IOS 5 for Developers

IOS 5 for Developers
iOS 5, the latest version of the world's most advanced mobile operating system, includes over 200 new user features, and an updated SDK with over 1,500 new APIs and powerful new development tools. Start developing today to take advantage of iCloud Storage, Newsstand Kit, Core Image, GLKit, Twitter and new Game Center APIs.
IOS 5,世界上最先进的移动操作系统的最新版本,包括超过200个新的用户特性,和一个超过1500个新的APIs和强有力的新开发工具的升级的SDK。今天开始开发,充分利用iCloud Storage,Newsstand Kit, Core Image, GLKit, Twitter和New Game Center APIs.

iCloud Storage
iCloud Storage APIs enable your apps to store user documents and key value data and wirelessly push any changes to all your user's computers and devices at the same time — automatically. See how iCloud can help you create compelling new functionality in your apps.
iCloud Storage APIs使你的apps存储用户文档和键值数据和无线推送的任何改变到你的用户计算机和设备,在同一时间——自动地。看一下iCloud如何帮组你在apps中创建引人注目的新功能。

Notification Center
Notification Center provides an innovative way to easily display and manage your app notifications without interrupting your users. Notification Center in iOS 5 builds on the existing notification system, so your existing local and push notifications just work. Provisioning of push notifications is now built right into Xcode making it even easier to implement.
Notification Center提供了一个创新的方式来简单的显示和管理你的app通知,不用打断你的用户。Notification Center在IOS 5上是基于已存在的通知系统的,因此你已经存在的本地和推送通知都可以工作。推送通知的供应现在也集成到Xcode中,使得它更容易被实现。

Publish the latest issues of your magazines and newspapers directly to Newsstand, the new folder on the Home Screen. Newsstand Kit provides everything you need to update new issues in the background, so you can always present the most recent cover art. Apps built for Newsstand use In-App Purchase subscriptions, making it easy for users to manage their auto-renewable subscriptions. And it's now possible to provision your app for In-App Purchase within Xcode.
发布您的杂志和报纸的最新的问题直接到报摊。新的文件夹在主屏幕上。Newsstand Kit提供了所有的工具,你可以在后台升级新的问题,因此你可以总是显示最近的封面。为Newsstand建立的apps使用In-App购买订阅,使用户容易管理他们的auto-renewable订阅。并且它现在可以为你的apps提供在Xcode内的程序内购买。

Automatic Reference Counting
Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for Objective-C makes memory management the job of the compiler. By enabling ARC with the new Apple LLVM compiler, you will never need to type retain or release again, dramatically simplifying the development process, while reducing crashes and memory leaks. The compiler has a complete understanding of your objects, and releases each object the instant it is no longer used, so apps run as fast as ever, with predictable, smooth performance.
Objectiv-C的Automatic Reference Counting(ARC)使得内存管理是编译器的工作。通过使能苹果新的LLVM编译器的ARC功能,你将不再需要retain或者release。简化了开发步骤,减少了崩溃和内存泄露。编译器可以完全的理解你的对象,释放不再使用的实例,因此apps运行的更快,获取可预见的平滑的性能。

Twitter Integration
Tweet directly from your apps using the new Tweet sheet. It provides all of the features available to built-in apps, including URL shortening, attaching current location, character count and hosting photos on Twitter. And if your app is a Twitter client, it's easy to tie into the single sign-on service using the Twitter APIs. It's even possible to migrate existing accounts to iOS.
使用新的tweet sheet在你的apps里直接tweet。它提供了所有可用的特性来构建apps,包括URL简化,附加当前位置,字符计数和再twitter上发照片。并且,如果你的app是一个twitter客户端,它将简单的连接到单独的sign-on服务器,使用twitter APIs。它甚至可以迁移已经存在的账户到IOS。

Layout the workflow of your app using the new Storyboards feature built into the design tools of Xcode. Created for apps that use navigation and tab bars to transition between views, Storyboards eases the development by managing the view controllers for you. You can specify the transitions and segues that are used when switching between views without having to code them by hand.
布局,你的app的工作流程使用新的Storyboaards特性集成在Xcode的设计工具里。为apps创建,使用navigation和tab bars来在views之间过渡,Storyboards简化了开发,通过为你管理view controllers。你可以指定transitions和segues,在交换views的时候,而不需要手动为它们编码。

Introduced in iOS 4.2, AirPlay streams video, audio and photos to Apple TV. With iOS 5, it's now possible to wirelessly mirror everything on your iPad 2 to an HDTV via Apple TV. Your apps are mirrored automatically. With additional APIs your app can display different content on each of the HDTV and the iPad 2 screens. In iOS 5, apps built with AV Foundation can now stream video and audio content through AirPlay, and AirPlay now supports encrypted streams delivered via HTTP Live Streaming.
在IOS 4.2中介绍,AirPlay发送视频,音频和照片到AppleTV。在IOS 5中,它现在可以通过无线镜像你ipad2上的任何事物到一个HDTV通过AppleTV。你的apps也被自动的镜像。使用附加的APIs你的app可以显示不同的内容在每个HDTV和ipad2的屏幕上。在IOS 5中,apps用AV Foundation构建现在能够传输视频和音频内容通过AirPlay,并且AirPlay现在支持加密的数据流通过HTTP的活动流进行分发。

Core Image
Create amazing effects in your camera and image editing apps with Core Image. Core Image is a hardware-accelerated framework that provides an easy way to enhance photos and videos. Core Image provides several built-in filters, such as color effects, distortions and transitions. It also includes advanced features such as auto enhance, red-eye reduction and facial recognition.
在你的摄像机里创建特效和编辑图像,使用Core Image。Core Image是一个硬件加速框架,提供了一个简单的方法来增强照片和视频。Core Image提供了一些内奸的滤波器,比如颜色特效,扭曲的转换。它也包括了高级特性比u自动增强,红眼消除和面部识别功能。

Game Center
Game Center is taking multiplayer gaming on iOS one step further with the addition of turn-based game support. With turn-based games, players can play when they want and Game Center will manage each turn for them. Game Center will automatically send the next player a push notification via Notification Center and manage multiple game sessions. Other developer additions to Game Center include, adding players to existing multiplayer games, displaying achievement notification banners, and support for distinct icons for each leaderboard.
Game Center可以进行多人游戏,支持回合制游戏。在回合制游戏中,玩家当想玩的时候游戏中心将会为他们管理回合。游戏中心会自动给下一个玩家发送弹出通知通过通知中心,并且管理多个游戏绘画。其他的开发中加入游戏中心包括,增加已有多人游戏的玩家,显示成就通知栏,以及支持每个排行榜显示不同的图标。

It's now even easier to develop great looking games that take advantage of the latest iOS hardware. GLKit is a new high-level framework that combines the best practices of advanced rendering and texture techniques with the latest OpenGL ES 2.0 features. It's optimized to take advantage of hardware accelerated math operations, so you get the best performance without all the work. iOS 5 SDK also includes new Apple-developed OpenGL ES extensions designed specifically for advanced game developers. And the new OpenGL ES debugger in Xcode allows you to track down issues specific to OpenGL ES in your code.
现在使用最新的IOS硬件可以开发更好看的游戏。GLKit是一个新的高层框架,包含了最好的渲染和文本技术,通过最新的OpenGL ES 2.0特性。针对硬件的特性加速数学运算进行了优化,因此你可以获得最好的性能。IOS 5 SDK也包含了新的苹果开发的OpengGL ES扩展,尤其是对于高级游戏开者。新的OpengGL ES 调试器在Xcode中允许你在代码中跟踪OpenGL ES的问题。

iMessage is a new messaging service that works between all iOS 5 users over Wi-Fi and 3G. iMessages are automatically pushed to all iOS 5 devices, making it easy to maintain one conversation across iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In iOS 5 SDK, the Message sheet now supports the iMessage service, so you can start individual or group text conversations from within your app.
iMessage是一个新的消息服务,可以工作在所有的IOS 5之间,通过WiFi和3G进行连接。iMessage组东推送到所有的IOS 5设备,使得它很简单的来维护一个对话,在iPhone,iPad和iPod touch之间。在IO5 SDK中,Message sheet现在支持iMessage service,因此你可以开始一个或者一组文本会话,用你的app.

New Instruments
In addition to ARC, iOS 5 SDK includes several new instruments including time profiler with CPU strategy which gives you a new way to view time profiler data, as well as system trace, network activity and network connections instruments.
除了ARC之外,IOS 5 SDK包含了一些新的仪器,包括time profiler system trace, network activity 和 network connections instruments.

PC Free
iOS 5 includes a host of features that give users the power, freedom, and flexibility to use their iOS devices without a Mac or PC. Expand the functionality of your apps and remove the need for users to access a PC. Take advantage of iCloud Storage to store documents and user data, so they are updated automatically and users can access them from all of their devices.
PC Free
iOS 5包括一个主机的功能,给用户能力,自由,灵活性来使用他们的IOS设备,不用一个MAC或者PC。扩展你的app的功能,移除用户访问PC的需求。使用云存储的优势来存储文档和用户数据,因此他们可以自动的更新并且用户可以用他们任何设备来访问。

Location simulation
Now you can test your location-based features in your app without leaving your desk. You can now select from preset locations and routes within the iOS Simulator and pick a custom latitude and longitude with accuracy while you're running your simulated app.




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