Github收集(二): awesome-zsh-plugins介绍



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These frameworks make customizing your zsh setup easier.


Alf is an out of this world super fast and configurable framework for zsh; it’s modeled after Prezto and Antigen while utilizing Oh My Zsh under the covers; and offers standard defaults, aliases, functions, auto completion, automated updates and installable prompt themes and plugins.


ansible-role-zsh is an ansible role with zero-knowledge installation. It uses antigen to manage bundles and oh-my-zsh. Can load bundles conditionally. By default it includes powerlevel9k theme, autosuggestions, syntax-highlighting, fzf-widgets. Fully customizable.


Ant-zsh is a tiny and lightweight ZSH configuration environment for special customization needs. It includes plugins, themes and a basic convenient setup.


Antibody A faster and simpler antigen written in Golang. More details at


antigen-hs is a replacement for antigen optimized for a low overhead when starting up the shell. It will automatically clone plugins for you.


Antigen is a small set of functions that help you easily manage your shell (zsh) plugins, called bundles. The concept is pretty much the same as bundles in a typical vim+pathogen setup. Antigen is to zsh, what Vundle is to vim. Antigen can load oh-my-zsh themes and plugins and will automatically clone them for you.


Ax-ZSH is a modular configuration system for ZSH. It provides sane defaults and is extendable by plugins.


Dotzsh strives to be platform and version independent. Some functionality may be lost when running under older versions of zsh, but it should degrade cleanly and allow you to use the same setup on multiple machines of differing OSes without problems.


fresh is a tool to source shell configuration (aliases, functions, etc) from others into your own configuration files. We also support files such as ackrc and gitconfig. Think of it as Bundler for your dot files.


oh-my-zsh is a community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 120+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, macports, etc), over 120 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.


Prezto enriches the ZSH command line interface environment with sane defaults, aliases, functions, auto completion, and prompt themes.


Pumice is a lightweight plugin manager for zsh.


Zeesh is a cross-platform Zsh framework. It’s similar to, but incompatible with, oh-my-zsh. It has a modular plugin architecture making it easy to extend. It has a rich set of defaults, but is designed to be as lightweight as possible.


Zgen is a lightweight plugin manager for ZSH inspired by Antigen. The goal is to have a minimal overhead when starting up the shell because nobody likes waiting. The script generates a static init.zsh file which does nothing but source your plugins and append them to your fpath. The downside is that you have to refresh the init script manually with zgen reset whenever you update your .zshrc. Can load oh-my-zsh compatible plugins and themes, and will automagically clone them for you when you add them to your plugin list.


zilsh is a zsh config system that aims to appeal more to power-users and follow the simplistic approach of vim-pathogen.


Zim is a Zsh configuration framework with blazing speed and modular extensions.


zit is a plugin manager for ZSH. It is minimal because it implements the bare minimum to be qualified as a plugin manager: it allows the user to install plugins from Git repositories (and Git repositories only, them why the name), source plugins and update them. It does not implement fancy functions like cleanup of removed plugins, automatic compilation of installed plugins, alias for oh-my-zsh/prezto/other ZSH frameworks, building binaries, PATH manipulation and others.


Zoppo is the crippled configuration framework for Zsh. As an Italian saying goes: “chi va con lo zoppo, impara a zoppicare”, we realized we were walking with a cripple and are now going to become crippled ourselves.


Zpacker is a lightweight ZSH plugin & theme management framework.


🌺 Zplug is a next-generation zsh plugin manager.


Zplugin is a next-era plugin manager with semigraphical UI and a Turbo Mode.


ZPM ( Zsh plugin manager ) is a plugin manager for zsh similar to vim-plug. ZPM plugins are compatible with oh-my-zsh. ZPM runs on Linux, Android, FreeBSD and macOS.


ZR is a zsh plugin manager written in Rust.


Ztanesh aims to improve your UNIX command line experience and productivity with the the configuration provided by the ztanesh project: the tools will make your shell more powerful and easier to use.


Zulu is a total environment manager for ZSH 5+


Generic ZSH



  • ZSH Gem 24 - Part of the 2011 ZSH Advent Calendar. Covers oh-my-zsh and zshuery.



  • zsh-quickstart-kit - A simple quickstart for using zsh with zgen. This includes a curated collection of plugins, and will automatically configure zsh to use zgen to load them, configures zgen to periodically automatically update itself, the plugins, and the quickstart kit itself.


  • 256color - Enhances the terminal environment with 256 colors. It looks at the chosen TERM environment variable and sees if there is respective ncurses’ terminfo with 256 colors available. The result is a multicolor terminal, if available.
  • abbrev-alias - Provides functionality similar to Vim’s abbreviation expansion.
  • abbr-path - Adds functionality of the theme_title_use_abbreviated_path parameter from some oh-my-fish themes.
  • accurev-zsh - ZSH plugin for accurev.
  • alias-tips - An oh-my-zsh plugin to help remembering those aliases you defined once.
  • allergen - A collection of custom zsh plugins to use with antigen.
  • almostontop - Clears previous command output every time before new command executed in shell. Inspired by alwaysontop plugin for bash.
  • ansible - A plugin for Ansible.
  • ansiweather - Weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols.
  • antigen-git-rebase - Antigen/zsh script to aid with Git rebasing.
  • antigen-git-store - Antigen/zsh script to store Git’s current working directory. For working with Git between two computers without forcing arbitrary commits.
  • anyframe - A peco/percol/fzf wrapper plugin for zsh.
  • apache2.plugin.zsh - Adds aliases and functions for managing Apache2.
  • asciidoctor - A plugin for AsciiDoctor.
  • async - Library for running asynchronous tasks in zsh without requiring any external tools.
  • atom-plugin - A plugin for Oh My Zsh that lets you launch a file or folder in Atom from iTerm2. It’s based on the Sublime plugin. Only supports macOS.
  • atom_plugin.zsh - A plugin for the Atom editor on macOS.
  • auto-fu.zsh - Automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii

Even more completions

These plugins add tab completion without adding extra functions or aliases.


If you’re using Antigen, you can test these themes in a running ZSH with antigen theme githubuser/repo. If you’re using zgen, add them to your init.zsh with zgen load githubuser/reponame.

  • aaron-zsh-theme - Based on the Sorin theme.
  • absolute - Very clean looking theme with git status, node version and the exit code from the last command.
  • abyss - A dark theme that includes git status information.
  • adlee - macOS theme, requires Powerline font.
  • af-magic-mod - af-magic-mod theme. Install with antigen theme desyncr/zshrc themes/af-magic-mod.
  • agkozak - Displays git branch and status and vi editing mode in the main prompt and also displays non-zero exit codes in ZSH’s right prompt. An SSH connection is indicated by the presence of a hostname in the prompt; local connections show only a username.
  • agnosterAfro - Based on Powerline and Agnoster Theme and inspired by the agnosterzak.
  • agnosterzak - Based on Agnoster, shows battery life, date & time, git status, current directory and user & host information.
  • alien-minimal - Minimalist ZSH theme with git status displayed.
  • alien - Powerline-esque ZSH theme that shows git branch and the exit code of the last command.
  • alpharized - Optimized to work with solarized dark. It’s a modified version of the avit theme.
  • angry fly - Shows git information in right hand prompt.
  • aphrodite - Minimalistic theme without visual noise. Displays only the necessary information: current user, hostname, working directory, git branch if exists. Looks great both with dark and white terminals.
  • aplos - Minimal ZSH prompt with working directory, Git local info, Git remote info, time and exit code.
  • asciigit - An ASCII-only theme for git users who don’t want to use fonts with extra glyphs.
  • astro - Based on ys theme and robbyrushell (default theme) theme.
  • aterminal - Displays Nodejs, NPM, Docker, Go, Python, Elixir and Ruby information in the prompt.
  • avit-d2k - Based on Avit, with small changes.
  • bandit - Another Powerline variant.
  • bashi - Optimized for Ahmet Sülek’s Flat UI Terminal Theme and Pasquale D’Silva’s Saturn Terminal Theme.
  • bilibili - BiliBili Theme
  • birame - Based on bira.
  • bklyn - Variant of Powerlevel9k with customizations applied.
  • blinks-xfan - Based on the existing theme blinks.
  • blox-zsh-theme - A minimal and fast ZSH theme that shows you what you need. It consists of blocks: each block is shown inside a pair of [square brackets], and you can add blocks by simply creating a function.
  • bluehigh - Minimal theme, displays git information.
  • bluelines - Clear and blue theme.
  • bronze - A cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons written in go. Requires nerd-fonts.
  • brunty - Brunty theme.
  • bttf-color-zsh - BTTF color theme.
  • bullet-train - Inspired by the Powerline Vim plugin. It aims for simplicity, showing information only when it’s relevant.
  • bunnyruni - Simple, clean, and beautiful theme.
  • bureau - A clear and informative two-lined prompt. Includes git status optimized for large repositories.
  • candy-light - Light version of the candy theme.
  • charged - A ZSH prompt optimized for the solarized dark terminal theme.
  • chi - A ZSH theme optimized for iTerm users on macOS.
  • ciacho - Based on Agnoster.
  • clarity - Designed for for simpleness and extensibility.
  • classyTouch - Minimal, clean theme with git support.
  • clean - Minimalist ZSH theme.
  • cloudy - Minimal cloudy ZSH theme.
  • cmder - A ZSH theme that matches the theme of Cmder, a popular terminal emulator for windows.
  • cobalt2 - Wes Bos’ Cobalt 2 theme for ZSH and iTerm 2.
  • cobalt2git - Cobalt 2 theme with git extensions.
  • codemachine - Codemachine theme.
  • cordial - Clean and effective zsh theme with git and npm support.
  • cute-theme - An macOS oh-my-zsh shell theme with Cute emoji based on the Powerline Vim plugin.
  • darkblood-modular - This version of the popular darkblood theme has been enhanced with a near complete rewrite enabling modularity and a few new features.
  • delta-prompt - A minimal ZSH prompt.
  • dexter - A theme with an emphasis on the right side (hence the name) of the terminal.
  • dp - Low contrast theme that shows current git branch, if the repository is dirty and the value of $PYENV_VERSION.
  • dissonance - Comes with custom LSCOLORS and LS_COLORS settings files, works with both dark and light terminal themes.
  • dmx - Optimized for dark terminal windows.
  • dracula - A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Chrome DevTools, iTerm, Sublime Text, Textmate,, Vim, Xcode, ZSH.
  • dragon - Minimalistic, includes git status information.
  • dustmod - Derived from the dst theme in oh-my-zsh
  • eggshausted - A git theme for people who are tired of getting errors.
  • endless-dog - OMZ theme that mimics grml-zsh-config.
  • enkel - A simple and minimalistic theme for ZSH and the Solarised colour scheme featuring Git support and a few other semi-useful features such as displaying exit codes, the current system time, whether or not you have write permissions to the current directory, etc.
  • excess - Simple ZSH color theme.
  • fattyarrow - Minimal ZSH prompt that works better on dark backgrounds.
  • feder - Clean, simple, compatible and meaningful. Tested on Linux, Unix and Windows under ANSI colors.
  • filthy - A disgustingly clean ZSH prompt
  • fishy - ZSH theme inspired by original fishy
  • friendly-fiesta - Fork of terminal-party theme.
  • frisk-arrow - A theme based on the frisk oh-my-zsh-theme.
  • frisk-red - Red version of the frisk theme from oh-my-zsh.
  • frlo - Uses your computer’s hostname to come up with a (hopefully) unique three-color theme to display in your prompt, so you know at a glance which machine you’re logged into.
  • furio - Fork of the Cloud oh-my-zsh theme. with different colors and emojis.
  • garrett - Prezto prompt with the information you need the moment you need it.
  • gawaine - Nicola Racco’s theme. Requires rvm & git plugins.
  • geometry - A minimal ZSH theme based on Avit and Pure that displays a lot of git information.
  • geometryHostInfo Adds host info to the geometry theme.
  • girazz - A modification to the gnzh theme which adds VI mode to the right prompt.
  • gitsome - Super simple prompt with git info, optimized for the Flat Terminal color scheme.
  • gitster - When in a git repo, it shows the location from the git’s root folder. When not in a git repo, it shows the path relative to home, ~.
  • glimmer - Includes git branch, time and user@host.
  • guri - A Simple and fast Oh-My-Zsh theme, based on Pure’s design.
  • hacker-quotes - Outputs a hacker quote randomly when you open a terminal.
  • hackersaurus - A theme with git status and exit code of last command run embedded in the prompt. Related to powerlevel9k.
  • haribo - Simple git status + timestamp in prompt.
  • hedgehog - Simple, no-nonsense and clean, with support for git and return codes.
  • himself - Optimized for people using git, solarized and unicode-compatible fonts.
  • honukai-iterm-zsh - Honukai theme and colors for oh-my-zsh and iTerm.
  • horizontal - Two line prompt with a horizontal separator.
  • horse-sh - A very minimal brown/red ZSH theme.
  • hub - Simple and clean, includes the return code of the last command executed.
  • hyperzsh - Gives you a comprehensive overview of the branch you’re working on and the status of your repository without cluttering your terminal.
  • iggy - A super happy awesome Powerline-style, Git-aware prezto only theme.
  • igorsilva - Shows current directory, customizable delimiter, current branch, git status.
  • infoline - Clean theme that shows git status, background jobs, remote host, and other information.
  • intheloop-powerline - An extension of the intheloop theme to use powerline fonts.
  • itg - itsthatguy’s theme.
  • jcl-zsh-theme - Loosely based on the ys theme.
  • judgedim - Minimalist prompt.
  • karu - Minimalist single line ZSH prompt.
  • keloran - Theme that includes a few features from other themes
  • kimwz - Minimal theme.
  • kinda-fishy-theme - Based on Fishy theme, but shows full paths instead of abbreviated directories and only shows user@machine in ssh sessions and docker containers
  • kketcham - Theme with nifty colors on the git info.
  • klendathu - Uses Powerline iconsolas.
  • lagune - a minimal ZSH theme.
  • lambda-pure - A minimal ZSH theme, based on Pure, with added NodeJS version.
  • lambda - A ZSH theme optimized for git users who use unicode-compatible fonts and terminal applications.
  • lambdav - A combination of the Lambda and Fishy themes.
  • lazyprodigy - Optimized for dark terminals, has variants for local and remote systems.
  • lime - Simple standalone ZSH theme.
  • linuxer - Inspired by Yaris Alex Gutierrez’s classyTouch, Yad Smood’s ys, and Bureau theme.
  • liquidprompt - A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & ZSH.
  • llama - Minimalist theme used by discerning llamas.
  • lone-star - Texas-themed theme based on Sindre Sorhus’ pure theme.
  • magico - IOsonoTAN’s magico theme.
  • materialshell - A material design theme for your shell with a good contrast and color pops at the important parts. Designed to be easy on the eyes.
  • mau - A ZSH theme with a cat twist.
  • maxulysse/myzsh - Maxime Garcia’s myzsh theme.
  • megaprompt - A maximalist prompt including keyboard mode, ownership info, and other contextual info, with λ as the prompt character. Requires the hooks plugin.
  • min - A minimalistic ZSH prompt.
  • mindful-space - ZSH theme with space in mind.
  • minimal - Minimal yet feature-rich theme.
  • misa - Misalabs’ ZSH theme.
  • mixed - Optimized for Dark Background.
  • molokai-powerline-zsh - Based on agnoster.
  • multi-shell-repo-prompt - Provides useful information (in your prompt) about the repository that you are in. It currently works for Git and Mercurial, under ZSH as well as bash.
  • muslim - A simple minimal ZSH prompt theme.
  • nanofish - Adds fish-style directory prompt to nanotech theme.
  • neat - Minimalistic prompt inspired by odin and pure.
  • nextbike - A very basic theme which just features an macOS bike icon.
  • ningxia - Based on af-magic.
  • nknu - A simple OMZ theme.
  • nmaxcom - Minimalist ZSH theme with git decorations.
  • nodeys - Based on ys theme, with added NodeJS version (from NVM plugin).
  • nt9 - Clean, distraction free and git focused development theme. Shows path relative to git root (or ~ when outside git repo), time since last commit, current SHA, branch and branch state.
  • nuqlezsh - Simple theme for prezto and oh-my-zsh.
  • odin - Odin is a git-flavored ZSH theme.
  • oh-my-git - An opinionated prompt for bash and ZSH.
  • oh-my-via - Theme for ZSH which mainly forks the historical theme used on VIA servers.
  • oh-my-zsh-node-theme - OMZ’s node theme, broken out to make it easier to use with other plugin managers.
  • orobbl - Shows the git/svn status including the time since last commit and rvm status in prompt.
  • ozono 🌏 OZ0NO - Let’s Breathe a clean ZSH.
  • pad - A concise and colorful oh-my-zsh theme.
  • parrot-os - Equivalent to the default Bash Shell Theme Used in Parrot Security Operating System.
  • phi φ - A clean and simple theme for ZSH inspired and forked from Lambda (Mod) ZSH Theme.
  • pieni - Minimalist single line ZSH prompt theme.
  • plain - A plain and simple theme for ZSH which shows basic git information.
  • planet - A slimmed down version of steef from oh-my-zsh.
  • platypus - Platypus is a simple and convenient theme for oh-my-zsh used by Frédéric de Villamil.
  • poncho - RDM’s basic oh-my-zsh custom theme.
  • poor-programmer - Programmer’s theme with git status, ruby version and project path.
  • powerless - Tiny & simple pure ZSH prompt inspired by powerline.
  • powerlevel9k - A very flexible theme based on the well-known agnoster-theme with support for various VCS, AWS, rbenv, virtualenv, etc. Works with vanilla ZSH as well as the various ZSH frameworks.
  • powerline-cute - Based on bullet-train.
  • powerline-go - A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt, written in go.
  • powerline-shell - A powerline-like prompt for Bash, ZSH and Fish. Shows important details about git/svn/hg/fossil branch and is easy to customize/extend.
  • powerline - A git aware powerline theme.
  • powerzeesh - A Powerline based ZSH theme. It aims for simplicity, showing information only when it’s relevant, optimized for speed and look. Inspired by Agnoster and Powerline
  • pre-theme - A collection of themes for Sublime Text, Terminal, iTerm2 and ZSH.
  • predawn-shell - Theme for dark terminal themes.
  • prezto-cloud-prompt - Prezto port of oh-my-zsh’s cloud prompt.
  • prezto-lambda - Lambda theme (for prezto).
  • prezto_powerline - Powerline for prezto. Shows git information, RVM version.
  • punctual - Easily customizable, influenced by spaceship.
  • pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt.
  • purity - Inspired by robbyrussell theme + pure prompt.
  • racotecnic - Based on af-magic and posh-git.
  • radium - Designed for dark terminals, (works best with Solarized iTerm2 theme) (prezto).
  • rafiki - Adds emojis to your zsh terminal.
  • raincoat - A simple omz-compatible theme with a corresponding iTerm2 color scheme.
  • random-emoji - Random emoji.
  • refined - A ZSH theme focused on simpleness and usefulness.
  • remiii - Based on agnoster, optimized for solarized terminal themes.
  • rummik/zsh-theme - @rummik’s theme.
  • remolueoend - Prezto ZSH theme based on Sorin, using emojis for tracking GIT context.
  • rzh - Theme with git states indicated by emojis.
  • schminitz - Shows if Vim is running in the background when using :sh command.
  • seeker - This theme uses many special unicode characters to be fancy, but it may cause some problems without well supported fonts.
  • seltzer - Inspired by dieter theme, uses color-coding to provide information.
  • sepshell - Clean and minimal ZSH theme based on the old lost taybalt theme, with git bisecting/merging/rebasing modes and configurable prompt symbols.
  • sfz - An evolution of lean prompt which itself is a rewrite of pure.
  • shellder - Minimal theme with git branch display. Requires a powerline font.
  • sinon - k-kinzal’s sinon theme.
  • sk9-zsh - Skeiter9’s ZSH theme.
  • skeletor-syntax - Theme collection for Atom, Prism and ZSH inspired by Skeletor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
  • slimline - Minimal, fast and elegant ZSH prompt. Displays the right information at the right time.
  • smiley - A prompt with happy and sad faces.
  • sobole - A minimalistic ZSH theme inspired by the old-fashioned hobbies. No verbose gimmicks, no emoji, no fidget spinners, and no other visual noise.
  • solarized-powerline - Solarized powerline-style theme for ZSH.
  • solarizsh - Color fix for robbyrussell’s oh-my-zsh theme to work with Solarized.
  • spaceship - A ZSH theme with git, nvm, rvm/rbenv/chruby, python, ssh and other useful indicators.
  • spowerline - Written in scala, inspired by agnoster, tmux powerline, vim powerline and the vim status plugin.
  • staples - based on bureau, displays user@host if connected through SSH.
  • starboy - A simple ZSH theme
  • statusline - A responsive ZSH theme that provides informational segments when you need them.
  • steef - ZSH steeef theme as a standalone repository. The purpose behind this repo is avoid having a dependency on oh-my-zsh when using the steeef theme. ZSH plugin managers such as Antibody can use the theme without having to use oh-my-zsh.
  • sugar-free - Based on the Pure and Candy themes.
  • tahuri - ZSH theme for Arch Linux.
  • termuxer - Theme inspired by agnoster and linuxer.
  • the-time-lord - A theme based on gallifrey.
  • theme-line - Colorful theme with Git status.
  • theraveler - Based on theunraveler.
  • tq - Displays git status, time, requires a Powerline font.
  • trajan - A dark theme for ZSH.
  • trinity - A simple theme based on geometry.
  • tvline - Derived from agnoster’s theme, adds powerline font enhancements.
  • ultimate - Minimalist theme with git indicator, vim mode indicator and shortened path.
  • vanan - Minimalist theme with git information for dark terminals.
  • vinhnx - Modified from themes/mgutz.zsh-theme.Looks great when using with Solarized color scheme.
  • vira - An update of the bira theme that shows the vim bindkey -v status.
  • wang-iterm-zsh - Based on the 0532 theme.
  • wild-cherry - A fairy-tale inspired theme for ZSH, iTerm, Sublime, Atom, & Mou.
  • work-line - Theme with nice emojis.
  • xremix - An oh-my-zsh shell theme based on the Jreese theme plugin.
  • xxf - Shows Current commit shorten hash and message.
  • yairshefi - Minimal theme with line separated prompts. Based on Robby Russell’s theme
  • ykmam - Modified from ys theme. Optimized for a dark background.
  • ys - Clean, simple, compatible and meaningful theme meant for dark backgrounds.
  • yuki - A dark optimized ZSH theme.
  • z4rr3t - Based on sindresorhus’ pure theme.
  • zemm-blinks - Customized version of oh-my-zsh blinks with mercurial support and other changes.
  • zero - Zero’s theme & plugin.
  • zeta - Shows username, git information, machine name, current working directory.
  • zsh-blackrain - Another git-aware theme.
  • zsh-megaprompt - A maximalist prompt including keyboard mode, ownership info, and other contextual info, with λ as the prompt character. Requires the hooks plugin.
  • zsh-prompt-powerline - A fairly heavyweight ZSH prompt, based on the powerline font from the popular eponymous vim plugin, which works well for a dark background.
  • zsh-theme-nerdish - A prompt theme for ZSH with Nerd Fonts.
  • zsh2000 - Powerline looking ZSH theme with rvm prompt, git status and branch, current time, user, hostname, pwd, exit status, root and background job status.
  • zshcomrade - A ZSH theme, comrade!
  • zwsh - A Zpm3/Wordstar mode/theme for ZSH


Some of the themes listed here require Powerline-compatible fonts, here are a few:

  • Awesome Terminal Fonts - A family of fonts that includes some nice monospaced Icons.
  • Fantasque Awesome Font - A nice monospaced font, patched with Font-Awesome, Octoicons and Powerline-Glyphs.
  • Fantasque-sans - Another powerline font.
  • Hack - Another Powerline-compatible font designed specifically for source code.
  • Input Mono - A family of fonts designed specifically for code. It offers both monospaced and proportional fonts and includes powerline glyphs.
  • Monoid - Monoid is customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap-like sharpness at 15px line-height even on low res displays.
  • nerd fonts - Collection of over 20 patched fonts (over 2,000 variations) & FontForge font patcher python script for Powerline, Font Awesome, Octicons, Devicons, and Vim Devicons. Includes: Droid Sans, Meslo, Source Code, AnonymousPro, Hack, ProFont, Inconsolata, and many more.
  • Powerline patched font collection - A collection of a dozen or so fonts patched to include powerline gylphs.
  • Terminus - TTF version of Terminus that includes powerline glyphs.



Most of these plugins can be installed by adding antigen bundle githubuser/reponame to your .zshrc file. Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh. You can also add the plugin to a running ZSH with antigen bundle githubuser/reponame for testing before adding it to your .zshrc.


  1. Clone new plugins into .zsh.local/modules
  2. Load the plugin module in .zshrc
  3. Open a new ZSH terminal window or tab


  1. cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
  2. git clone repo
  3. Add the repo to your plugin list


  1. Clone the plugin into your prezto modules directory
  2. Add the plugin to your .zpreztorc file
  3. Open a new terminal window or tab


Most of these plugins can be installed by adding zgen load githubuser/reponame to your .zshrc file in the same function you’re doing your other zgen load calls in. Zgen will automatically clone the repositories for you when you do a zgen save.


Most of these plugins can be installed by adding zplug "githubuser/reponame" to your .zshrc file.

Writing New Plugins

I’ve documented some recommendations for writing a new plugin here.

Other Resources

ZSH Tools

  • zshdb - A ZSH debugger
  • zunit - A powerful unit testing framework for ZSH

Other Useful Lists

  • awesome-devenv - A curated list of awesome tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment
  • awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of awesome open source sysadmin resources
  • Terminals Are Sexy - A curated list for CLI lovers.

Find other useful awesome-* lists at the awesome collection

Other References

The ZSH Reference Card and zsh-lovers site are indispensable.





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