

mongodb可以使用不同的引擎,比如WiredTiger, In-Memory等等。所以引擎会定义一个通用的接口和实现。在src/mongo/db/catalog目录下定义了Mongod中的文档,数据库,集合等的接口和实现。在实现使用具体的存储引擎。而具体引擎的定义则在src/mongo/db/storage下。




class Collection : public Decorable<Collection> {
    enum class StoreDeletedDoc { Off, On };

     * Direction of collection scan plan executor returned by makePlanExecutor().
    enum class ScanDirection {
        kForward = 1,
        kBackward = -1,

     * A Collection::Factory is a factory class that constructs Collection objects.
    class Factory {
        Factory() = default;
        virtual ~Factory() = default;

        static Factory* get(ServiceContext* service);
        static Factory* get(OperationContext* opCtx);
        static void set(ServiceContext* service, std::unique_ptr<Factory> factory);

         * Constructs a Collection object. This does not persist any state to the storage engine,
         * only constructs an in-memory representation of what already exists on disk.
        virtual std::unique_ptr<Collection> make(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                 const NamespaceString& nss,
                                                 RecordId catalogId,
                                                 CollectionUUID uuid,
                                                 std::unique_ptr<RecordStore> rs) const = 0;

     * A Collection::Validator represents a filter that is applied to all documents that are
     * inserted. Enforcement of Validators being well formed is done lazily, so the 'Validator'
     * class may represent a validator which is not well formed.
    struct Validator {

         * Returns whether the validator's filter is well formed.
        bool isOK() const {
            return filter.isOK();

         * Returns OK or the error encounter when parsing the validator.
        Status getStatus() const {
            return filter.getStatus();

         * Empty means no validator. This must outlive 'filter'.
        BSONObj validatorDoc;

         * A special ExpressionContext used to evaluate the filter match expression. This should
         * outlive 'filter'.
        boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> expCtxForFilter;

         * The collection validator MatchExpression. This is stored as a StatusWith, as we lazily
         * enforce that collection validators are well formed.
         * -A non-OK Status indicates that the validator is not well formed, and any attempts to
         * enforce the validator should error.
         * -A value of Status::OK/nullptr indicates that there is no validator.
         * -Anything else indicates a well formed validator. The MatchExpression will maintain
         * pointers into _validatorDoc.
        StatusWithMatchExpression filter = {nullptr};

     * Callback function for callers of insertDocumentForBulkLoader().
    using OnRecordInsertedFn = std::function<Status(const RecordId& loc)>;

    Collection() = default;
    virtual ~Collection() = default;

     * Fetches the shared state across Collection instances for the a collection. Returns an object
     * decorated by state shared across Collection instances for the same namespace. Its decorations
     * are unversioned (not associated with any point in time view of the collection) data related
     * to the collection.
    virtual SharedCollectionDecorations* getSharedDecorations() const = 0;

    virtual void init(OperationContext* opCtx) {}

    virtual bool isCommitted() const {
        return true;

     * Update the visibility of this collection in the Collection Catalog. Updates to this value
     * are not idempotent, as successive updates with the same `val` should not occur.
    virtual void setCommitted(bool val) {}

    virtual bool isInitialized() const {
        return false;

    virtual const NamespaceString& ns() const = 0;

     * Sets a new namespace on this Collection, in the case that the Collection is being renamed.
     * In general, reads and writes to Collection objects are synchronized using locks from the lock
     * manager. However, there is special synchronization for ns() and setNs() so that the
     * CollectionCatalog can perform UUID to namespace lookup without holding a Collection lock. See
     * CollectionCatalog::setCollectionNamespace().
    virtual void setNs(NamespaceString nss) = 0;

    virtual RecordId getCatalogId() const = 0;

    virtual UUID uuid() const = 0;

    virtual const IndexCatalog* getIndexCatalog() const = 0;
    virtual IndexCatalog* getIndexCatalog() = 0;

    virtual const RecordStore* getRecordStore() const = 0;
    virtual RecordStore* getRecordStore() = 0;

    virtual const BSONObj getValidatorDoc() const = 0;

    virtual bool requiresIdIndex() const = 0;

    virtual Snapshotted<BSONObj> docFor(OperationContext* const opCtx, RecordId loc) const = 0;

     * @param out - contents set to the right docs if exists, or nothing.
     * @return true iff loc exists
    virtual bool findDoc(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                         RecordId loc,
                         Snapshotted<BSONObj>* const out) const = 0;

    virtual std::unique_ptr<SeekableRecordCursor> getCursor(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                                            const bool forward = true) const = 0;

     * Deletes the document with the given RecordId from the collection.
     * 'fromMigrate' indicates whether the delete was induced by a chunk migration, and
     * so should be ignored by the user as an internal maintenance operation and not a
     * real delete.
     * 'loc' key to uniquely identify a record in a collection.
     * 'opDebug' Optional argument. When not null, will be used to record operation statistics.
     * 'noWarn' if unindexing the record causes an error, if noWarn is true the error
     * will not be logged.
    virtual void deleteDocument(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                StmtId stmtId,
                                RecordId loc,
                                OpDebug* const opDebug,
                                const bool fromMigrate = false,
                                const bool noWarn = false,
                                StoreDeletedDoc storeDeletedDoc = StoreDeletedDoc::Off) = 0;

     * Inserts all documents inside one WUOW.
     * Caller should ensure vector is appropriately sized for this.
     * If any errors occur (including WCE), caller should retry documents individually.
     * 'opDebug' Optional argument. When not null, will be used to record operation statistics.
    virtual Status insertDocuments(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                   const std::vector<InsertStatement>::const_iterator begin,
                                   const std::vector<InsertStatement>::const_iterator end,
                                   OpDebug* const opDebug,
                                   const bool fromMigrate = false) = 0;

     * this does NOT modify the doc before inserting
     * i.e. will not add an _id field for documents that are missing it
     * 'opDebug' Optional argument. When not null, will be used to record operation statistics.
    virtual Status insertDocument(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                  const InsertStatement& doc,
                                  OpDebug* const opDebug,
                                  const bool fromMigrate = false) = 0;

     * Callers must ensure no document validation is performed for this collection when calling
     * this method.
    virtual Status insertDocumentsForOplog(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                           std::vector<Record>* records,
                                           const std::vector<Timestamp>& timestamps) = 0;

     * Inserts a document into the record store for a bulk loader that manages the index building
     * outside this Collection. The bulk loader is notified with the RecordId of the document
     * inserted into the RecordStore.
     * NOTE: It is up to caller to commit the indexes.
    virtual Status insertDocumentForBulkLoader(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                               const BSONObj& doc,
                                               const OnRecordInsertedFn& onRecordInserted) = 0;

     * Updates the document @ oldLocation with newDoc.
     * If the document fits in the old space, it is put there; if not, it is moved.
     * Sets 'args.updatedDoc' to the updated version of the document with damages applied, on
     * success.
     * 'opDebug' Optional argument. When not null, will be used to record operation statistics.
     * @return the post update location of the doc (may or may not be the same as oldLocation)
    virtual RecordId updateDocument(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                    RecordId oldLocation,
                                    const Snapshotted<BSONObj>& oldDoc,
                                    const BSONObj& newDoc,
                                    const bool indexesAffected,
                                    OpDebug* const opDebug,
                                    CollectionUpdateArgs* const args) = 0;

    virtual bool updateWithDamagesSupported() const = 0;

     * Not allowed to modify indexes.
     * Illegal to call if updateWithDamagesSupported() returns false.
     * Sets 'args.updatedDoc' to the updated version of the document with damages applied, on
     * success.
     * @return the contents of the updated record.
    virtual StatusWith<RecordData> updateDocumentWithDamages(
        OperationContext* const opCtx,
        RecordId loc,
        const Snapshotted<RecordData>& oldRec,
        const char* const damageSource,
        const mutablebson::DamageVector& damages,
        CollectionUpdateArgs* const args) = 0;

    // -----------

     * removes all documents as fast as possible
     * indexes before and after will be the same
     * as will other characteristics.
     * The caller should hold a collection X lock and ensure there are no index builds in progress
     * on the collection.
    virtual Status truncate(OperationContext* const opCtx) = 0;

     * Truncate documents newer than the document at 'end' from the capped
     * collection.  The collection cannot be completely emptied using this
     * function.  An assertion will be thrown if that is attempted.
     * @param inclusive - Truncate 'end' as well iff true
     * The caller should hold a collection X lock and ensure there are no index builds in progress
     * on the collection.
    virtual void cappedTruncateAfter(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                     RecordId end,
                                     const bool inclusive) = 0;

     * Returns a non-ok Status if validator is not legal for this collection.
    virtual Validator parseValidator(
        OperationContext* opCtx,
        const BSONObj& validator,
        MatchExpressionParser::AllowedFeatureSet allowedFeatures,
            maxFeatureCompatibilityVersion) const = 0;

    static Status parseValidationLevel(StringData level);
    static Status parseValidationAction(StringData action);

     * Sets the validator for this collection.
     * An empty validator removes all validation.
     * Requires an exclusive lock on the collection.
    virtual void setValidator(OperationContext* const opCtx, Validator validator) = 0;

    virtual Status setValidationLevel(OperationContext* const opCtx, const StringData newLevel) = 0;
    virtual Status setValidationAction(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                       const StringData newAction) = 0;

    virtual StringData getValidationLevel() const = 0;
    virtual StringData getValidationAction() const = 0;

    virtual Status updateValidator(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                   BSONObj newValidator,
                                   StringData newLevel,
                                   StringData newAction) = 0;

    virtual bool getRecordPreImages() const = 0;
    virtual void setRecordPreImages(OperationContext* opCtx, bool val) = 0;

     * Returns true if this is a temporary collection.
     * Calling this function is somewhat costly because it requires accessing the storage engine's
     * cache of collection information.
    virtual bool isTemporary(OperationContext* opCtx) const = 0;

    // Stats

    virtual bool isCapped() const = 0;

     * Returns a pointer to a capped callback object.
     * The storage engine interacts with capped collections through a CappedCallback interface.
    virtual CappedCallback* getCappedCallback() = 0;

     * Get a pointer to a capped insert notifier object. The caller can wait on this object
     * until it is notified of a new insert into the capped collection.
     * It is invalid to call this method unless the collection is capped.
    virtual std::shared_ptr<CappedInsertNotifier> getCappedInsertNotifier() const = 0;

    virtual uint64_t numRecords(OperationContext* const opCtx) const = 0;

    virtual uint64_t dataSize(OperationContext* const opCtx) const = 0;

     * Returns true if the collection does not contain any records.
    virtual bool isEmpty(OperationContext* const opCtx) const = 0;

    virtual int averageObjectSize(OperationContext* const opCtx) const = 0;

    virtual uint64_t getIndexSize(OperationContext* const opCtx,
                                  BSONObjBuilder* const details = nullptr,
                                  const int scale = 1) const = 0;

     * If return value is not boost::none, reads with majority read concern using an older snapshot
     * must error.
    virtual boost::optional<Timestamp> getMinimumVisibleSnapshot() = 0;

    virtual void setMinimumVisibleSnapshot(const Timestamp name) = 0;

     * Get a pointer to the collection's default collator. The pointer must not be used after this
     * Collection is destroyed.
    virtual const CollatorInterface* getDefaultCollator() const = 0;

     * Fills in each index specification with collation information from this collection and returns
     * the new index specifications.
     * The returned index specifications will not be equivalent to the ones specified in
     * 'indexSpecs' if any missing collation information were filled in; however, the returned index
     * specifications will match the form stored in the IndexCatalog should any of these indexes
     * already exist.
    virtual StatusWith<std::vector<BSONObj>> addCollationDefaultsToIndexSpecsForCreate(
        OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector<BSONObj>& indexSpecs) const = 0;

     * Returns a plan executor for a collection scan over this collection.
    virtual std::unique_ptr<PlanExecutor, PlanExecutor::Deleter> makePlanExecutor(
        OperationContext* opCtx,
        PlanYieldPolicy::YieldPolicy yieldPolicy,
        ScanDirection scanDirection) = 0;

    virtual void indexBuildSuccess(OperationContext* opCtx, IndexCatalogEntry* index) = 0;

     * Use this Collection as the new cached pointer to the local oplog.
     * Called by catalog::openCatalog() to re-establish the oplog collection pointer while holding
     * onto the global lock in exclusive mode.
    virtual void establishOplogCollectionForLogging(OperationContext* opCtx) = 0;

    friend auto logAttrs(const Collection& col) {
        return logv2::multipleAttrs(col.ns(), col.uuid());


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最近重构并优化了一套后端服务的代码: 1. 设计并开发高效的C++对象池算法,时间复杂度为 O(1) 在整个重构框架中,对象池是负责管理内存的底层基本模块 2. 利用命令模式的思想开发 Redis 子模块 抽象出方便高效的接口提供给上层程序员使用 3. 利用组合模式和装饰模式的思想开发 MongoDB 数据库查询条件装饰器 将查询条件和数据库 MongodbModule 数据模型进行解耦合 4. 抽象出一套 MongoDB Module 结果集接口 通过模板和特化技术实现 string/int 等不同索引类型的结果集 5. 开发 AbstractMongodbModule 类处理通用的 MongoDB 数据库表数据操作 数据库中不同的表都有自己的 AbstractMongodbModule 子类对应 6. 用 Perl 开发自动代码生成器,上层程序员对照数据库表结构写 .tmpl 配置文件, 自动生成该数据库表的 MongodbModule 子类,减轻程序员新增表时的工作量 7. 结合 Redis 模块和 MongoDB 模块,开发 HierarchicalModule 分层数据模型 构造一个 Redis 缓存层 + MongoDB 持久层的后台 Server 架构 并通过简单方便的接口供上层程序员使用,具体的数据分层处理对上层程序员是黑盒的 8. 设计并开发整套缓存层使用的 KEY 规则,方便缓存更新 结合公司的数据订阅系统进行 Redis缓存层 + MongoDB 持久层数据更新功能 9. 重构后的分层数据架构比原有接口效率提高 5 - 400 倍(返回数据记录条数从 150 - 5 条) 绝大部分时间后端接口需要获取记录个数在 50 以内,所以效率提升在 100 倍左右




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