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原创 UVa OJ 10008-What's Cryptanalysis?

<br /> <br />简单统计,水题:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10008-What's Cryptanalysis? Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.016s Submission Date:2011-01-30 16:26:08}type letter=record c:char; num:longint;

2011-01-31 00:32:00 552

原创 UVa OJ 10929-You can say 11

<br /> <br />水题:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10929-You can say 11 Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.032s Submission Date:2011-01-30 15:54:17}var n:ansistring; sum,i:longint;begin while true do begin readln(n);

2011-01-30 23:59:00 470

原创 UVa OJ 10994-Simple Addition

<br /> <br />纯数学题,搞了好久:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10994-Simple Addition Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.028s Submission Date:2011-01-30 15:00:23}var p,q:longint;function f(n:int64):int64;var ans:int64; i:longi

2011-01-30 23:09:00 482

原创 UVa OJ 495-Fibonacci Freeze

<br /> <br />水题,高精:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 495-Fibonacci Freeze Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.660s Submission Date:2011-01-27 15:59:00}var f:array[0..5001]of ansistring; n:array[1..10000]of longint; i,t,

2011-01-28 12:38:00 686

原创 UVa OJ 10405-Longest Common Subsequence

<br /> <br />动归水题:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10405-Longest Common Subsequence Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.096s Submission Date:2011-01-16 08:47:29}uses math;var s1,s2:ansistring; l1,l2,i,j:longint; f:ar

2011-01-16 16:53:00 437

原创 UVa OJ 488-Triangle Wave

<br /> <br />简单模拟:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 488-Triangle Wave Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.248s Submission Date:2011-03-19 04:29:26}var n,i,j,k,t,cas,amp,fre:longint;begin readln(n); for cas:=1 to n do begin

2011-01-15 11:43:00 573

原创 UVa OJ 445-Marvelous Mazes

<br /> <br />非常简单的模拟:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 445-Marvelous Mazes Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.004s Submission Date:2011-01-15 01:40:14}var s:string; t,i,j:longint;begin while not eof do begin readln(

2011-01-15 09:47:00 684 3

原创 UVa OJ 490-Rotating Sentences

<br />简单题: <br /> <br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 490-Rotating Sentences Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.016s Submission Date:2011-01-15 01:15:14}uses math;var s:string; i,num:longint; ans:array[1..100]of strin

2011-01-15 09:20:00 449

原创 UVa OJ 414-Machined Surfaces

<br /> <br />简单题啊:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 414-Machined Surfaces Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.012s Submission Date:2011-01-15 00:37:07}var n,i,j,min,ans:longint; a:array[1..13,1..25]of char; num:array[1

2011-01-15 08:42:00 683 1

原创 UVa OJ 10300-Ecological Premium

<br /> <br />彻底无语。。。:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10300-Ecological Premium Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.008s Submission Date:2011-01-14 15:33:45}var task,i,n,ans,a,b,c:longint;begin readln(task); for task:=1 to

2011-01-14 23:39:00 461

原创 UVa OJ 568-Just the Facts

<br /> <br />简单数论:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 568-Just the Facts Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.012s Submission Date:2011-01-14 14:20:24}var n,i,s:longint;begin while not eof do begin readln(n); s:=1; for

2011-01-14 23:30:00 400

原创 UVa OJ 10115-Automatic Editing

<br />简单字符串处理:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10115-Automatic Editing Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.008s Submission Date:2011-01-14 13:42:55}var n,i,tmp:longint; before,after:array[1..10]of string; txt:string;

2011-01-14 21:51:00 439

原创 UVa OJ 10815-Andy's First Dictionary

<br /> <br />简单统计+快排:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10815-Andy's First Dictionary Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.528s Submission Date:2011-01-14 12:43:12}var dict:array[1..5001]of string; num,i:longint; t:boole

2011-01-14 21:00:00 531

原创 UVa OJ 299-Train Swapping

<br /> <br />简单,不解释:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 299-Train Swapping Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.012s Submission Date:2011-01-14 04:46:24}var i,j,n,t,ans:longint; a:array[1..51]of longint;procedure swap(var a,

2011-01-14 20:19:00 435

原创 UVa OJ 10082-WERTYU

<br /> <br />模拟:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10082-WERTYU Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.004s Submission Date:2011-03-19 05:37:43}const s:string='`1234567890-=QWERTYUIOP[]//ASDFGHJKL;''ZXCVBNM,./';var i:longint;

2011-01-14 20:17:00 433

原创 UVa OJ 494-Kindergarten Counting Game

<br /> <br />果然是幼儿园题目:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 494-Kindergarten Counting Game Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.004s Submission Date:2011-01-14 03:44:47}var s:string; p,tot:longint;begin while not eof do begi

2011-01-14 12:30:00 550

原创 UVa OJ 113-Power of Cryptography

<br />double的强大:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 11461-Square Numbers Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.028s Submission Date:2011-02-11 05:31:21}uses math;var n,p:double;begin while not eof do begin readln(n); read

2011-01-14 11:28:00 395

原创 UVa OJ 10018-Reverse and Add

<br />高精+简单模拟,一次AC:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10018-Reverse and Add Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.828s Submission Date:2011-01-14 02:48:35}var n,i,tot:longint; s:string;function Reverse(s:ansistring):ansistrin

2011-01-14 11:02:00 112

原创 UVa OJ 10035-Primary Arithmetic

<br /> <br />简单高精:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10035-Primary Arithmetic Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.032s Submission Date:2011-01-14 01:44:21}uses math;var s1,s2:string; c:char; i,add,tot:longint;begin

2011-01-14 09:51:00 455

原创 UVa OJ 10038-Jolly Jumpers

<br /> <br />一开始忘打readln了:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10038-Jolly Jumpers Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.016s Submission Date:2011-01-14 00:47:15}var a:array[1..3001]of longint; f:array[0..6001]of boolean; i,

2011-01-14 08:53:00 409

原创 UVa OJ 458-The Decoder

<br /> <br />..........唉:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 458-The Decoder Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.032s Submission Date:2011-01-13 16:23:17}var i:longint; s:string;begin while not eof do begin readln(s);

2011-01-14 00:29:00 705 1

原创 UVa OJ 272-TEX Quotes

<br /> <br />同样无语的题目:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 272-TEX Quotes Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.020s Submission Date:2011-01-13 16:04:30}var s:string; i,t:longint;begin while not eof do begin readln(s); i

2011-01-14 00:19:00 609

原创 UVa OJ 10055-Hashmat the Brave Warrior

<br /> <br />一开始变量开小了,哎:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10055-Hashmat the Brave Warrior Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.152s Submission Date:2011-01-13 09:29:12}var a,b:int64;function abs(i:int64):int64;begin if i>0 t

2011-01-13 17:37:00 494

原创 UVa OJ 10071-Back to High School Physics

<br /> <br />对此题表示很无语:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10071-Back to High School Physics Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.028s Submission Date:2011-01-13 09:14:36}var v,t:integer;begin while not eof do begin readln(v,t

2011-01-13 17:19:00 674

原创 UVa OJ 579-ClockHands

<br /> <br />简单题,一次AC:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 579-ClockHands Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.056s Submission Date:2011-01-13 08:57:05}var time:string; hour,minute:integer; code:0..1;begin repeat rea

2011-01-13 17:03:00 537

原创 UVa OJ 10112-Myacm Triangles

<br />暴力枚举+向量优化:<br /> <br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10112-Myacm Triangles Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.008s Submission Date:2011-01-13 08:28:55}type point=record x,y:longint; end;var pillar:

2011-01-13 16:35:00 386

原创 UVa OJ 10361-Automatic Poetry

<br /> <br />还是字符串处理:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 10361-Automatic Poetry Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.008s Submission Date:2011-01-12 06:41:09}var i,j,n,top:longint; s1,s2,s3:string; word:array[1..5]of strin

2011-01-13 15:24:00 405

原创 UVa OJ 537-Artificial Intelligence?

<br /> <br />简单的字符串处理:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 537-Artificial Intelligence? Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.012s Submission Date:2011-01-12 09:14:55}var n,ii,j,t:longint; I,P,U:extended; tp,tu,ti:boolean;

2011-01-13 15:23:00 526

原创 UVa OJ 401-Palindromes

<br />简单字符串处理:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 401-Palindromes Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.024s Submission Date:2011-01-12 01:05:27}const mirrorchar1:string='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789'; mirrorchar2:strin

2011-01-13 15:18:00 467

原创 UVa OJ 375-Inscribed Circles and Isosceles Triangles

<br />简单数学题:<br /> <br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 375-Inscribed Circles and Isosceles Triangles Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.088s Submission Date:2011-01-12 16:08:51}var l,n,i,j,tmp:longint; b,h,h1,r,r1,e,ans:doubl

2011-01-13 15:15:00 532

原创 UVa OJ 152-Tree's a Crowd

<br />简单几何模拟:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 152-Tree's a Crowd Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.540s Submission Date:2011-03-19 08:22:57}const maxn=5005;type tree=record l,w,h:longint; end;var t:a

2011-01-13 15:11:00 431

原创 UVa OJ 136-Ugly Numbers

<br />这个真不解释了:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 136-Ugly Numbers Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.012s Submission Date:2011-01-11 12:43:59}begin writeln('The 1500''th ugly number is 859963392.');end. 

2011-01-13 15:09:00 1167

原创 UVa OJ 108-Maximum Sum

<br /> <br />简单动归,先求子段和,再求子矩阵之和:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 108-Maximum Sum Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.024s Submission Date:2011-01-11 16:03:26}type arr1=array[1..105]of longint; arr2=array[1..105,1..105]of l

2011-01-13 15:08:00 438

原创 UVa OJ 102-Ecological Bin Packing

<br /> <br />暴力,不解释:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 102-Ecological Bin Packing Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.068s Submission Date:2011-01-11 02:07:38}const a:array[1..3]of char=('B','C','G');var box:array[1..3,1..3]of l

2011-01-13 15:05:00 413

原创 UVa OJ 100-The 3n+1 Problem

<br />简单,不解释,一开始TLE,加个哈希就AC:<br />{ Author:wzx961008 Problem:UVa 100-The 3n+1 problem Verdict:Accepted Language:PASCAL Run Time:0.044s Submission Date:2011-01-11 12:06:03}const maxnum=1000000;var i,l,r,maxT,tmp:longint; hash:array[1.

2011-01-13 15:02:00 525



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