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数字图像处理 冈萨雷斯教材用图

本书是数字图像信息处理领域的一本经典著作,是20多年来此领域最权威的教材之一。与1977年问世的本书第一版相比,进行了重要修订和扩充,增加了关于小波变换、图像形态学和彩色图像处理的章节,并新增了500多幅图像和200多幅图表。全书共分12章,首先介绍了数字图像基础、空间域和频域的图像增强;然后讨论了图像复原、彩色图像处理、小波变换及多分辨率处理和图像压缩;最后讲述了形态学图像处理、图像分割、表示与描述以及目标识别等。本书侧重于对数字图像处理基本概念和方法的介绍,并为本领域的进一步学习和研究奠定了坚实的基础。全书概念清楚、深入浅出、图文并茂,并且反映了数字图像处理领域的最新发展情况。   本书主要适用于信号与信息处理、计算机科学与技术、自动化、电子科学与技术、通信工程、地球物理、生物工程、物理、化学、医学、遥感等领域的大学教师、科技工作者、研究生、大学本科高年级学生以及工程技术人员。 


Community Core Vision 1.3

Community Core Vision, CCV for short (aka tbeta), is a open source/cross-platform solution for computer vision and machine sensing. It takes an video input stream and outputs tracking data (e.g. coordinates and blob size) and events (e.g. finger down, moved and released) that are used in building multi-touch applications. CCV can interface with various web cameras and video devices as well as connect to various TUIO/OSC/XML enabled applications and supports many multi-touch lighting techniques including: FTIR, DI, DSI, and LLP with expansion planned for the future vision applications (custom modules/filters).


Community Core Vision 1.2

Community Core Vision, CCV for short (aka tbeta), is a open source/cross-platform solution for computer vision and machine sensing. It takes an video input stream and outputs tracking data (e.g. coordinates and blob size) and events (e.g. finger down, moved and released) that are used in building multi-touch applications. CCV can interface with various web cameras and video devices as well as connect to various TUIO/OSC/XML enabled applications and supports many multi-touch lighting techniques including: FTIR, DI, DSI, and LLP with expansion planned for the future vision applications (custom modules/filters).



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