and passwords to be accessed. The Team members have 2 wallets for daily use. [CertiK]: We have confirmed that the contract has been successfully deployed at the address 0xAC57De9C1A09FeC648E93EB98875B212DB0d46. We also have confirmed that the owner of CoinToken contract has been transferred to the address 0x4A2F7fbCcABd457deD050Fe6512Fe0Eb8A1aFE31, which is a GnosisSafe Proxy. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-02 | Centralization Risk in Contract CoinToken Category Severity Location Status Centralization / Privilege Major projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 603, 640, 644, 648, 652, 656, 66 0, 665, 906, 912, 612, 636 Acknowledged Description In the contract CoinToken , the role _owner has the authority over the following function: excludeFromReward() / includeInReward() : the owner of the contract can exclude/include an account from/in rewards. excludeFromFee() / includeInFee() : the owner of the contract can exclude/include an account from/in fee. setTaxFeePercent() : the owner of the contract can set the percentage of the tax fee. setDevFeePercent() : the owner of the contract can set the percentage of the dev fee. setLiquidityFeePercent() : the owner of the contract can set the percentage of liquidity fee. setMaxTxPercent() : the owner of the contract can set the maximum transaction amount. setDevWalletAddress() : the owner of the contract can update the _devWalletAddress to be any arbitrary address. setSwapAndLiquifyEnabled() : the owner of the contract can enable/diable swap-and-liquify process by setting swapAndLiquifyEnabled as true/false. setRouterAddress() : the owner of the contract can set any arbitrary address as the router address. setNumTokensSellToAddToLiquidity() : the owner of the contract can set the threshold to trigger liquidity-adding process. Any compromise to the _owner account may allow the hacker to take advantage of this and modify the significant state of the contract, thus introducing centralization risk. Recommendation We advise the client to carefully manage the _owner account's private key to avoid any potential risks of being hacked. In general, we strongly recommend centralized privileges or roles in the protocol to be improved via a decentralized mechanism or smart-contract-based accounts with enhanced security practices, e.g., Multisignature wallets. Indicatively, here is some feasible suggestions that would also mitigate the potential risk at the different level in term of short-term and long-term: Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment Time-lock with reasonable latency, e.g., 48 hours, for awareness on privileged operations; Assignment of privileged roles to multi-signature wallets to prevent a single point of failure due to the private key; Introduction of a DAO/governance/voting module to increase transparency and user involvement. Alleviation [BabyDoge Team]: The contract has been deployed at the address 0xAC57De9C1A09FeC648E93EB98875B212DB0d46. The contract's owner has been transfered to a GnosisSafe Proxy deployed at the address 0x4A2F7fbCcABd457deD050Fe6512Fe0Eb8A1aFE31 which requires 2 out of 5 signers to sign. The signers addresses are: 0x227982fAc9e83EE495394eA22aE89019f26a49Cf 0x67c2Ec1178725BCD749C2cfa162D6e015696BcE1 0x6d067E65Bc303d14d028425FB7cF0e0f79BA21a1 0x814E8543AdA1bD157299cDF460C67F7D319f4832 0xbDf48684035A65d05615522C71a10b1e10cADd54 All Signers are all trezor wallets password protected and all the wallets require the private key and passwords to be accessed. The Team members have 2 wallets for daily use. [CertiK]: We have confirmed that the contract has been successfully deployed at the address 0xAC57De9C1A09FeC648E93EB98875B212DB0d46. We also have confirmed that the owner of CoinToken contract has been transferred to the address 0x4A2F7fbCcABd457deD050Fe6512Fe0Eb8A1aFE31, which is a GnosisSafe Proxy. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-03 | Contract Gains Non-withdrawable BNB via the swapandliquify Function Category Severity Location Status Logical Issue Medium projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 817 Acknowledged Description The swapAndLiquify() function converts half of the contractTokenBalance tokens to BNB. The other half of the tokens and part of the converted BNB are deposited into the corresponding pool on pancakeswap as liquidity. For every swapAndLiquify() function call, a small amount of BNB leftover in the contract. This is due to the price of drops after swapping the first half of tokens into BNBs, and the other half of tokens require less than the converted BNB to be paired with it when adding liquidity. The contract doesn't appear to provide a way to withdraw those BNB, and they will be locked in the contract forever. Recommendation It's not ideal that more and more BNB are locked into the contract over time. The simplest solution is to add a withdraw function in the contract to withdraw BNB. Other approaches that benefit the token holders can be: Distribute BNB to token holders proportional to the amount of token they hold. Use leftover BNB to buy back tokens from the market to increase the token price. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-04 | Regaining Ownership After Renouncing the Contract Ownership Category Severity Location Status Logical Issue Medium projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 243 Acknowledged Description Generally, renouncing the ownership should leave the contract without an owner, thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. However, the owner of CoinToken is possible to gain ownership of the contract again even if the owner has called the function renounceOwnership() to renounce the ownership. This can be achieved by performing the following operations: Call lock to lock the contract. The variable _previousOwner would be set to the current owner. Call unlock to unlock the contract. Call renounceOwnership() to renounce the contract ownership. Call unlock to regain ownership. Recommendation We advise the client to review the logic and ensure if it is the intended design. If timelock functionality should be introduced, we recommend using the implementation of Compound finance as reference. Alleviation [BabyDoge Team]: The contract has been deployed at the address 0xAC57De9C1A09FeC648E93EB98875B212DB0d46. The contract's owner has been transfered to a GnosisSafe Proxy deployed at the address 0x4A2F7fbCcABd457deD050Fe6512Fe0Eb8A1aFE31 which requires 2 out of 5 signers to sign. The signers addresses are: 0x227982fAc9e83EE495394eA22aE89019f26a49Cf 0x67c2Ec1178725BCD749C2cfa162D6e015696BcE1 0x6d067E65Bc303d14d028425FB7cF0e0f79BA21a1 0x814E8543AdA1bD157299cDF460C67F7D319f4832 0xbDf48684035A65d05615522C71a10b1e10cADd54 Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment All Signers are all trezor wallets password protected and all the wallets require the private key and passwords to be accessed. The Team members have 2 wallets for daily use. [CertiK]: We have confirmed that the contract has been successfully deployed at the address 0xAC57De9C1A09FeC648E93EB98875B212DB0d46. We also have confirmed that the owner of CoinToken contract has been transferred to the address 0x4A2F7fbCcABd457deD050Fe6512Fe0Eb8A1aFE31, which is a GnosisSafe Proxy. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-05 | Initial Token Distribution Category Severity Location Status Logical Issue Minor projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 497 Acknowledged Description All of the tokens are sent to the contract deployer when deploying the contract. This could be a centralization risk as the deployer can distribute those tokens without obtaining the consensus of the community. Recommendation We recommend the team to be transparent regarding the initial token distribution process. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-06 | Lack of Return Value Handling Category Severity Location Status Volatile Code Minor projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 843 Acknowledged Description The return values of function addLiquidityETH are not properly handled. 843 uniswapV2Router.addLiquidityETH{value: ethAmount}( 844 address(this), 845 tokenAmount, 846 0, // slippage is unavoidable 847 0, // slippage is unavoidable 848 owner(), 849 block.timestamp 850 ); Recommendation We recommend using variables to receive the return value of the functions mentioned above and handle both success and failure cases if needed by the business logic. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-07 | Potential Sandwich Attacks Category Severity Location Status Logical Issue Minor projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 832~838, 843~850 Acknowledged Description A sandwich attack might happen when an attacker observes a transaction swapping tokens or adding liquidity without setting restrictions on slippage or minimum output amount. The attacker can manipulate the exchange rate by frontrunning (before the transaction being attacked) a transaction to purchase one of the assets and make profits by backrunning (after the transaction being attacked) a transaction to sell the asset. The following functions are called without setting restrictions on slippage or minimum output amount, so transactions triggering these functions are vulnerable to sandwich attacks, especially when the input amount is large: 832 uniswapV2Router.swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( 833 tokenAmount, 834 0, // accept any amount of ETH 835 path, 836 address(this), 837 block.timestamp 838 ); 843 uniswapV2Router.addLiquidityETH{value: ethAmount}( 844 address(this), 845 tokenAmount, 846 0, // slippage is unavoidable 847 0, // slippage is unavoidable 848 owner(), 849 block.timestamp 850 ); Recommendation We recommend setting reasonable minimum output amounts, instead of 0, based on token prices when calling the aforementioned functions. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-08 | Lack of Error Message Category Severity Location Status Coding Style Informational projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 560 Acknowledged Description The require statement can be used to check for conditions and throw an exception if the condition is not met. It is better to provide a string message containing details about the error that will be passed back to the caller. Recommendation We advise refactoring the linked codes as below: 560 _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()] [spender].add(addedValue), "increase allowance overflow"); Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-09 | Redundant Code Category Severity Location Status Logical Issue Informational projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 862 Acknowledged Description The condition !_isExcluded[sender] && !_isExcluded[recipient] can be included in else . Recommendation The following code can be removed: 861 ... else if (!_isExcluded[sender] && !_isExcluded[recipient]) { 862 _transferStandard(sender, recipient, amount); 863 } ... Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-10 | Typos In The Contract Category Severity Location Status Coding Style Informational projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 470, 670 Acknowledged Description There are several typos in the code and comments. 1. In the following code snippet, tokensIntoLiqudity should be tokensIntoLiquidity . 1 event SwapAndLiquify( 2 uint256 tokensSwapped, 3 uint256 ethReceived, 4 uint256 tokensIntoLiqudity 5 ); 2. recieve should be receive and swaping should be swapping in the line of comment //to recieve ETH from uniswapV2Router when swaping . Recommendation We recommend correcting all typos in the contract. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-11 | Function and Variable Naming Doesn’t Match the Operating Environment Category Severity Location Status Coding Style Informational projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 1 Acknowledged Description There are multiple naming issues inside the current contract, which can be misleading to use Uniswap and ETH instead of Pancakeswap and BNB if the project landing on BSC. For example, the CoinToken contract uses Pancakeswap for swapping and adding liquidity to the Pancakeswap pool but names it Uniswap . Recommendation Change "Uniswap" and "ETH" to "Pancakeswap" and "BNB" in the contract respectively to match the operating environment and avoid confusion. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-12 | Potential Resource Exhaustion Category Severity Location Status Logical Issue Informational projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 614, 709 Acknowledged Description The for loop within functions includeInReward(address) and _getCurrentSupply() takes the variable _excluded.length , as the maximal iteration times. If the size of the array is very large, it could exceed the gas limit to execute the functions. In this case, the contract might suffer from DoS (Denial of Service) situation. Recommendation We recommend the team review the design and ensure this would not cause loss to the project. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment CKP-13 | Inconsistency Between Comment and Code Category Severity Location Status Inconsistency Informational projects/contract.sol (98ba012): 230~236 Acknowledged Description According to the comment in L238, the lock() function will lock the contract for a given time period. However, the code implementation will lock the contract until the given timestamp. 238 //Unlocks the contract for owner when _lockTime is exceeds 239 function unlock() public virtual { 240 require(_previousOwner == msg.sender, "You don't have permission to unlock."); 241 require(block.timestamp > _lockTime , "Contract is locked."); 242 emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, _previousOwner); 243 _owner = _previousOwner; 244 } Recommendation We recommend the team review the design and update either comments or code implementation to ensure consistent logic between code and comment. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment Appendix Finding Categories Centralization / Privilege Centralization / Privilege findings refer to either feature logic or implementation of components that act against the nature of decentralization, such as explicit ownership or specialized access roles in combination with a mechanism to relocate funds. Logical Issue Logical Issue findings detail a fault in the logic of the linked code, such as an incorrect notion on how block.timestamp works. Volatile Code Volatile Code findings refer to segments of code that behave unexpectedly on certain edge cases that may result in a vulnerability. Coding Style Coding Style findings usually do not affect the generated byte-code but rather comment on how to make the codebase more legible and, as a result, easily maintainable. Inconsistency Inconsistency findings refer to functions that should seemingly behave similarly yet contain different code, such as a constructor assignment imposing different require statements on the input variables than a setter function. Checksum Calculation Method The "Checksum" field in the "Audit Scope" section is calculated as the SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2 with digest size of 256 bits) digest of the content of each file hosted in the listed source repository under the specified commit. The result is hexadecimal encoded and is the same as the output of the Linux "sha256sum" command against the target file. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment Disclaimer This report is subject to the terms and conditions (including without limitation, description of services, confidentiality, disclaimer and limitation of liability) set forth in the Services Agreement, or the scope of services, and terms and conditions provided to you (“Customer” or the “Company”) in connection with the Agreement. This report provided in connection with the Services set forth in the Agreement shall be used by the Company only to the extent permitted under the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. This report may not be transmitted, disclosed, referred to or relied upon by any person for any purposes, nor may copies be delivered to any other person other than the Company, without CertiK’s prior written consent in each instance. This report is not, nor should be considered, an “endorsement” or “disapproval” of any particular project or team. This report is not, nor should be considered, an indication of the economics or value of any “product” or “asset” created by any team or project that contracts CertiK to perform a security assessment. This report does not provide any warranty or guarantee regarding the absolute bug-free nature of the technology analyzed, nor do they provide any indication of the technologies proprietors, business, business model or legal compliance. This report should not be used in any way to make decisions around investment or involvement with any particular project. This report in no way provides investment advice, nor should be leveraged as investment advice of any sort. This report represents an extensive assessing process intending to help our customers increase the quality of their code while reducing the high level of risk presented by cryptographic tokens and blockchain technology. Blockchain technology and cryptographic assets present a high level of ongoing risk. CertiK’s position is that each company and individual are responsible for their own due diligence and continuous security. CertiK’s goal is to help reduce the attack vectors and the high level of variance associated with utilizing new and consistently changing technologies, and in no way claims any guarantee of security or functionality of the technology we agree to analyze. The assessment services provided by CertiK is subject to dependencies and under continuing development. You agree that your access and/or use, including but not limited to any services, reports, and materials, will be at your sole risk on an as-is, where-is, and as-available basis. Cryptographic tokens are emergent technologies and carry with them high levels of technical risk and uncertainty. The assessment reports could include false positives, false negatives, and other unpredictable results. The services may access, and depend upon, multiple layers of third-parties. ALL SERVICES, THE LABELS, THE ASSESSMENT REPORT, WORK PRODUCT, OR OTHER MATERIALS, OR ANY PRODUCTS OR RESULTS OF THE USE THEREOF ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “AS Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment AVAILABLE” AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND DEFECTS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, CERTIK HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES, ASSESSMENT REPORT, OR OTHER MATERIALS. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, CERTIK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, CERTIK MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND THAT THE SERVICES, THE LABELS, THE ASSESSMENT REPORT, WORK PRODUCT, OR OTHER MATERIALS, OR ANY PRODUCTS OR RESULTS OF THE USE THEREOF, WILL MEET CUSTOMER’S OR ANY OTHER PERSON’S REQUIREMENTS, ACHIEVE ANY INTENDED RESULT, BE COMPATIBLE OR WORK WITH ANY SOFTWARE, SYSTEM, OR OTHER SERVICES, OR BE SECURE, ACCURATE, COMPLETE, FREE OF HARMFUL CODE, OR ERROR-FREE. WITHOUT LIMITATION TO THE FOREGOING, CERTIK PROVIDES NO WARRANTY OR UNDERTAKING, AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND THAT THE SERVICE WILL MEET CUSTOMER’S REQUIREMENTS, ACHIEVE ANY INTENDED RESULTS, BE COMPATIBLE OR WORK WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE, APPLICATIONS, SYSTEMS OR SERVICES, OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION, MEET ANY PERFORMANCE OR RELIABILITY STANDARDS OR BE ERROR FREE OR THAT ANY ERRORS OR DEFECTS CAN OR WILL BE CORRECTED. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, NEITHER CERTIK NOR ANY OF CERTIK’S AGENTS MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED AS TO THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR CURRENCY OF ANY INFORMATION OR CONTENT PROVIDED THROUGH THE SERVICE. CERTIK WILL ASSUME NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR (I) ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR INACCURACIES OF CONTENT AND MATERIALS OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF ANY CONTENT, OR (II) ANY PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, RESULTING FROM CUSTOMER’S ACCESS TO OR USE OF THE SERVICES, ASSESSMENT REPORT, OR OTHER MATERIALS. ALL THIRD-PARTY MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF OR CONCERNING ANY THIRD-PARTY MATERIALS IS STRICTLY BETWEEN CUSTOMER AND THE THIRD-PARTY OWNER OR DISTRIBUTOR OF THE THIRD-PARTY MATERIALS. THE SERVICES, ASSESSMENT REPORT, AND ANY OTHER MATERIALS HEREUNDER ARE SOLELY PROVIDED TO CUSTOMER AND MAY NOT BE RELIED ON BY ANY OTHER PERSON OR FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT, NOR MAY COPIES BE DELIVERED TO, ANY OTHER PERSON WITHOUT CERTIK’S PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IN EACH INSTANCE. NO THIRD PARTY OR ANYONE ACTING ON BEHALF OF ANY THEREOF, SHALL BE A THIRD PARTY OR OTHER BENEFICIARY OF SUCH SERVICES, ASSESSMENT REPORT, AND ANY ACCOMPANYING Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment MATERIALS AND NO SUCH THIRD PARTY SHALL HAVE ANY RIGHTS OF CONTRIBUTION AGAINST CERTIK WITH RESPECT TO SUCH SERVICES, ASSESSMENT REPORT, AND ANY ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS. THE REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF CERTIK CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF CUSTOMER. ACCORDINGLY, NO THIRD PARTY OR ANYONE ACTING ON BEHALF OF ANY THEREOF, SHALL BE A THIRD PARTY OR OTHER BENEFICIARY OF SUCH REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES AND NO SUCH THIRD PARTY SHALL HAVE ANY RIGHTS OF CONTRIBUTION AGAINST CERTIK WITH RESPECT TO SUCH REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OR ANY MATTER SUBJECT TO OR RESULTING IN INDEMNIFICATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE. FOR AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT, THE SERVICES, INCLUDING ANY ASSOCIATED ASSESSMENT REPORTS OR MATERIALS, SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED OR RELIED UPON AS ANY FORM OF FINANCIAL, TAX, LEGAL, REGULATORY, OR OTHER ADVICE. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment About Founded in 2017 by leading academics in the field of Computer Science from both Yale and Columbia University, CertiK is a leading blockchain security company that serves to verify the security and correctness of smart contracts and blockchain-based protocols. Through the utilization of our world-class technical expertise, alongside our proprietary, innovative tech, we’re able to support the success of our clients with best-in-class security, all whilst realizing our overarching vision; provable trust for all throughout all facets of blockchain. Baby Doge - ETH Security Assessment





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