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原创 如何在<set>查询中加入where条件

查询出所有messageBox,并且messageBox.replies的replies要求 PARENT_REPLY_ID is null生成的sql语句Hibernate: select replies0_.MESSAGEBOX_ID as MESSAGEBOX5_1_1_, replies0_.id as id1_, replies0_.id as id2_0_, replies0_

2013-03-31 18:56:45 1275

原创 Returning multiple entities and Alias injection names

Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery("select * from reply r join messagebox m on r.messagebox_id = m.id where m.id=? and r.parent_reply_id is null").addEntity(MessageBox.class).addEntity(Reply.cl

2013-03-31 18:47:53 603

原创 关于fetch

打算hql用fetch要注意Hibernate ignores my outer-join="true" or fetch="join" setting and fetches an association lazily, using n+1 selects!HQL queries always ignore the setting for outer-join or fetc

2013-03-31 10:37:25 671

原创 想删除check 但是查询没显示check的constraint_name如何删除

如果用select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE',表名,用户名) from dual;没有查询到要删除check的constraint_name名是可以用select * from user_constraints c where c.table_name=表名';来查看该表里所有的constraint然后再SEARCH_CONDITION列里面看

2013-03-30 11:08:54 1302

原创 sql的join语句转成hql出现的问题

我用sql语句写出了一条join语句select distinct m.name from messagebox m inner join reply r on m.getperson_id = r.send_reply_person_id where r.send_reply_person_id=1 unionselect m.name from messagebox m where m

2013-03-28 18:11:33 624

原创 博客有的文章发不出去解决了


2013-03-28 17:49:40 1164

原创 outer joins

Outer Joins An outer join extends the result of a simple join. An outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and also returns some or all of those rows from one table for which no r

2013-03-28 17:40:00 715

转载 Struts 2 nesting iterators

QUESTIONcan't believe how something this simple can seem so hard to do in Struts 2.This is approximately what I would like to do as it would be done in Java. for (Parent parent : parents){ fo

2013-03-27 20:24:48 484

原创 关于key

举个例子hbm1 用hbm1时,当你想l取出childrenRepliesHibernate: select replies0_.MESSAGEBOX_ID as MESSAGEBOX5_1_1_, replies0_.id as id1_, replies0_.id as id2_0_, replies0_.title as t

2013-03-27 17:12:07 584

转载 inverse = “true” example and explanation

Always put inverse=”true” in your collection variable ?There are many Hibernate articles try to explain the “inverse” with many Hibernate “official” jargon, which is very hard to understand (at leas

2013-03-27 16:17:22 569

转载 How to display hibernate sql parameter values – Log4j

ProblemHibernate has basic logging feature to display the SQL generated statement withshow_sql configuration property.Hibernate: INSERT INTO mkyong.stock_transaction (CHANGE, CLOSE, DATE, OPEN

2013-03-27 15:06:38 1063

转载 为了有利于保护安全性,internet explorer已经限制此网页运行可以访问计算机的脚本或activex控件

打开工具——Internet选项-->高级 找到"允许活动内容在我的计算机上的文件中运行" 打上勾 确定 下次就不出了 转自:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/23680474.html

2013-03-27 13:23:17 1371

原创 automatic dirty checking

private void addPersonToEvent(Long personId, Long eventId) { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Person aP

2013-03-26 16:22:00 598

原创 java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.sql.Clob

clob, blob    Type mappings for the JDBC classes java.sql.Clob andjava.sql.Blob. These types can be inconvenient for some applications, since the blob or clob object cannot be reused outside of a tr

2013-03-26 16:10:56 10444

转载 varchar2(10 byte)和varchar2(10 char)有什么不同

The VARCHAR2 datatype specifies a variable-length character string. When you create a VARCHAR2 column, you supply the maximum number of bytes or characters of data that it can hold. Oracle subsequentl

2013-03-26 10:59:39 1601

原创 xheditor实现上传

package com.yuxuan.action;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;import org.springfra

2013-03-25 14:14:57 985

转载 hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto

Hibernate's hbm2ddl toolThis entry also appears in my new blog at http://blog.eyallupu.com. A direct link to the entry ishere.Hi again,I was asked by one of my customers about the

2013-03-21 15:24:23 967

转载 Oracle JDBC dataType 对应关系

SQL DatatypesJDBC TypecodesStandard Java TypesOracle Extension Java Types STANDARD JDBC 1.0 TYPES:  CHARjava.sql.Types.CHARjava.lang

2013-03-21 11:40:08 2271

原创 oracle number sequence 和 java.util.Long范围关系oracle sequence的取值范围是

oracle sequence的取值范围是                                                           NOMAXVALUE SpecifyNOMAXVALUE to indicate a maximum value of 1028-1 for an ascending sequence or -1 for a descendin

2013-03-21 11:26:10 1469

转载 Mysql,Oracle,Java数据类型对应

MysqlOracleJava BIGINT NUMBER(19,0)java.lang.Long BIT RAWbyte[] BLOB BLOB RAWbyte[] CHAR CHARjava.la

2013-03-21 11:23:10 641

原创 由于有外键引用表使得表无法删除ORA-02449

可以用drop table 表名 cascade constraints;用cascade constraints一定要小心,oracle会把其他参照该表的外键删除掉,也会删除掉drop表的任何constraint,包括触发器,虽然可以用flashback恢复,flashback的前提是用drop之前先用alter database flashback on具体如何flashback请

2013-03-20 17:36:03 5052

转载 ORA-01849: hour must be between 1 and 12

问题:这个错误通常出现在你使用to_date函数时,区域时间设定为24小时。 解决方法:如果对Oracle语言设置设定为使用12小时的时间,这个问题就会在转换24小时的时间格式时发生。为了解决这一问题,在HH后增加24,格式如下:to_date('1997-01-01:00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS')转自:http://blog.csdn

2013-03-20 16:50:40 10404

转载 ORA-01219:database not open:queries allowed on fixed tables/views only

“ORA-01219:数据库未打开:仅允许在固定表/视图中查询”的警告窗口!   解决办法:登录Oracle SQL*Plususername  syspassword   saString    orcl as sysdba这一段是找出打开数据库的时候报错的地方SQL> select open_mode from v$database;OPEN_MODE   --

2013-03-20 16:50:01 3125

原创 flashback


2013-03-20 16:44:47 856

原创 oracle 不能rollback ddl语句 比如drop

End of a TransactionA transaction ends when any of the following actions occurs:A user issues a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement without a SAVEPOINT clause.In a commit, a user explicitly or im

2013-03-20 12:57:22 2490

原创 jquery如何引用jsp变量实现获得的cookiepassword写入密码里

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%String name="";String password="";Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if(cooki

2013-03-19 22:34:32 1223

转载 Win7 x64 PL/SQL 连接 Oralce 提示 Could not initialize "%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\oci.dll"

今天在 x64 的 Win7 上重新安装了 Oralce 后,通过 PL/SQL 连接数据库时,提示如下错误信息环境windows7 64bitOracle win64 11gR2PL/SQL v9.0详细错误信息initialization errorcould not initialize "c:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\b

2013-03-19 10:37:28 622

原创 oracle约束的ENABLE 和disable以及冲突信息exceptions

oracle的约束可以启用和禁用,禁用之后将不再受约束,如果你想在启用,oracle会检查加上约束是否和表中数据有冲突,如果有冲突则抛出异常,并把异常放入exceptions表中,该表需要自己创建,你可以通过select  * from exceptions查看哪个rowid出现冲突。  上图是我启动约束 sys_c0011184出现错误上图查看抛出的错误信息查看该ro

2013-03-18 15:23:06 957

原创 oracle存储过程创建,hibernate调用存储过程

想通过hibernate save时,如果某属性是null,oracle自动把这个null返回成'N',也就是用到了存储过程procedure。通过oracle文档我写了一个简单的procedureCREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "SCOTT"."AUTHOR_ENABLE_DEFAULT" (enable_in in char,enable_return ou

2013-03-16 16:35:55 1043

原创 javamail发送网页邮件,且有中文

public void sendMail() throws IOException { // create some properties and get the default Session Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("mail.smtp.host", "smtp.sina.com.cn"); props.se

2013-03-15 15:14:30 948

转载 How to configure environment to use JavaMail?

11down vote accepted If you're looking for a tutorial to configure an SMTP server, you shouldn't be looking for JavaMail. Simply look for a tutorial on your server of choice (Kerio, for

2013-03-14 21:59:05 556

转载 hibernate 数据库类型 date没有时分秒解决

问题:在数据库表中日期字段中存的日期光有年月日,没有时分秒。解决:        检查表的相应映射xml文件。                 如果同上面所写,那问题出在 type类型上了。 正确写法 :  Hibernate映射类型、对应的Java时间和日期类型及对应的标准SQL类型  映 射 类型Java类型

2013-03-14 14:30:02 3458

原创 s:fielderror 总是出现ul 改了theme=simple也没用

网上找了一下用法,不过看的不痛快,自己查了下文档这个是template和theme定义,要理解的就是theme是一系列templates包含在一起提供的普遍功能,它是针对很多template而言的,而template是有特定的tag参照的这是simple theme定义,而为什么fielderror不起作用,之后说上面说可以通过重写template,复制到applicati

2013-03-14 12:44:01 1129

转载 struts2标签--form中的theme属性

struts2中theme属性包括xhtml,html,simple,ajax 。默认是xhtmltheme:设置struts2标签的主题,默认为xhtml。theme=xhtml时:会默认额外生成tr,td。theme=simple时:就生成标签所对应的html标签形式。在默认情况下,表单元素是分布在不同行的。如下代码:我们看着以上的代码跟HTML的差不了

2013-03-13 16:31:51 631

转载 如何让html页面不缓存


2013-03-13 16:31:01 1361

原创 如何修改Date格式

date存入了月日年,时分秒没有存查于是查找NLS_DATE_FORMAT发现可以用但是只是本连接有效。。如果断开连接在连上数据库职能重新设置有查出于是照着设置了然后重启sql/plus,想查下NLS_DATE_FORMATselect * from v$nls_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FOR

2013-03-13 13:43:19 2177

转载 Struts 2 <s:checkbox> checkbox example

Download It – Struts2-CheckBox-Example.zipIn Struts 2 , you can use the tag to create a HTML check box. ThefieldValue=”true” is the actual value that will be submitted by the check box.name

2013-03-12 22:03:20 1399

原创 ajax传入中文参数 action 接受如何避免乱码

$('input[id="nameForm1"]').change(function(){ clickName = true; var name=encodeURI(($(this).val())); //alert("utf-8"+name); if($(this).val().length!=0){ $.get("author/authorAction_check

2013-03-12 19:19:36 1762

原创 Could not load org.springframework.aop.framework.AdvisedSupport$MethodCacheKey

错误提示:Could not load org.springframework.aop.framework.AdvisedSupport$MethodCacheKey. The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to ter

2013-03-12 15:19:32 2365

转载 Struts2 整合jQuery实现Ajax功能

Struts2 整合jQuery实现Ajax功能技术领域很多东西流行,自然有流行的道理,这几天用了jQuery,深感有些人真是聪明绝顶,能将那么多技术融合的如此完美。首先明确个概念:jQuery是什么:是使用javascript语言开发的,用于满足项目前台各种操作需要的js程序文件。也就是说,jQuery基本上就是个js程序集,基础核心是jQuery.js文件。l  当然根据不同的

2013-03-12 10:55:43 878


开发时间:2个月 软件开发坏境:oracle + windows Xp + jdk1.4.0 + eclipse + SVN 开发工具:Eclipse + mysql 使用技术:Struts2 + Spring + Hibernate+jbpm (SSH)框架++JSP+junit++jquery+javascript



客户管理软件 用ssh技术 数据库是mysql



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