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原创 1002_c

#include#include#includechar telephone[100001][20];char table[]="22233344455566670778889990";char temp[20];int compare(const void *arg1,const void *arg2){ return strcmp((char *)arg1,...

2012-10-09 21:27:48 157

原创 C++ String: How to assign or compare strings


2012-10-09 16:41:20 176

原创 1000_C++

#includeusing namespace std;int main(){ int a,b; cin>>a>>b; cout

2012-10-04 20:52:51 273

原创 1002_C++

#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;string changestr(string str);char atonum(char c);int main(){ int n; string str,cstr; map m; map::iterator it; cin>>n; whil...

2012-10-04 20:51:55 157


Your domain name has a DNS zone which consists of the following records:NS - specifies which are the DNS servers for your domain;A - specifies IP addresses corresponding to your domain and its s...

2012-10-03 21:37:17 199

原创 运维工程师

[url]http://www.uml.org.cn/site/201207175.asp[/url]think about it .[url]http://g.51cto.com/linuxengineers/136390[/url]learn it.

2012-09-29 22:23:21 356

原创 the C++

1.In retrospect, I think the overall structure of C++ was shaped as much by general "world view" as it was shaped by the detailed computer science concepts used to form its individual parts.2.I de...

2012-09-26 19:35:53 107

原创 C++ primer

1.what is relevant ,though, was the focus on composing a software out of well-delimited modules and that the main experimental tool was a relatively large and detailed simulator I wrote for simulating...

2012-09-26 14:39:58 108

原创 真正认识 realloc 的工作方式。

真正认识 realloc 的工作方式。Posted on 2008-11-20 13:12 啊夏 阅读(3563) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏realloc 用过很多次了。无非就是将已经存在的一块内存扩大。char* p = malloc(1024);char* q = realloc(p,2048);现在的问题是我们应该如何处理指针 p。 刚开始按照我最直观的理解...

2012-09-21 22:28:16 104

原创 mysql cookbook 读书比较1


2012-09-15 14:21:20 115

原创 C++类的大小——sizeof()


2012-09-14 11:11:19 88

原创 析构函数 为什么是虚的?

[url]http://www.cnblogs.com/wangkangluo1/archive/2012/05/11/2496589.html[/url]注: 1.析构函数其实是一个函数,不论子类还是父类,虽然可能看起来名字不一样。而且析构函数执行过程都是执行子类再到父类。 2.多态的时候一定要将析构函数写成虚函数,防止内存泄露,各个子类维护自己内部数据释放。 ...

2012-09-14 10:39:52 262

原创 mysql

[url]cycnet.blog.51cto.com/117809/812625 [/url]----推荐ubuntu下安装mysql  看来心浮气躁是无法解决问题了,干脆静下心来,又找到不少关于MySQL安装的介绍文章。多次尝试之后,终于在荆棘丛中觅得一条小径。。。1. 从http://www.mysql.com下载二进制版的Mysql安装包 //这个MYSQL是二进制版的,...

2012-09-13 17:48:21 111

原创 今日单词

prosecute 起诉propagate 传播analogy 比喻security monoculture 安全单作thwart 阻挠daunting 令人生畏canary 金丝雀incur 招致convoluted 令人费解的out of blue 出于蓝underway 进行harnessing 利用pervasive ...

2012-09-11 17:28:30 97

原创 今日单词

artifacts 文物abelian group 交换群negation 否定additive inverse 加法逆encompass 涵盖Fractional Binary Numbers 二进制小数号码missile 导弹velocity 速度significand 尾数reduced 减少inconsequential ...

2012-09-05 23:11:54 68

原创 慢慢积累

1.我的家是一座城堡,风可以进来,但是女王没我的同意不能进来。 2.三老:老板,老干部,老百姓。 3.Life is short, [the] craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgment difficult.4. "Computer science education cannot mak...

2012-09-01 16:05:55 99

原创 CGI and \r\n

a de facto standard called Common Gateway Interface(CGI——通用网关接口) The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard (see RFC 3875: CGI Version 1.1) method for web server software to delegate the ge...

2012-09-01 14:49:03 152

原创 今日单词

magnitude 大小runaway 逃亡的vendor 供应商blissful 幸福wristwatch 手表Concurrency and Parallelism 并发和并行simulate 模拟superscalar 超标量(流水线)intermediary 中介sink 沉hub 集线器frame 帧pay...

2012-09-01 09:10:25 59

原创 我的书单

《The Little Schemer》:我觉得 Dan Friedman 的 The Little Schemer (TLS) 是目前最好,最精华的编程入门教材。它的前身叫《The Little Lisper》。很多资深的程序语言专家都是从这本书学会了 Lisp。虽然它叫 "The Little Schemer",但它并不使用 Scheme 所有的功能,而是忽略了上面提到的 Scheme 的毛病...

2012-08-31 12:16:39 85

原创 今日单词 Concurrency and Parallelism

ratify 批准flawed 有缺陷的quirky 古怪的gibberish 乱码overhead 开销incurred 产生的ubiquitous 普及perplexing 复杂的conduit 导管今天下午感觉很轻松,喜欢这种感觉,怀疑了一些东西,但是还是有很多东西是美好的。要有两个线程正在执行...

2012-08-30 15:41:57 97

原创 LaTeX graphics

[url]http://blog.csdn.net/shenlan211314/article/details/625177[/url]一、不要使用依赖于图形放置位置的文本。使用如“ 这幅图...” 或“ 下面的图形...” 等短语要求所指的图形需在固定位置。而像“ 图5...” 这样的短语则允许图形出现在任意位置。二、放松。一些使用者在发现图形没有十分准确的出现在他们所想要的...

2012-08-28 19:29:33 1018

原创 今日单词

template 模板conversely 反过来mousetrap 捕鼠器elapsed 过去cubical 立方体herald 先锋dashes 破折号dot 点rational number 有理数typeset 排字subject 主题Calculus 结石 微积分customary 习惯性immateri...

2012-08-27 17:36:51 129

原创 50个c/c++源代码网站 and 今日单词

原文链接[url]http://www.cnblogs.com/feisky/archive/2010/03/05/1679160.html[/url][url]http://www.boost.org/[/url]1、[url]http://snippets.dzone.com/tag/c/[/url] --数以千计的有用的C语言源代码片段 2、[url]http://www...

2012-08-25 12:28:19 234

原创 项脊轩志 and 今日单词


2012-08-24 20:29:20 83

原创 file processing and 今日单词

File processing in any language tends to be idiomatic in the sense that you need to [b]learn a general strategy[/b] and then apply that strategy in the applications you write. C++ is no exception to ...

2012-08-23 20:22:27 74

原创 EOF 在windows和UNIX下的故事 今日单词

EOF:end of file.值一般为-1.windows下为 ctrl+z.UNIX下为 ctrl+D.关于其是否作为流结束的标识,其检查方式有两种:windows采用阻塞式。 阻塞式检查方式指的是只有在回车键按下之后才对此前是否有 Ctrl+Z组合键按下进行检查。这种阻塞式的方式有一个特点:只有按下回车之后才有可能检测在此之前是否有Ctrl+Z按下。还有一个...

2012-08-22 14:55:56 173

原创 difference of struct C and C++

[url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/64973255(v=VS.90).aspx[/url]// struct1.cppstruct PERSON { // Declare PERSON struct type int age; // Declare member types long ss; flo...

2012-08-22 13:12:39 78

原创 fflush flush 很晕

char *fgets(char *restrict buf, int n, FILE *restrict fp);fgets : [b]including[/b] the next newline,but no more than n-1 characters,into the buffer.char *gets(char *buf);it [b]doesn't store th...

2012-08-21 17:37:59 983

原创 template definition

[b]function templates[/b] are special functions that can operate with generic types. this allows us to create a function template whose functionality can be adapted to more than one type or class with...

2012-08-21 15:42:30 144

原创 getline cin.getline gets puts


2012-08-21 11:37:34 75

原创 xrange and 今日单词

xrange([start], stop[, step]) This function is very similar to range(), but returns an “xrange object” instead of a list. This is an opaque sequence type which yields the same values as the correspo...

2012-08-20 17:56:03 81

原创 car cdr cadr 服务器

SAMBA[url]http://www.dotnetperls.com/cons-car-cdr-cadr-scheme[/url]---car cdr cadr[url]http://www.rubik.com.cn/revenge2.htm[/url]----pdf it !

2012-08-18 22:08:47 287

原创 用TCP/IP进行网际互联笔记(2)

1.网际控制报文协议(Internet Control Message Protocal)是IP的一个必要组成部分,用于报告异常情况或发送控制信息。在大多数情况下,ICMP差错报文来源于因特网中的路由器;ICMP报文总是被发回到引起差错的数据报的最初源站。2.ICMP包括降低传输速率的源站抑制报文,请求主机改变其路由表的报文,以及主机可用来确定目的站是否可达的回送请求/回答报文。3.ICM...

2012-08-12 17:56:32 391

原创 无缓存I/O 和 标准I/O


2012-08-11 22:07:55 74

原创 用TCP/IP进行网际互联笔记(1)


2012-08-11 21:11:18 719

原创 timer

The basic idea of a timer is that they allow tasks to be run at sometime in the future.The responsibility of actually running them is then turned overto someone else, such as the scheduler....

2012-08-09 19:42:47 71

原创 return value of wait() and waitpid()

RETURN VALUEThe process ID of the child which exited, or zero if WNOHANG was used and no child was available, or -1 on error [b](in which case errno is set to an appropriate value). [/b]ERRORS...

2012-08-08 21:18:40 79

原创 error 大集合

/usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h#ifndef _ASM_GENERIC_ERRNO_BASE_H#define _ASM_GENERIC_ERRNO_BASE_H#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */#define ENOENT 2 /* No su...

2012-08-08 21:09:16 186

原创 volatile and job and EINTR

Generally speaking, the [b]volatile[/b] keyword is intended to [b]prevent the compiler from applying any optimizations [/b]on the code that assume values of variables cannot change "on their own."...

2012-08-08 21:08:09 70

原创 SIGCLD 和今日单词


2012-08-06 21:27:26 104



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