
// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "occimpl.h"

#ifdef AFX_CORE1_SEG
#pragma code_seg(AFX_CORE1_SEG)

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#define new DEBUG_NEW

// CCmdTarget construction/destruction

 // capture module state where object was constructed
#ifdef _AFXDLL
 m_pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState();
 ASSERT(m_pModuleState != NULL);

 // initialize state
 m_dwRef = 1;
 m_pOuterUnknown = NULL;
 m_xInnerUnknown = 0;
 m_xDispatch.m_vtbl = 0;
 m_bResultExpected = TRUE;
 m_xConnPtContainer.m_vtbl = 0;

 if (m_xDispatch.m_vtbl != 0)
 ASSERT(m_dwRef <= 1);
#ifdef _AFXDLL
 m_pModuleState = NULL;

// CCmdTarget windows message dispatching

AFX_STATIC BOOL AFXAPI _AfxDispatchCmdMsg(CCmdTarget* pTarget, UINT nID, int nCode,
 AFX_PMSG pfn, void* pExtra, UINT nSig, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo)
  // return TRUE to stop routing
 UNUSED(nCode);   // unused in release builds

 union MessageMapFunctions mmf;
 mmf.pfn = pfn;
 BOOL bResult = TRUE; // default is ok

 if (pHandlerInfo != NULL)
  // just fill in the information, don't do it
  pHandlerInfo->pTarget = pTarget;
  pHandlerInfo->pmf = mmf.pfn;
  return TRUE;

 switch (nSig)
 case AfxSig_vv:
  // normal command or control notification
  ASSERT(CN_COMMAND == 0);        // CN_COMMAND same as BN_CLICKED
  ASSERT(pExtra == NULL);

 case AfxSig_bv:
  // normal command or control notification
  ASSERT(CN_COMMAND == 0);        // CN_COMMAND same as BN_CLICKED
  ASSERT(pExtra == NULL);
  bResult = (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_bCOMMAND)();

 case AfxSig_vw:
  // normal command or control notification in a range
  ASSERT(CN_COMMAND == 0);        // CN_COMMAND same as BN_CLICKED
  ASSERT(pExtra == NULL);

 case AfxSig_bw:
  // extended command (passed ID, returns bContinue)
  ASSERT(pExtra == NULL);
  bResult = (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_COMMAND_EX)(nID);

 case AfxSig_vNMHDRpl:
   AFX_NOTIFY* pNotify = (AFX_NOTIFY*)pExtra;
   ASSERT(pNotify != NULL);
   ASSERT(pNotify->pResult != NULL);
   ASSERT(pNotify->pNMHDR != NULL);
   (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_NOTIFY)(pNotify->pNMHDR, pNotify->pResult);
 case AfxSig_bNMHDRpl:
   AFX_NOTIFY* pNotify = (AFX_NOTIFY*)pExtra;
   ASSERT(pNotify != NULL);
   ASSERT(pNotify->pResult != NULL);
   ASSERT(pNotify->pNMHDR != NULL);
   bResult = (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_bNOTIFY)(pNotify->pNMHDR, pNotify->pResult);
 case AfxSig_vwNMHDRpl:
   AFX_NOTIFY* pNotify = (AFX_NOTIFY*)pExtra;
   ASSERT(pNotify != NULL);
   ASSERT(pNotify->pResult != NULL);
   ASSERT(pNotify->pNMHDR != NULL);
   (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_NOTIFY_RANGE)(nID, pNotify->pNMHDR,
 case AfxSig_bwNMHDRpl:
   AFX_NOTIFY* pNotify = (AFX_NOTIFY*)pExtra;
   ASSERT(pNotify != NULL);
   ASSERT(pNotify->pResult != NULL);
   ASSERT(pNotify->pNMHDR != NULL);
   bResult = (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_NOTIFY_EX)(nID, pNotify->pNMHDR,
 case AfxSig_cmdui:
   ASSERT(nCode == CN_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI || nCode == 0xFFFF);
   ASSERT(pExtra != NULL);
   CCmdUI* pCmdUI = (CCmdUI*)pExtra;
   ASSERT(!pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting);    // idle - not set
   bResult = !pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting;
   pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting = FALSE;     // go back to idle

 case AfxSig_cmduiw:
   ASSERT(pExtra != NULL);
   CCmdUI* pCmdUI = (CCmdUI*)pExtra;
   ASSERT(pCmdUI->m_nID == nID);           // sanity assert
   ASSERT(!pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting);    // idle - not set
   (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI_RANGE)(pCmdUI, nID);
   bResult = !pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting;
   pCmdUI->m_bContinueRouting = FALSE;     // go back to idle

 // general extensibility hooks
 case AfxSig_vpv:
 case AfxSig_bpv:
  bResult = (pTarget->*mmf.pfn_OTHER_EX)(pExtra);

 default:    // illegal
  return 0;
 return bResult;

// compare two pointers to GUIDs -- TRUE if both pointers are NULL
// or both pointers point to same GUID; FALSE otherwise

#define IsEqualNULLGuid(pGuid1, pGuid2) /
 (((pGuid1) == NULL && (pGuid2) == NULL) || /
  ((pGuid1) != NULL && (pGuid2) != NULL && /
  IsEqualGUID(*(pGuid1), *(pGuid2))))

BOOL CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra,
 // OLE control events are a special case
 if (nCode == CN_EVENT)
  ASSERT(afxOccManager != NULL);
  return afxOccManager->OnEvent(this, nID, (AFX_EVENT*)pExtra, pHandlerInfo);
#endif // !_AFX_NO_OCC_SUPPORT

 // determine the message number and code (packed into nCode)
 const AFX_MSGMAP* pMessageMap;
 const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY* lpEntry;
 UINT nMsg = 0;

 if (nCode == CN_OLECOMMAND)
  BOOL bResult = FALSE;

  const AFX_OLECMDMAP* pOleCommandMap;
  const AFX_OLECMDMAP_ENTRY* pEntry;

  COleCmdUI* pUI = (COleCmdUI*) pExtra;
  const GUID* pguidCmdGroup = pUI->m_pguidCmdGroup;

#ifdef _AFXDLL
  for (pOleCommandMap = GetCommandMap(); pOleCommandMap != NULL && !bResult;
   pOleCommandMap = pOleCommandMap->pfnGetBaseMap())
  for (pOleCommandMap = GetCommandMap(); pOleCommandMap != NULL && !bResult;
   pOleCommandMap = pOleCommandMap->pBaseMap)
   for (pEntry = pOleCommandMap->lpEntries;
    pEntry->cmdID != 0 && pEntry->nID != 0 && !bResult;
    if (nID == pEntry->cmdID &&
     IsEqualNULLGuid(pguidCmdGroup, pEntry->pguid))
     pUI->m_nID = pEntry->nID;
     bResult = TRUE;

  return bResult;

  nMsg = HIWORD(nCode);
  nCode = LOWORD(nCode);

 // for backward compatibility HIWORD(nCode)==0 is WM_COMMAND
 if (nMsg == 0)
  nMsg = WM_COMMAND;

 // look through message map to see if it applies to us
#ifdef _AFXDLL
 for (pMessageMap = GetMessageMap(); pMessageMap != NULL;
   pMessageMap = (*pMessageMap->pfnGetBaseMap)())
 for (pMessageMap = GetMessageMap(); pMessageMap != NULL;
   pMessageMap = pMessageMap->pBaseMap)
  // Note: catches BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyClass, CMyClass)!
#ifdef _AFXDLL
  ASSERT(pMessageMap != (*pMessageMap->pfnGetBaseMap)());
  ASSERT(pMessageMap != pMessageMap->pBaseMap);

  lpEntry = AfxFindMessageEntry(pMessageMap->lpEntries, nMsg, nCode, nID);
  if (lpEntry != NULL)
   // found it
#ifdef _DEBUG
   if (afxTraceFlags & traceCmdRouting)
    if (nCode == CN_COMMAND)
     TRACE2("SENDING command id 0x%04X to %hs target./n", nID,
    else if (nCode > CN_COMMAND)
     if (afxTraceFlags & traceWinMsg)
      TRACE3("SENDING control notification %d from control id 0x%04X to %hs window./n",
       nCode, nID, GetRuntimeClass()->m_lpszClassName);
#endif //_DEBUG
   return _AfxDispatchCmdMsg(this, nID, nCode,
    lpEntry->pfn, pExtra, lpEntry->nSig, pHandlerInfo);
 return FALSE;   // not handled

// Hook to disable automation handlers


BOOL CCmdTarget::IsInvokeAllowed(DISPID)
 return TRUE;    // normally, invoke is always allowed

#endif // !_AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT

// Stubs for OLE type library functions


BOOL CCmdTarget::GetDispatchIID(IID*)
 // Subclass must implement (typically via COleControl implementation)
 return FALSE;

UINT CCmdTarget::GetTypeInfoCount()
 // Subclass must implement (typically via IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB macro)
 return 0;

CTypeLibCache* CCmdTarget::GetTypeLibCache()
 // Subclass must implement (typically via IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB macro)
 return NULL;

 // Subclass must implement (typically via IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB macro)

#endif // !_AFX_NO_OLE_SUPPORT

// CCmdTarget routines that delegate to the WinApp

void CCmdTarget::BeginWaitCursor()
 { AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1); }
void CCmdTarget::EndWaitCursor()
 { AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); }
void CCmdTarget::RestoreWaitCursor()
 { AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(0); }

// Root of message maps

const AFX_DATADEF AFX_MSGMAP CCmdTarget::messageMap =
#ifdef _AFXDLL

#ifdef _AFXDLL
const AFX_MSGMAP* CCmdTarget::_GetBaseMessageMap()
 return NULL;

const AFX_MSGMAP* CCmdTarget::GetMessageMap() const
 return &CCmdTarget::messageMap;

const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY CCmdTarget::_messageEntries[] =
 { 0, 0, AfxSig_end, 0 }     // nothing here

// Root of dispatch maps


UINT CCmdTarget::_dispatchEntryCount = (UINT)-1;
DWORD CCmdTarget::_dwStockPropMask = (DWORD)-1;

const AFX_DISPMAP CCmdTarget::dispatchMap =
#ifdef _AFXDLL

#ifdef _AFXDLL
const AFX_DISPMAP* CCmdTarget::_GetBaseDispatchMap()
 return NULL;

const AFX_DISPMAP* CCmdTarget::GetDispatchMap() const
 return &CCmdTarget::dispatchMap;

const AFX_DISPMAP_ENTRY CCmdTarget::_dispatchEntries[] =
 { NULL, -1, NULL, 0, (AFX_PMSG)NULL, (AFX_PMSG)NULL, (size_t)-1,
   afxDispCustom }
 // nothing here


// Root of event sink maps


UINT CCmdTarget::_eventsinkEntryCount = (UINT)-1;

const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP CCmdTarget::eventsinkMap =
#ifdef _AFXDLL

#ifdef _AFXDLL
const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* CCmdTarget::_GetBaseEventSinkMap()
 return NULL;

const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP* CCmdTarget::GetEventSinkMap() const
 return &CCmdTarget::eventsinkMap;

const AFX_EVENTSINKMAP_ENTRY CCmdTarget::_eventsinkEntries[] =
 { NULL, -1, NULL, 0, (AFX_PMSG)NULL, (AFX_PMSG)NULL, (size_t)-1,
   afxDispCustom, (UINT)-1, (UINT)-1 }
 // nothing here


// Root of interface maps


#ifdef _AFXDLL
const AFX_INTERFACEMAP* CCmdTarget::_GetBaseInterfaceMap()
 return NULL;

const AFX_INTERFACEMAP* CCmdTarget::GetInterfaceMap() const
 return &CCmdTarget::interfaceMap;

const AFX_INTERFACEMAP CCmdTarget::interfaceMap =
#ifdef _AFXDLL

const AFX_INTERFACEMAP_ENTRY CCmdTarget::_interfaceEntries[] =
 INTERFACE_PART(CCmdTarget, IID_IDispatch, Dispatch)
 { NULL, (size_t)-1 }    // end of entries

void CCmdTarget::OnFinalRelease()

 // release the typelib cache, if any
 CTypeLibCache* pTypeLibCache = GetTypeLibCache();
 if (pTypeLibCache != NULL)


 delete this;

BOOL CCmdTarget::OnCreateAggregates()
 return TRUE;

LPUNKNOWN CCmdTarget::GetInterfaceHook(const void*)
 return NULL;


// Root of connection maps


#ifdef _AFXDLL
const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP* CCmdTarget::_GetBaseConnectionMap()
 return NULL;

const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP* CCmdTarget::GetConnectionMap() const
 return &CCmdTarget::connectionMap;

const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP CCmdTarget::connectionMap =
#ifdef _AFXDLL

const AFX_CONNECTIONMAP_ENTRY CCmdTarget::_connectionEntries[] =
 { NULL, (size_t)-1 }    // end of entries

LPCONNECTIONPOINT CCmdTarget::GetConnectionHook(const IID&)
 return NULL;

BOOL CCmdTarget::GetExtraConnectionPoints(CPtrArray*)
 return FALSE;


// Root of command target maps


#ifdef _AFXDLL
const AFX_OLECMDMAP* CCmdTarget::_GetBaseCommandMap()
 return NULL;

const AFX_OLECMDMAP CCmdTarget::commandMap =
#ifdef _AFXDLL

const AFX_OLECMDMAP_ENTRY CCmdTarget::_commandEntries[] =
 { NULL, 0, 0 }    // end of entries

const AFX_OLECMDMAP* CCmdTarget::GetCommandMap() const
 return &CCmdTarget::commandMap;


// Special access to view routing info

CView* CCmdTarget::GetRoutingView()
 return GetRoutingView_();

CFrameWnd* CCmdTarget::GetRoutingFrame()
 return GetRoutingFrame_();

// CCmdUI - User Interface for a command

// CCmdUI is a protocol class for all command handler variants
//      CCmdUI is an implementation class for menus and general dialog
//        controls (usually buttons)

 // zero out everything
 m_nID = m_nIndex = m_nIndexMax = 0;
 m_pMenu = m_pSubMenu = m_pParentMenu = NULL;
 m_pOther = NULL;
 m_bEnableChanged = m_bContinueRouting = FALSE;

// default CCmdUI implementation only works for Menu Items
void CCmdUI::Enable(BOOL bOn)
 if (m_pMenu != NULL)
  if (m_pSubMenu != NULL)
   return; // don't change popup menus indirectly

  ASSERT(m_nIndex < m_nIndexMax);
  m_pMenu->EnableMenuItem(m_nIndex, MF_BYPOSITION |
  // enable/disable a control (i.e. child window)
  ASSERT(m_pOther != NULL);

  // if control has the focus, move the focus before disabling
  if (!bOn && (::GetFocus() == m_pOther->m_hWnd))
 m_bEnableChanged = TRUE;

void CCmdUI::SetCheck(int nCheck)
 if (m_pMenu != NULL)
  if (m_pSubMenu != NULL)
   return; // don't change popup menus indirectly

  // place checkmark next to menu item
  ASSERT(m_nIndex < m_nIndexMax);
  m_pMenu->CheckMenuItem(m_nIndex, MF_BYPOSITION |
  // we can only check buttons or controls acting like buttons
  ASSERT(m_pOther != NULL);
  if (m_pOther->SendMessage(WM_GETDLGCODE) & DLGC_BUTTON)
   m_pOther->SendMessage(BM_SETCHECK, nCheck);
  // otherwise ignore it

AFX_STATIC void AFXAPI _AfxLoadDotBitmap(); // for swap tuning

void CCmdUI::SetRadio(BOOL bOn)
 SetCheck(bOn ? 1 : 0); // this default works for most things as well
 if (m_pMenu != NULL)
  if (m_pSubMenu != NULL)
   return; // don't change popup menus indirectly

  // for menu item - use dot instead of checkmark
  ASSERT(m_nIndex < m_nIndexMax);

  if (afxData.hbmMenuDot == NULL)
   _AfxLoadDotBitmap();    // in INIT segment

  if (afxData.hbmMenuDot != NULL)
   SetMenuItemBitmaps(m_pMenu->m_hMenu, m_nIndex, MF_BYPOSITION,
    NULL, afxData.hbmMenuDot);

void CCmdUI::SetText(LPCTSTR lpszText)
 ASSERT(lpszText != NULL);

 if (m_pMenu != NULL)
  if (m_pSubMenu != NULL)
   return; // don't change popup menus indirectly

  // get current menu state so it doesn't change
  UINT nState = m_pMenu->GetMenuState(m_nIndex, MF_BYPOSITION);

  // set menu text
  ASSERT(m_nIndex < m_nIndexMax);
  VERIFY(m_pMenu->ModifyMenu(m_nIndex, MF_BYPOSITION |
   MF_STRING | nState, m_nID, lpszText));
  ASSERT(m_pOther != NULL);
  AfxSetWindowText(m_pOther->m_hWnd, lpszText);

BOOL CCmdUI::DoUpdate(CCmdTarget* pTarget, BOOL bDisableIfNoHndler)

 if (m_nID == 0 || LOWORD(m_nID) == 0xFFFF)
  return TRUE;     // ignore invalid IDs

 m_bEnableChanged = FALSE;
 BOOL bResult = pTarget->OnCmdMsg(m_nID, CN_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI, this, NULL);
 if (!bResult)
  ASSERT(!m_bEnableChanged); // not routed

 if (bDisableIfNoHndler && !m_bEnableChanged)
  info.pTarget = NULL;
  BOOL bHandler = pTarget->OnCmdMsg(m_nID, CN_COMMAND, this, &info);

#ifdef _DEBUG
  if ((afxTraceFlags & traceCmdRouting) && !bHandler)
   TRACE1("No handler for command ID 0x%04X, disabling it./n", m_nID);
  // Enable or Disable based on whether there is a handler there
 return bResult;

// Special init

#pragma code_seg(AFX_INIT_SEG)

AFX_STATIC_DATA const BYTE _afxDot[] =
 { 0x6, 0xF, 0xF, 0xF, 0x6 }; // simple byte bitmap, 1=> bit on
#define DOT_WIDTH   4
#define DOT_HEIGHT  5

AFX_STATIC void AFXAPI _AfxLoadDotBitmap()
 ASSERT(afxData.hbmMenuDot == NULL);
 // attempt to load special bitmap, else default to arrow
 CSize size = ::GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions();
 ASSERT( > 4 && > 5); // not too small please
 if ( > 32) = 32;
 int iwRow = ( + 15) >> 4;    // # of WORDs per raster line
 int nShift = ( - DOT_WIDTH) / 2;     // # of bits to shift over
 nShift += ((iwRow * 16) -; // padding for word alignment
 if (nShift > 16 - DOT_WIDTH)
  nShift = 16 - DOT_WIDTH;    // maximum shift for 1 word

 if ( > 32) = 32;

 // bitmap 2/4/4/4/2 pixels wide - centered (0 => black)
 BYTE rgbBitmap[32 * 2 * sizeof(WORD)];
 memset(rgbBitmap, 0xff, sizeof(rgbBitmap));

 BYTE* pbOut = &rgbBitmap[iwRow * sizeof(WORD) *
       (( - (DOT_HEIGHT+1)) >> 1)];
 const BYTE* pbIn = _afxDot;
 for (int y = 0; y < DOT_HEIGHT; y++)
  WORD w = (WORD)~(((DWORD)*pbIn++) << nShift);
  // bitmaps are always hi-lo
  pbOut[0] = HIBYTE(w);
  pbOut[1] = LOBYTE(w);
  pbOut += iwRow * sizeof(WORD);

 afxData.hbmMenuDot = ::CreateBitmap(,, 1, 1,
 if (afxData.hbmMenuDot == NULL)
  TRACE0("Warning: using system arrow bitmap instead of dot./n");
  #define OBM_MNARROW         32739
  afxData.hbmMenuDot = ::LoadBitmap(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(OBM_MNARROW));

// CCmdTarget diagnostics

#ifdef _DEBUG
void CCmdTarget::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const

 if (m_xDispatch.m_vtbl != 0)
  dc << "with IDispatch (OLE Automation) capability/n";
  dc << "m_bResultExpected = " << m_bResultExpected << "/n";
 if (m_xConnPtContainer.m_vtbl != 0)
  dc << "with OLE Connection Point capability/n";
 if (GetInterfaceMap() != &CCmdTarget::interfaceMap)
  dc << "with OLE capability";
  dc << "/nm_dwRef = " << m_dwRef;
  dc << "/nm_pOuterUnknown = " << m_pOuterUnknown;
  if (m_xInnerUnknown != 0)
   dc << "/nwith aggregation capability";
  dc << "/n";

void CCmdTarget::AssertValid() const

#pragma code_seg(AFX_INIT_SEG)



  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


