ORACLE RAC 一节点出现Suspending MMON slave action kewrmrfsa_ for 82800 seconds

今天上午,广州一Oracle数据库 11g rac集群的节点1出现告警提示:Suspending MMON slave action kewrmrfsa_ for 82800 seconds


[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$ sqlplus test/test

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri May 19 11:18:33 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.


[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$ps -ef|grep LOCAL=NO|wc -l


[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$


[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$ sqlplus /  as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri May 19 11:18:33 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

SQL> select event,count(*) from v$session where wait_class<>'Idle' group by event;


SQL> select event,count(*) from v$session where wait_class<>'Idle' group by event;

EVENT                                                                         COUNT(*)
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
enq: HW - contention                                                      1
SQL*Net message to client                                              1

SQL>select sid,username,sql_id,module,machine,program from v$session where event='enq: HW - contention' and sql_id is not null

       SID USERNAME                       SQL_ID        MODULE                              MACHINE                                                   PROGRAM
---------- ------------------------------ ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
       430 BMICNEW                        4vs91dcv7u1p6 plsqldev.exe                        Q3RF184E                                         plsqldev.exe

SQL> set long 100000
SQL> select sql_fulltext from v$sqlarea where sql_id='4vs91dcv7u1p6';

insert into sys.aud$( sessionid,entryid,statement,ntimestamp#, userid,userhost,t
erminal,action#,returncode, obj$creator,obj$name,auth$privileges,auth$grantee, n
ew$owner,new$name,ses$actions,ses$tid,logoff$pread, logoff$lwrite,logoff$dead,co
mment$text,spare1,spare2,  priv$used,clientid,sessioncpu,proxy$sid,user$guid, in
stance#,process#,xid,scn,auditid,  sqlbind,sqltext,obj$edition,dbid)  values(:1,
:2,:3,SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP),     :4,:5,:6,:7,:8,     :9,:10,:11,:12,
 :13,:14,:15,:16,:17,     :18,:19,:20,:21,:22,     :23,:24,:25,:26,:27,     :28,
:29,:30,:31,:32,     :33,:34,:35,:36)

SQL> select sid,spid, osuser, s.program from v$session s,v$process p where
s.paddr=p.addr and sid=&sid;  2
Enter value for sid: 430
old   2: s.paddr=p.addr and sid=&sid
new   2: s.paddr=p.addr and sid=430

       SID SPID                     OSUSER                         PROGRAM
---------- ------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
       430 33139                    Administrator                  plsqldev.exe

    查询到的sql是数据库自身的基表进行的Insert,于是尝试查杀该会话对应的系统进程:kill -9 33139


    有人说可能跟归档路径有关系,经查看数据库的归档路径是+ARCH,在节点一发起:alter system switch logfile;


Fri May 19 10:43:11 2017
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 21922 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 7 seq# 21922 mem# 0: +DATA/gzbmi/onlinelog/group_7.349.918726525


[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$ ps -ef|grep ora_
oracle   36354     1  0 Jan13 ?        01:19:43 ora_pmon_gzbmi1
oracle   36356     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:41:35 ora_psp0_gzbmi1
oracle   36358     1  0 Jan13 ?        1-05:44:24 ora_vktm_gzbmi1
oracle   36362     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:08:05 ora_gen0_gzbmi1
oracle   36364     1  0 Jan13 ?        02:44:09 ora_diag_gzbmi1
oracle   36366     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:33:55 ora_dbrm_gzbmi1
oracle   36368     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:17:22 ora_ping_gzbmi1
oracle   36370     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:06:58 ora_acms_gzbmi1
oracle   36372     1  0 Jan13 ?        12:43:37 ora_dia0_gzbmi1
oracle   36374     1  0 Jan13 ?        16:38:02 ora_lmon_gzbmi1
oracle   36376     1  0 Jan13 ?        05:14:26 ora_lmd0_gzbmi1
oracle   36378     1  0 Jan13 ?        13:07:21 ora_lms0_gzbmi1
oracle   36382     1  0 Jan13 ?        13:04:36 ora_lms1_gzbmi1
oracle   36386     1  0 Jan13 ?        13:06:21 ora_lms2_gzbmi1
oracle   36390     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:06:41 ora_rms0_gzbmi1
oracle   36392     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:17:44 ora_lmhb_gzbmi1
oracle   36394     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:57:45 ora_mman_gzbmi1
oracle   36396     1  0 Jan13 ?        01:37:48 ora_dbw0_gzbmi1
oracle   36398     1  0 Jan13 ?        01:39:29 ora_dbw1_gzbmi1
oracle   36400     1  0 Jan13 ?        01:39:10 ora_dbw2_gzbmi1
oracle   36402     1  0 Jan13 ?        01:38:37 ora_dbw3_gzbmi1
oracle   36404     1  0 Jan13 ?        03:27:51 ora_lgwr_gzbmi1
oracle   36406     1  0 Jan13 ?        04:29:21 ora_ckpt_gzbmi1
oracle   36408     1  0 Jan13 ?        01:26:17 ora_smon_gzbmi1
oracle   36410     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:04:03 ora_reco_gzbmi1
oracle   36412     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:09:02 ora_rbal_gzbmi1
oracle   36414     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:08:44 ora_asmb_gzbmi1
oracle   36422     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:03:50 ora_d000_gzbmi1
oracle   36424     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:03:48 ora_s000_gzbmi1
oracle   36426     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:12:38 ora_mark_gzbmi1
oracle   36432     1  0 Jan13 ?        06:48:47 ora_lck0_gzbmi1
oracle   36434     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:15:49 ora_rsmn_gzbmi1
oracle   36537     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:25:46 ora_arc0_gzbmi1
oracle   36539     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:29:15 ora_arc1_gzbmi1
oracle   36541     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:07:45 ora_arc2_gzbmi1
oracle   36543     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:25:44 ora_arc3_gzbmi1
oracle   36546     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:07:06 ora_gtx0_gzbmi1
oracle   36548     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:45:36 ora_rcbg_gzbmi1
oracle   41230     1  0 10:01 ?        00:00:03 ora_p000_gzbmi1
oracle   51435 47466  0 11:06 pts/2    00:00:00 grep ora_
[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$ ps -ef|grep asm_
grid     22587     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:56:55 asm_pmon_+ASM1
grid     22589     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:40:03 asm_psp0_+ASM1
grid     22591     1  0 Jan13 ?        1-05:47:40 asm_vktm_+ASM1
grid     22595     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:07:35 asm_gen0_+ASM1
grid     22597     1  0 Jan13 ?        02:31:03 asm_diag_+ASM1
grid     22599     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:21:24 asm_ping_+ASM1
grid     22601     1  0 Jan13 ?        19:48:03 asm_dia0_+ASM1
grid     22603     1  0 Jan13 ?        06:51:21 asm_lmon_+ASM1
grid     22605     1  0 Jan13 ?        04:58:18 asm_lmd0_+ASM1
grid     22607     1  0 Jan13 ?        08:30:03 asm_lms0_+ASM1
grid     22611     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:15:48 asm_lmhb_+ASM1
grid     22613     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:08:13 asm_mman_+ASM1
grid     22615     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:09:25 asm_dbw0_+ASM1
grid     22617     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:09:44 asm_lgwr_+ASM1
grid     22619     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:23:57 asm_ckpt_+ASM1
grid     22621     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:06:58 asm_smon_+ASM1
grid     22623     1  0 Jan13 ?        01:34:49 asm_rbal_+ASM1
grid     22625     1  0 Jan13 ?        01:08:11 asm_gmon_+ASM1
grid     22627     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:23:08 asm_mmon_+ASM1
grid     22629     1  0 Jan13 ?        03:20:59 asm_mmnl_+ASM1
grid     22631     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:28:17 asm_lck0_+ASM1
grid     22715     1  0 Jan13 ?        00:06:40 asm_asmb_+ASM1
oracle   51438 47466  0 11:06 pts/2    00:00:00 grep asm_

[grid@gzbmi01 ~]$srvctl stop instance -d gzbmi -n gzbmi01


Fri May 19 11:01:46 2017
Shutting down instance (immediate)
Stopping background process SMCO
Shutting down instance: further logons disabled
Stopping background process QMNC
Stopping background process MMNL
License high water mark = 212
Stopping Job queue slave processes, flags = 7
Job queue slave processes stopped
Fri May 19 11:02:40 2017
Stopping background process CJQ0
Fri May 19 11:06:49 2017
Active call for process 41230 user 'oracle' program 'oracle@gzbmi01 (P000)'
SHUTDOWN: waiting for active calls to complete.
Fri May 19 11:07:34 2017
All dispatchers and shared servers shutdown
ALTER DATABASE CLOSE NORMAL /* db agent *//* {1:61387:21743} */
Fri May 19 11:09:59 2017
Reconfiguration started (old inc 4, new inc 6)
List of instances:
 1 2 (myinst: 1) 
 Global Resource Directory frozen
 Communication channels reestablished
 Master broadcasted resource hash value bitmaps
 Non-local Process blocks cleaned out
Fri May 19 11:09:59 2017
 LMS 0: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed, 0 Xw survived
Fri May 19 11:09:59 2017
 LMS 2: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed, 0 Xw survived
Fri May 19 11:09:59 2017
 LMS 1: 0 GCS shadows cancelled, 0 closed, 0 Xw survived
 Set master node info 
 Submitted all remote-enqueue requests
 Dwn-cvts replayed, VALBLKs dubious
 All grantable enqueues granted
Fri May 19 11:11:48 2017
License high water mark = 212
USER (ospid: 52209): terminating the instance
Instance terminated by USER, pid = 52209

[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$ ps -ef|grep ora_

[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$


[grid@gzbmi01 ~]$srvctl start instance -d gzbmi -n gzbmi01


Fri May 19 11:14:12 2017
Adjusting the default value of parameter parallel_max_servers
from 1280 to 470 due to the value of parameter processes (500)
Starting ORACLE instance (normal)


Starting background process QMNC
Fri May 19 11:14:53 2017
QMNC started with pid=46, OS id=52912 
Completed: ALTER DATABASE OPEN /* db agent *//* {1:61387:21775} */
Fri May 19 11:14:56 2017
Starting background process CJQ0
Fri May 19 11:14:56 2017
CJQ0 started with pid=51, OS id=52941


[oracle@gzbmi01 ~]$ sqlplus bmiCnew/bmiCnew

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri May 19 11:18:33 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
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Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options



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