

equivocate 说模棱两可的话;支吾, 躲闪;推诿;含糊其词



  • In recent years, with advances in remote sensing data acquisition technologies and the increased demand for remote sensing applications, high spatial resolution remote sensing data is steadily becoming more widespread.
  • However, it has not yet been quantitatively verified, although consensus appears to have been achieved amongst numerous researchers.
  • Over almost the last twenty years, the remote sensing community has undertaken considerable efforts to promote the use of object-based technology for land-cover mapping.
  • To deal with these uncertainties, many researchers have devised supervised object-based classification methods that are specifically adapted to individual study areas, which are further compared with existing methods and processes, thereby validating their applicability.
  • To do this, it is necessary to synthesize the collective knowledge on this topic, as opposed to using individual experience and expertise.
  • One of the most appealing aspects of MODIS data is its unique combination of spectral, spatial, radiometric, and temporal resolutions; which are considered to be substantially improved over other similar observation systems.
  • The experiment was designed for examining the classification performance using relatively small training samples. We focused on the impact of training sample sizes ranging from 20 to 800 pixels per class using randomly selected samples from a large pool of training data points.
  • We draw on diverse recent research for guidance on assessing fire effects on vegetation and soil using field methods, remote sensing and models.
  • The fire disturbance continuum discriminates between discrete temporal phases during which fire processes occur.
  • Coupled with a growing demand for wood products and environmental services, increasing rates of natural disturbances such as fire and climate change have highlighted technical and scientific gaps in managing for the persistence of the Siberian Larch forest.
  • They negotiate with the government over such things as the use of their technology.
  • This method is used to a large success.

Study Area

In this study, we selected five forest fires in the western United States as study areas (Figure 1). The Bear Fire, located in the Southwest of United States, had scorched more than 18.62 km 2 ^2 2 in the Dinosaur National Monument from 27 June 2002 to 4 July 2002. This area belongs to the Highland (alpine) climate and its elevation varies between 1700 and 2740 m. The Precipitation is less than 30 cm per year. The main land covers are trees, shrubs, and grasses. The predominant vegetation are ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir, followed by willows, boxelder, narrow-leaf cottonwood, big sagebrush, rubber rabbit brush, service berry, black grease wood, and so on.


  • As time since fire progresses, the relative differences in fire severity, and their spatial pattern, will change.
  • In experiments in which progressively larger proportions of the training data were intentionally mislabelled, both RF and DT classifiers showed only a slight increase in overall error for as much as 20% mislabelling, though RF had consistently much lower error than DT classification.

advance 促进
and more 和其它
engage with sb 与某人一起
eg. It is engaging with building owners, operators, energy service experts and more to create policies and programs that advance collective action to improve energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

institute 开始实行
eg. For all proposed solutions, we must continue to build on opportunities that not only institute good mitigation practices, but also promote opportunities for fellowship in our communities.

deliver 实施
eg. Deliver actions that address multiple climate impacts while respecting community resources.

drive 驱使
eg. Building climate risk into investment analysis can drive corporate and governmental decarbonization and fund climate resilience work.


Therefore, the SVR-based mapping method with better generalization performance should be recommended in future research of burn severity of forest fires.

a great deal of,a great mount of,a bit of 这些限定词只能与不可数名词搭配。

on the increase 正在增加,正在增长 on the move 在活动中,在进行中;四处奔波 on the run 在逃;奔波;跑着 on the go 忙个不停,四处奔走 at table 在餐桌边,在进餐 in/at church 做礼拜 on the nose 正好,恰恰 hand in hand 手拉手地;联合 day by day 一天天;逐日 face to face 面对面 face up to 用直接的方式处理(不好的或不愉快的事情) heart and soul 全心全意地 side by side 并肩;一起;并排 step by step 逐步地 from time to time 不时;有时 time after time 不断地;反复;屡次 time and time again 一次又一次;多次,不断地
on grounds of 基于…; 以…为理由; 根据…

  • at hand 表地点,意为“在近处”;表时间,意为“快到了” on hand 常用于抽象意义,意为“手边(有…)”,“手头(有)” at the hands of 意为“在…手上”,常用于贬义

  • at bottom “本质上”,“实际上”(= really, basically)at the bottom of 本义为“在…的下方”;转义为“在…的幕后”

  • by day/night 在白天/晚 by the day/night 按日(或按时)计价

  • beyond (all) question 毫无疑问,不成问题 beside the question 不关正题,走题

  • in question 谈论中的,成问题 out of the question 不可能,毋庸置疑

  • in charge of 管理… in the charge of 由…负责管理

  • in office 在职,当权 in the office 在办公室里

  • in place of 替代 in the place of 在…地方

  • in possession of 拥有 in the possession of 为某某所有

  • in front 在前,带头 in front of 在…的前面 in the front of 在某物的…的前部 at the front 在前线

  • in case 引导从句时,意为“如果”,“万一发生某事”;如果出现在句尾,意为“以防万一”,“以防发生某种情况” in case of 后跟名词,意为“如果发生某事” in the case of 就某某的情况来说

Go + -ing: We use go + -ing form when we speak about general activities that involve movement.
Go + complement: We use go + an adjective (complement) to describe changes to the state of things.
Go and, come and …: In speaking, we often use and after go and come before the base form of verbs like ask, buy, check, collect, do, find, get.

The get-passive has two structures: get + adjective and get + past participle.
Get + adjective:The verb get can be followed by some adjectives to express the idea of change or becoming something. We can talk about the weather getting hot or getting cold, for instance. A person can also get dressed up, get nervous, get hungry, get rich or get sick.
Get + past participle: They include such verbs as break, eat, choose and marry.

for sure 一定,保准
be on par with 与…同等,与…相提并论 be in line with 符合;与…一致
in the wake of 紧紧跟随;随着…而来;作为…的结果;仿效 ensuing 因而发生的,随后的
in a bid to 为了,力求,试图 in order to (可作为conjuction, adverb, proposition) 为了;以便;起见 aiming at 目的在于; 针对; 瞄准
as of… 自……起;到…时候为止
In all honesty 坦率地说
It is a case in point. 这就是一个恰当的例子。
pull out all the stops 全力以赴
as the barometer of 作为…的晴雨表
back up 支持 support 支撑; 支持;帮助
play a big part in 在…方面起很大的作用
look past 忽视
as a rule of thumb 根据经验;一般说来
as opposed to 与…截然相反;对照


thus 从而,因此 thereby 从而,因此 therefore 因此;所以 hence 因此,今后 due to 由于,归因于 because 因为,由于 now that 既然; 由于 yet (conj.) 但是;然而 (adv.) 还;但是;已经 furthermore 此外;而且 rather than 而不是;宁可…也不愿 for example 例如 afterwards 后来;然后 subsequently 随后,其后;后来 to date 至今;迄今为止 namely 也就是;即是;换句话说 from hand to mouth 仅能糊口地

“此外”: in addition 另外,此外 moreover (adv) 而且;此外 furthermore (adv) 而且;此外 besides (adv) 此外,以及; (prep) 除……之外 except (prep) 除……之外 (conj) 只是;除非;除……之外;要不是由于

“提出”:propose 提出 present 提出;呈现 put forward 提出 come up with 提出,想出

“利用”:(1) 动词 employ 利用,采用,使用 exploit 利用,使用 utilize 利用 capitalize on 利用,使用 do with 利用,处理,需要 avail (oneself) of 利用 make use of 利用,使用 take advantage of 利用 take full advantage of 充分利用 apply 应用 leverage 利用 draw on 利用 (2) 名词 utilization 利用

“实施”:conduct 实施,进行 implement 实施,执行;实现,使生效 perform 执行;完成 carry out 执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成 accomplish 完成;实现;达到 come true 实现,成真;成为现实 fulfill 履行;实现;满足;使结束

“证实”:(1) 动词 corroborate 证实,确证 authenticate 证实,证明…是真实的 demonstrate 证明;展示;论证 prove 证明 verify 核实;查证 confirm 确认;确定;证实 affirm 肯定;断言 (2) 名词 verification 确认,查证;核实

“调查”: (1) (verb) evaluate 评估,评价 investigate 调查;研究 explore 探索;调查 quest 探索 look into 调查;观察 (2) (noun) evaluation 评价;[审计] 评估;估价;求值 investigation 调查;调查研究 exploration 探测;探究

“关于”:about; on; with regard to 关于;至于 concerning 关于;就…而言 in regard to [of] 关于 with respect to 关于;至于 as respects 关于;至于 as regards 关于;至于 in this regard 就这一点而言 in regards to 关于;有关 as concerns 关于;就…而论 as to 至于;关于;就…而论 relate to 涉及;有关 in relation to 关于;涉及 relative; as far as … be concerned 就…而言 associated with 与…有关系;与…相联系 in terms of 依据;按照;在…方面;以…措词 in comparison with 与…比较,同…比较起来 regarding (prep.)关于,至于;就……而论

“取决于”:hinge on 取决于…;依靠 depend on 取决于;依赖;依靠 come down to 取决于;归根结底,可归结为;实质上是 rely on 依靠,依赖 lean upon 依靠

“考虑”:account for 考虑 think about 考虑 take into account 考虑;重视 think over 仔细考虑;重新考虑 consider 考虑;考虑到;细想 by this 由此,鉴于此 given (prep)考虑到; (adj)给定的 caveats 注意事项 of note is that 值得注意的是 noting that 注意到

“根据”: in accordance with 依照;与…一致 according to 根据,按照;取决于;据…所说 in the light of 根据,按照;当作;由于,鉴于 in terms of 在…方面; 依据,按照

“假如”: provided 假如;倘若 supposing 假如;假使;猜想 in case 假使;万一 on the premise of 在…前提下

“促进”与“阻碍”:(1)动词 expedite 促进;加快 promote 促进,提升 accelerate 促进;增加;加速 facilitate 促进;帮助;使容易 impediment 妨碍;阻止 hamper 妨碍 encumber 阻塞;妨害;拖累 bar 禁止,阻拦(2) 名词 intervention (n) 妨碍;干涉 hindrance 障碍;妨碍;妨害;阻碍物 hamper 阻碍物

“危及”:(1)(verb) jeopardize 危及;危害 harm 伤害;危害;损害 hazard 使遭受危险 endanger 危及 deteriorate 恶化(2)(noun) harm 伤害;损害 hazard 危险;机会 detriment 损害;伤害;损害物

“描述”:delineate 描绘 plot 绘图 contour 画轮廓 show 显示, 表明 illuminate 阐明 exhibit 展现出

“意味”: suggest that 暗示 this means that 这就是说; 这意味着 connote 意味着 indicate 表明;指出;预示;象征 imply 意味;暗示;隐含 point to 表明;指向 refer to 指的是,适用于,涉及 denote 表示;指示 apply to 适用于 be suitable for 适用于…的

可取的:desirable 可取的 advisable 可取的,适当的,明智的 recommendable 可推荐的;值得推荐的 feasible 可行的

“包含”:(1)comprise 包含;由…组成 involve 包含;牵涉 consist of 由…组成;由…构成;包括 include 包含;包括 contain 包含;含有 entail 蕴含(2) (n) inclusion 包含;内含物 (3)(adj) inclusive 包含的;包括的

“显著地”;markedly 显著地 signally 显著地;突出地;非凡地 memorably 显著地;明确地;难忘地 dramatically 显著地;剧烈地 observably 显著地;醒目地 significantly 显著地;相当数量地 distinctly 明显地;无疑地,确实地 obviously 明显地;显然地

“获得”:(1) (verb) acquire 获得;取得;学到;捕获 obtain 获得 gain 获得;增加 yield 产出 (2) (noun) acquisition 获得物;获得

“事实上”:in fact 事实上;实际上 as a matter of fact 事实上 in reality 实际上;事实上

“无论如何”:at the least 无论如何 in any case 无论如何 at all events 无论如何 on all accounts 无论如何;总之 anyhow 无论如何;不管怎样;总之 all in all 总而言之 on the whole 总体上 in general 总之,通常;一般而言

“预期”:(1)(verb) expect 期望;指望;认为 anticipate 预期;预料;预见,预计(并做准备);期盼,期望 look forward to 期待;盼望 (2)(noun) expectation 预期;指望;期待 anticipation 预料;预期 prospection 预期;勘察

“大量的”:in a plethora of; a great many; a great deal of; a mass of 大量的 a host of 许多,一大群;众多,大量 scores of 许多,大量 a string of, a series of, a raft of 一系列的;一连串的

“例如”: for instance 例如 for example 例如 such as 例如

“设立”: set up 设立;设置

that is to say 换言之,即,也就是 namely (adv) 也就是;即是;换句话说 put another way, … 换句话说 videlicet (adv) 换言之 viz. 换言之,即,也就是

set aside 放在一边 undoubtedly 确实地,毋庸置疑的 considerable 大量的 considerably 相当地;非常地 generally 通常;普遍地,一般地 extensive 广泛的,大量的 ubiquitous 普遍存在的 be related to 与…相关 collective 集体的,共同的 individual 个人的;个别的;独特的 substantial 大量的;实质的 discrepancy 不符;矛盾;相差 consistency 一致性,相容性 consistent 始终如一的;一致的;坚持的 detriment 损害;伤害;损害物 pictorial 形象化的 grim reality 严峻的现实 aforementioned 上述的;前面提及的 in this context 关于这点;由此而论;由于这个原因;在这个背景下 anthropogenic 人为的 result in 导致;结果是 beget 产生;招致;引起 sidestep 回避 intractable 棘手的 analogue (n)类似物;(adj)类似的 criterion 标准;准则;规范;准据 paramount 最重要的;主要的 dissemination 宣传;散播 minimally 最低限度地 reinstate 使恢复;使复原 unremitting 不懈的;不间断的;坚忍的 fatuous 未经认真考虑的 spurious 假的;假造的 efficiency 效率;效能;功效 utility 实用;效用;功用 cost-effective 划算的 forge ahead 继续进行;取得进展 menstrual 每月的;一月一次的 biennial 两年一次的 extrapolate 推断;外推 hypothesized 假定,假设,猜测 coherent 连贯的,一致的;明了的;清晰的 discrimination 区别,辨别;识别力 along with 沿(顺)着;连同…一起;与…一道;随同…一起 combined with 连同;联合 coupled with 加上,外加;与…相结合 subjective 主观的;个人的 objective 客观的 causal mechanism 因果机制 set the stage for… 为…作好准备;为…奠定基础 leave behind 留下;遗留 in some instances 在某些情况下 serve to 用来;有助于;足以 tailored (adj)定制的 tailor 调整使适应 terminology 术语 as appropriate 视情况而定;酌情 logistics 后勤;后勤学 to some extent 在一定程度上 spread over 遍布于…;传遍;延续 integrate (vt.) 整合,(adj.) 整合的 amalgamation 融合,混合 aggregate 合计;集合体 so long as 只要 as long as 只要;和…一样长 as such 同样地;本身;就其本身而论 ephemeral 短暂的 correspond with 符合,一致;与……通信 at this stage 眼下 in-depth 彻底的,深入的 in tandem with 同…合作,与…串联 targeted 针对性的


objective function 目标方程 proximal operator 近似算子 stopping criterion 停止判据 error tolerance 误差宽容度 lagrange function 拉格朗日方程 subproblem 子问题 Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions KKT条件 update rule 更新规则 computational complexity analysis 计算复杂度分析

machine learning

training error 训练误差 Empirical Risk Minimization 经验风险最小化 corollary 推论 dependent variable 因变量 independent variable 自变量 dummy variable 名义变数;虚变数 dichotomic variable 二分变量 explanatory variable 解释变量, 说明变量 predictor variable 预测变量 coefficient of determination 决定系数 independent and identically distributed 独立同分布的 frequency distribution 频数分布 benchmark 基准 criterion (复数criteria) 标准,条件 metrics 度量 measure (n)度量;测量

under study 在研究中 study area 研究区域 data pre-processing 数据预处理 accentuate 加重 anisotropic [物] 各向异性的;[物] 非均质的 heterogeneous 混杂的;各种各样的;(化学)不均一的,多相的;(数学)不纯一的,参差的 homogeneous 同质的 homogeneity 同质;同种;同次性 monotonicity 单调性 anomaly 异常;不规则 abnormal 反常的,不规则的 trial and error 反复试验;尝试错误法 incipient 初期的;初始的;起始的 common practice 惯例 in practice 在实践中;实际上,事实上 at historically unprecedented rates 以前所未有的速率 heuristic 启发式的,探索的 state-of-the-art 最先进的;已经发展的;达到最高水准的 in the field 在实地 field measurement 现场测量;实地量度;野外测量 field data 现场数据;野外数据 ground data 地面数据 source database 源数据 in-situ data 现场数据 qualitatively 定性地 quantitatively 定量地 reliability 可靠性 availability 可用性;有效性;实用性 accessibility 可达性;可以得到 suitability 适用性 tractability 易处理性 per se 本身;自身 proactive management 前瞻性管理;预防性管理 best practice 最佳做法,最优方法;典范做法;最佳实践;最佳实务 rationale 基本原理 methodology 方法学;方法论 scenario 情景 multiple linear regression model 多元线性回归 trend analysis 趋势分析 statistical analysis 统计分析 comparative analysis 对比分析;比较分析 quantitative analysis 定量分析 polynomial 多项式的 logarithmic 对数的 parameter selection 参数选择 entry 条目

figure legend 图解;附图说明 scatter plot 散点图

consistency, conformity

taxonomic 分类的


Satellite constellation 卫星星座 geostationary satellite 地球同步卫星 remote sensing 遥感 hyperspectral imaging 高光谱成像 spectrometer 光谱仪;分光仪 spectroscopic 光谱学的,分学镜的 electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波谱 spectral resolution 光谱分辨率 spectral signature 光谱特征 spectral index 光谱指数 wavelength 波长 endmember 端元 cartography 制图 photogrammetry 摄影测量法;摄影制图法

geo-correct 几何校正 geodetic datum [测] 大地基准;测地基准点 geo-reference 地理参照;地理参考 geo-locate 地理定位 geometric correction 几何校正 radiometric correction 辐射校正 orthorectification 正射校正 atmospheric correction 大气校正 topographic correction 地形校正 image registration 图像配准 spatial registration 空间配准 intercalibrate 交互校准 co-registration 配准 image mosaicking 图像拼接 cross calibration 交叉定标 tie point 连接点;接合点 transect 样带

aerosol 气溶胶 data format 数据格式 backdrop 背景 true color composite 真彩色合成 chromatic 彩色的;色品的 chrominance 色度;色差 panchromatic 全色的

solar zenith angle 太阳天顶角 solar azimuth angle 太阳方位角

scattering 散射 radiative transfer model 辐射传输模型 albedo (行星等的)反射率;星体反照率 irradiance 辐照度 steradian 立体弧度 top-of-atmosphere 大气顶的

linear unmixing 线性分离

polygon 多边形

vegetation index 植被指数 land-cover classification 土地覆盖分类 multi-source information fusion 多源信息融合 requantize 再量化 preprocess 预处理

synthetic aperture radar 激光雷达


subtropical 亚热带的 semitropical 亚热带的 arid 干旱的 semi-arid 半干旱的 alpine 高山的 subalpine 亚高山带的 biophysical characteristics 生物物理特征 microclimate 小气候; 微气候 micrometeorology 微气候学 elevation 海拔;高程 digital elevation model 数字高程模型 slope 坡度 aspect 方位 at regional and global scales 在地区和全球尺度上 broad-scale 大尺度的

landscape 景观 landform 地形;地貌 temperate ecosystem 温带生态系统 ecoregion 生态区域 biodiversity 生物多样性 wildlife habitat 野生动物栖息地 ecological succession 生态演替 forest succession 森林演替 species diversity 物种多样性 species composition 物种组成 biome 生物种群 biomass 生物量 biotic 生物的 waterbody 水体 photosynthetic activity 光合作用,光合活性 photosynthesis 光合作用 meteorological condition 气候条件

deciduous forest 落叶森林 evergreen forest 常绿森林 larch forest 落叶松林 conifer forest 针叶林 broadleaf tree 阔叶树 chaparral 丛林 agricultural land 农业用地 woodland 林地;森林 pristine forest 原始森林 secondary forest 次生林 wetland 湿地 wildland 荒地 upland 山地;高地 pasture 草地;牧场 grassland 草原 savanna 大草原 rangeland 牧场 shrubland 灌木地;灌丛带 underbrush 林下灌木丛 hay 干草 cultivated crop 中耕作物 open space 空地 forest stand 林分;林段 stand density 林分密度 stratify 分层;成层 tree thickness 树皮厚度 breast height 胸高

spruce 云杉 fir 冷杉;枞木 taiga 针叶树林地带;北方针叶林 steppe 大草原 coniferous 针叶的;结球果的;松柏科的 eucalypt 桉树 pitch pine 北美脂松 genus 类,种;[生物] 属 aspens 白杨 oaks 橡树 maple 枫树 ash tree 白蜡树 birch 桦树 beech 山毛榉

canopy structure 冠层结构 overstory 上层林冠 understory 林下叶层

population [统计学]总体;[生物] 种群,[生物] 群体;全体居民;人口 foliage 叶子(总称);植物 botany 植物学 flora 植物区系;植物群 tree trunk 树干 stem 干;茎 bole 树干 root 树根 root collar 根茎 rhizome 根茎;[植] 地下茎 tissue 组织 ligneous 木质的 snag 断枝 organic soil 有机质土 substrate 基质 duff 半腐层 herbage 草本植物 herbaceous plant 草本植物 seedling 树苗;秧苗,幼苗 sapling 树苗 stratum (复数strata) 层;地层 perimeter 周长 periphery 外围,圆周 diameter 直径 annual ring 年轮 growth ring 年轮 tree-ring 年轮 acre 英亩 hectare (viz. ha) 公顷 flooding 洪水 drought 干旱 landslide 滑坡 soil erosion 水土流失 water repellency 拒水性;斥水性;疏水性 hydrophobicity [分子生物] 疏水性 soil moisture-holding capacity 土壤持水能力 precipitation 降水 fuel load 可燃物装载量 fuel type 可燃物类型 forested 草木丛生的 deposition 沉积物 perennial 多年生的;常年的;四季不断的 nutrient availability 养分有效性 soil characteristics 土壤特性 organic content 有机质含量;有机物含量 water content 含水量 humidity 湿度, 湿气 chlorophyll 叶绿素 abiotic 非生物的,无生命的 biotic 生物的;有关生命的 net primary productivity 净初级生产力 hydrology 水文学 hydrography 水文地理学 hydro-geomorphological 水文地貌 physiological 生理学的,生理的 drainage network 河网 shifting cultivation 轮垦

cobble 鹅卵石,圆石

geographic (geograpical) 地理的,地理学的 phenology 物候学 topographical 地质的;地形学的 convection 对流;传送 evapotranspiration 蒸散 terrestrial biosphere 陆地生物圈 ecosystem 生态系统 climax community 顶极群落 carbon sink 碳汇 carbon fixation 碳固定;固碳作用 carbon assimilation 碳同化 carbon sequestration 碳固定;碳封存

North America 北美 Siberian 西伯利亚的 Mediterranean (n)地中海 (adj)地中海的 continental 大陆的 watershed(美)流域 riparian 河边的,水滨的 canyon 峡谷 rugged 崎岖的 level terrain 平坦地势

controlled burn (viz. prescribed burn) ?? plant mortality 植物死亡率 basal area 断面积;底面积;茎占面积 scorch 焦痕;烧焦 char 炭 ash 灰烬 burn severity 火烧严重度 fire disturbance 火灾干扰 burned area 过火面积 extent 程度 pathogen 病原体 pest 害虫 dieback 顶梢枯死 carcass 残骸 resilience 恢复力;顺应力 revitalization 再生 smoldering 阴燃;闷烧 mass wasting 物质坡移 ocular estimation and judgment 目测和判断 salvage logging 除害性砍伐 crown fire 林冠火 windthrow 风倒木;风倒 slash-and-burn 刀耕火种的 extinction 灭绝 extinct 使熄灭 extinguish 熄灭;压制 suppress 抑制 firefighter 消防队员 residence time of fire 火灾停留时间 time lapse 时间流逝;时间推移 fire intensity 火灾强度,火烧强度;[林][安全] 火强度 firebreak 防火线;防火带 spread rade 蔓延速率 fire triangle 火三角 pyrogeography ???

Israel 以色列


nitrogen 氮


identity 恒等式


hyperspectral unmixing 高光谱解混 abundance map 丰度图

Hyperspectral unmixing consists of identifying the pure spectral signatures, called endmembers, and estimating their corresponding fractions, called abundances.
In terms of abundance matrix, sparsity and smoothness are the most common constraints. The total variation (TV) adaptively promotes piecewise smoothness while preserving edges. Sparsity constaint assumes that a pixel is mixed with only a subset of endmembers.

Hyperspectral imagery always varies smoothly in the spatial domain, i.e., close pixels are likely to share similar abundances.

Since the sparsity is imposed on the abundance vector of each pixel, we shall call it as single sparsity to distinguish
from other sparse structures in hyperspectral unmixing. In other words, the single sparse assumption only focuses on each single pixel, ignoring potential information, specifically spatial information, offered by other pixels.

The TV regularizer term is an overstrict assumption that adjacent pixels should have both similar mixing endmembers and similar abundance fractions.

Low-rank: The spatial correlation among pixels in an HSI translates into linear dependence among their corresponding abundance vectors. The resulting abundance matrix thus admits a lowrank property. That is to say, the essense of low-rank is the spatial correlation among pixels in an hyperspectral imagery.


fast buck 意外之财 over the hump 度过最困难时期;已度过一半时间 hot stuff 非奇;非凡的事物 special issue 特刊


A Letter to Our Customers and to the Community


Dear Alibaba merchants, consumers, partners and shareholders,


Today Alibaba Group received the Administrative Penalty Decision issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) of the People’s Republic of China. We accept the penalty with sincerity and will ensure our compliance with determination. On this occasion, the entire team at Alibaba would like to express our gratitude to the trust and patience that our merchants, consumers, partners and shareholders have given us. We would like to share our thoughts and plans for the long-term healthy development of our business in the future.


Over the past several months, we fully cooperated with the SAMR investigation and seriously studied the government’s policies and expectations for Internet platform economies. In this connection, we conducted a self-assessment of, and implemented improvements to, our internal systems while ensuring stable operation of our business.The penalty issued today served to alert and catalyze companies like ours. It reflects the regulators’ thoughtful and normative expectations toward our industry’s development. It is an important action to safeguard fair market competition and quality development of Internet platform economies.


Internet platform economies are new economic structures created out of the latest cycle of technological revolution. Because of China’s economic and technology development, as well as regulatory support for innovation, Alibaba has been given the opportunity to explore and create platform business models such as Taobao and Tmall with the help of millions of small- and medium-sized merchants and hundreds of millions of consumers. The platform model lowered the costs of starting and doing business, improved efficiency and enhanced circulation of economic activities. Today, Internet platform economies have entered an entirely new phase. They are an integral part of people’s everyday life and affect all dimensions of the broader economy. It is not lost on us that today’s society has new expectations for platform companies, as we must assume more responsibilities as part of the nation’s economic and social development. At the same time, we are cognizant that the value of platforms comes from helping participants to succeed through integrating and sharing resources, as well as continuously creating value for society.


We are acutely aware that our livelihood depends on keeping up with the times and our nation’s development; continuously listening, understanding and servicing our countless merchants and consumers; and being steadfast in pursuing technological innovation. We will further strengthen our focus on customer value creation and customer experience, as well as continuing to introduce measures to lower entry barriers and business costs of operating on our platforms. We are committed to ensuring an operating environment for our merchants and partners that is more open, more equitable, more efficient and more inclusive in sharing the fruits of growth.


Today is an important day in Alibaba’s journey of growth. It is a new starting point for us, one where we tackle problems head on and commit to innovate. Alibaba would not have achieved our growth without sound government regulation and service, and the critical oversight, tolerance and support from all of our constituencies have been crucial to our development. For this, we are full of gratitude and respect. We started Alibaba because we believe in treating customers first and creating sustainable long-term value for society. These are our reasons for being, to which we are fully committed, and from which we will never waver.


Alibaba Group





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