iOS Animation core-animation 总结中..

       CAAnimation 继承自 NSObject,比较重要的方法我列到下面:


/* Creates a new animation object. */

+ (id)animation;  //工厂方法

/* Animations implement the same property model as defined by CALayer. See CALayer.h for more details. */

+ (id)defaultValueForKey:(NSString *)key; //(CALayer中的可以被动画的属性,凡是带animatable 均可)

* A timing function defining the pacing of the animation. Defaults to nil indicating linear pacing. */

@property(retain)CAMediaTimingFunction *timingFunction; // 抽象理解就是插值方法

@property(retain) id delegate;  //动画开始和结束的delegate,可以设置此属性,进行相应的操作。

其中,delegate 定义如下:

@interface NSObject (CAAnimationDelegate)

/* Called when the animation begins its active duration. */

- (void)animationDidStart:(CAAnimation *)anim;

- (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation *)anim finished:(BOOL)flag;


属性动画 CAPropertyAnimation 继承 自 CAAnimation,CALayer的属性动画

/** Subclass for property-based animations. **/

@interface CAPropertyAnimation : CAAnimation

/* Creates a new animation object with its `keyPath' property set to  'path'. */

+ (id)animationWithKeyPath:(NSString *)path; // 创建并返回一个基于keyPath的 CAPropertyAnimation对象

/* The key-path describing the property to be animated. */

@property(copy) NSString *keyPath;

@property(getter=isAdditive)BOOL additive;

/* The `cumulative' property affects how repeating animations produce

 * their result. If true then the current value of the animation is the

 * value at the end of the previous repeat cycle, plus the value of the

 * current repeat cycle. If false, the value is simply the value

 * calculated for the current repeat cycle. Defaults to NO. */

@property(getter=isCumulative)BOOL cumulative;

/* If non-nil a function that is applied to interpolated values before they are set as the new presentation value of the animation's target property. Defaults to nil. */

@property(retain) CAValueFunction *valueFunction;


CABasicAnimation 继承自 CAPropertyAnimation

/** Subclass for basic (single-keyframe) animations. **/

@interface CABasicAnimation : CAPropertyAnimation

/* The objects defining the property values being interpolated between.

 * All are optional, and no more than two should be non-nil. The object

 * type should match the type of the property being animated (using the

 * standard rules described in CALayer.h). The supported modes of

 * animation are:


 * - both `fromValue' and `toValue' non-nil. Interpolates between

 * `fromValue' and `toValue'.


 * - `fromValue' and `byValue' non-nil. Interpolates between

 * `fromValue' and `fromValue' plus `byValue'.


 * - `byValue' and `toValue' non-nil. Interpolates between `toValue'

 * minus `byValue' and `toValue'.


 * - `fromValue' non-nil. Interpolates between `fromValue' and the

 * current presentation value of the property.


 * - `toValue' non-nil. Interpolates between the layer's current value

 * of the property in the render tree and `toValue'.


 * - `byValue' non-nil. Interpolates between the layer's current value

 * of the property in the render tree and that plus `byValue'. */

@property(retain) id fromValue, toValue, byValue;


CAKeyframeAnimation继承自 CAPropertyAnimation

/** General keyframe animation class. **/

@interface CAKeyframeAnimation : CAPropertyAnimation

/* An array of objects providing the value of the animation function for

 * each keyframe. */

@property(copy) NSArray *values;

/* An optional path object defining the behavior of the animation

 * function. When non-nil overrides the `values' property. Each point

 * in the path except for `moveto' points defines a single keyframe for

 * the purpose of timing and interpolation. Defaults to nil. For

 * constant velocity animation along the path, `calculationMode' should

 * be set to `paced'. */

@property CGPathRef path;

/* An optional array of `NSNumber' objects defining the pacing of the

 * animation. Each time corresponds to one value in the `values' array,

 * and defines when the value should be used in the animation function.

 * Each value in the array is a floating point number in the range

 * [0,1]. */

@property(copy) NSArray *keyTimes;

/* An optional array of CAMediaTimingFunction objects. If the `values' array

 * defines n keyframes, there should be n-1 objects in the

 * `timingFunctions' array. Each function describes the pacing of one

 * keyframe to keyframe segment. */

@property(copy) NSArray *timingFunctions;

/* The "calculation mode". Possible values are `discrete', `linear',

 * `paced', `cubic' and `cubicPaced'. Defaults to `linear'. When set to

 * `paced' or `cubicPaced' the `keyTimes' and `timingFunctions'

 * properties of the animation are ignored and calculated implicitly. */

@property(copy) NSString *calculationMode;

/* For animations with the cubic calculation modes, these properties

 * provide control over the interpolation scheme. Each keyframe may

 * have a tension, continuity and bias value associated with it, each

 * in the range [-1, 1] (this defines a Kochanek-Bartels spline, see



 * The tension value controls the "tightness" of the curve (positive

 * values are tighter, negative values are rounder). The continuity

 * value controls how segments are joined (positive values give sharp

 * corners, negative values give inverted corners). The bias value

 * defines where the curve occurs (positive values move the curve before

 * the control point, negative values move it after the control point).


 * The first value in each array defines the behavior of the tangent to

 * the first control point, the second value controls the second

 * point's tangents, and so on. Any unspecified values default to zero

 * (giving a Catmull-Rom spline if all are unspecified). */

@property(copy) NSArray *tensionValues, *continuityValues, *biasValues;

/* Defines whether or objects animating along paths rotate to match the

 * path tangent. Possible values are `auto' and `autoReverse'. Defaults

 * to nil. The effect of setting this property to a non-nil value when

 * no path object is supplied is undefined. `autoReverse' rotates to

 * match the tangent plus 180 degrees. */

@property(copy) NSString *rotationMode;






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