VsCode Ant Design of Vue组件代码片段

	// Place your 全局 snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and 
	// description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope 
	// is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is 
	// used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: 
	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. 
	// Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
	// Example:
	// "Print to console": {
	// 	"scope": "javascript,typescript",
	// 	"prefix": "log",
	// 	"body": [
	// 		"console.log('$1');",
	// 		"$2"
	// 	],
	// 	"description": "Log output to console"
	// }
	"WpAntdVueImportSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-antd-import",
		"body": [
			"import { ComponentName } from 'ant-design-vue'",
		"description": "AntdVue组件导入代码片段"
	"WpAntdVuePageHeaderWrapperSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-phw",
		"body": [
			"  ><!-- :title=\"false\" -->",
			"    <template #content>",
			"      <div class=\"page-header-content\">",
			"        <div class=\"avatar\">",
			"          <a-avatar size=\"large\" :src=\"currentUser.avatar\" />",
			"        </div>",
			"        <div class=\"content\">",
			"          <div class=\"content-title\">",
			"            {{ timeFix }},{{ user.name }}<span class=\"welcome-text\">,{{ welcome }}</span>",
			"          </div>",
			"          <div>Hellow Antd Pro of Vue</div>",
			"        </div>",
			"      </div>",
			"    </template>",
			"    <template #extraContent>",
			"      <div class=\"extra-content\">",
			"        <div class=\"stat-item\">",
			"          <a-statistic title=\"项目数\" :value=\"56\" />",
			"        </div>",
			"        <div class=\"stat-item\">",
			"          <a-statistic title=\"团队内排名\" :value=\"8\" suffix=\"/ 24\" />",
			"        </div>",
			"        <div class=\"stat-item\">",
			"          <a-statistic title=\"项目访问\" :value=\"2223\" />",
			"        </div>",
			"      </div>",
			"    </template>",
			"    <div class=\"test-grid\" id=\"test-grid\">",
			"      <a-row",
			"        type=\"flex\"",
			"        justify=\"space-between\"",
			"        align=\"middle\"",
			"        :gutter=\"[",
			"          { xs: 8, sm: 8, md: 8, lg: 8 },",
			"          { xs: 8, sm: 8, md: 8, lg: 8 }",
			"        ]\"",
			"      >",
			"        <!-- gutter推荐使用 (16+8n)px,gutter数组形式 [水平间距, 垂直间距] -->",
			"        <a-col :span=\"4\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"1\"><div style=\"background:#000; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col :span=\"4\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"2\">content</a-col>",
			"        <a-col :flex=\"1\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"4\"><div style=\"background:#000; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col :flex=\"2\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"5\"><div style=\"background:red; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col flex=\"100px\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"6\"><div style=\"background:blue; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col flex=\"auto\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"7\"><div style=\"background:yellow; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col",
			"          :xs=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :sm=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :md=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :lg=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :xl=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :xxl=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"        >cintent</a-col",
			"        >",
			"      </a-row>",
			"    </div>",
			"  </page-header-wrapper>",
		"description": "AntdProLayoutPageHeaderWrapper"
	"WpAntdVueGridSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-grid",
		"body": [
			"        type=\"flex\"",
			"        justify=\"space-between\"",
			"        align=\"middle\"",
			"        :gutter=\"[",
			"          { xs: 8, sm: 8, md: 8, lg: 8 },",
			"          { xs: 8, sm: 8, md: 8, lg: 8 }",
			"        ]\"",
			"      ><!--  gutter推荐使用 (16+8n)px,gutter数组形式 [水平间距, 垂直间距] -->",
			"        <a-col :span=\"4\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"1\"><div style=\"background:#000; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col :span=\"4\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"2\">content</a-col>",
			"        <a-col :flex=\"1\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"4\"><div style=\"background:#000; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col :flex=\"2\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"5\"><div style=\"background:red; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col flex=\"100px\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"6\"><div style=\"background:blue; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col flex=\"auto\" :offset=\"0\" :order=\"7\"><div style=\"background:yellow; color:#FFF\">content</div></a-col>",
			"        <a-col",
			"          :xs=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :sm=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :md=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :lg=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :xl=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"          :xxl=\"{ span: 1, offset: 0, order: 8 }\"",
			"        >cintent</a-col",
			"        >",
			"      </a-row>",
		"description": "AntdVue栅格代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueButtonSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-button",
		"body": [
			"                type=\"primary\"",
			"                shape=\"round\"",
			"                icon=\"search\"",
			"                :loading=\"loading\"",
			"                size=\"default\"",
			"                block",
			"                @click=\"handleClickEvent\"",
			"              >查询</a-button",
			"              >",
		"description": "AntdVue按钮代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueSpaceSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-space",
		"body": [
			" <a-space direction=\"horizontal\" align=\"center\" size=\"middle\"><!-- :size=\"200\" --></a-space>",
		"description": "AntdVue间距代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueIconSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-icon",
		"body": [
			" <a-icon",
			"            type=\"setting\"",
			"            theme=\"twoTone\"",
			"            two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\"",
			"            spin",
			"            :rotate=\"180\"",
			"          />",
		"description": "AntdVue图标代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueDropdownButtonSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-dropdown-button",
		"body": [
			"        @click=\"handleButtonClick\"",
			"      >TestDropdown",
			"        <template",
			"          #overlay",
			"        ><a-menu>",
			"          <a-menu-item",
			"            @click=\"handleMenuClick\"",
			"            v-for=\"(item, index) in data\"",
			"            :key=\"index\"",
			"            :disabled=\"item.disabled\"",
			"          ><a-icon :type=\"item.type\" /> {{ item.content }}</a-menu-item",
			"          >",
			"        </a-menu></template",
			"        >",
			"        <template #icon> <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" /></template>",
			"      </a-dropdown-button>",
		"description": "AntdVue下拉菜单代码片段"
	"WpAntdVuePaginationSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-pagination",
		"body": [
			"          show-size-changer",
			"          showQuickJumper",
			"          v-model=\"currentPage\"",
			"          :page-size-options=\"pageSizeOptions\"",
			"          :default-current=\"1\"",
			"          :total=\"total\"",
			"          @change=\"onChange\"",
			"          @showSizeChange=\"onshowSizeChange\"",
			"        >",
			"          <template slot=\"buildOptionText\" slot-scope=\"props\">",
			"            <span v-if=\"props.value !== '500'\">{{ props.value }}条/页</span>",
			"            <span v-if=\"props.value === '500'\">全部</span>",
			"          </template>",
			"        </pagination>",
		"description": "AntdVue分页代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueStepsSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-steps",
		"body": [
			"          :current=\"currentStep\"",
			"          size=\"small\"",
			"          direction=\"horizontal\"",
			"          :status=\"status\"",
			"        ><!-- status:wait|process|finish|error -->",
			"          <a-step v-for=\"(item, index) in stepsData\" :key=\"index\">",
			"            <template #icon> <a-icon :type=\"item.type\" /></template>",
			"            <template #title> {{ item.title }} </template>",
			"            <template #description>{{ item.description }}</template>",
			"          </a-step>",
			"        </a-steps>",
			"        <!-- status: 'error', currentStep: 2, stepsData: [ { type: 'user', title: '标题1', description: '这里是步骤描述1',",
			"        content: '这是步骤1的内容' }, { type: 'solution', title: '标题2', description: '这里是步骤描述2', content:",
			"        '这是步骤2的内容' }, { type: 'loading', title: '标题3', description: '这里是步骤描述3', content:",
			"        '这是步骤3的内容' } ] -->",
		"description": "AntdVue步骤条代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueCascaderSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-cascader",
		"body": [
			"          size:large",
			"          :options=\"options\"",
			"          :default-value=\"defaultValues\"",
			"          :show-search=\"{ filter }\"",
			"          placeholder=\"请选择位置\"",
			"          change-on-select",
			"          @change=\"onChange\"",
			"        ><template #suffixIcon> <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" spin /></template>",
			"        </cascader>",
			"        <!--  import { Cascader } from 'ant-design-vue'",
			"        defaultValues: ['shandong', 'yantai'], options: [ { value: 'shandong',",
			"        label: '山东省', children: [ { value: 'yantai', label: '烟台市', children: [ { value: 'kaifaqu', label: '开发区'",
			"        }, { value: 'fushanqu', label: '福山区', disabled: true } ] }, { value: 'qingdao', label: '青岛市', children: [",
			"        { value: 'shinanqu', label: '市南区' }, { value: 'shibeiqu', label: '市北区' } ] } ] }, { value: 'beijing',",
			"        label: '北京市', children: [ { value: 'dongchengqu', label: '东城区' }, { value: 'xichengqu', label: '西城区' }",
			"        ] } ]",
			"        onChange (val, selectedOptions) { console.log(...val, selectedOptions) },",
			"        filter (inputValue, path) {",
			"        return path.some((option) => option.label.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1) } -->",
		"description": "AntdVue级联选择器代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueCheckboxSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-checkbox",
		"body": [
			"              :default-checked=\"defaultChecked\"",
			"              :disabled=\"disabled\"",
			"              @change=\"onChange\"",
			"            >选择框测试</a-checkbox",
			"            >",
			"            <!-- defaultChecked: true,",
			"            disabled: true -->",
		"description": "AntdVue多选框代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueCheckboxGroupSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-checkboxgroup",
		"body": [
			"              v-model=\"groupValue\"",
			"              :options=\"options\"",
			"              :default-value=\"defaultGroupValue\"",
			"              @change=\"onGroupChange\"",
			"            ></a-checkbox-group>",
			"            <!-- options: [ ",
			"            { label: '烟台', value: 'yantai' },",
			"            { label: '青岛', value: 'qingdao' },",
			"            { label: '临沂', value: 'linyi' } ],",
			"            groupValue: ['yantai'], ",
			"            defaultGroupValue: ['yantai'] -->",
		"description": "AntdVue多选框组代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueDateTimePickerSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-date-time-picker",
		"body": [
			"          placeholder=\"请选择日期\"",
			"          :show-time=\"{ defaultValue: moment('08:00:00', dateTimeFormat) }\"",
			"          :format=\"dateTimeFormat\"",
			"          :default-value=\"moment(new Date().toLocaleDateString(), dateTimeFormat)\"",
			"          :disabled-date=\"disabledDate\"",
			"          :disabled-time=\"disabledTime\"",
			"          @change=\"onDateTimeChange\"",
			"        ><template #suffixIcon> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /></template",
			"        ></a-date-picker>",
			"        <!-- import moment from 'moment'",
			"        timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss',",
			"        dateFormat: 'YYYY/MM/DD',",
			"        dateTimeFormat: 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss',",
			"        monthFormat: 'YYYY/MM'",
			"        methods: {",
			"            moment,",
			"            range (start, end) {",
			"              const result = []",
			"              for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {",
			"                result.push(i)",
			"              }",
			"              return result",
			"            },",
			"            disabledDate (current) {",
			"              return current && current < moment().endOf('day')",
			"            },",
			"            disabledTime () {",
			"              return {",
			"                disabledHours: () => this.range(0, 24).splice(4, 18),",
			"                disabledMinutes: () => this.range(30, 60),",
			"                disabledSeconds: () => [55, 56]",
			"              }",
			"            },",
			"            onDateTimeChange (date, datestring) {",
			"              console.log(new Date().toLocaleDateString())",
			"              console.log('date', date, 'datestring', datestring)",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue时间选择器代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueRangePickerSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-range-picker",
		"body": [
			"          :format=\"dateFormat\"",
			"          :disabled-date=\"disabledDate\"",
			"          :placeholder=\"['请选择开始时间', '请选择结束时间']\"",
			"          separator=\"到\"",
			"          @change=\"onRangeChange\"",
			"          @ok=\"onRangeOK\"",
			"        ><template #suffixIcon> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /></template",
			"        ></a-range-picker>",
			"        <!-- dateFormat: 'YYYY/MM/DD',",
			"        methods: {",
			"          moment,",
			"          range (start, end) {",
			"            const result = []",
			"            for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {",
			"              result.push(i)",
			"            }",
			"            return result",
			"          },",
			"          disabledDate (current) {",
			"            return current && current < moment().endOf('day')",
			"          }",
			"        }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue时间段选择器代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueInputSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-input",
		"body": [
			"<a-input v-model=\"inputValue\" placeholder=\"请输入文本\" allow-clear @pressEnter=\"onPressEnter\">",
			"          <template #addonBefore>前置标签</template>",
			"          <template #addonAfter>后置标签 <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" /></template>",
			"          <template #prefix> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /></template",
			"          ><template #suffix>",
			"            <a-tooltip title=\"输入框测试\"> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /> </a-tooltip>",
			"          </template>",
			"        </a-input>",
		"description": "AntdVue输入框代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueInputSearchSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-input-search",
		"body": [
			"<a-input-search v-model=\"inputValue\" placeholder=\"请输入文本\" :loading=\"loading\" allow-clear @search=\"onSearch\">",
			"          <template #addonBefore>前置标签</template>",
			"          <template #prefix> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /></template",
			"          ><template #suffix>",
			"            <a-tooltip title=\"输入框测试\"> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /> </a-tooltip>",
			"          </template>",
			"          <template #enterButton>",
			"            <a-button type=\"primary\" icon=\"search\" size=\"default\" block>查询</a-button>",
			"          </template>",
			"        </a-input-search>",
		"description": "AntdVue查询输入框代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueInputGroupSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-input-group",
		"body": [
			"<a-input-group compact>",
			"          <a-input style=\"width: 40%\" placeholder=\"请输入文本\">",
			"            <template #prefix> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /></template",
			"            ><template #suffix>",
			"              <a-tooltip title=\"输入框测试\"> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /> </a-tooltip>",
			"            </template>",
			"          </a-input>",
			"          <a-input-search style=\"width: 50%\" placeholder=\"请输入文本\" :loading=\"loading\" @search=\"onSearch\">",
			"            <template #enterButton>",
			"              <a-button type=\"primary\" icon=\"search\" size=\"default\" block>查询</a-button>",
			"            </template>",
			"          </a-input-search>",
			"        </a-input-group>",
		"description": "AntdVue输入框组代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueInputNumberSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-input-number",
		"body": [
			"          v-model=\"value\"",
			"          :min=\"0\"",
			"          :max=\"10\"",
			"          :step=\"1\"",
			"          @change=\"onChange\"",
			"          @pressEnter=\"onPressEnter\">",
			"        </a-input-number",
			"        >",
		"description": "AntdVue数字输入框代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueMentionsSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-mentions",
		"body": [
			"          v-model=\"value\"",
			"          split=\" \"",
			"          :prefix=\"prefixs\"",
			"          @change=\"onChange\"",
			"          @select=\"onSelect\"",
			"          @search=\"onSearch\"",
			"        >",
			"          <a-mentions-option v-for=\"(item, index) in prefixOptions[prefix] || []\" :key=\"index\" :value=\"item\">{{",
			"            item",
			"          }}</a-mentions-option></a-mentions",
			"        >",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              value: '',",
			"              prefixs: ['@', '#'],",
			"              prefix: '@',",
			"              prefixOptions: { '@': ['126.com', '163.com', 'qq.com'], '#': ['1.0', '1.2'] }",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onChange (value) {},",
			"            onSelect (option) {},",
			"            onSearch (val, prefix) {",
			"              this.prefix = prefix",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue提及代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueRadioGroupSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-radio-group",
		"body": [
			"<a-radio-group v-model=\"value\" @change=\"onChange\" :options=\"options\"></a-radio-group>",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              value: '',",
			"              options: [",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '北京',",
			"                  value: 'beijing',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '上海',",
			"                  value: 'shanghai',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '重庆',",
			"                  value: 'chongqing',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '天津',",
			"                  value: 'tianjin',",
			"                  disabled: true",
			"                }",
			"              ]",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"         methods: {",
			"            onChange (e) {",
			"                console.log(e.target.value)",
			"            }",
			"        },-->",
		"description": "AntdVue单选框组代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueRadioButtonGroupSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-radio-button-group",
		"body": [
			"<a-radio-group v-model=\"value\" button-style=\"solid\" @change=\"onChange\">",
			"          <a-radio-button v-for=\"(item, index) in options\" :key=\"index\" :value=\"item.value\" :disabled=\"item.disabled\">{{",
			"            item.label",
			"          }}</a-radio-button>",
			"        </a-radio-group>",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              value: '',",
			"              options: [",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '北京',",
			"                  value: 'beijing',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '上海',",
			"                  value: 'shanghai',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '重庆',",
			"                  value: 'chongqing',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '天津',",
			"                  value: 'tianjin',",
			"                  disabled: true",
			"                }",
			"              ]",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"         methods: {",
			"            onChange (e) {",
			"                console.log(e.target.value)",
			"            }",
			"        },-->",
		"description": "AntdVue单选按钮组代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueRateSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-rate",
		"body": [
			"          v-model=\"value\"",
			"          allow-half",
			"          :tooltips=\"desc\"",
			"          :disabled=\"disabled\"",
			"          :count=\"count\"",
			"          @change=\"onChange\">",
			"          <template #character>",
			"            <a-icon type=\"star\" />",
			"          </template>",
			"        </a-rate>",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              value: 0,",
			"              disabled: false,",
			"              count: 10,",
			"              desc: ['terrible', 'bad', 'normal', 'good', 'wonderful']",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"        methods: {",
			"            onChange () {",
			"              console.log(this.value)",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue评分代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueSelectSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-select",
		"body": [
			"          label-in-value",
			"          v-model=\"value\"",
			"          placeholder=\"请选择一项\"",
			"          style=\"width: 300px\"",
			"          mode=\"tags\"",
			"          :allowClear=\"true\"",
			"          :token-separators=\"[',', ',', ' ']\"",
			"          :options=\"options\"",
			"          @change=\"onChange\"",
			"          @select=\"onSelect\"",
			"        >",
			"          <!-- <template #suffixIcon> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /></template>仅当mode='default'时有效 --> </a-select",
			"        ><!-- mode='default' | 'multiple' | 'tags' | 'combobox'",
			"          :token-separators=\"[',', ',', ' ']\"-->",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              value: [],",
			"              options: [",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '北京',",
			"                  value: 'beijng',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '上海',",
			"                  value: 'shanghai',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '重庆',",
			"                  value: 'chongqing',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '天津',",
			"                  value: 'tianjin',",
			"                  disabled: true",
			"                }",
			"              ]",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onChange (val) {",
			"              val.map((v) => {",
			"                console.log(`key:${v.key} label:${v.label}`)",
			"              })",
			"            },",
			"            onSelect (val) {",
			"              this.value.map((v) => {",
			"                console.log(`this.key:${v.key} this.label:${v.label}`)",
			"              })",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue选择器代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueSelectGroupSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-select-group",
		"body": [
			"          label-in-value",
			"          v-model=\"value\"",
			"          placeholder=\"请选择一项\"",
			"          style=\"width: 300px\"",
			"          mode=\"multiple\"",
			"          :allowClear=\"true\"",
			"          @change=\"onChange\"",
			"          @select=\"onSelect\"",
			"        >",
			"          <!-- <template #suffixIcon> <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" /> </template>仅当mode='default'时有效 -->",
			"          <!-- mode='default' | 'multiple' | 'tags' | 'combobox'",
			"          :token-separators=\"[',', ',', ' ']\"-->",
			"          <a-select-opt-group>",
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			"            <a-select-option v-for=\"(item, index) in options\" :key=\"index\" :value=\"item.value\">{{",
			"              item.label",
			"            }}</a-select-option>",
			"          </a-select-opt-group>",
			"        </a-select>",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              value: [],",
			"              options: [",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '北京',",
			"                  value: 'beijng',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '上海',",
			"                  value: 'shanghai',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '重庆',",
			"                  value: 'chongqing',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  label: '天津',",
			"                  value: 'tianjin',",
			"                  disabled: true",
			"                }",
			"              ]",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onChange (val) {",
			"              val.map((v) => {",
			"                console.log(`key:${v.key} label:${v.label}`)",
			"              })",
			"            },",
			"            onSelect (val) {",
			"              this.value.map((v) => {",
			"                console.log(`this.key:${v.key} this.label:${v.label}`)",
			"              })",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue分组选择器代码片段"
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		"prefix": "w-slider",
		"body": [
			"          v-model=\"value\"",
			"          style=\"width: 300px\"",
			"          :min=\"0\"",
			"          :max=\"100\"",
			"          :step=\"1\"",
			"          :tip-formatter=\"formatter\"",
			"          :marks=\"marks\"",
			"          @change=\"onChange\"",
			"          @afterChange=\"onAfterChange\"",
			"        ></a-slider>",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              value: 0,",
			"              marks: {",
			"                0: '0°C',",
			"                26: '26°C',",
			"                37: '37°C',",
			"                100: {",
			"                  style: {",
			"                    color: '#f50'",
			"                  },",
			"                  label: <strong>100°C</strong>",
			"                }",
			"              }",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onChange (val) {",
			"              console.log('onChangeValue:', val)",
			"            },",
			"            onAfterChange (val) {",
			"              console.log('onAfterChangeValue:', val)",
			"            },",
			"            formatter (value) {",
			"              return `${value}%`",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue滑动输入条代码片段"
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		"body": [
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			"          v-model=\"rangeValue\"",
			"          style=\"width: 300px\"",
			"          :min=\"0\"",
			"          :max=\"100\"",
			"          :step=\"1\"",
			"          :tip-formatter=\"formatter\"",
			"          :marks=\"marks\"",
			"          @change=\"onRangeChange\"",
			"          @afterChange=\"onRangeAfterChange\"",
			"        ></a-slider>",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              rangeValue: [20, 30],",
			"              marks: {",
			"                0: '0°C',",
			"                26: '26°C',",
			"                37: '37°C',",
			"                100: {",
			"                  style: {",
			"                    color: '#f50'",
			"                  },",
			"                  label: <strong>100°C</strong>",
			"                }",
			"              }",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onRangeChange (val) {",
			"                val.map((v) => {",
			"                    console.log('onRangeChangeValue:', v)",
			"                })",
			"            },",
			"            onRangeAfterChange (val) {",
			"                val.map((v) => {",
			"                    console.log('onRangeAfterChangeValue:', v)",
			"                })",
			"            },",
			"            formatter (value) {",
			"              return `${value}%`",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue范围滑动输入条代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueSwitchSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-switch",
		"body": [
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			"          <template #checkedChildren> <a-icon type=\"check\" /></template>",
			"          <template #unCheckedChildren> <a-icon type=\"close\" /></template> </a-switch",
			"        >",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return { value: true, loading: false }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onChange () {",
			"              console.log(this.value)",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue开关代码片段"
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			"          src=\"https://www.baidu.com/img/PCtm_d9c8750bed0b3c7d089fa7d55720d6cf.png\"",
			"          style=\"background-color: white; width: 1000px; height: 500px\"",
			"        >",
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		"description": "AntdVue头像代码片段"
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			"          :count=\"count\"",
			"          title=\"Custom hover text\"",
			"          dot",
			"          color=\"#87d068\"",
			"          status=\"error\"",
			"        ><!-- status='success'|| 'processing'||'default'||'error'||'warning'  -->",
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			"        </template> -->",
			"        </a-badge>",
		"description": "AntdVue徽标代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueCardSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-card",
		"body": [
			"<a-card title=\"卡片测试\" style=\"width: 300px\" :bordered=\"true\" hoverable>",
			"          <template",
			"            #extra",
			"          ><span @click=\"onClick\">",
			"            <a-tooltip title=\"提示\">",
			"              <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" />",
			"            </a-tooltip>",
			"          </span>",
			"          </template>",
			"          <p v-for=\"(item, index) in 6\" :key=\"index\">{{ item }}</p>",
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			"            <template #description>数字列表描述</template>",
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			"            <span @click=\"onClick\"> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /></span>",
			"            <span @click=\"onClick\"> <a-icon type=\"setting\" /></span>",
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		"description": "AntdVue卡片代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueCollapseSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-collapse",
		"body": [
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			"            <a-icon type=\"caret-right\" :rotate=\"props.isActive ? 90 : 0\" />",
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			"          <a-collapse-panel",
			"            v-for=\"item in contents\"",
			"            :key=\"item.key\"",
			"            :header=\"item.header\"",
			"            :disabled=\"item.disabled\"",
			"            :show-arrow=\"item.showArrow\"",
			"          ><!-- 注意:key只能为string类型 -->",
			"            <template #extra> <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" /></template>",
			"            <p>{{ item.content }}</p>",
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			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              activeKey: [],",
			"              contents: [",
			"                { key: '1', header: 'This is Header1', content: 'This is Content1', disabled: false, showArrow: true },",
			"                { key: '2', header: 'This is Header2', content: 'This is Content2', disabled: false, showArrow: true },",
			"                { key: '3', header: 'This is Header3', content: 'This is Content3', disabled: false, showArrow: false },",
			"                { key: '4', header: 'This is Header4', content: 'This is Content4', disabled: true, showArrow: true }",
			"              ]",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onChange (key) {",
			"              console.log(`key is ${key}`)",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue折叠面板代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueListSnippet": {
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		"body": [
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			"          <template #header>列表头</template>",
			"          <template #renderItem=\"item, index\">",
			"            <a-list-item>",
			"              <template #extra>",
			"                <img width=\"80\" alt=\"logo\" src=\"https://github.com/WuPan001/Wp.Icon/blob/main/NugetLogo.png?raw=true\" />",
			"              </template>",
			"              <template #actions>",
			"                <span",
			"                  v-for=\"(item, index) in actions\"",
			"                  :key=\"index\"",
			"                  @click=\"onClick(index)\"",
			"                ><a-icon style=\"margin-right: 8px\" :type=\"item.type\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" />",
			"                  {{ item.text }}",
			"                </span>",
			"                <!--   -->",
			"              </template>",
			"              <a-list-item-meta :description=\"item.description\">",
			"                <template #title>",
			"                  <h1>{{ item.title }}</h1></template",
			"                  >",
			"                <template #avatar>",
			"                  <a-avatar shape=\"square\" size=\"large\" :src=\"item.avatar\"> </a-avatar>",
			"                </template>",
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			"          </template>",
			"          <template #footer>列表尾</template>",
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			"        <!-- const avatar = 'https://github.com/WuPan001/Wp.Icon/blob/main/NugetLogo.png?raw=true'",
			"        data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              actions: [",
			"                { type: 'star-o', text: '156' },",
			"                { type: 'like-o', text: '156' },",
			"                { type: 'message', text: '2' }",
			"              ],",
			"              dataSource: [",
			"                {",
			"                  title: '列表项1标题',",
			"                  description: '列表项1描述',",
			"                  avatar: avatar",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  title: '列表项2标题',",
			"                  description: '列表项2描述',",
			"                  avatar: avatar",
			"                }",
			"              ]",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onClick (index) {",
			"              console.log('ActionTest', index)",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue列表代码片段"
	"WpAntdVuePopoverSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-popover",
		"body": [
			"<a-popover title=\"气泡卡片测试\" trigger=\"hover\">",
			"        <template #content>",
			"          <p>气泡卡片测试内容</p>",
			"          <p>气泡卡片测试内容</p>",
			"        </template>",
			"        <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" />",
			"      </a-popover>",
		"description": "AntdVue气泡卡片代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueStatisticSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-statistic",
		"body": [
			"          title=\"统计数值标题\"",
			"          :value=\"123.456\"",
			"          :precision=\"2\"",
			"          style=\"margin-right: 100px\"",
			"          :value-style=\"{ color: '#3f8600' }\"",
			"        >",
			"          <template #suffix>% </template>",
			"          <template #prefix> <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" /></template>",
			"        </a-statistic>",
		"description": "AntdVue数据统计代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueStatisticCountDownSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-statistic-countdown",
		"body": [
			"<a-statistic-countdown title=\"倒计时组件标题\" :value=\"value\" @finish=\"onFinish\" :format=\"format\">",
			"          </a-statistic-countdown>",
			"          <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              /* format: 'HH:mm:ss:SSS', */",
			"              format: 'D 天 H 时 m 分 s 秒 SSS ',",
			"              value: Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 + 1000 * 30",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onFinish () {",
			"              console.log('Finished!')",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue数据统计倒计时组件代码片段"
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			"          v-model=\"activeKey\"",
			"          style=\"width: 400px\"",
			"          tab-position=\"top\"",
			"          @change=\"onChange\"",
			"          @prevClick=\"callback\"",
			"          @nextClick=\"callback\"",
			"        >",
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			"              <a-icon type=\"setting\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" spin />{{ item.title }}</template",
			"              >",
			"            {{ item.content }}</a-tab-pane",
			"          >",
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			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              activeKey: '标签页标题1',",
			"              tabs: [",
			"                {",
			"                  title: '标签页标题1',",
			"                  content: '标签页内容1',",
			"                  disabled: false",
			"                },",
			"                {",
			"                  title: '标签页标题3',",
			"                  content: '标签页内容3',",
			"                  disabled: true",
			"                }",
			"              ]",
			"            }",
			"          },",
			"          methods: {",
			"            onChange () {",
			"              console.log(this.activeKey)",
			"            },",
			"            callback (val) {",
			"              console.log(val)",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue标签页代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueTagSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-tag",
		"body": [
			"<a-tag v-for=\"(item, index) in tags1\" :key=\"index\" closable @close=\"onClose(index)\" color=\"#f50\">{{",
			"          item",
			"        }}</a-tag>",
			"        <!-- data () { return { tags1: ['标签测试1', '标签测试2', '标签测试3', '标签测试4'] } }, ",
			"        methods: { onClose (e) {",
			"        console.log(e) }, }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue标签代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueTagAddSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-tag-add",
		"body": [
			"          <div>",
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			"                <a-tag :key=\"tag\" :closable=\"index !== 0\" @close=\"() => handleClose(tag)\">",
			"                  {{ `${tag.slice(0, 20)}...` }}",
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			"              @blur=\"handleInputConfirm\"",
			"              @keyup.enter=\"handleInputConfirm\"",
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			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              tags: ['Unremovable', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3Tag 3Tag 3Tag 3Tag 3Tag 3Tag 3'],",
			"              inputVisible: false,",
			"              inputValue: ''",
			"            }",
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			"          methods: {",
			"            handleClose (removedTag) {",
			"              const tags = this.tags.filter((tag) => tag !== removedTag)",
			"              console.log(tags)",
			"              this.tags = tags",
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			"              this.inputVisible = true",
			"              this.$nextTick(function () {",
			"                this.$refs.input.focus()",
			"              })",
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			"            handleInputChange (e) {",
			"              this.inputValue = e.target.value",
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			"            handleInputConfirm () {",
			"              const inputValue = this.inputValue",
			"              let tags = this.tags",
			"              if (inputValue && tags.indexOf(inputValue) === -1) {",
			"                tags = [...tags, inputValue]",
			"              }",
			"              console.log(tags)",
			"              Object.assign(this, {",
			"                tags,",
			"                inputVisible: false,",
			"                inputValue: ''",
			"              })",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue可以添加标签模板代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueTimelineSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-timeline",
		"body": [
			"          pending=\"正在发生...\"",
			"          mode=\"alternate\"",
			"          style=\"width: 100%\"",
			"        ><!-- mode=left | alternate | right -->",
			"          <!-- <template",
			"            #pendingDot",
			"          ><a-icon type=\"icon-twitter\" theme=\"twoTone\" two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\" style=\"font-size: 18px\" />",
			"          </template> -->",
			"          <a-timeline-item v-for=\"(item, index) in contents\" :key=\"index\" :color=\"item.color\">",
			"            <template #dot> <a-icon :type=\"item.type\" :color=\"item.color\" spin /></template>",
			"            <h1>{{ item.title }}</h1>",
			"            <p>{{ item.content }}</p>",
			"          </a-timeline-item>",
			"        </a-timeline>",
			"          <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              contents: [",
			"                { type: 'setting', color: 'green', title: '2021-12-01', content: '大事件1' },",
			"                { type: 'setting', color: 'red', title: '2021-12-02', content: '大事件2' },",
			"                { type: 'setting', color: 'yellow', title: '2021-12-03', content: '大事件3' }",
			"              ]",
			"            }",
			"          }, -->",
		"description": "AntdVue时间轴代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueTooltipSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-tooltip",
		"body": [
			"<a-tooltip :auto-adjust-overflow=\"true\">",
			"            <template #title> <a-icon type=\"user\" /> 文字提示测试</template></a-tooltip",
			"          >",
		"description": "AntdVue文字提示代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueAlertSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-alert",
		"body": [
			"            message=\"警告提示消息\"",
			"            type=\"error\"",
			"            :show-icon=\"true\"",
			"            closable",
			"            banner",
			"            style=\"min-width: 500px\"",
			"            @close=\"onClose\"",
			"          >",
			"            <template #description>",
			"              <p>这是一个<span style=\"color: red\">警告</span>提示测试</p>",
			"            </template>",
			"            <template #closeText>",
			"              <a-tooltip :auto-adjust-overflow=\"true\">",
			"                <template #title> 关闭消息</template>",
			"                <a-icon",
			"                  type=\"setting\"",
			"                  theme=\"twoTone\"",
			"                  two-tone-color=\"#52c41a\"",
			"                  spin",
			"                /></a-tooltip> </template",
			"            ></a-alert>",
			"          <!-- methods: {",
			"            onClose (e) {",
			"              console.log(e)",
			"            }",
			"          } -->",
		"description": "AntdVue警告消息代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueDrawerSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-drawer",
		"body": [
			"          title=\"抽屉标题\"",
			"          placement=\"right\"",
			"          :visible=\"visible\"",
			"          :closable=\"true\"",
			"          :width=\"700\"",
			"          @close=\"",
			"            () => {",
			"              this.visible = false",
			"            }",
			"          \"",
			"        >",
			"        </a-drawer>",
			"        <!-- data () {",
			"            return {",
			"              visible: false",
			"            }",
			"          } -->",
		"description": "AntdVue抽屉代码片段"
	"WpAntdVueMessageSnippet": {
		"prefix": "w-message",
		"body": [
			"        type=\"primary\"",
			"        shape=\"round\"",
			"        size=\"default\"",
			"        block",
			"        @click=\"",
			"          () => {",
			"            this.\\$message",
			"              .loading('Action in progress..', 2.5)",
			"              .then(() => this.\\$message.success('Loading finished', 2.5))",
			"              .then(() => this.\\$message.info({ content: 'Loading finished is finished', duration: 2.5 }))",
			"          }",
			"        \"",
			"      >全局提示测试</a-button",
			"      ><!-- message.success(content, [duration], onClose)",
			"message.error(content, [duration], onClose)",
			"message.info(content, [duration], onClose)",
			"message.warning(content, [duration], onClose)",
			"message.warn(content, [duration], onClose) // alias of warning",
			"message.loading(content, [duration], onClose) -->",
			"        <!-- message.open(config)",
			"message.warn(config) // alias of warning",
			"message.loading(config) -->",
		"description": "AntdVue全局提示代码片段"




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