
Team Red has the ball. Mario and Juan runs down the field. He passes the ball to Carlos of vigous. Carlos goes for the goal land. He misses, but the ball is tealing play. Mario against the ball again, and he kickes it. It handing right for the goal, but Juan mirrors catch it. and Blue team get the save.

Which team has the ball first?
Who gets a goal? No one.
Who gets a save for his team?

Welcome to Cooking with Kara, Today, I make intermiddle soup. It’s one of my favours dishes to make in my restaurant. So I’m excite to share with you on my TV show. This reserp has a lot of peppers. It’s really spicy, so it’s good to server with sandwidge or bread, and very very glass of water. If you like spicy food, It’s quite delicious. It’s also good for you. It has a lot of vegetables in it, pepper, carriers, onions and my secrete idea corn. OK, let’s good sawd it.

What is “Cooking with Kara”? A TV show.
What is Kara making? soup.
How spicy is Kara’s dish? very spicy.

He runs up and down the field and he kicks the ball at the goal.
Someone frome a TV show is interviewing Manuel after his soccer team won a game. You are Manuel.
Listen and Think what to say. Listen and Respond, Compare.

She runs up and down the field very fast.
That computer is really expensive. I don’t have enough money to buy it!
You nedd to kick really hard if you want to score a goal.
My mother drives very fast. It’s really dangerous!
Sarah plays on a basketball team at her school.
Our neighbors are quite loud every night. I wish they didn’t play music all the time.
How many goals did your team score during the game?
Do you like the soup? No. It’s very bland.

Why is Jeff at the doctor’s office? He got sick after a trip.
What did Jeff do in Yemen? He visited an old city.
Who went to a palace in Yemen? Both Jeff and Dr. Bakir.
Why does Jeff want to go back to work on Thurday?He has to give a presentation.
What didi Jeff like about Socotra Island? the interesting plants.
Who went to Socotra Island? Only Jeff.
Speaking?Can I look at your throat, please?
Could I look at your ears now?Yes, of course.
Can I go to work tomorrow?
No, you can’t.
May I go back to work then?
Yes, I think so.
Can I go to the movies tonight?
Yes, you can go if you’re home before 9:00.
May I work from home tomorrow?
No, you can’t because there’s an important meeting in the office.
Could I take a vacation soon?
Yes,you can take a vacation next week.

Speaking.I had a wonderful time.
Its history is in creatable.
I visited my grandparents in Yemen when I was a teenager.
We took a tour of the Rock Palace.
It was amazing.
We flew to the Alan from Sanaa.
it was extremely beautiful.

Hi Melvin.
I had an

Speaking\ I had a wonderful time.
Speaking\ Can I look at your throat, please?
Leigh is talking to her boss, Mr. Tan. You are leigh. Listen and Think What to Say. Listen and Respond, Compare.

Speaking\May I go back to work then?
Can I work from home tomorrow?No, you can’t. I need you in the office.
I like to take tours on vacation because I like learning about a new place.
Could I borrow your laptop this weekend? Yes, of course.
My favorite beach is on an island in the Atlantic Ocean.
May I use your computer this morning?Yes, you can. I don’t need it until after midday.
What do you like about traveling? I enjoy learning about the history of a city.
Can I sit in that seat? I’m sorry. My wife is going to sit there.
The island is surrounded by bright blue water.

Grammar, Vocabulary
Angie has some good news.
Lorenzo was upset that he missed the goal.
May I use your bathroom?
She’s really good-looking.
Thalia stays at the office late because she is a hard worker.
I want to finish my studies because I don’t want to be a server my whole life.
Sera doesn’t have enough money to buy that expensive dress.
My best friend Jodie and I together do everything.
Meisha has a bad cold and he can’t speak very well.
Do you like to stay in nice hotels or cheap hotels when you are on vacation?

Tom has an easy job. He doesn’t have to do very much.
Rego doesn’t have a good idea for the product. He needs to put in moure hard work.
Everyoen was happy when Tommy scored the first goal of the match.
In the game of baseball, what do you do with the ball?hit it and throw it.

Can I speak with Tom right now? It’s important. I’m sorry, you can’t. He’s not home right now.
May I give you this letter and can you give it to Lisa? No problem. I can give it to her tomorrow.
He’s not really tall enough to be a good basketball player.
I wasn’t quite old enough to drive a car, but now I am.

I love this idea. It’s breaktichal and useful.
Grammar, I finished it yesterday.
I started designing it last week, on Tuesday.
I worked on the drawings this weekend.
It’s after midday.
I wanted to make sure it was perfect.
Jeremy had three meetings on Monday.
Priya started working for the comapani in 2012.
Carla made breakfast this morning.
Jackie bought a new bike a week ago.
Victor went to Sandusky last month.
Beverly got up after midday on Saturday!

Grammar. Where should we go?
There’s something important I want to show you.
Ok, What is it?
We can’t talk about it here。
Should we go somewhere else?
Yes, we shouldn’t be in the hallway.
Where should we go?
Let’s go to one of our desks.
Which desk do you want to go to?
Let’s go to mine.

Choose the right answer.

Should we tell the boss about the broken computer?
Where do you want to go for lunch?Let’s get lunch at the food truck.
You should see a doctor if you’re sick.
When should I tell my boss that I got a new job?
When do you want me to call you? You should call me afater 5:00.
When do you want to play soccer? Let’s play in the morning before it gets hot.

Grammar. Where should we go?
Skill Practice
Put the response into the right places.
What should we do on vacation?
Let’s drive to the beach.

Speaking. Let’s go to one of our desks.
Listen and Think What to Say. Listen and respond. compare.

Hi, can I ask you something? I need some advice.
My cousin send me this text message. Hi, Minyog, I want to Freetics landly, let’s go. Should I go with her.
Yes, you should go with her. That sounds fine.
What should I tell her?
You should thanks for her inviting you itelay .
That’s a good sugestion. Can I ask you something else?
Of course.
I borrowed my roomate sweater without her pomission, and I got possort it, she was very mad, and we have a big fight. Should I apologize?
Yes, you should apologize.
What do you think I should say?
You should say sorry.
Should I do angthing else?
Yes,you should buy her a new sweater.
Great idea. Ok, one last question. Do you like eating good food?
Yes, I love good food.
Then, Let’s go to the new restaurant around the corner. I’m hungry.
That sounds great, Let’s go.

Exercise Grammar. I finished it yestoday.

Chose the right answer.
I played soccer in the park yesterday.
Let’s go to a museum after lunch.
I went to Brazil last month.
Should I work from home tommorrow?
I started this job in 2014.
What do you want to do tonight? We should watch a movie.
I worked in a factory three years ago.
I have a sore throat, What should I do?
We won our football game last Monday.



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    '''A docstring'''
    if param1 > param2: # interesting
        print 'Greater'
    return (param2 - param1 + 1) or None
class SomeClass:
>>> message = '''interpreter
... prompt'''






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