IOS Iphone 6 以及Iphone6 Plus 屏幕的适配



iPhone 6 Plus /iPhone 6S Plus (@3x)

iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 /iPhone 6S(@2x)

iPhone 4s (@2x)

iPad and iPad mini (@2x)

iPad 2 and iPad mini (@1x)

Table 45-1Size (in pixels) of custom icons and images


iPhone 6s Plus and iPhone 6 Plus (@3x)

iPhone 6s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 5 (@2x)

iPhone 4s (@2x)

iPad and iPad mini (@2x)

iPad 2 and iPad mini (@1x)

iPad Pro (@2x)

App icon (requiredfor all apps)

180 x 180

120 x 120

120 x 120

152 x 152

76 x 76

167 x 167

App icon for the App Store (requiredfor all apps)

1024 x 1024

1024 x 1024

1024 x 1024

1024 x 1024

1024 x 1024

1024 x 1024

Launch file or image (requiredfor all apps)

Use a launch file (see Launch Files)

For iPhone 6s and iPhone 6, use a launch file (see Launch Files)

For iPhone 5, 640 x 1136

640 x 960

1536 x 2048 (portrait)

2048 x 1536 (landscape)

768 x 1024 (portrait)

1024 x 768 (landscape)

2048 x 2732 (portrait)

2732 x 2048 (landscape)

Spotlight search results icon (recommended)

180 x 180

For iPhone 6s and iPhone 6, use 120 x 120

For iPhone 5, use 80 x 80

80 x 80

120 x 120

60 x 60

120 x 120

Settings icon (recommended)

87 x 87

58 x 58

58 x 58

58 x 58

29 x 29

58 x 58

Toolbar and navigation bar icon (optional)

About 66 x 66

About 44 x 44

About 44 x 44

About 44 x 44

About 22 x 22

About 44 x 44

Tab bar icon (optional)

About 75 x 75 (maximum: 144 x 96)

About 50 x 50 (maximum: 96 x 64)

About 50 x 50 (maximum: 96 x 64)

About 50 x 50 (maximum: 96 x 64)

About 25 x 25 (maximum: 48 x 32)

About 50 x 50 (maximum: 96 x 64)

Web clip icon (recommended for web apps and websites)

180 x 180

120 x 120

120 x 120

152 x 152

76 x 76

167 x 167


Icon-Small@3x.png     87*87

Icon-40@3x.png           120*120

Icon-60@3x.png           180*180

Icon.png                        57*57

Icon@2x.png                114*114

Icon-Small.png                29*29

Icon-Small@2x.png            58*58

Icon-Small-50.png            50*50

Icon-Small-50@2x.png        100*100

Icon-72.png                    72*72

Icon-72@2x.png                144*144

Icon-40.png                    40*40

Icon-40@2x.png                80*80

Icon-60.png                    60*60

Icon-60@2x.png                120*120

Icon-76.png                    76*76

Icon-76@2x.png                152*152


 LaunchImage (启动图片)

For iPhone 6

750 x 1334 (@2x) for portrait (竖屏)

1334 x 750 (@2x) for landscape (横屏)

For iPhone 6 Plus:

1242 x 2208 (@3x) for portrait

2208 x 1242 (@3x) for landscape


4.0 inch screen:

Default-568h@2x.png (old 640x1136 ~ for iPhone 5)

4.0 inch screen: 

LaunchImage-700-568h@2x.png (new 640x1136 ~ for iPhone 5)


4.7 inch screen: 

LaunchImage-800-667h@2x.png (750x1334 ~ for iPhone 6)


5.5 inch screen: 

LaunchImage-800-Portrait-736h@3x.png (1242x2208 ~ for iPhone 6 Plus Portrait)

5.5 inch screen: 

LaunchImage-800-Landscape-736h@3x.png (2208x1242 ~ for iPhone 6 Plus Landscape)


Retina iPad:

Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png (1536x2048 ~ for Retina  iPad Portrait)

Retina iPad:

Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png (2048x1536 ~ for Retina  iPad Landscape)

iPad Mini/iPad:

Default-Portrait~ipad.png (768x1024 ~ for  iPad Portrait)

iPad Mini/iPad:

Default-Landscape~ipad.png (1024x768 ~ for  iPad Landscape)


2.如果没有对Iphone 6以及Iphone 6 Plus, Iphone 6s ,IPhone 6s Plus 进行屏幕的适配,系统是兼容这种模式的,只不过系统会把要显示的信息等比例放大,显示效果有些模糊.此时APP 内部获取到的设备分辨率和 Iphone 5s 一样的: 320 * 568h


(1).添加大屏的启动LaunchImage 介绍的方法如下:

(2)添加Launch Screen File

Launch Screen File 是Xcode6 IOS8 中新出的功能,Xcode 用一个Xib文件来作为启动界面.如果APP运行的版本低于IOS8 则该功能则会忽略,不会出现异常. 下图就是设置启动画面的地方:





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