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原创 What is this blog for?

This is Blog is maintained to recording some technical details that i have encountered.The content of this blog will mainly falls into the categories belows:embedded systemLinuxVDHL

2008-12-28 22:59:00 572

转载 what does perl language play in hardware design?

 Perl is a high-level programming language. Larry Wall invented Perl and thousands have contributed their time making it a very powerful tool.Perl borrows heavily from the C programming language and

2009-01-15 01:06:00 512

原创 学习VIM的资源

Introduction to Programming in C/C++ with Vimhttp://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Programming/Introduction_to_C_Programming.html在 Vim 中编写 Python 程序 http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/VimPython一个.vi

2009-01-14 23:12:00 373

转载 在虚拟机vmware上安装vxworks完全指南

 引自 http://blog.csdn.net/jeffreywu/archive/2005/05/23/379106.aspx注:本文版权归edw论坛wabc所有,此处转载仅结合实践经验作少量修改和补充(红色标记部分)。图片省略。它山之石,可以攻玉。在VMWare上安装VxWorks操作系统wabc  on  2003-12-27概述    VxWorks是风河公司(Windriver)开

2009-01-05 10:21:00 2579 2

原创 How to do research

Here are some materials on how to do researchAdvice on Research and Writinghttp://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/mleone/web/how-to.html

2009-01-02 02:16:00 465

原创 自定义的HTML代码集锦

自定义的HTML代码集锦嵌入式的CODE代码 Code: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs带有背景色的引用代码 Originally Posted by mandavi If you get an error message saying:

2009-01-01 21:56:00 617

转载 Wind River的编码习惯

javascript:void(null);转自http://www.966210.com/content.asp?id=127&biao=wenzhang   1.1 介绍    本文档详细说明了Wind River的C代码和包含在代码中的附加文档的编写习惯。这些习惯是特意约定的,不全,但是能写出更高质量的代码。每一个源模块必须包含某些基本的文档,并且这些代码和文档必

2008-12-29 02:15:00 976

原创 some materials about how to write technical articles

In this post, I list some materials about how to writing technical essay.Writing Technical Articleshttp://www.cs.columbia.edu/~hgs/etc/writing-style.htmlAn Automatic Systems Research Topic or P

2008-12-27 17:32:00 558

原创 How to access a Window XP Remote Destop in a ipv6 network

As we know, the original windows remote desktop client does not support ipv6 connection, so here, I provide a method to enable ubuntu user to access window  remote desktop in a ssh tunnel on a ipv6 ne

2008-12-27 01:29:00 781 1

原创 清华06cs考研复试上机题(含解答)

清华大学计算机06考研上机题 只有系统结构方向参加上机,3月27日 2:00——4:00 总述:用文件Input.txt输入,用文件Output.txt输出。编程环境只能用VC,没有MSDN,不能上网,不能查资料。 题目1:求N的阶乘。(25分,5组数据)Input.txt4Output.txt24 Input.txt15Output.txt

2006-04-01 21:00:00 1250

Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach

Multi-core processors are no longer the future of computing—they are the present day reality. A typical mass-produced CPU features multiple processor cores, while a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) may have hundreds or even thousands of cores. With the rise of multi-core architectures has come the need to teach advanced programmers a new and essential skill: how to program massively parallel processors. Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach shows both student and professional alike the basic concepts of parallel programming and GPU architecture. Various techniques for constructing parallel programs are explored in detail. Case studies demonstrate the development process, which begins with computational thinking and ends with effective and efficient parallel programs. Key Features * First and only text that teaches how to program within a massively parallel environment o Practical approach teaches students how to become effective parallel programmers * Online portions derived from NVIDIA provided content have been part of the curriculum at over 100 universities worldwide o Online draft has been tested and taught by Kirk at the University of Illinois * Book utilizes OpenCL and CUDA, NVIDIA’s software development tool developed specifically for massively parallel environments.



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