minifilter -- User Mode Communication

Filter Communication Port Object

To implement security and enable multiplecommunication channels, a new object has been introduced called a minifiltercommunication port.  It is intended to beused for kernel-user communication and vice versa.  Kernel-kernel communication is not presentlysupported.  A port is a named NT object,with a security descriptor.


Filter Manager creates a new object type,FilterConnectionPort, to facilitate this. Filter Manager creates this new object type during its driver entryinitialization before any minifilters are loaded.


Only kernel-mode drivers can create a minifiltercommunication port, with the following API:




    IN PFLT_FILTER Filter,

    OUT PHANDLE PortHandle,

    IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,

    IN PVOID ServerPortCookie OPTIONAL,

    IN PFLT_CONNECT_NOTIFYConnectNotifyCallback,

    IN PFLT_DISCONNECT_NOTIFYDisconnectNotifyCallback,

    IN PFLT_MESSAGE_NOTIFYMessageNotifyCallback,

    IN ULONG MaxConnections


The Filter is the handle to thefilter object of the minifilter that is creating this communication portobject.  The handle created by asuccessful call to FltCreateCommunicationPort() is returned in the PortHandle parameter.


As with other NT objects, the ObjectAttributes parameter defines the OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES structureto initialize the name, object attribute flags and security descriptor for thenew communication port object being created. Note that for the communication port objects, the object attribute OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE must be specified since this object can only be created as kernelobjects.


The ServerPortCookie is a contextthat minifilters can associate with the port and this context is opaque to theFilter Manager. All connect/disconnect notifications to the minifilter for thisport will be passed this cookie.  This isuseful for minifilters which create an array of ports since the cookie can beused to identify which port in the array is being accessed without definingunique port notification routines for each port in the array.


The caller also registers three callbacks when acommunication port is created:


·         ConnectNotifyCallback():  This will be calledwhenever a user mode process tries to open the port. The minifilter will havethe option to fail the connection request. The notify routine will receive a handle that the minifilter must usefor communicating on this connection. Each connection has a unique handle. The ServerPortCookie associated with the server port will also be passed in. Theminifilter may fill in the ConnectionCookie argument with a context that will be passed in to all furtheruser-kernel messages and the disconnect routine for this connection.

·         DisconnectNotifyCallback():  This will be called whenthe port is closed by user mode (i.e. the handle count goes to zero).

·         MessageNotifyCallback():  This is called whenever amessage is received.

·        ConnectNotifyCallback():当用户模式进程尝试打开这个端口时,这个回调函数将被调用。Minifilter可以选择使这个连接请求失败。这个通知函数将接收一个句柄。每个连接都有一个不同的句柄,而minifilter驱动使用这个句柄进行通信。与服务端口关联的ServerPortCookie也会作为参数传递过来。Minifilter驱动可能设置ConnectionCookie参数与一个上下文关联,而其作为参数将被传递给消息传送及连接断开函数。

·         DisconnectNotifyCallback():  端口被用户进程关闭时此回调函数将被调用。

·         MessageNotifyCallback(): 接收消息时此回调函数将被调用。

The MaxConnections specifies the maximum number ofoutstanding connections that will be allowed on this communication port.  There is no defaultvalue, but this value must be greater than 0.

//WDK Doc: Maximum number of simultaneous clientconnections to be allowed for this server port. This parameter is required andmust be greater than zero


There is no guarantee that the object name willbe created in the root of the name space – it’s possible that the FilterManager may map it under the \FileSystem\Filters object directory internally. If such a mapping occurs, it will be transparent to the minifilter andthe user-mode application.  Whenreferencing the communication port by name, both components should use the samename.  The Scanner minifilter exampleshow how this is done.


In association with the new object type, newaccess types will be introduced for objects of this type. The minimal new accesstypes are:




These are the access types that callers of thisAPI can grant to users when constructing the security descriptor for the objectvia InitializeObjectAttributes().



At the moment FLT_PORT_CONNECT will besufficient to let user mode connect to the port and both send and receivemessages.


When a minifilter creates the port, itimplicitly starts listening on the port for incoming connections. It continuesto listen until it closes the handle to the port by calling ZwClose().


1.2. Connecting to Communication Port from User Mode

The minifilter communication port model – likethe legacy model – is asymmetric.  Thekernel-mode end creates the communication port. The user-mode end connects toit.  There is an API to open the port forthe user-mode application.  When aconnection is established, theConnectNotify() routine is called notifying the minifilter of the connectioncreation request as well the minifilter end of the port handle that should beused to send messages across this connection.


The prototype of the user-mode API to connect tothe port is:



    IN LPWSTR lpPortName,

    IN DWORD dwOptions,

    IN LPVOID lpContext,

    IN WORD wSizeOfContext,

    IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTESlpSecurityAttributes,

    OUT HANDLE *hPort


The lpPortName is a pointer to awide-character string that specifies the name of the port to which toconnect.  This name should be the samename used by the minifilter which created the port.  The port name may start with a ‘\’ –indicating it is in the root directory. Filter Manager may however open it relatively in the actual appropriatedirectory that hosts minifilter communication ports.


The dwOptions parameter iscurrently unused.


The lpContext is a pointer to anopaque parameter that will be passed to the minifilter’s ConnectNotify() routine.  This can be used toauthenticate that the application requesting to create the communicationchannel is the expected application of the appropriate version.  The wSizeOfContext specifies thesize of lpContext in bytes.



typedef NTSTATUS
      IN PFLT_PORT ClientPort,
      IN PVOID ServerPortCookie,
      IN PVOID ConnectionContext,
      IN ULONG SizeOfContext,
      OUT PVOID *ConnectionPortCookie

The lpSecurityAttributesspecifies the security attributes for the user end of the connection, and ifthe handle will be inherited.


If the call is not successful, the appropriateHRESULT will be returned.


The returned handle may be closed/duplicated etcvia the usual APIs. It can also be associated with an I/O completion port.


When this API is called, a new kernel-mode onlyunnamed port object is created (of type FilterCommunicationPort)thatis used to represent the connection. The minifilter will be notified by callingthe ConnectNotify() routine it supplied in the create operation for the server port, andgiven the handle to the connection port which should be used for sendingmessages from the kernel-side.


Of course if the caller does not have sufficientaccess to the server port, or the maximum number of connections are exceededthis will fail appropriately.


1.3. Disconnecting from the Communication Port

When the user-mode calls CloseHandle() on the handle obtained for the connection or the kernel-mode sidecalls ZwClose() on the connection port handle, the connection is broken.


The minifilter’s DisconnectNotify() routine will be called only when the user mode closes its handle.


Ideally the minifilter should always close itsend of the connection in the DisconnectNotify() routine.  If a minifiltercloses the handle at other times, it should make sure the handle will not bedouble-closed in its DisconnectNotify() by using some sort of synchronization.


When a communication port is disconnected oneither the kernel or user-mode end:

1.    Any user-mode waiters (via FilterGetMessage()) are flushed out and completed with STATUS_FLT_PORT_DISCONNECTED (which translates to win32 error ERROR_DISCONNECTED )

2.    Any kernel mode senders thatare blocked on waiters are woken up and completed with STATUS_FLT_PORT_DISCONNECTED

3.    The port is ‘invalidated’ so nomore futures waiters/senders will be allowed.


1.     所有的用户进程等待(通过FilterGetMessage())返回STATUS_FLT_PORT_DISCONNECTED


3.     端口不再有效,任何在此端口上的等待、发送都不再允许。

The minifilter can always close the server portby calling ZwClose() on the server port handle. This does not force existing connections to break, but simply stops theminifilter from accepting any more connections.






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