Designing Data-Intensive Applications

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Designing Data-Intensive


The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and MaintainableSystems



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Martin Kleppmann


Designing Data-Intensive Applications

by Martin KleppmannCopyright © 2017 Martin Kleppmann. All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein HighwayNorth, Sebastopol, CA 95472.

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Editors: Ann Spencer and Marie BeaugureauProduction Editor: KristenBrownCopyeditor:Rachel HeadProofreader:Amanda Kersey

March 2017: First Edition

Revision History for the First Edition

Indexer: Ellen Troutman-ZaigInterior Designer: David Futato CoverDesigner: Karen Montgomery Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest

2017-03-01: First ReleaseSee release details.

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While the publisher and the author have used good faithefforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this workare accurate, the publisher and the author disclaim all responsibility forerrors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damagesresulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information andinstructions contained in this work is at your own risk. If any code samples orother technology this work contains or describes is subject to open sourcelicenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is yourresponsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such licensesand/or rights.

978-1-449-37332-0 [LSI]

Technology is a powerful force in our society. Data,software, and communication can

be used for bad: to entrench unfair power structures, toundermine human rights, and to protect vested interests. But they can also beused for good: to make underrepresented people’s voices heard, to createopportunities for everyone, and to avert disasters. This book is dedicated toeveryone working toward the good.


Computing is pop culture. [...] Pop culture holds a disdainfor history. Pop culture is all about identity and feeling like you’reparticipating. It has nothing to do with cooperation, the past or thefuture—it’s living in the present. I think the same is true of most people whowrite code for money. They have no idea where [their culture came from].

Alan Kay, in interview withDr Dobb’sJournal (2012)


Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . xiii

Part I. Foundations of Data Systems1. Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

第一部分。数据系统基础。1. 高可用,易扩展,好运维应用

Thinking About Data Systems


4 6 7 8 9

Reliability(可靠性) Scalability(扩展性) 10 Describing Load(负载描述)11 DescribingPerformance(性能描述) 13 Approaches for Coping with Load(负载处理方法)17

Maintainability (运维性)18 Operability: Making Life Easy forOperations(可操作性:让生活更容易处理) 19 Simplicity: Managing Complexity (简洁性:管理复杂度)20 Evolvability: Making Change Easy(可扩展性:容易修改) 21

Summary 22

2. Data Models and Query Languages. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


Relational Model Versus Document Model (关系模型vs文档模型)28 The Birthof NoSQLNoSQL诞生)29 TheObject-Relational Mismatch(对象-关系模型对比)29 Many-to-One and Many-to-Many Relationships(多对一和多对多模型)33 Are Document Databases Repeating History?(对象模型是历史的重现吗?)36

Table of Contents



Relational Versus Document Databases Today(当前关系模型、对象模型对比) 38 Query Languages for Data(数据查询语言)42 Declarative Queries on the WebWeb上声明式查询)44 MapReduceQuerying 46 Graph-Like Data Models(图模型)49 Property Graphs(属性图) 50 The CypherQuery LanguageCypher查询语言) 52 GraphQueries in SQL (用SQL实现图查询)53 Triple-Stores and SPARQL 55 The Foundation: Datalog 60 Summary63

3. Storage and Retrieval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Summary 103

4. Encoding and Evolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111Formats for Encoding Data 112Language-Specific Formats 113 JSON, XML, and Binary Variants 114 Thrift andProtocol Buffers 117 Avro 122 The Merits of Schemas 127 Modes of Dataflow 128Dataflow Through Databases 129 Dataflow Through Services: REST and RPC 131Message-Passing Dataflow 136 Summary 139

Data Structures That Power Your Database Hash IndexesSSTables and LSM-TreesB-Trees

Comparing B-Trees and LSM-Trees

Other Indexing Structures Transaction Processing orAnalytics?

Data Warehousing

Stars and Snowflakes: Schemas for Analytics Column-OrientedStorage

Column CompressionSort Order in Column StorageWriting to Column-Oriented Storage 101 Aggregation: DataCubes and Materialized Views 101

viii | Table of Contents

Part II. Distributed Data

5. Replication. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 151Leaders and Followers 152 Synchronous Versus AsynchronousReplication 153 Setting Up New Followers 155 Handling Node Outages 156Implementation of Replication Logs 158 Problems with Replication Lag 161Reading Your Own Writes 162 Monotonic Reads 164 Consistent Prefix Reads 165Solutions for Replication Lag 167 Multi-Leader Replication 168 Use Cases forMulti-Leader Replication 168 Handling Write Conflicts 171 Multi-LeaderReplication Topologies 175 Leaderless Replication 177 Writing to the DatabaseWhen a Node Is Down 177 Limitations of Quorum Consistency 181 Sloppy Quorumsand Hinted Handoff 183 Detecting Concurrent Writes 184 Summary 192

6. Partitioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 199Partitioning and Replication 200 Partitioning of Key-Value Data201Partitioning by Key Range 202Partitioning by Hash of Key 203 Skewed Workloads and Relieving Hot Spots 205Partitioning and Secondary Indexes 206 PartitioningSecondary Indexes by Document 206 Partitioning Secondary Indexes by Term 208Rebalancing Partitions 209 Strategies for Rebalancing 210Operations: Automatic or Manual Rebalancing 213Request Routing 214 Parallel Query Execution 216 Summary 216

7. Transactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 221The Slippery Concept of a Transaction 222

Table of Contents | ix

The Meaning of ACID 223

Single-Object and Multi-Object Operations 228 Weak IsolationLevels 233 Read Committed 234 Snapshot Isolation and Repeatable Read 237Preventing Lost Updates 242 Write Skew and Phantoms 246 Serializability 251Actual Serial Execution 252 Two-Phase Locking (2PL) 257 Serializable SnapshotIsolation (SSI) 261 Summary 266

8. The Trouble with Distributed Systems. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273Faults and Partial Failures 274 CloudComputing and Supercomputing 275 Unreliable Networks 277 Network Faults inPractice 279 Detecting Faults 280 Timeouts and Unbounded Delays 281 SynchronousVersus Asynchronous Networks 284 Unreliable Clocks 287 Monotonic VersusTime-of-Day Clocks 288 Clock Synchronization and Accuracy 289 Relying onSynchronized Clocks 291 Process Pauses 295 Knowledge, Truth, and Lies 300 TheTruth Is Defined by the Majority 300 Byzantine Faults 304 System Model andReality 306 Summary 310

9. Consistency and Consensus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321Consistency Guarantees 322Linearizability 324

What Makes a System Linearizable? 325 Relying onLinearizability 330 Implementing Linearizable Systems 332 The Cost ofLinearizability 335

Ordering Guarantees 339 Ordering and Causality 339 SequenceNumber Ordering 343

x | Table of Contents

Total Order Broadcast 348 Distributed Transactions andConsensus 352 Atomic Commit and Two-Phase Commit (2PC) 354 DistributedTransactions in Practice 360 Fault-Tolerant Consensus 364 Membership andCoordination Services 370 Summary 373

Part III. Derived Data

10.          Batch Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389Batch Processing with Unix Tools 391Simple Log Analysis 391 The Unix Philosophy 394 MapReduce and DistributedFilesystems 397 MapReduce Job Execution 399 Reduce-Side Joins and Grouping 403Map-Side Joins 408 The Output of Batch Workflows 411 Comparing Hadoop toDistributed Databases 414 Beyond MapReduce 419 Materialization of IntermediateState 419 Graphs and Iterative Processing 424 High-Level APIs and Languages 426Summary 429

11.          Stream Processing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439Transmitting Event Streams 440Messaging Systems 441 Partitioned Logs 446 Databases and Streams 451 KeepingSystems in Sync 452 Change Data Capture 454 Event Sourcing 457 State, Streams,and Immutability 459 Processing Streams 464 Uses of Stream Processing 465Reasoning About Time 468 Stream Joins 472 Fault Tolerance 476 Summary 479


Table of Contents | xi

12. The Future of Data Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489Data Integration 490 CombiningSpecialized Tools by Deriving Data 490 Batch and Stream Processing 494Unbundling Databases 499 Composing Data Storage Technologies 499 DesigningApplications Around Dataflow 504 Observing Derived State 509 Aiming forCorrectness 515 The End-to-End Argument for Databases 516 Enforcing Constraints521 Timeliness and Integrity 524 Trust, but Verify 528 Doing the Right Thing533 Predictive Analytics 533 Privacy and Tracking 536 Summary 543

Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 553 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .559

xii | Table of Contents


If you have worked in software engineering in recent years,especially in server-side and backend systems, you have probably been bombardedwith a plethora of buzz words relating to storage andprocessing of data. NoSQL! Big Data! Web-scale! Sharding! Eventual consistency!ACID! CAP theorem! Cloud services! MapReduce! Real-time!


In the last decade we have seen many interestingdevelopments in databases, in distributed systems, and in the ways we buildapplications on top of them. There are various driving forces for thesedevelopments:


•    Internet companies such as Google,Yahoo!, Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, and Twitter are handling hugevolumes of data and traffic, forcing them to create new tools that enable themto efficiently handle such scale.

•    例如Google, Yahoo!, Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, andTwitter这些公司需要处理大量的数据及其访问,迫使他们发明各种有效处理大规模数据的工具

•    Businesses need to be agile, testhypotheses cheaply, and respond quickly to new market insights by keepingdevelopment cycles short and data models flexible.

•    现代商业模式需要敏捷开发,迅速对市场变化做出相应,快速试错。这要求开发周期要短,数据模型必须灵活。

•    Free and open source software hasbecome very successful and is now preferred to commercial or bespoke in-housesoftware in many environments.

•    和开源件的大成功。景中需要商化或者订制化件服

•    CPU clock speeds are barely increasing,but multi-core processors are standard, and networks are getting faster. Thismeans parallelism is only going to increase.

•    CPU时钟周期几乎不再提高,多核处理器已经普及,网络变得更快。这意味着并行化正在成为趋势。

•    Even if you work on a small team, youcan now build systems that are distributed across many machines and evenmultiple geographic regions, thanks to infra structure as a service (IaaS) such as Amazon Web Services.

•    即使你在一个小团队,你也可以借助例如亚马逊Web Services基础服务构建多机至多地域的系统。

•    Many services are now expected to behighly available; extended downtime due to outages or maintenance is becomingincreasingly unacceptable.Data-intensiveapplications are pushingthe boundaries of what is possible by making use of these technological developments.We call an applicationdata-intensive if data is its primarychallenge—the quantity of data, the complexity of data, or the speed atwhich it is changing—as opposed to compute-intensive,where CPU cycles are the bottleneck.

•    多服需要是高可用的。因为电网或者运原因致的宕机得越来越不可接受。数据密集型用正在利用技展拓展自己服界。数据密集型用的主要针对-大量数据,复杂数据,或者数据快速变化的场景。与其相对的是CPU为瓶颈的CPU密集型应用。


The tools and technologies that help data-intensiveapplications store and process data have been rapidly adapting to thesechanges. New types of database systems (“NoSQL”) have been getting lots ofattention, but message queues, caches, search indexes, frameworks for batch andstream processing, and related technologies are very important too. Manyapplications use some combination of these.


The buzzwords that fill this space are a sign of enthusiasmfor the new possibilities, which is a great thing. However, as softwareengineers and architects, we also need to have a technically accurate andprecise understanding of the various technologies and their trade-offs if wewant to build good applications. For that understanding, we have to dig deeperthan buzzwords.


Fortunately, behind the rapid changes in technology, thereare enduring principles that remain true, no matter which version of aparticular tool you are using. If you understand those principles, you’re in aposition to see where each tool fits in, how to make good use of it, and how toavoid its pitfalls. That’s where this book comes in.


The goal of this book is to help you navigate the diverseand fast-changing landscape of technologies for processing and storing data.This book is not a tutorial for one particular tool, nor is it a textbook fullof dry theory. Instead, we will look at examples of successful data systems:technologies that form the foundation of many popular applications and thathave to meet scalability, performance, and reliability require ments in production every day.


We will dig into the internals of those systems, tease aparttheir key algorithms, discuss their principles and the trade-offs they have tomake. On this journey, we will try to find useful ways ofthinking about datasystems—not just how they work, but also why they work that way,and what questions we need to ask.




After reading this book, you will be in a great position todecide which kind of technology is appropriate for which purpose, andunderstand how tools can be combined to form the foundation of a goodapplication architecture. You won’t be ready to build your own database storageengine from scratch, but fortunately that is rarely necessary. You will,however, develop a good intuition for what your systems are doing under thehood so that you can reason about their behavior, make good design decisions,and track down any problems that may arise.


Who Should Read This Book?


If you develop applications that have some kind ofserver/backend for storing or pro cessing data, and your applicationsuse the internet (e.g., web applications, mobile apps, or internet-connectedsensors), then this book is for you.


xiv | Preface

This book is for software engineers, software architects,and technical managers who love to code. It is especially relevant if you needto make decisions about the architecture of the systems you work on—forexample, if you need to choose tools for solving a given problem and figure outhow best to apply them. But even if you have no choice over your tools, thisbook will help you better understand their strengths and weaknesses.


You should have some experience building web-basedapplications or network services, and you should be familiar with relationaldatabases and SQL. Any non- relational databases and other data-related toolsyou know are a bonus, but not required. A general understanding of commonnetwork protocols like TCP and HTTP is helpful. Your choice of programminglanguage or framework makes no difference for this book.


If any of the following are true for you, you’ll find thisbook valuable:


•    You want to learn how to make datasystems scalable, for example, to support web or mobile apps with millions ofusers.

•    你想学如何设计一个易展的支持数百万用的web/app数据系

•    You need to make applications highlyavailable (minimizing downtime) and operationally robust.

•    你需要设计一个高可用(宕机时间短)和易操作的系

•    You are looking for ways of makingsystems easier to maintain in the long run, even as they grow and asrequirements and technologies change.

•    你正在苦苦思索:从长远来看,随着需求和技的不断化,如何设计一个易维护的系

•    You have a natural curiosity for theway things work and want to know what goes on inside major websites and onlineservices. This book breaks down the internals of various databases and dataprocessing systems, and it’s great fun to explore the bright thinking that wentinto their design.Sometimes, when discussing scalabledata systems, people make comments along the lines of, “You’re not Google orAmazon. Stop worrying about scale and just use a relational database.” There istruth in that statement: building for scale that you don’t need is wastedeffort and may lock you into an inflexible design. In effect, it is a form ofpremature optimization. However, it’s also important to choose the right toolfor the job, and different technologies each have their own strengths andweaknesses. As we shall see, relational databases are important but not thefinal word on dealing with data.

•    自然的好奇心驱使你去探究各种网络服务和在线应用的工作原理。本书将各种数据库系统和数据处理系统打散开来逐点分析,从设计者的角度来思考是一件很有趣的事情。当我们讨论大规模数据系统的时候经常有人泼冷水“你们公司又不是Google或者Amazon,别杞人忧天,考虑什么扩展性,关系型数据库已经够用了。”这个假设有个前提:为了大规模做出的设计和妥协是以损失灵活性为代价的。实际上,这是某种程度上的过度设计。但是,用合适的工具解决合适的问题,每种技术都有其优略点。我们应该知道,虽然关系型数据库很重要,但它不是万能的。

•    Scope of This Book

•    本书边界

•    This book does not attempt to givedetailed instructions on how to install or use specific software packages orAPIs, since there is already plenty of documentation for those things. Insteadwe discuss the various principles and trade-offs that are fundamental to datasystems, and we explore the different design decisions taken by differentproducts.

•    书因为网络上各种软件包和api的安装使用很多了,本书不会涉及。相反,我们会详细分析数据系统背后的原理和取舍,以及不同系统做出的不同选择的原因。

Preface | xv

In the ebook editions we have included links to the fulltext of online resources. All links were verified at the time of publication,but unfortunately links tend to break frequently due to the nature of the web.If you come across a broken link, or if you are reading a print copy of thisbook, you can look up references using a search engine. For academic papers,you can search for the title in Google Scholar to find open-access PDF files.Alternatively, you can find all of the references at https://, where we maintain up-to-date links.


We look primarily at the architecture of data systemsand the ways they are integrated into data-intensive applications. This bookdoesn’t have space to cover deployment, operations, security, management, andother areas—those are complex and important topics, and we wouldn’t do themjustice by making them superficial side notes in this book. They deserve booksof their own.


Many of the technologies described in this book fall withinthe realm of theBig Data buzzword. However, the term “Big Data” is sooverused and underdefined that it is not useful in a serious engineeringdiscussion. This book uses less ambiguous terms, such as single-node versusdistributed systems, or online/interactive versus offline/ batch processingsystems.


This book has a bias toward free and open source software(FOSS), because reading, modifying, and executing source code is a great way tounderstand how something works in detail. Open platforms also reduce the riskof vendor lock-in. However, where appropriate, we also discuss proprietarysoftware (closed-source software, soft ware as a service, or companies’in-house software that is only described in literature but not releasedpublicly).


Outline of This Book


This book is arranged into three parts:


1. In Part I, we discuss the fundamental ideas that underpin the design ofdata- intensive applications. We start inChapter 1 by discussing what we’re actually trying to achieve: reliability,scalability, and maintainability; how we need to think about them; and how wecan achieve them. InChapter 2 we compare several different data models and query languages, andsee how they are appropriate to different situations. InChapter 3 we talk about storage engines: how databases arrange data ondisk so that we can find it again efficiently.Chapter 4 turns to formats for data encoding (serialization) and evolutionof schemas over time.


2. In Part II, we move from data stored on one machine to data that isdistributed across multiple machines. This is often necessary for scalability,but brings with it a variety of unique challenges. We first discuss replication(Chapter 5), parti tioning/sharding (Chapter 6), and transactions (Chapter 7). We then go into more detail on the problems with distributedsystems (Chapter 8) and what it means to achieveconsistency and consensus in a distributed system (Chapter 9).


3.    In Part III, we discuss systems that derive somedatasets from other datasets. Derived data often occurs in heterogeneoussystems: when there is no one database that can do everything well,applications need to integrate several different databases, caches, indexes,and so on. InChapter 10 we start with a batch processingapproach to derived data, and we build upon it with stream processing inChapter 11. Finally, inChapter 12 we put everything together and discuss approaches for buildingreliable, scalable, and maintainable applications in the future.


References and Further Reading


Most of what we discuss in this book has already been saidelsewhere in some form or another—in conference presentations, research papers,blog posts, code, bug trackers, mailing lists, and engineering folklore. Thisbook summarizes the most important ideas from many different sources, and itincludes pointers to the original literature throughout the text. Thereferences at the end of each chapter are a great resource if you want toexplore an area in more depth, and most of them are freely available online.


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Preface | xvii

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This book is an amalgamation and systematization of a largenumber of other people’s ideas and knowledge, combining experience from bothacademic research and industrial practice. In computing we tend to be attractedto things that are new and shiny, but I think we have a huge amount to learnfrom things that have been done before. This book has over 800 references toarticles, blog posts, talks, documentation, and more, and they have been aninvaluable learning resource for me. I am very grateful to the authors of thismaterial for sharing their knowledge.


I have also learned a lot from personal conversations,thanks to a large number of people who have taken the time to discuss ideas orpatiently explain things to me. In particular, I would like to thank Joe Adler,Ross Anderson, Peter Bailis, Márton Balassi, Alastair Beresford, MarkCallaghan, Mat Clayton, Patrick Collison, Sean Cribbs, Shirshanka Das, NiklasEkström, Stephan Ewen, Alan Fekete, Gyula Fóra, Camille Fournier, AndresFreund, John Garbutt, Seth Gilbert, Tom Haggett, Pat Hel land, Joe Hellerstein, Jakob Homan, Heidi Howard, JohnHugg, Julian Hyde, Conrad Irwin, Evan Jones, Flavio Junqueira, Jessica Kerr,Kyle Kingsbury, Jay Kreps, Carl Lerche, Nicolas Liochon, Steve Loughran, LeeMallabone, Nathan Marz, Caitie McCaffrey, Josie McLellan, ChristopherMeiklejohn, Ian Meyers, Neha Narkhede, Neha Narula, Cathy O’Neil, OnoraO’Neill, Ludovic Orban, Zoran Perkov, Julia Powles, Chris Riccomini, HenryRobinson, David Rosenthal, Jennifer Rullmann, Matthew Sackman, Martin Scholl,Amit Sela, Gwen Shapira, Greg Spurrier, Sam Stokes, Ben Stopford, Tom Stuart,Diana Vasile, Rahul Vohra, Pete Warden, and Brett Wooldridge.

谢谢那些和我耐心讨论并解释给我听的人,这些会话也让我获益匪浅。尤其是以下各位:Joe Adler, Ross Anderson, Peter Bailis,Márton Balassi, Alastair Beresford, Mark Callaghan, Mat Clayton, PatrickCollison, Sean Cribbs, Shirshanka Das, Niklas Ekström, Stephan Ewen, AlanFekete, Gyula Fóra, Camille Fournier, Andres Freund, John Garbutt, SethGilbert, Tom Haggett, Pat Hel land, Joe Hellerstein, Jakob Homan,Heidi Howard, John Hugg, Julian Hyde, Conrad Irwin, Evan Jones, FlavioJunqueira, Jessica Kerr, Kyle Kingsbury, Jay Kreps, Carl Lerche, NicolasLiochon, Steve Loughran, Lee Mallabone, Nathan Marz, Caitie McCaffrey, JosieMcLellan, Christopher Meiklejohn, Ian Meyers, Neha Narkhede, Neha Narula, CathyO’Neil, Onora O’Neill, Ludovic Orban, Zoran Perkov, Julia Powles, ChrisRiccomini, Henry Robinson, David Rosenthal, Jennifer Rullmann, Matthew Sackman,Martin Scholl, Amit Sela, Gwen Shapira, Greg Spurrier, Sam Stokes, BenStopford, Tom Stuart, Diana Vasile, Rahul Vohra, Pete Warden, and BrettWooldridge.

Several more people have been invaluable to the writing ofthis book by reviewing drafts and providing feedback. For these contributions Iam particularly indebted to Raul Agepati, Tyler Akidau, Mattias Andersson,Sasha Baranov, Veena Basavaraj, David Beyer, Jim Brikman, Paul Carey, RaulCastro Fernandez, Joseph Chow, Derek Elkins, Sam Elliott, Alexander Gallego,Mark Grover, Stu Halloway, Heidi Howard, Nicola Kleppmann, Stefan Kruppa, BjornMadsen, Sander Mak, Stefan Podkowinski, Phil Potter, Hamid Ramazani, SamStokes, and Ben Summers. Of course, I take all responsibility for any remainingerrors or unpalatable opinions in this book.

还有很多帮我校稿提供建议的人。我非常感谢以下人Raul Agepati, Tyler Akidau, MattiasAndersson, Sasha Baranov, Veena Basavaraj, David Beyer, Jim Brikman, PaulCarey, Raul Castro Fernandez, Joseph Chow, Derek Elkins, Sam Elliott, AlexanderGallego, Mark Grover, Stu Halloway, Heidi Howard, Nicola Kleppmann, StefanKruppa, Bjorn Madsen, Sander Mak, Stefan Podkowinski, Phil Potter, HamidRamazani, Sam Stokes, and Ben Summers.当然,本书遗留的错误和纰漏仍是我的错误。

For helping this book become real, and for their patiencewith my slow writing and unusual requests, I am grateful to my editors MarieBeaugureau, Mike Loukides, Ann Spencer, and all the team at O’Reilly. Forhelping find the right words, I thank Rachel Head. For giving me the time andfreedom to write in spite of other work commitments, I thank AlastairBeresford, Susan Goodhue, Neha Narkhede, and Kevin Scott.

非常感谢我的编辑谢谢Marie Beaugureau, Mike Loukides, AnnSpencer,O’Reilly的整个团队,他们耐心等我写完此书,并不厌其烦的解答我的疑问。Rachel Head帮助我找到合适的词汇。感谢Alastair Beresford, Susan Goodhue, Neha Narkhede, and Kevin Scott,他们跟我写作的时间和无限制的自由。

Very special thanks are due to Shabbir Diwan and EdieFreedman, who illustrated with great care the maps that accompany the chapters.It’s wonderful that they took on the unconventional idea of creating maps, andmade them so beautiful and compelling.

非常感谢Shabbir Diwan and Edie Freedman,他们为每章提供了插图。它们让本书变得有趣。

Finally, my love goes to my family and friends, without whomI would not have been able to get through this writing process that has takenalmost four years. You’re the best.


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