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原创 Weblogic 10.3 insallment and Cluster setup - 4

--- verify and troubleshoot ---add these configuration in window host file192.168.0.84            vm.mydomain.com192.168.0.85            vm.mydomain.comdownload InMemRepClient.war and inst

2011-12-01 16:03:39 434

原创 Weblogic 10.3 insallment and Cluster setup - 3

--- cluster setup ---1.start new doman admin console2. open admin console URL http://localhost:7001/console/login/LoginForm.jspkey in user name/password to log on as administrator

2011-12-01 16:02:29 874

原创 Weblogic 10.3 insallment and Cluster setup - 2

Thursday, December 1, 2011Weblogic 10.3 insallment and Cluster setup - 2 --- create a new domain ---1. install weblogic on both server2. go to click 'Configurati

2011-12-01 15:47:56 344

原创 Weblogic 10.3 insallment and Cluster setup - 1

--- weblogic installment ---env:jdk 1.6.0_23window server 2008 enterprise 64-bit OSserver ip192.168.0.84192.168.0.85  > install weblogic server on click in

2011-12-01 15:40:57 362

原创 How to convert XSD to XML or vice versa

- Preparation1. JAXB librarydownload JAXB library from http://jaxb.java.net/execute this jar as java -jar On Windows, you can just double-click the jar file to execute. 2. Trang libraryhttp://code.google.com/p/jing-trang/downloads/list- XSD t

2011-05-18 11:25:00 746

原创 Develop Web Service With Axis2 #9 - HTTP Basic Authentication in Weblogic

<br />My Environment:<br />JDK v1.6.x<br />Axis2 V1.5.4<br />Weblogic v1.03<br /><br />1) add 'user'/'user group' in weblogic<br /><br /

2011-01-21 15:06:00 833

原创 Develop Web Service With Axis2 #8 - 在部署axis2时的问题和解决办法

<br />我的应用环境如下:<br />JDK  v1.6.x<br />Axis2  v1.5.4<br />Ant  v1.7.1<br />Hibernate  v3.3.1<br />Tomcat  v6.0.26<br />Weblogic v1.03 <br /><br />1) 当部署axis2 war文件到tomcat,tomcat无法正常启动<br /><br />这是我看到的异常在tomcat启动的时候<br /><br />SEVERE: Erro

2011-01-21 13:20:00 2716

原创 Develop Web Service With Axis2 #7 - Add Custom Soap Header in Response Soap Message

This article will talk about how to add soap headers in response soap message, not work around solution mentioned in previous article.The

2011-01-04 18:07:00 1673

原创 用Axis2开发web service #3 - Custom Fault Message

<br />public interface UserServices {<br />    UserProfileResponse getUserProfile(String userId) throws WebServiceFault;<br /><br />    Us

2011-01-04 10:20:00 762

原创 用Axis2开发web service #6 - Workaround Solution for Custom "Header" on Skeleton/Stub side

Right now, I did not find a way to put to response message on skeleton in axis2.Someone suggests to write own message receiver, and someo

2011-01-04 10:16:00 691

原创 用Axis2开发web service #5 - Custom Soap Header on Stub side

<br />1) if only add a simple string to header  <br /><br /><br />--- stub code<br /><br />OMFactory omFactory =OMAbstractFactory.getOMFac

2011-01-04 10:15:00 1059

原创 用Axis2开发web service #4 - Axis2 Style Interceptor

If you are familiar with struts2, you would know there are so many interceptors work together in strut2 framework. Similarly, Axis2 provid

2011-01-04 10:14:00 958

原创 用Axis2开发web service #2 - Work on Skeleton Code

1. generate skeleton code based on WSDL fileWSDL2Java Referencego to %testaxis1_folder% to run this command:wsdl2java -uri resource/UserSe

2011-01-04 10:06:00 663

原创 用Axis2开发web service #1 - 从生成WSDL文件开始

<br />- Contrast-First VS Code-First<br /><br />Contract-first 开发方式是先定义XML Schema/WSDL契约,然后再写代码。<br />Code-first 开发方式是根据源代码,对于java来讲,通常是个i

2011-01-04 10:03:00 1453

原创 troubleshooting procedure for Spring + Hessian

1) How to get HttpServletRequest object so as to call getRemoteAddr()There is a request from client to restrict a limit of machines' IPs to

2010-11-15 16:14:00 763

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 16 (Cont.)- Resolve NullPointerException on weblogic v10.3

In this article http://wangxiangblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/spring-v302-learning-note-16-integrate.html, I mentioned that NullPointerException

2010-11-15 15:26:00 825

转载 JavaScript类和继承:prototype属性

转自 http://developer.51cto.com/art/200907/134911.htm本文介绍了JavaScript里面的prototype属性。这个属性是理解JavaScript类和继承的重要基础。我们已经在第一章中使用prototype属性模拟类和继承的实现。 prototype属性本质上还是一个JavaScript对象。 并且每个函数都有一个默认的prototype属性。 如果这个函数被用在创建自定义对象的场景中,我们称这个函数为构造函数。 比如下面一个简单的场景:// 构

2010-11-15 14:56:00 327

转载 JavaScript类和继承:this属性

转自 http://developer.51cto.com/art/200902/111044.htm本文介绍了JavaScript里面的this属性。这个属性是理解JavaScript类和继承的重要基础。this属性表示当前对象,如果在全局作用范围内使用this,则指代当前页面对象window; 如果在函数中使用this,则this指代什么是根据运行时此函数在什么对象上被调用。 我们还可以使用apply和call两个全局方法来改变函数中this的具体指向。先看一个在全局作用范围内使用this的

2010-11-15 14:55:00 320

原创 Start to develop web service with Hessian

This article is to demonstrate how to develop web service APIs using hessian. ( access http://hessian.caucho.com/ to learn more details abo

2010-11-15 14:54:00 532

原创 CRUD data in LDAP with spring v3.x

Environment:JDK 1.6.xOralce Identity Directory 11g Spring 3.x --add the following ldap-related jar files in spring to your projectspring-ldap-core-tiger-1.3.0.RELEASE.jarspring-ldap-1.3.0.RELEASE-all.jarcommons-lang-1.6.2.jarcommons-logging-1.0

2010-11-15 14:53:00 518

原创 Batch script to delete file older than N days

There is a requirement to remove log files generated before N days. Initially, I plan to develop it using java program, and create a job to run the java program via 'Task Scheduler'. But, DOS batch script is easier than java program.The following s

2010-11-15 14:43:00 839

原创 replicate session in clustering weblogic v10.3

Even set 2 weblogic instances as clustering servers, the session can not be replicated by default. let's we have the code to get session as follows. HttpSession session = request.getSession();Object myObj = session.getAttribute("myObjKey");  If wan

2010-11-15 14:41:00 884

原创 How to add shortcut icon

I am not so sure how to name it. just call it shortcut icon, what is shortcut icon? The icon in front of the URL at address barIf adding this site to your bookmarks, you also see the icon shown in the bookmark list with the site name.take the site ht

2010-11-15 14:40:00 533

原创 reset admin password for weblogic v10.3

scenario 1, sometimes we might forget the admin console password.scenario 2, we want to skip to key in username/password while admin console startupgo to /user_projects/domains//servers/AdminServer/to add a folder /security and add a new property boo

2010-11-15 14:38:00 519

原创 Config log4j to print SOAP content with AXIS2

log4j.rootLogger=debug# set to false to turn off log4j debug statementslog4j.debug=true# Turns off logging in log4j# log4j.threshold=OFF# set standard out appender.log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppenderlog4j.appender.stdout.la

2010-11-15 14:37:00 451

原创 Hibernate Tools with Eclipse

>>> install hibernate tools in eclipse> select eclipse menu 'Help' - 'Install New Software...' to open a dialog and add the new site http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/ to install/update hibernate tools as follows.> eclipse will auto l

2010-11-15 14:32:00 431

原创 Custom redirect after login liferay

I assume you installed liferay portal v5.2.3 Bundled with Tomcat 5.5 by this way http://blog.csdn.net/wxhawk/archive/2010/11/15/6009959.aspx. Our target is to redirect to a specified community page after a user login. Of course the user is a member o

2010-11-15 14:01:00 787

原创 Install liferay framework and integrate with MySql or other database

I am asked to learn liferay,which is an open source portal framework, to make a demo as soon as possible. Unluckily, I have never heard of it before. have no choice, I have to google about it, go to the related forms I can found,etc.The first probl

2010-11-15 13:52:00 518

原创 Logging and Spring AOP

ProblemNormally, we log down the values of parameters of a method and the value of return of a method. For example,public class MyClass {      public YYY getSomething(int id, Object obj) {             log.debug ("para[id]="+id+",para[obj]="+obj);

2010-10-27 16:42:00 705

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 16 - Integrate With Hessian

Reference Library%SPRING%/dist/com.springsource.org.aopalliance-1.0.0.jar%SPRING%/dist/org.springframework.aop-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar%SPRING%/dist/org.springframework.asm-3.0.4.RELEASE.jar%SPRING%/dist/org.springframework.beans-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar%SPRING%

2010-10-25 13:28:00 1163

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 15 - Use Velocity Email Template with Spring

go on with Learning Note 14 - Send Email With SpringReference Libraryneed add the following reference library files for velocity%SPRING_DEP%/org.apache.commons/com.springsource.org.apache.commons.collections/3.2.1/com.springsource.org.apache.commons.co

2010-10-25 11:17:00 963

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 14 - Send Email with Spring

Reference Library%SPRING%/dist/org.springframework.core-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar%SPRING%/dist/org.springframework.asm-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar%SPRING%/

2010-10-25 11:16:00 847

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 12 - Integrate with Hiberate

与hibernate的集成环境Spring v3.0.2Hibernate V3.3.1 MySql v5.0.22JDK 1.6.x数据库脚本:drop database if exists `springlearn`;create database `springlearn`;use `springlearn`;create  table `springlearn`.`spring_seq_no` (  seq_no  int(20) not null primary key, 

2010-10-25 11:15:00 1204

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 13 - AOP Example

命名空间的支持     xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"    xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop"    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/bean

2010-10-25 11:15:00 749

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 10 - Annotation-based Transaction Management

基于注解的事务管理配置数据源:    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"    xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop"    xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx"    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/be

2010-10-25 11:14:00 401

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 11 - XML-based Transaction Management

    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"    xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop"    xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx"    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans        ht

2010-10-25 11:14:00 345

转载 解惑 spring 嵌套事务

转自http://www.javaeye.com/topic/35907/**   * @author 王政   * @date 2006-11-24   * @note 转载请注明出处   */    在所有使用 spring 的应用中, 声明式事务管理可能是使用率最高的功能了, 但是, 从我观察到的情况看, 绝大多数人并不能深刻理解事务声明中不同事务传播属性配置的的含义, 让我们来看一下 TransactionDefinition 接口中的定义 。Java代码 /** 

2010-10-25 11:13:00 220

转载 详解Spring事务属性

转自 http://www.javaeye.com/topic/78674Spring声明式事务让我们从复杂的事务处理中得到解脱。使得我们再也无需要去处理获得连接、关闭连接、事务提交和回滚等这些操作。再也无需要我们在与事务相关的方法中处理大量的try…catch…finally代码。 我们在使用Spring声明式事务时,有一个非常重要的概念就是事务属性。事务属性通常由事务的传播行为,事务的隔离级别,事务的超时值和事务只读标志组成。我们在进行事务划分时,需要进行事务定义,也就是配置事务的属性。 S

2010-10-25 11:12:00 250

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 9 - Classpath Scanning

在classpath自动扫描将组件纳入容器管理前面的例子都是使用xml的bean定义来配置组件,即便使用了@Resource或者@Autowired的方式减少了一部分bean的定义,但是在一个稍大的项目中,通常还是会有几十甚至数百个组件,查找或维护都不太方便。自从Spring v2.5以后,引入了组件自动扫描的机制,它可以在类路径下寻找标注了@Component、@Service、@Controller、@Repository注解的类,并将这些类纳入spring容器进行管理。它的作用和在xm

2010-10-25 11:11:00 406

原创 Spring v3.0.2 Learning Note 7 - Constructor-based dependency injection

基于构造器的注入方式package com.spring.test.dao;public class PersonDao {    public void add() {        System.out.println("This is add() method in DAO layer.");    }}--------------------------------------------------------------------------package co

2010-10-25 11:10:00 299



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